Esempio n. 1
File: SDS.cs Progetto: IronFox/Shard
        public SDS MergeWith(SDS other, MergeStrategy strategy, EntityChange.ExecutionContext ctx)
            if (Generation != other.Generation)
                throw new IntegrityViolation("Generation mismatch: " + Generation + " != " + other.Generation);

            SDS exclusiveSource = null;
            int exclusiveChoice = 0;

            if (strategy == MergeStrategy.Exclusive || strategy == MergeStrategy.ExclusiveWithPositionCorrection)
                exclusiveChoice = SelectExclusiveSource(this, other);
                exclusiveSource = (exclusiveChoice == -1 ? this : other);

            InconsistencyCoverage merged = InconsistencyCoverage.GetMinimum(IC, other.IC);
            EntityPool            pool   = new EntityPool(ctx);

            foreach (var e in this.FinalEntities)
                if (IC.IsInconsistentR(ctx.LocalSpace.Relativate(e.ID.Position)))
                    continue;                       //for now
            foreach (var e in other.FinalEntities)
                if (other.IC.IsInconsistentR(ctx.LocalSpace.Relativate(e.ID.Position)))
                    continue;                       //for now
                if (pool.Contains(e.ID.Guid))
            //at this point we merged all fully consistent entities from either. If the inconsistent areas did not overlap then the result should contain all entities in their consistent state

            if (!merged.IsFullyConsistent)
                if (strategy == MergeStrategy.EntitySelective)
                    MergeInconsistentEntitiesComp(pool, this, other, merged, ctx);
                    MergeInconsistentEntitiesEx(pool, exclusiveSource, strategy == MergeStrategy.ExclusiveWithPositionCorrection, merged, ctx);
            return(new SDS(Generation, pool.ToArray(), merged));
Esempio n. 2
        public Tuple <SDS, IntermediateSDS> Complete()
            //Log.Message("Finalize SDS g" + generation);

            var cs = data.localChangeSet.Clone();
            InconsistencyCoverage ic = data.ic.Clone();

            foreach (var n in Simulation.Neighbors)
                IntBox box = n.ICImportRegion;

                var rcs = old.InboundRCS[n.LinearIndex];
                if (rcs != null)
                    ic.Include(rcs.IC, box.Min);
                    if (rcs.IC.OneCount > 0)
                        Log.Message(n.Name + ": Inconsistent RCS @g" + generation + ": " + rcs.IC.OneCount);
                    Log.Message(n.Name + ": Missing RCS @g" + generation);
            EntityPool p2 = data.entities.Clone();

            cs.Execute(p2, ic, ctx);

            SDS rs = new SDS(generation, p2.ToArray(), ic);

#if !DRY_RUN
            if (!ic.AnySet)
                DB.PutAsync(new SerialSDS(rs, Simulation.ID.XYZ), false).Wait();
            Log.Message("Completed g" + Generation + " with IC ones: " + ic.OneCount + " " + Math.Round((float)ic.OneCount / ic.Size.Product * 100) + "%");
            return(new Tuple <SDS, IntermediateSDS>(rs, data));