Esempio n. 1
        public CsGlobalNamespace(CsPreprocess[] preprocess, CsBody body, CsAttribute[] attrs, CsExternAlias[] externs, CsUsingAlias[] aliases, CsUsingDirective[] uses, CsNamespace[] namespaces, CsType[] types, int length)
            : base(body, "<globals>", externs, aliases, uses, namespaces, types, 0, length, 1)
            Contract.Requires(attrs != null, "attrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(preprocess != null, "preprocess is null");

            Attributes = attrs;
            Preprocess = preprocess;
Esempio n. 2
        // event-declaration:
        //     attributes?   event-modifiers?   event   type   variable-declarators   ;
        //     attributes?   event-modifiers?   event   type   member-name   {   event-accessor-declarations   }
        // variable-declarators:
        //     variable-declarator
        //     variable-declarators   ,   variable-declarator
        private void DoParseEventDeclaration(List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            string type = DoParseType();

            Token next = m_scanner.LookAhead(1);
            if (next.IsPunct("=") || next.IsPunct(",") || next.IsPunct(";"))
                while (true)
                    DoParseEventDeclarator(type, members, attrs, modifiers, first);

                    if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(","))

                int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
                string name = DoParseMemberName();

                Token last = m_scanner.Token;
                Token open = m_scanner.Token;
                DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref open, ref last);

                members.Add(new CsEvent(nameOffset, type, name, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 3
        // field-declaration:
        //      attributes?   field-modifiers?   type   variable-declarators  ;
        private void DoParseFieldDeclaration(string type, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            while (true)
                DoParseFieldDeclarator(type, members, attrs, modifiers, first);

                if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(","))

Esempio n. 4
        // operator-declaration:
        //     attributes?   operator-modifiers   operator-declarator   operator-body
        // conversion-operator-declarator:
        //     implicit   operator   type   (   type   identifier   )
        //     explicit   operator   type   (   type   identifier   )
        private void DoParseConversionOperatorDeclaration(bool isImplicit, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string type = DoParseType();

            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();

            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            CsBody body = null;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                Token f = m_scanner.Token;
                Token start = m_scanner.Token;
                DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref f, ref last);
                body = new CsBody(isImplicit ? "op_Implict" : "op_Explict", start.Offset, f.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - f.Offset, start.Line);

            members.Add(new CsOperator(nameOffset, body, isImplicit, !isImplicit, parms.ToArray(), type, attrs, modifiers, type, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 5
        // destructor-declaration:
        //     attributes?  extern?   ~   identifier   (   )    destructor-body
        // destructor-body:
        //     block
        //     ;
        private void DoParseDestructorDeclaration(List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            Token last = first;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = "~" + DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            last = m_scanner.Token;
            Token start = m_scanner.Token;
            Token open = new Token();
            Token close = last;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref open, ref last);
                close = last;

            CsBody body = open.Length > 0 ? new CsBody(name, start.Offset, open.Offset, close.Offset + close.Length - start.Offset, start.Line) : null;
            members.Add(new CsMethod(nameOffset, body, false, true, null, new CsParameter[0], null, "void", attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 6
 private void DoParseTypeDeclarationStub(Token first, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, List<CsType> types, MemberModifiers defaultAccess)
     if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("enum"))
         CsType type = DoParseEnumDeclaration(attrs, modifiers, first, defaultAccess);
     else if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("delegate"))
         CsType type = DoParseDelegateDeclaration(attrs, modifiers, first, defaultAccess);
     else if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("interface") || (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("partial") && m_scanner.LookAhead(1).IsIdentifier("interface")))
         CsType type = DoParseInterfaceDeclaration(attrs, modifiers, first, defaultAccess);
     else if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("struct") || (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("partial") && m_scanner.LookAhead(1).IsIdentifier("struct")))
         CsType type = DoParseStructDeclaration(attrs, modifiers, first, defaultAccess);
     else if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("class") || (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("partial") && m_scanner.LookAhead(1).IsIdentifier("class")))
         CsType type = DoParseClassDeclaration(attrs, modifiers, first, defaultAccess);
         throw new CsParserException("Expected 'class', 'struct', 'interface', 'enum', 'delegate', or 'partial' on line {0}, but found '{1}'", m_scanner.Token.Line, m_scanner.Token.Text());
Esempio n. 7
        // class-declaration:
        //      attributes?   class-modifiers?   partial?   class   identifier   type-parameter-list?
        //         class-base?   type-parameter-constraints-clauses?   class-body  ;?
        private CsType DoParseClassDeclaration(CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first, MemberModifiers defaultAccess)
            // partial?
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("partial"))
                modifiers |= MemberModifiers.Partial;

            // class

            // identifier
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            // type-parameter-list?
            string gargs = null;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("<"))
                gargs = DoScanBody("<", ">", ref last);

            // class-base?
            CsBases bases = DoParseInterfaceTypeList(last);

            // type-parameter-constraints-clauses?
            string constraints = DoParseTypeParameterConstraintsClauses();

            // class-body
            var members = new List<CsMember>();
            var types = new List<CsType>();
            Token open = m_scanner.Token;
            Token start = m_scanner.Token;
            DoParseStructBody(members, types, ref open, ref last);
            Token close = last;

            // ;?
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                last = m_scanner.Token;

            CsBody body = new CsBody(name, start.Offset, open.Offset, close.Offset + close.Length - start.Offset, start.Line);
            CsClass result = new CsClass(nameOffset, body, members.ToArray(), types.ToArray(), bases, constraints, gargs, attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line);

            return result;
Esempio n. 8
        public CsParameter(CsAttribute[] attrs, ParameterModifier modifier, bool isParams, string type, string name)
            Contract.Requires(attrs != null, "attrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type), "type is null or empty");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name), "name is null or empty");

            Attributes = attrs;
            Type = type.TrimAll();
            Modifier = modifier;
            IsParams = isParams;
            Name = name;
Esempio n. 9
        // indexer-declaration:
        //     attributes?   indexer-modifiers?   indexer-declarator   {   accessor-declarations   }
        // indexer-declarator:
        //     type   this   [   formal-parameter-list   ]
        //     type   interface-type   .   this   [   formal-parameter-list   ]
        private void DoParseIndexerDeclaration(string type, string name, int nameOffset, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();

            bool hasGet = false, hasSet = false;
            CsBody getterBody = null, setterBody = null;
            CsAttribute[] getAttrs = null, setAttrs = null;
            MemberModifiers getAccess = 0, setAccess = 0;
            DoParseAccessorDeclarations(name, ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getterBody, ref setterBody, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs, ref getAccess, ref setAccess);
            if (!m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("}"))
                DoParseAccessorDeclarations(name, ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getterBody, ref setterBody, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs, ref getAccess, ref setAccess);
            Token last = DoParsePunct("}");

            members.Add(new CsIndexer(nameOffset, getterBody, setterBody, getAccess, setAccess, name, getAttrs, setAttrs, hasGet, hasSet, parms.ToArray(), type, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 10
        public CsMethod(int nameOffset, CsBody body, bool isCtor, bool isDtor, string constraints, CsParameter[] parms, string gargs, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!(isCtor && isDtor), "can't be both a ctor and a dtor");
            Contract.Requires(parms != null, "parms is null");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");

            Body = body;
            IsConstructor = isCtor;
            IsFinalizer = isDtor;
            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;
            Constraints = constraints;

            if (gargs != null)
                GenericArguments = gargs.TrimAll();
Esempio n. 11
        public CsOperator(int nameOffset, CsBody body, bool isImplicit, bool isExplicit, CsParameter[] parms, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");

            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;
            IsImplicit = isImplicit;
            IsExplicit = isExplicit;
            Body = body;
Esempio n. 12
        public static readonly int AccessMask = 0x000F; // can't define this in MemberModifiers or it messes up ToString

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        protected CsMember(int nameOffset, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(attrs != null, "attrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name), "name is null or empty");
            Contract.Requires(nameOffset >= offset, "nameOffset is too small");				// usually the name will be after the member start, but it won't be for ctors with no modifiers
            Contract.Requires(nameOffset < offset + length, "nameOffset is too large");

            Attributes = attrs;
            Modifiers = modifiers;
            Name = name;
            NameOffset = nameOffset;

            Contract.Ensures(Access != MemberModifiers.None, "access was not set");
Esempio n. 13
 public CsInterface(int nameOffset, CsBody body, CsMember[] members, CsType[] types, CsBases bases, string constraints, string gargs, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
     : base(nameOffset, body, bases, members, types, attrs, modifiers, constraints, gargs, name, offset, length, line)
Esempio n. 14
        public CsIndexer(int nameOffset, CsBody getterBody, CsBody setterBody, MemberModifiers getAccess, MemberModifiers setAccess, string name, CsAttribute[] getAttrs, CsAttribute[] setAttrs, bool hasGet, bool hasSet, CsParameter[] parms, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!hasGet || getAttrs != null, "getAttrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(!hasSet || setAttrs != null, "setAttrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(hasGet || hasSet, "not a getter and not a setter");
            Contract.Requires(parms != null, "parms is null");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");
            Contract.Requires(((int) getAccess & ~CsMember.AccessMask) == 0, "getAccess has more than just acccess set");
            Contract.Requires(((int) setAccess & ~CsMember.AccessMask) == 0, "setAccess has more than just acccess set");

            HasGetter = hasGet;
            HasSetter = hasSet;
            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;
            GetterAttributes = getAttrs;
            SetterAttributes = setAttrs;
            GetterAccess = getAccess;
            SetterAccess = setAccess;
            GetterBody = getterBody;
            SetterBody = setterBody;
Esempio n. 15
        // operator-declaration:
        //     attributes?   operator-modifiers   operator-declarator   operator-body
        // operator-declarator:
        //     unary-operator-declarator
        //     binary-operator-declarator
        //     conversion-operator-declarator
        // unary-operator-declarator:
        //     type   operator   overloadable-unary-operator   (   type   identifier   )
        // binary-operator-declarator:
        //     type   operator   overloadable-binary-operator   (   type   identifier   ,   type   identifier   )
        // operator-body:
        //     block
        //     ;
        private void DoParseOperatorDeclaration(string type, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseOperatorName();

            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();

            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            CsBody body = null;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                Token f = m_scanner.Token;
                Token start = m_scanner.Token;
                DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref f, ref last);
                body = new CsBody(name, start.Offset, f.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - f.Offset, start.Line);

            members.Add(new CsOperator(nameOffset, body, false, false, parms.ToArray(), type, attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 16
        // interface-accessors:
        //      attributes?   get   ;
        //      attributes?   set   ;
        //      attributes?   get   ;   attributes?   set   ;
        //      attributes?   set   ;   attributes?   get   ;
        private void DoParseInterfaceAccessors(ref bool isGetter, ref bool isSetter, ref CsAttribute[] getAttrs, ref CsAttribute[] setAttrs)
            CsAttribute[] attrs = DoParseAttributes();

            if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("get"))
                isGetter = true;
                getAttrs = attrs;
            else if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("set"))
                isSetter = true;
                setAttrs = attrs;
                throw new CsParserException("Expected 'get' or 'set' on line {0}, but found '{1}'", m_scanner.Token.Line, m_scanner.Token.Text());

Esempio n. 17
        // property-declaration:
        //     attributes?   property-modifiers?   type   member-name   {   accessor-declarations   }
        private void DoParsePropertyDeclaration(string type, string name, int nameOffset, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            bool hasGet = false, hasSet = false;
            CsBody getterBody = null, setterBody = null;
            CsAttribute[] getAttrs = null, setAttrs = null;
            MemberModifiers getAccess = 0, setAccess = 0;
            DoParseAccessorDeclarations(name, ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getterBody, ref setterBody, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs, ref getAccess, ref setAccess);
            if (!m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("}"))
                DoParseAccessorDeclarations(name, ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getterBody, ref setterBody, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs, ref getAccess, ref setAccess);
            Token last = DoParsePunct("}");

            members.Add(new CsProperty(nameOffset, getterBody, setterBody, getAccess, setAccess, name, getAttrs, setAttrs, hasGet, hasSet, type, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 18
        // interface-event-declaration:
        //      attributes?   new?   event   type   identifier   ;
        private void DoParseInterfaceEventDeclaration(List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;

            string type = DoParseType();
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);
            last = DoParsePunct(";");

            members.Add(new CsEvent(nameOffset, type, name, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 19
        // accessor-declarations:
        //      get-accessor-declaration   set-accessor-declaration?
        //      set-accessor-declaration   get-accessor-declaration?
        // get-accessor-declaration:
        //     attributes?   accessor-modifier?   get   accessor-body
        // set-accessor-declaration:
        //     attributes?   accessor-modifier?   set   accessor-body
        // accessor-body:
        //     block
        //     ;
        private void DoParseAccessorDeclarations(string name, ref bool isGetter, ref bool isSetter, ref CsBody getterBody, ref CsBody setterBody, ref CsAttribute[] getAttrs, ref CsAttribute[] setAttrs, ref MemberModifiers getAccess, ref MemberModifiers setAccess )
            CsAttribute[] attrs = DoParseAttributes();
            MemberModifiers modifiers = DoParseModifiers();

            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("get"))
                isGetter = true;
                getAttrs = attrs;
                getAccess = modifiers;

                if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                    Token start = m_scanner.Token;
                    Token first = m_scanner.Token;
                    DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref first, ref last);
                    getterBody = new CsBody("get_" + name, start.Offset, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - start.Offset, start.Line);
            else if (m_scanner.Token.IsIdentifier("set"))
                isSetter = true;
                setAttrs = attrs;
                setAccess = modifiers;

                if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                    Token first = m_scanner.Token;
                    Token start = m_scanner.Token;
                    DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref first, ref last);
                    setterBody = new CsBody("set_" + name, start.Offset, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - start.Offset, start.Line);
                throw new CsParserException("Expected 'get' or 'set' on line {0}, but found '{1}'", m_scanner.Token.Line, m_scanner.Token.Text());
Esempio n. 20
        // interface-indexer-declaration:
        //      attributes?   new?   type   this   [   formal-parameter-list   ]   {   interface-accessors   }
        private void DoParseInterfaceIndexerDeclaration(int nameOffset, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string rtype, Token first)
            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();

            bool hasGet = false, hasSet = false;
            CsAttribute[] getAttrs = null;
            CsAttribute[] setAttrs = null;
            DoParseInterfaceAccessors(ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs);
            if (!m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("}"))
                DoParseInterfaceAccessors(ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs);
            Token last = DoParsePunct("}");

            members.Add(new CsIndexer(nameOffset, null, null, 0, 0, "<this>", getAttrs, setAttrs, hasGet, hasSet, parms.ToArray(), rtype, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 21
        // constructor-declaration:
        //     attributes?   constructor-modifiers?   constructor-declarator   constructor-body
        // constructor-declarator:
        //     identifier   (   formal-parameter-list?   )   constructor-initializer?
        // constructor-initializer:
        //     :   base   (   argument-list?   )
        //     :   this   (   argument-list?   )
        // constructor-body:
        //     block
        //     ;
        private void DoParseConstructorDeclaration(string name, int nameOffset, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();

            string gargs = null;
            int i = name.IndexOf('<');
            if (i > 0)
                int j = name.IndexOf('>');
                gargs = name.Substring(i + 1, j - (i + 1)).TrimAll();
                name = name.Substring(0, i);

            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            Token open = last;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(":"))
                DoParseIdentifier(ref last);
                DoSkipBody("(", ")", ref open, ref last);

            last = m_scanner.Token;
            open = new Token();
            Token start = m_scanner.Token;
            Token close = last;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref open, ref last);
                close = last;

            CsBody body = open.Length > 0 ? new CsBody(name, start.Offset, open.Offset, close.Offset + close.Length - start.Offset, start.Line) : null;
            members.Add(new CsMethod(nameOffset, body, true, false, null, parms.ToArray(), gargs, "void", attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 22
        // interface-method-declaration:
        //      attributes?   new?   return-type   identifier   type-parameter-list
        //         (   formal-parameter-list?   )   type-parameter-constraints-clauses?   ;
        private void DoParseInterfaceMethodDeclaration(List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string rtype, Token first)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            string gargs = null;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("<"))
                gargs = DoScanBody("<", ">", ref last);

            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();

            string constraints = DoParseTypeParameterConstraintsClauses();
            last = DoParsePunct(";");

            members.Add(new CsMethod(nameOffset, null, false, false, constraints, parms.ToArray(), gargs, rtype, attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 23
        // delegate-declaration:
        //     attributes?   delegate-modifiers?   delegate  return-type   identifier
        //          type-parameter-list?
        //              (   formal-parameter-list?   )   type-parameter-constraints-clauses?   ;
        // type-parameter-list:
        //     <   type-parameters   >
        private CsType DoParseDelegateDeclaration(CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first, MemberModifiers defaultAccess)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            string rtype = DoParseReturnType();
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            string gargs = null;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("<"))
                gargs = DoScanBody("<", ">", ref last);

            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();
            string constraints = DoParseTypeParameterConstraintsClauses();
            last = DoParsePunct(";");

            if (((int) modifiers & CsMember.AccessMask) == 0)
                modifiers |= defaultAccess;

            // ;?
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                last = m_scanner.Token;

            return new CsDelegate(nameOffset, constraints, parms.ToArray(), gargs, rtype, attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line);
Esempio n. 24
        // interface-property-declaration:
        //      attributes?   new?   type   identifier   {   interface-accessors   }
        private void DoParseInterfacePropertyDeclaration(List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string rtype, Token first)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            bool hasGet = false, hasSet = false;
            CsAttribute[] getAttrs = null;
            CsAttribute[] setAttrs = null;
            DoParseInterfaceAccessors(ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs);
            if (m_scanner.Token.Kind == TokenKind.Identifier)
                DoParseInterfaceAccessors(ref hasGet, ref hasSet, ref getAttrs, ref setAttrs);
            last = DoParsePunct("}");

            members.Add(new CsProperty(nameOffset, null, null, 0, 0, name, getAttrs, setAttrs, hasGet, hasSet, rtype, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 25
        // enum-declaration:
        //     attributes?   enum-modifiers?   enum   identifier   enum-base?   enum-body   ;?
        // enum-base:
        //    :   integral-type
        // enum-body:
        //    {   enum-member-declarations?   }
        //    {   enum-member-declarations   ,   }
        private CsType DoParseEnumDeclaration(CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first, MemberModifiers defaultAccess)
            Token last = first;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            string baseType = "int";
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(":"))
                baseType = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            string[] names = DoParseEnumMemberDeclarations();
            last = m_scanner.Token;

            if (((int) modifiers & CsMember.AccessMask) == 0)
                modifiers |= defaultAccess;

            // ;?
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                last = m_scanner.Token;

            return new CsEnum(names, nameOffset, baseType, attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line);
Esempio n. 26
        // method-declaration:
        //     method-header   method-body
        // method-header:
        //     attributes?   method-modifiers?   partial?   return-type   member-name   type-parameter-list?  (   formal-parameter-list?   )   type-parameter-constraints-clauses?
        private void DoParseMethodDeclaration(Token first, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, List<CsMember> members)
            string rtype = DoParseReturnType();
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseMemberName();

            DoParseMethodStub(rtype, name, nameOffset, first, attrs, modifiers, members);
Esempio n. 27
        // variable-declarator:
        //     identifier
        //     identifier   =   variable-initializer
        private void DoParseEventDeclarator(string type, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("="))

                // TODO: this won't parse multiple declarators correctly. We could probably handle this
                // by scanning until we hit a semi-colon or a comma not within brackets.
                while (m_scanner.Token.IsValid() && !m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                    last = m_scanner.Token;

            members.Add(new CsEvent(nameOffset, type, name, attrs, modifiers, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 28
        // method-header:
        //     ...   type-parameter-list?  (   formal-parameter-list?   )   type-parameter-constraints-clauses?
        // method-body:
        //     block
        //     ;
        private void DoParseMethodStub(string rtype, string memberName, int nameOffset, Token first, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, List<CsMember> members)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;

            string gargs = null;
            int i = memberName.IndexOf('<');
            if (i > 0)
                int j = memberName.IndexOf('>');
                gargs = memberName.Substring(i + 1, j - (i + 1)).TrimAll();
                memberName = memberName.Substring(0, i);

            var parms = new List<CsParameter>();
            string constraints = DoParseTypeParameterConstraintsClauses();

            Token open = new Token();
            Token start = m_scanner.Token;
            Token close = m_scanner.Token;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct(";"))
                DoSkipBody("{", "}", ref open, ref last);
                close = last;

            CsBody body = open.Length > 0 ? new CsBody(memberName, start.Offset, open.Offset, close.Offset + close.Length - start.Offset, start.Line) : null;
            members.Add(new CsMethod(nameOffset, body, false, false, constraints, parms.ToArray(), gargs, rtype, attrs, modifiers, memberName, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 29
        // constant-declarator:
        //     identifier   =   constant-expression
        // field-declaration:
        //      attributes?   field-modifiers?   type   variable-declarators  ;
        // variable-declarator:
        //     identifier
        //     identifier   =   variable-initializer
        private void DoParseFieldDeclarator(string type, List<CsMember> members, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, Token first)
            Token last = m_scanner.Token;
            int nameOffset = m_scanner.Token.Offset;
            string name = DoParseIdentifier(ref last);

            string value = null;
            if (m_scanner.Token.IsPunct("="))
                value = DoParseExpression(ref last, ";");

            members.Add(new CsField(nameOffset, type, value, attrs, modifiers, name, first.Offset, last.Offset + last.Length - first.Offset, first.Line));
Esempio n. 30
        public CsField(int nameOffset, string type, string value, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type), "type is null or empty");
            Contract.Requires(value == null || value.Length > 0, "value is empty");

            Type = type.TrimAll();
            Value = value;