/// <summary>Tessellates a Scene object into triangles.</summary> /// <param name="node">The root node of the hierarchy to tessellate</param> /// <param name="tessellationOptions">The tessellation options</param> /// <param name="nodeOpacities">If provided, the resulting node opacities</param> /// <returns>A list of tesselated geometry</returns> public static List <Geometry> TessellateScene(Scene scene, TessellationOptions tessellationOptions, Dictionary <SceneNode, float> nodeOpacities = null) { UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("TessellateVectorScene"); VectorClip.ResetClip(); var geoms = TessellateNodeHierarchyRecursive(scene.Root, tessellationOptions, scene.Root.Transform, 1.0f, nodeOpacities); UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); return(geoms); }
#pragma warning disable 612, 618 // Silence use of deprecated IDrawable private static List <Geometry> TessellateNodeHierarchyRecursive(SceneNode node, TessellationOptions tessellationOptions, Matrix2D worldTransform, float worldOpacity, Dictionary <SceneNode, float> nodeOpacities) { if (node.Clipper != null) { VectorClip.PushClip(TraceNodeHierarchyShapes(node.Clipper, tessellationOptions), worldTransform); } var geoms = new List <Geometry>(); if (node.Drawables != null) { // We process the drawables even though they are obsolete, until we remove the IDrawable interface entirely foreach (var drawable in node.Drawables) { var vectorShape = drawable as Shape; if (vectorShape != null) { bool isConvex = vectorShape.IsConvex && vectorShape.Contours.Length == 1; TessellateShape(vectorShape, geoms, tessellationOptions, isConvex); continue; } var vectorPath = drawable as Path; if (vectorPath != null) { TessellatePath(vectorPath.Contour, vectorPath.PathProps, geoms, tessellationOptions); continue; } var vectorRect = drawable as Rectangle; if (vectorRect != null) { TessellateRectangle(vectorRect, geoms, tessellationOptions); continue; } } } if (node.Shapes != null) { foreach (var shape in node.Shapes) { bool isConvex = shape.IsConvex && shape.Contours.Length == 1; TessellateShape(shape, geoms, tessellationOptions, isConvex); } } foreach (var g in geoms) { g.Color.a *= worldOpacity; g.WorldTransform = worldTransform; g.UnclippedBounds = Bounds(g.Vertices); VectorClip.ClipGeometry(g); } if (node.Children != null) { foreach (var child in node.Children) { var childOpacity = 1.0f; if (nodeOpacities == null || !nodeOpacities.TryGetValue(child, out childOpacity)) { childOpacity = 1.0f; } var transform = worldTransform * child.Transform; var opacity = worldOpacity * childOpacity; var childGeoms = TessellateNodeHierarchyRecursive(child, tessellationOptions, transform, opacity, nodeOpacities); geoms.AddRange(childGeoms); } } if (node.Clipper != null) { VectorClip.PopClip(); } return(geoms); }