private bool GetDeclaration(TypeAndMethodName name, out BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax decl)
            bool        isConstructor = name.MethodName == ".ctor";
            ITypeSymbol symb          = Compilation.FindTypeByMetadataName(name.TypeName);

            foreach (SyntaxReference synRef in symb.DeclaringSyntaxReferences)
                SyntaxNode node = synRef.GetSyntax();
                foreach (SyntaxNode child in node.ChildNodes())
                    if (isConstructor)
                        if (child is ConstructorDeclarationSyntax cds)
                            decl = cds;

                    if (child is MethodDeclarationSyntax mds)
                        if (mds.Identifier.ToFullString() == name.MethodName)
                            decl = mds;

            decl = null;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void VisitAttribute(AttributeSyntax node)
            // TODO: Only look at assembly-level attributes.
            if (node.Name.ToFullString().Contains("ComputeShaderSet"))
                string name = GetStringParam(node, 0);
                string cs   = GetStringParam(node, 1);
                if (!TypeAndMethodName.Get(cs, out TypeAndMethodName csName))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ComputeShaderSetAttribute has an incomplete or invalid compute shader name.");

                _shaderSets.Add(new ShaderSetInfo(name, csName));
            else if (node.Name.ToFullString().Contains("ShaderSet"))
                int    paramIndex = 0;
                string name       = GetStringParam(node, paramIndex++);

                TypeAndMethodName vsName = null;
                string            vs     = GetStringParam(node, paramIndex++);
                if (vs != null && !TypeAndMethodName.Get(vs, out vsName))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute has an incomplete or invalid vertex shader name.");

                TypeAndMethodName gsName = null;
                if (node.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count > 3)
                    string gs = GetStringParam(node, paramIndex++);
                    if (gs != null && !TypeAndMethodName.Get(gs, out gsName))
                        throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute has an incomplete or invalid geometry shader name.");

                TypeAndMethodName fsName = null;
                string            fs     = GetStringParam(node, paramIndex++);
                if (fs != null && !TypeAndMethodName.Get(fs, out fsName))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute has an incomplete or invalid fragment shader name.");

                if (vsName == null && gsName == null && fsName == null)
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute must specify at least one shader name.");

                if (!_discoveredNames.Add(name))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("Multiple shader sets with the same name were defined: " + name);

                _shaderSets.Add(new ShaderSetInfo(
Esempio n. 3
 public ShaderSetInfo(string name, TypeAndMethodName vs, TypeAndMethodName gs, TypeAndMethodName fs)
 //: this(name, vs, fs)
     Name           = name;
     GeometryShader = gs;
     VertexShader   = vs;
     FragmentShader = fs;
Esempio n. 4
        public ShaderSetInfo(string name, TypeAndMethodName vs, TypeAndMethodName fs)
            if (vs == null && fs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least one of vs or fs must be non-null.");

            Name           = name;
            VertexShader   = vs;
            FragmentShader = fs;
Esempio n. 5
        public FunctionCallGraphDiscoverer(Compilation compilation, TypeAndMethodName rootMethod)
            Compilation = compilation;
            _rootNode   = new CallGraphNode()
                Name = rootMethod
            bool foundDecl = GetDeclaration(rootMethod, out _rootNode.Declaration);

            _nodesByName.Add(rootMethod, _rootNode);
Esempio n. 6
        private void GenerateShaders(ShaderSetInfo ss, ShaderGenerationResult result)
            TypeAndMethodName vertexFunctionName   = ss.VertexShader;
            TypeAndMethodName fragmentFunctionName = ss.FragmentShader;

            HashSet <SyntaxTree> treesToVisit = new HashSet <SyntaxTree>();

            if (vertexFunctionName != null)
                GetTrees(treesToVisit, vertexFunctionName.TypeName);
            if (fragmentFunctionName != null)
                GetTrees(treesToVisit, fragmentFunctionName.TypeName);

            foreach (LanguageBackend language in _languages)

            ShaderSyntaxWalker walker = new ShaderSyntaxWalker(_compilation, _languages.ToArray(), ss);

            foreach (SyntaxTree tree in treesToVisit)

            foreach (LanguageBackend language in _languages)
                ShaderModel    model  = language.GetShaderModel(ss.Name);
                ShaderFunction vsFunc = (ss.VertexShader != null)
                    ? model.GetFunction(ss.VertexShader.FullName)
                    : null;
                ShaderFunction fsFunc = (ss.FragmentShader != null)
                    ? model.GetFunction(ss.FragmentShader.FullName)
                    : null;
                    string vsCode = null;
                    string fsCode = null;
                    if (vsFunc != null)
                        vsCode = language.GetCode(ss.Name, vsFunc);
                    if (fsFunc != null)
                        fsCode = language.GetCode(ss.Name, fsFunc);

                    result.AddShaderSet(language, new GeneratedShaderSet(ss.Name, vsCode, fsCode, vsFunc, fsFunc, model));
Esempio n. 7
        private CallGraphNode GetNode(TypeAndMethodName name)
            if (!_nodesByName.TryGetValue(name, out CallGraphNode node))
                node = new CallGraphNode()
                    Name = name
                GetDeclaration(name, out node.Declaration);
                _nodesByName.Add(name, node);

Esempio n. 8
        public override void VisitAttribute(AttributeSyntax node)
            if (node.Name.ToFullString().Contains("ShaderSet"))
                string name = GetStringParam(node, 0);

                TypeAndMethodName vsName = null;
                string            vs     = GetStringParam(node, 1);
                if (vs != null && !TypeAndMethodName.Get(vs, out vsName))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute has an incomplete or invalid vertex shader name.");

                TypeAndMethodName fsName = null;
                string            fs     = GetStringParam(node, 2);
                if (fs != null && !TypeAndMethodName.Get(fs, out fsName))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute has an incomplete or invalid fragment shader name.");

                if (vsName == null && fsName == null)
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("ShaderSetAttribute must specify at least one shader name.");

                if (!_discoveredNames.Add(name))
                    throw new ShaderGenerationException("Multiple shader sets with the same name were defined: " + name);

                _shaderSets.Add(new ShaderSetInfo(
        public ShaderGenerator(
            Compilation compilation,
            string vertexFunctionName,
            string fragmentFunctionName,
            LanguageBackend[] languages,
            IShaderSetProcessor[] processors)
            if (compilation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(compilation));
            if (vertexFunctionName == null && fragmentFunctionName == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"One of {nameof(vertexFunctionName)} or {nameof(fragmentFunctionName)} must be non-null.");
            if (languages == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(languages));
            if (processors == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(processors));
            if (languages.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least one LanguageBackend must be provided.");

            _compilation = compilation;
            _languages   = new List <LanguageBackend>(languages);
            TypeAndMethodName _vertexFunctionName = null;

            if (vertexFunctionName != null &&
                !TypeAndMethodName.Get(vertexFunctionName, out _vertexFunctionName))
                throw new ShaderGenerationException(
                          $"The name passed to {nameof(vertexFunctionName)} must be a fully-qualified type and method.");

            TypeAndMethodName _fragmentFunctionName = null;

            if (fragmentFunctionName != null &&
                !TypeAndMethodName.Get(fragmentFunctionName, out _fragmentFunctionName))
                throw new ShaderGenerationException(
                          $"The name passed to {nameof(fragmentFunctionName)} must be a fully-qualified type and method.");

            string setName = string.Empty;

            if (vertexFunctionName != null)
                setName = vertexFunctionName;
            if (fragmentFunctionName != null)
                if (setName == string.Empty)
                    setName = fragmentFunctionName;
                    setName += "+" + fragmentFunctionName;

            _shaderSets.Add(new ShaderSetInfo(

            _processors = processors;
Esempio n. 10
        public ShaderGenerator(
            Compilation compilation,
            LanguageBackend[] languages,
            string vertexFunctionName   = null,
            string fragmentFunctionName = null,
            string computeFunctionName  = null,
            params IShaderSetProcessor[] processors)
            if (languages == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(languages));

            if (languages.Length < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least one LanguageBackend must be provided.");

            _compilation = compilation ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(compilation));
            _languages   = languages.ToArray();
            _processors  = processors;

            // If we've not specified any names, we're auto-discovering
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vertexFunctionName) &&
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fragmentFunctionName) &&
                ShaderSetDiscoverer ssd = new ShaderSetDiscoverer();
                foreach (SyntaxTree tree in _compilation.SyntaxTrees)

                _shaderSets = ssd.GetShaderSets();

            // We've explicitly specified shaders so find them directly.
            List <ShaderSetInfo> shaderSets = new List <ShaderSetInfo>();

            TypeAndMethodName vertex = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vertexFunctionName) &&
                !TypeAndMethodName.Get(vertexFunctionName, out vertex))
                throw new ShaderGenerationException(
                          $"The name passed to {nameof(vertexFunctionName)} must be a fully-qualified type and method.");

            TypeAndMethodName fragment = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fragmentFunctionName) &&
                !TypeAndMethodName.Get(fragmentFunctionName, out fragment))
                throw new ShaderGenerationException(
                          $"The name passed to {nameof(fragmentFunctionName)} must be a fully-qualified type and method.");

            if (vertex != null || fragment != null)
                // We have either a vertex or fragment, so create a graphics shader set.
                string setName = string.Empty;

                if (vertex != null)
                    setName = vertexFunctionName;

                if (fragment != null)
                    if (setName == string.Empty)
                        setName = fragmentFunctionName;
                        setName += "+" + fragmentFunctionName;

                shaderSets.Add(new ShaderSetInfo(setName, vertex, fragment));

            TypeAndMethodName compute = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(computeFunctionName) &&
                !TypeAndMethodName.Get(computeFunctionName, out compute))
                throw new ShaderGenerationException(
                          $"The name passed to {nameof(computeFunctionName)} must be a fully-qualified type and method.");

            if (compute != null)
                shaderSets.Add(new ShaderSetInfo(computeFunctionName, compute));

            _shaderSets = shaderSets.ToArray();
Esempio n. 11
 public ShaderSetInfo(string name, TypeAndMethodName cs)
     Name          = name;
     ComputeShader = cs;