private void OnPlayerDone(ServerUser user, PacketGameMessage msg) { try { PlayerDone(user.CurrentCharacter); } catch { } }
protected override bool OnBeforeHandleGamePacket(ServerUser user, PacketGameMessage msg) { try { return(IsPlayerPartOfGame(user.CurrentCharacter.ID)); } catch { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when a game sub-server sends us a reply to our request to have a player play on that server. This method forwards that reply to the player. /// </summary> private void OnPlayerHandoffResult(INetworkConnection sender, Packet msg) { PacketPlayerAuthorizedForTransfer p = msg as PacketPlayerAuthorizedForTransfer; ServerUser playerCon = ConnectionManager.GetAuthorizedUser(p.AccountName, Server, PacketLoginRequest.ConnectionType.AssistedTransfer); if (playerCon != null) { Log1.Logger("Server.Outbound.Network").Info("Account [" + playerCon.AccountName + "] transfer request to " + Name + " reply: [" + p.ReplyCode.ToString() + "]. Forwarding result to player."); } OnPlayerHandoffResponseReceived(p, playerCon); }
public static INetworkConnection GetUserConnection(Guid user) { INetworkConnection con = null; ServerUser su = null; if (AuthorizedAccounts.TryGetValue(user, out su)) { con = su.MyConnection; } return(con); }
protected void SendGameMessageReply(ServerUser client, ReplyType rp, string msg, Packet inResponseToPacket, PropertyBag parms, bool compress, bool encrypt) { PacketReply rmsg = client.MyConnection.CreateStandardReply(inResponseToPacket, rp, msg); if (parms != null) { rmsg.Parms = parms; } rmsg.IsCompressed = compress; rmsg.IsEncrypted = encrypt; inResponseToPacket.ReplyPacket = rmsg; }
public override Guid OnPlayerConnectionRequest(ServerUser player, ref string msg) { // only allow players on the game server if we have a character selection if (player.CurrentCharacter == null) { return(Guid.Empty); } Guid ticket = base.OnPlayerConnectionRequest(player, ref msg); return(ticket); }
/// <summary> /// Saves/updates the character to the DB /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">owning account</param> /// <param name="id">the id for the character to get</param> /// <param name="enforceUniqueName">You can change a toon's name in the DB. To ensure unique names, set to true. IMPORTANT!!!: If you are saving /// , i.e. updating an EXISTING toon without changing his name, set enforceUniqueName to FALSE - otherwise the update will fail since that /// toon's name already exists in the DB, the update will fail.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SaveCharacter(ServerUser owner, ServerCharacterInfo toon, bool enforceUniqueName, ref string rsultMsg) { SqlConnection con = null; SqlTransaction tran = null; try { Guid cown = Guid.Empty; if (DB.Instance.Character_Save(owner.ID, toon, (int)PropertyID.Name, toon.CharacterName, enforceUniqueName, out rsultMsg, out tran, out con)) { if (!OnCharacterSaving(con, tran, toon, ref rsultMsg)) { tran.Rollback(); } else { tran.Commit(); } } else { if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed && con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Connecting) { if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } rsultMsg = "Can't save character. " + rsultMsg; return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Each server in the cluster can have one parent. Whenever the parent connects, we call this method. /// </summary> public static void AddParentConnection(InboundConnection client, ServerUser su) { InboundConnection con = null; if (ParentConnections.TryGetValue(client.ServerUser.AccountName.ToLower(), out con)) { con.KillConnection("Parent server logging in again from different connection."); con.Disconnected -= new InboundConnection.DisconnectedDelegate(ParentConnection_Disconnected); ParentConnections.Remove(con.ServerUser.AccountName.ToLower()); } ParentConnections.Add(client.ServerUser.AccountName.ToLower(), client); client.Disconnected += new InboundConnection.DisconnectedDelegate(ParentConnection_Disconnected); }
/// <summary> /// Transfers this connection to an available lobby server or, if there is no lobby server available, disconnects the player. /// </summary> public void TransferToLobbyOrDisconnect() { string address = ""; int port = 0; string serverId = ""; if (!GetCentralHandoffAddress(ref address, ref port, ref serverId)) { KillConnection("Unable to host player on this server. No lobby server found to hand off too."); return; } ServerUser.TransferToServerUnassisted(address, port, Guid.Empty, "Lobby Server", serverId); }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when the parent server wishes to handoff a player off /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">request details</param> private void OnPlayerHandoffRequest(INetworkConnection con, Packet pck) { PacketRelayPlayerHandoffRequest msg = pck as PacketRelayPlayerHandoffRequest; // Create an auth ticket for the player, if we want to allow them to connect. ServerUser su = new ServerUser(); su.OwningServer = msg.OwningServer; su.AuthTicket = Guid.Empty; su.ID = msg.Player; su.AccountName = msg.AccountName; su.Profile = msg.Profile; if (msg.Character != null) { msg.Character.OwningAccount = su; su.CurrentCharacter = msg.Character; su.CurrentCharacter.TargetResource = msg.TargetResource; } string rmsg = ""; su.AuthTicket = OnPlayerConnectionRequest(su, ref rmsg); bool allowed = su.AuthTicket != Guid.Empty; if (allowed) { ConnectionManager.AuthorizeUser(su, false); if (msg.Character != null) { CharacterCache.CacheCharacter(su.CurrentCharacter, ServerUser.AccountName); } } PacketPlayerAuthorizedForTransfer p = (PacketPlayerAuthorizedForTransfer)CreatePacket((int)ServerPacketType.PacketPlayerAuthorizedForTransfer, 0, true, true); p.ReplyCode = allowed ? ReplyType.OK : ReplyType.Failure; p.Profile = msg.Profile; p.AccountName = msg.AccountName; p.AuthTicket = su.AuthTicket; p.ReplyMessage = allowed ? "Welcome to " + MyServer.ServerName + ", " + msg.AccountName : "Server is currently not accepting logins. Try again a little later. " + rmsg; p.Player = msg.Player; p.TargetResource = msg.TargetResource; msg.ReplyPacket = p; // reply will be sent by NetworkConnection.OnAfterPacketProcessed }
public InboundConnection(Socket s, ServerBase server, bool isBlocking) : base(isBlocking) { MyServer = server; NUM_CONNECTIONS_IN_MEMORY++; try { MyTCPSocket = s; MyTCPSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, DisableTCPDelay); m_TimeoutTimer = new Timer(); int timeout = ConfigHelper.GetIntConfig("PlayerConnectionTimeout"); if (timeout < 1) { timeout = 10; } m_TimeoutTimer.Interval = timeout * 1000; m_TimeoutTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TimeoutTimer_Elapsed); m_TimeoutTimer.Start(); ServerUser = new Shared.ServerUser(); ServerUser.MyConnection = this; // Track the network socket associated with this connection object. string msg = ""; if (!ConnectionManager.TrackUserSocket(this, ref msg)) { KillConnection(msg); return; } if (!Transit.ListenForDataOnSocket()) { KillConnection("Remote end closed socket."); return; } Log1.Logger("Server").Info("Now have [" + ConnectionManager.ConnectionCount.ToString() + " connections] attached."); } catch (Exception e) { KillConnection("Error instantiating Inbound connection object " + GetType().ToString() + " : " + e.Message); Log1.Logger("Server.Network").Error("Error instantiating Inbound connection object " + GetType().ToString() + " : " + e.Message, e); return; } SendRijndaelExchangeRequest(); }
protected virtual void OnPlayerClientLevelLoaded(ServerUser fromPlayer, PacketGameMessage msg) { float pLoaded = msg.Parms.GetSinglelProperty("PercentLoaded").GetValueOrDefault(0); Log1.Logger("Server").Debug(fromPlayer.CurrentCharacter.CharacterName + " loaded " + pLoaded + "%"); Properties.SetProperty(fromPlayer.CurrentCharacter.ID.ToString() + "_clientloadpercent", pLoaded); bool stillWaiting = !m_Game.AllPlayerClientsLoaded(); Log1.Logger("Server").Debug("Still waiting for clients to load: " + stillWaiting.ToString()); if (!stillWaiting) { Log1.Logger("Server").Debug("Firing ALL CLIENTS LOADED"); AllPlayerClientsLoaded(); } m_Game.WaitingOnClientsToLoad = stillWaiting; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the character from the DB /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">owning account</param> /// <param name="id">the id for the character to get</param> /// <returns></returns> public ServerCharacterInfo LoadCharacter(ServerUser owner, int id, ref string rsultMsg) { SqlConnection con = null; SqlTransaction tran = null; ServerCharacterInfo ci = OnCharacterObjectCreate(CreateNewCharacterShell(), owner); try { Guid cown = Guid.Empty; if (DB.Instance.Character_Load(owner.ID, ci, id, ref cown, out tran, out con)) { if (!OnCharacterLoading(con, tran, ci, ref rsultMsg)) { tran.Rollback(); } else { tran.Commit(); } } else { rsultMsg = "Character doesn't exist."; return(null); } } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } } return(ci); }
/// <summary> /// creates a character object, but does not persist it. /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">character properties to add</param> /// <param name="owner">the owning user</param> /// <returns></returns> public ServerCharacterInfo CreateNewCharacter(PropertyBag properties, ServerUser owner) { CharacterInfo shell = CreateNewCharacterShell(); if (properties != null) { shell.Properties.UpdateWithValues(properties); } ServerCharacterInfo ci = new ServerCharacterInfo(shell); ci.ID = NextCharId; ci.Properties = shell.Properties; ci.Stats = shell.Stats; ci.OwningAccount = owner; return(ci); }
private void OnPlayerJoinGame(INetworkConnection con, Packet gmsg) { PacketGenericMessage genMsg = gmsg as PacketGenericMessage; if (!ValidateHasCurrentCharacter()) { return; } Guid gameId = genMsg.Parms.GetGuidProperty((int)PropertyID.GameId); ServerCharacterInfo ci = ServerUser.CurrentCharacter; string address = ""; int port = 0; string name = ""; Log1.Logger(MyServer.ServerUserID).Info(string.Format("Player {0} requesting join content '{1}'...", ServerUser.AccountName, gameId.ToString())); if (DB.Instance.Lobby_GetGameServer(gameId, out address, out port, out name) && address.Length > 0 && port > 0) { Log.LogMsg(string.Format("Transferring Player {0} to join content '{1}' on server @ {2} ...", ServerUser.AccountName, gameId.ToString(), address)); PacketMatchNotification note = (PacketMatchNotification)CreatePacket((int)LobbyPacketType.MatchNotification, 0, false, false); note.Kind = MatchNotificationType.PlayerAdded; note.TargetPlayer = ci.CharacterInfo; note.Parms = genMsg.Parms; note.ReplyCode = ReplyType.OK; Send(note); ServerUser.TransferToServerUnassisted(address, port, gameId, name, name); } else { Log.LogMsg(string.Format("Player {0} failed to join content '{1}' : {2} ...", ServerUser.AccountName, gameId.ToString(), "Couldn't find game. Join canceled.")); PacketMatchNotification note = (PacketMatchNotification)CreatePacket((int)LobbyPacketType.MatchNotification, 0, false, false); note.ReplyMessage = "Game couldn't be found. Strange..."; note.Kind = MatchNotificationType.PlayerAdded; note.TargetPlayer = ci.CharacterInfo; note.Parms = genMsg.Parms; note.ReplyCode = ReplyType.Failure; genMsg.ReplyPacket = note; return; } }
private void OnCreateNewGame(INetworkConnection con, Packet gmsg) { PacketGenericMessage genMsg = gmsg as PacketGenericMessage; PacketMatchNotification note = (PacketMatchNotification)CreatePacket((int)LobbyPacketType.MatchNotification, 0, false, false); note.Kind = MatchNotificationType.MatchCreated; note.NeedsReply = false; if (!ValidateHasCurrentCharacter()) { genMsg.ReplyPacket = note; note.ReplyMessage = "You must select a character before you can create a new game."; note.ReplyCode = ReplyType.Failure; return; } // // <h2 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #993300;"><a href=""><span style="color: #993300;">Latest Entries</span></a> <a href=""><span style="color: #993300;">Highest Rated Entries</span></a></span></h2> // <h2 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #993300;"><a href=""><span style="color: #993300;">Latest Entries</span></a> <a href=""><span style="color: #993300;">Highest Rated Entries</span></a></span></h2> // Log1.Logger(MyServer.ServerUserID).Info(string.Format("Player {0} requesting create new game '{1}' ...", ServerUser.AccountName, genMsg.Parms.GetStringProperty((int)PropertyID.Name))); string msg = ""; GameServerInfo <OutboundServerConnection> gsi = RequestCreateNewGameServer(out msg); genMsg.ReplyPacket = note; note.ReplyMessage = msg; if (gsi == null) { // Failed. Either no servers online, or they are full. note.ReplyCode = ReplyType.Failure; return; } else { // Contact that server and request a game be created. note.ReplyCode = ReplyType.OK; ServerUser.TransferToServerUnassisted(gsi.IP, gsi.Port, Guid.Empty, gsi.Name, gsi.UserID); } }
public static void UnAuthorizeUser(ServerUser client, bool persist) { lock (m_AuthorizedAccountsSyncRoot) { if (client.AccountName == null || client.ID == null) { return; } // Remove from local authorized clients list AuthorizedAccounts.Remove(client.AccountName.ToLower()); // if we persist the unauthorization, the client will have to go through the login server again. if (persist) { DB.Instance.User_UnauthorizeSession(client.AccountName); } Log1.Logger("Server").Debug("Unauthorized account [" + client.AccountName + "] and auth ticket [" + client.AuthTicket.ToString() + "]. [" + AuthorizedAccounts.Count.ToString() + "] authorized accounts left in cache."); } }
/// <summary> /// Phase 2: Player requests to play on a specified game server. This method forwards that request to the game server. /// </summary> private void OnClusterHandoffRequest(INetworkConnection con, Packet msg) { PacketRequestHandoffToServerCluster packetRequestHandoffToServer = msg as PacketRequestHandoffToServerCluster; if (!ServerUser.IsAuthenticated) { KillConnection(" [" + ServerUser.AccountName + "] requested server hand off to [" + packetRequestHandoffToServer.TargetServerName + "] without being authenticated."); } GameServerInfo <OutboundServerConnection> gsi = GetServerInfo(packetRequestHandoffToServer.TargetServerName); if (gsi == null) // cluster offline or at capacity? { PacketGameServerTransferResult p = (PacketGameServerTransferResult)CreatePacket((int)PacketType.PacketGameServerAccessGranted, 0, true, true); p.ReplyMessage = "Game service not currently available."; p.ReplyCode = ReplyType.Failure; // send an updated listing of online servers string servers = ""; foreach (GameServerInfoGroup gr in MyServer.OutboundServerGroups.Groups.Values) { string serverInfo = gr.ID + "," + gr.HasLiveOutboundServerConnections; servers += "|" + serverInfo; } servers = servers.Trim('|'); p.Parms.SetProperty((int)PropertyID.ServerListing, servers); msg.ReplyPacket = p; return; } Log1.Logger("LoginServer.Inbound.Login").Info("Player " + ServerUser.AccountName + " is requesting handoff to game server " + gsi.Name); // request auth ticket from game server Log1.Logger("LoginServer.Inbound.Login").Debug("Requesting authenticated client *" + ServerUser.AccountName + "* (" + RemoteIP + ") to be handed off to server group " + packetRequestHandoffToServer.TargetServerName + "."); ServerUser.TransferToServerUnassisted(gsi.IP, gsi.Port, Guid.Empty, gsi.UserID, gsi.Name); //gsi.Connection.RequestPlayerHandoff(ServerUser.ID, ServerUser.AccountName, packetRequestHandoffToServer.TargetResource, ServerUser.Profile, null, ""); }
public override void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p, bool includeComponents) { m_CharacterInfo = new Shared.CharacterInfo(); m_CharacterInfo.Deserialize(data, p, includeComponents); ServerUser su = new ServerUser(); su.AuthTicket = Guid.Empty; su.OwningServer = BitPacker.GetString(data, p); su.ID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p)); su.AccountName = BitPacker.GetString(data, p); su.Profile = (AccountProfile)BitPacker.GetSerializableWispObject(data, p); su.CurrentCharacter = this; this.TargetResource = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p)); OwningAccount = su; base.Deserialize(data, p, includeComponents); }
/// <summary> /// Transfers a player back to Central. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetPlayer">the player to transfer</param> /// <param name="reason">a reason message that will be packaged in the GameEnded message. If the game has already ended and that is why we are transferring the player, this paramter will be ignored.</param> public void TransferPlayerToCentral(ServerCharacterInfo targetPlayer, string reason) { ServerUser su = (targetPlayer == null) ? null : targetPlayer.OwningAccount; if (su == null) { return; } RemovePlayer(targetPlayer, reason, false); if (su.MyConnection != null && su.MyConnection.IsAlive) { // Remove player, called in line above, uses the PFX queue and we need Remove player to go off before the transfer directive - otherwise the client // won't get the game end message if it needs one and will thus not display the game summary. Thus, we need to add the transfer directives to the PFX // queue (after the RemovePlayer call). //Task t = new Task((state) => { ((GSLobbyInboundPlayerConnection)su.MyConnection).TransferToLobbyOrDisconnect(); }//, "Transfer Player " + targetPlayer.ToString(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); //m_NetQ.AddTask(t); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds an entry to the DB listing of which servers are hosting which game. /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="owningClusterServerId"></param> /// <param name="gameId"></param> /// <param name="createdOnUTC"></param> /// <param name="createdByCharacter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Lobby_TrackGameForServer(this DB db, string owningClusterServerId, IGame game, DateTime createdOnUTC, ServerUser createdByCharacter) { bool result = true; SqlConnection con = DB.SessionDataConnection; SqlCommand cmd = DB.GetCommand(con, "Lobby_AddGameToServerMap", true); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ClusterServerID", owningClusterServerId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@GameID", game.GameID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CreatedOn", createdOnUTC)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CreatedByCharacter", createdByCharacter.CurrentCharacter.CharacterInfo.ID)); if (game.Name.Length > 512) { game.Name = game.Name.Substring(0, 512); } cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@GameName", game.Name)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MaxPlayers", game.MaxPlayers)); SqlTransaction tran = null; try { con.Open(); tran = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.Transaction = tran; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (OnTrackGame != null && !OnTrackGame(owningClusterServerId, game, createdByCharacter, con, tran)) { tran.Rollback(); return(false); } tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Log1.Logger("Server").Error("Failed to trac new game for server [" + owningClusterServerId + "], create by character ID [" + createdByCharacter + "] in database.", e); if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed && con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Connecting) { if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } return(false); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } } return(result); }
public ServerCharacterInfo(CharacterInfo characterInfo, ServerUser owner) { OwningAccount = owner; m_CharacterInfo = characterInfo; OnInitialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Override to handle player transfer/handoff requests. If this method is not overridden, ALL players will be able to connect. If you wish /// to deny player login, return Guid.Empty, otherwise generate a new authentication ticket GUID and optionally track it at your leisure. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">the user that represents the account wanting to log in</param> /// <returns>The authentication ticket. Return Guid.Empty to deny login, otherwise return a new GUID</returns> public virtual Guid OnPlayerConnectionRequest(ServerUser player, ref string msg) { return(Guid.NewGuid()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets called when we get a response to RequestPlayerHandoff(). Base method forwards a PacketGameServerAccessGranted packet to the player. /// Don't call the base method if you don't want that packet sent. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnPlayerHandoffResponseReceived(PacketPlayerAuthorizedForTransfer msg, ServerUser user) { if (user != null && RemoteEndPoint != null) { string targetServer = ""; IPEndPoint ep = RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; if (msg.ReplyCode == ReplyType.OK) { targetServer = ServerUserID == null ? "Unknown Server User ID" : ServerUserID; } user.TransferToServerAssisted( ep.Address.ToString(), ep.Port, msg.AuthTicket, msg.TargetResource, Name == null ? "" : Name, targetServer, msg.ReplyMessage, msg.ReplyCode); } }
protected override bool OnCharacterDeleting(SqlConnection con, SqlTransaction tran, int characterId, ServerUser owner) { bool rslt = CharacterUtil.Instance.DeleteCharacter_TSRating(characterId, con, tran); if (rslt) { return(base.OnCharacterDeleting(con, tran, characterId, owner)); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new character in the DB using the character template XML file as a basis for stats and properties. If you want to override any of the default /// properties, pass in the appropriate characterProperties property bag. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">an error message, if any</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool PersistNewCharacter(ServerCharacterInfo ci, ServerUser owner, ref string msg, bool isTempCharacter) { SqlConnection con = null; SqlTransaction tran = null; try { if (ValidateCharacterCreateRequest(ci, ref msg)) { int maxCharacters = (int)owner.Profile.MaxCharacters; if (maxCharacters < 1) { maxCharacters = 1; } int newCharId = 0; if (DB.Instance.Character_Create(owner.ID, ci.Stats, ci.Properties, (int)PropertyID.Name, ci.CharacterName, true, maxCharacters, isTempCharacter, out msg, out tran, out con, out newCharId)) { ci.CharacterInfo.ID = newCharId; if (OnCharacterPersiting(con, tran, ci)) { tran.Commit(); } else { tran.Rollback(); } return(true); } else { if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed && con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Connecting) { if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed && con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Connecting) { if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } return(false); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Gets called as the character is being created in the Database. If you have additional DB tasks /// to add, now is the time. Use the supplied connection and transaction objects. The connection should already /// be open. /// Do NOT close the connection and do NOT commit /rollback the transaction. Simply return true or false if /// you want the creation to be committed or not. /// </summary> /// <param name="characterId">the id of the character to delete</param> /// <param name="owner">the owner of the character to delete</param> /// <param name="permaPurge">should the data be permanently purged</param> /// <param name="reason">reason for service log</param> /// <param name="rsltMsg">a message saying why deletion failed, if any</param> /// <param name="con">the connection object to use for additional database work in relation to character creation</param> /// <param name="tran">the transaction object to use for additional database work in relation to character creation</param> /// <returns>return false if you do not want the transaction to be committed, which will also cause character creation to fail</returns> public bool DeleteCharacter(int characterId, ServerUser owner, bool permaPurge, string reason, ref string rsltMsg) { SqlConnection con = null; SqlTransaction tran = null; try { if (DB.Instance.Character_Delete(owner.ID, characterId, permaPurge, reason, out tran, out con)) { if (OnCharacterDeleting(con, tran, characterId, owner)) { tran.Commit(); } else { tran.Rollback(); rsltMsg = "Unknown failure deleting character."; return(false); } return(true); } else { if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed && con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Connecting) { if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { if (con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed && con.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Connecting) { if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } return(false); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the authorized user object, or null if the user isn't currently authorized /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ServerUser GetAuthorizedUser(string account, ServerBase server, PacketLoginRequest.ConnectionType conType) { ServerUser u = null; if (conType == PacketLoginRequest.ConnectionType.AssistedTransfer) { lock (m_AuthorizedAccountsSyncRoot) { AuthorizedAccounts.TryGetValue(account.ToLower(), out u); } } else if (conType == PacketLoginRequest.ConnectionType.UnassistedTransfer) { Guid ticket = Guid.Empty; string authServer = ""; DateTime whenAuthd = DateTime.MinValue; int character = -1; string targetServerID = ""; Guid accountID = Guid.Empty; if (!DB.Instance.User_GetAuthorizationTicket(account, out authServer, out ticket, out whenAuthd, out character, out targetServerID, out accountID) || ticket == Guid.Empty) { return(null); } if (targetServerID != server.ServerUserID) { // we weren't authorized to be on this server. Log1.Logger(server.ServerUserID).Error("[" + account + "] attempted unassisted transfer to [" + server.ServerUserID + "], but that user was only authorized to transfer to target server ID [" + targetServerID + "]. Connection denied."); return(null); } if (whenAuthd + AuthTicketLifetime < DateTime.UtcNow) { // ticket expired. Log1.Logger(server.ServerUserID).Error("[" + account + "] attempted unassisted transfer to [" + server.ServerUserID + "], but that user's auth ticket is expired. Connection denied."); return(null); } // Got a ticket. Load up the user from the DB. u = new ServerUser(); u.OwningServer = server.ServerUserID; u.AuthTicket = ticket; u.ID = accountID; u.AccountName = account; // load the profile AccountProfile ap = new AccountProfile(account); u.Profile = ap; ap.Load(server.RequireAuthentication); // load the character if (character > -1) { string msg = ""; u.CurrentCharacter = CharacterUtil.Instance.LoadCharacter(u, character, ref msg); if (u.CurrentCharacter == null) { // Couldn't load character. Log1.Logger(server.ServerUserID).Error("[" + account + "] attempted unassisted transfer with characer [" + character + "], but that character could not be loaded from the DB: [" + msg + "]. Connection denied."); return(null); } u.CurrentCharacter.OwningAccount = u; CharacterCache.CacheCharacter(u.CurrentCharacter, server.ServerUserID); } } AuthorizeUser(u); // gotta call this to activate/renew the auth ticket on this server. return(u); }
public static void UnAuthorizeUser(ServerUser client) { UnAuthorizeUser(client, true); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the user's account to the authorized users list. This method should also disconnect any previous sockets that might be connected using the same account /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool AuthorizeUser(ServerUser client) { return(AuthorizeUser(client, ServerBase.UseDatabaseConnectivity)); }