async public static void AddMapOverlays(IMapView mapView)
            // Create overlay layer for markers
            var dataSource   = new LocalVectorDataSource(proj);
            var overlayLayer = new VectorLayer(dataSource);


            // Create line style, and line poses
            var lineStyleBuilder = new LineStyleBuilder();

            lineStyleBuilder.Width = 8;

            var linePoses = new MapPosVector();

            // proj.FromWgs84 returns (spherical) Mercator projection
            linePoses.Add(proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(0, 0)));
            linePoses.Add(proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(0, 80)));
            linePoses.Add(proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(45, 45)));

            var line = new Line(linePoses, lineStyleBuilder.BuildStyle());


            // Create balloon popup
            var balloonPopupStyleBuilder = new BalloonPopupStyleBuilder();

            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.CornerRadius      = 3;
            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.TitleFontName     = "Helvetica";
            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.TitleFontSize     = 55;
            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.TitleColor        = new Color(200, 0, 0, 255);
            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.StrokeColor       = new Color(200, 120, 0, 255);
            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.StrokeWidth       = 1;
            balloonPopupStyleBuilder.PlacementPriority = 1;

            var popup = new BalloonPopup(
                proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(0, 20)),
                "Title", "Description");


            // Load NML file model from a file
            BinaryData modelFile = AssetUtils.LoadAsset("fcd_auto.nml");

            // set location for model, and create NMLModel object with this
            var modelPos = proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.646469, 59.423939));
            var model    = new NMLModel(modelPos, modelFile);

            mapView.FocusPos = modelPos;
            mapView.Zoom     = 15;

            // Oversize it 20*, just to make it more visible (optional)
            model.Scale = 20;

            // Add metadata for click handling (optional)
            model.SetMetaDataElement("ClickText", new Variant("Single model"));

            // Add it to normal datasource

            // Create and set map listener
            mapView.MapEventListener = new MapListener(dataSource);

            await AnimateModel(model);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void RotateElementInPosition(XYZ placementPoint, Connector conOnFamilyToConnect, Connector start, Element element)
            #region Geometric manipulation


            //Select the OTHER connector
            MEPCurve hostPipe = start.Owner as MEPCurve;

            Connector end = (from Connector c in hostPipe.ConnectorManager.Connectors //End of the host/dummy pipe
                             where c.Id != start.Id && (int)c.ConnectorType == 1
                             select c).FirstOrDefault();

            XYZ dir = (start.Origin - end.Origin);

            // rotate the cap if necessary
            // rotate about Z first

            XYZ pipeHorizontalDirection = new XYZ(dir.X, dir.Y, 0.0).Normalize();
            //XYZ pipeHorizontalDirection = new XYZ(dir.X, dir.Y, 0.0);

            XYZ connectorDirection = -conOnFamilyToConnect.CoordinateSystem.BasisZ;

            double zRotationAngle = pipeHorizontalDirection.AngleTo(connectorDirection);

            Transform trf = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(XYZ.BasisZ, zRotationAngle, placementPoint);

            XYZ testRotation = trf.OfVector(connectorDirection).Normalize();

            if (Math.Abs(testRotation.DotProduct(pipeHorizontalDirection) - 1) > 0.00001)
                zRotationAngle = -zRotationAngle;

            Line axis = Line.CreateBound(placementPoint, placementPoint + XYZ.BasisZ);

            ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(element.Document, element.Id, axis, zRotationAngle);

            //Parameter comments = element.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_INSTANCE_COMMENTS);
            //comments.Set("Horizontal only");

            // Need to rotate vertically?

            if (Math.Abs(dir.DotProduct(XYZ.BasisZ)) > 0.000001)
                // if pipe is straight up and down,
                // kludge it my way else

                if (dir.X.Round3() == 0 && dir.Y.Round3() == 0 && dir.Z.Round3() != 0)
                    XYZ yaxis = new XYZ(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
                    //XYZ yaxis = dir.CrossProduct(connectorDirection);

                    double rotationAngle = dir.AngleTo(yaxis);
                    //double rotationAngle = 90;

                    if (dir.Z.Equals(1))
                        rotationAngle = -rotationAngle;

                    axis = Line.CreateBound(placementPoint,
                                            new XYZ(placementPoint.X, placementPoint.Y + 5, placementPoint.Z));

                    ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(element.Document, element.Id, axis, rotationAngle);

                    #region sloped pipes

                    double rotationAngle = dir.AngleTo(pipeHorizontalDirection);

                    XYZ normal = pipeHorizontalDirection.CrossProduct(XYZ.BasisZ);

                    trf = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(normal, rotationAngle, placementPoint);

                    testRotation = trf.OfVector(dir).Normalize();

                    if (Math.Abs(testRotation.DotProduct(pipeHorizontalDirection) - 1) < 0.00001)
                        rotationAngle = -rotationAngle;

                    axis = Line.CreateBound(placementPoint, placementPoint + normal);

                    ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(element.Document, element.Id, axis, rotationAngle);


