private void Init() { CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; // // Set caption // Text = "MediaPortal - TV Server Configuration"; // // Build options tree // try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(String.Format(@"{0}\gentle.config", PathManager.GetDataPath)); XmlNode nodeKey = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Gentle.Framework/DefaultProvider"); XmlNode node = nodeKey.Attributes.GetNamedItem("connectionString"); XmlNode nodeProvider = nodeKey.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name"); Gentle.Framework.ProviderFactory.ResetGentle(true); Gentle.Framework.GentleSettings.DefaultProviderName = nodeProvider.InnerText; Gentle.Framework.ProviderFactory.GetDefaultProvider(); Gentle.Framework.ProviderFactory.SetDefaultProviderConnectionString(node.InnerText); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to open:" + String.Format(@"{0}\gentle.config", PathManager.GetDataPath)); Log.Write(ex); } try { Server.ListAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to open database"); Log.Error("Unable to get list of servers"); Log.Write(ex); } Project project = new Project(); AddSection(project); layer = new TvBusinessLayer(); servers = new Servers(); AddSection(servers); IList <Server> dbsServers = Server.ListAll(); if (dbsServers != null) { foreach (Server server in dbsServers) { if (server.IsMaster) { bool connected = false; while (!connected) { RemoteControl.HostName = server.HostName; if (server.ReferringCard().Count > 0) { try { Card c = (Card)server.ReferringCard()[0]; RemoteControl.Instance.Type(c.IdCard); connected = true; } catch (Exception ex) { string localHostname = Dns.GetHostName(); if (localHostname != server.HostName) { DialogResult dlg = MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Unable to connect to <{0}>.\n" + "Do you want to try the current comupter name ({1}) instead?", server.HostName, localHostname), "Wrong config detected", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (dlg == DialogResult.Yes) { Log.Info("Controller: server {0} changed to {1}", server.HostName, localHostname); server.HostName = localHostname; server.Persist(); RemoteControl.Clear(); ServiceHelper.Restart(); ServiceHelper.WaitInitialized(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Setup will now close"); Environment.Exit(-1); } } else { Log.Error("Cannot connect to server {0}", server.HostName); Log.Write(ex); DialogResult dlg = MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to <" + server.HostName + ">.\n" + "Please check the TV Server logs for details.\n\n" + "Setup will now close."); Environment.Exit(-1); } } } } break; } } AddServerTvCards(servers, dbsServers, false); TvChannels tvChannels = new TvChannels(); AddSection(tvChannels); AddChildSection(tvChannels, new TvCombinations("TV Combinations")); AddChildSection(tvChannels, new TvChannelMapping()); RadioChannels radioChannels = new RadioChannels(); AddSection(radioChannels); AddChildSection(radioChannels, new RadioCombinations("Radio Combinations")); AddChildSection(radioChannels, new RadioChannelMapping()); Epg EpgSection = new Epg(); AddSection(EpgSection); AddChildSection(EpgSection, new TvEpgGrabber()); AddChildSection(EpgSection, new RadioEpgGrabber()); AddSection(new ScanSettings()); AddSection(new TvRecording()); AddSection(new TvTimeshifting()); AddSection(new TvSchedules()); AddSection(new StreamingServer()); AddSection(new TestService("Manual Control")); AddSection(new TestChannels("Test Channels")); _pluginLoader.Load(); pluginsRoot = new Plugins("Plugins", _pluginLoader); AddSection(pluginsRoot); pluginsRoot.ChangedActivePlugins += SectChanged; foreach (ITvServerPlugin plugin in _pluginLoader.Plugins) { SectionSettings settings = plugin.Setup; if (settings != null) { Setting isActive = layer.GetSetting(String.Format("plugin{0}", plugin.Name), "false"); settings.Text = plugin.Name; if (isActive.Value == "true") { AddChildSection(pluginsRoot, settings); } } } if (showAdvancedSettings) { AddSection(new DebugOptions()); } AddSection(new ImportExport()); AddSection(new ThirdPartyChecks()); sectionTree.SelectedNode = sectionTree.Nodes[0]; // make sure window is in front of mediaportal } BringToFront(); }
public void CheckServiceName() { // only query service names of local machine if (!IsDatabaseOnLocalMachine(ParseServerHostName(tbServerHostName.Text))) { tbServiceDependency.Enabled = false; return; } tbServiceDependency.Enabled = true; // first try the quick method and assume the user is right or using defaults string ConfiguredServiceName = tbServiceDependency.Text; string DBSearchPattern = @"MySQL"; Color clAllOkay = Color.GreenYellow; if (ServiceHelper.IsInstalled(ConfiguredServiceName)) { tbServiceDependency.BackColor = clAllOkay; DBSearchPattern = ConfiguredServiceName; } else { // MSSQL if (rbSQLServer.Checked) { DBSearchPattern = @"SQLBrowser"; } if (ServiceHelper.GetDBServiceName(ref DBSearchPattern)) { tbServiceDependency.Text = DBSearchPattern; tbServiceDependency.BackColor = clAllOkay; } else { Log.Info("SetupDatabaseForm: DB service name not recognized - using defaults"); tbServiceDependency.BackColor = Color.Red; } } // if a matching service name is available - add it now if (tbServiceDependency.BackColor == clAllOkay && tbServiceDependency.Enabled) { if (ServiceHelper.AddDependencyByName(DBSearchPattern)) { Log.Info("SetupDatabaseForm: Added dependency for TvService - {0}", DBSearchPattern); if (!ServiceHelper.IsServiceEnabled(DBSearchPattern, false)) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format( "The tv service depends on {0} but this service does not autostart - enable now?", DBSearchPattern), "Dependency avoids autostart", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes) { // enable the dependency now if (!ServiceHelper.IsServiceEnabled(DBSearchPattern, true)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to change the startup behaviour", "Dependency error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } // start the service right now if (!ServiceHelper.Start(DBSearchPattern)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Failed to start the dependency service: {0}", DBSearchPattern), "Dependency start error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } else { Log.Info("SetupDatabaseForm: Could not add dependency for TvService - {0}", DBSearchPattern); } } }
public static void Main(string[] arguments) { // Init Common logger -> this will enable TVPlugin to write in the Mediaportal.log file var loggerName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); var dataPath = Log.GetPathName(); var loggerPath = Path.Combine(dataPath, "log"); #if DEBUG if (loggerName != null) { loggerName = loggerName.Replace(".vshost", ""); } #endif CommonLogger.Instance = new CommonLog4NetLogger(loggerName, dataPath, loggerPath); Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "SetupTv"; Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName); if (p.Length > 1) { System.Environment.Exit(0); } string DeploySql = string.Empty; string DeployPwd = string.Empty; foreach (string param in arguments) { switch (param.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "/delete-db": startupMode = StartupMode.DbCleanup; break; case "/configure-db": startupMode = StartupMode.DbConfig; break; case "/debugoptions": debugOptions = true; break; } if (param.StartsWith("--Deploy")) { switch (param.Substring(0, 12)) { case "--DeployMode": Log.Debug("---- started in Deploy mode ----"); startupMode = StartupMode.DeployMode; break; case "--DeploySql:": DeploySql = param.Split(':')[1].ToLower(); break; case "--DeployPwd:": DeployPwd = param.Split(':')[1]; break; } } } Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // set working dir from application.exe string applicationPath = Application.ExecutablePath; applicationPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(applicationPath); applicationPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(applicationPath); System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(applicationPath); FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Application.ExecutablePath); Log.Info("---- SetupTv v" + versionInfo.FileVersion + " is starting up on " + OSInfo.OSInfo.GetOSDisplayVersion()); //Check for unsupported operating systems OSPrerequisites.OSPrerequisites.OsCheck(true); NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; appSettings.Set("GentleConfigFile", String.Format(@"{0}\gentle.config", PathManager.GetDataPath)); Application.ThreadException += Application_ThreadException; //test connection with database Log.Info("---- check connection with database ----"); SetupDatabaseForm dlg = new SetupDatabaseForm(startupMode); if (startupMode == StartupMode.DeployMode) { if (DeploySql == "dbalreadyinstalled") { Log.Info("---- ask user for connection details ----"); if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK || startupMode != StartupMode.DeployMode) { return; // close the application without restart here. } dlg.CheckServiceName(); if (startupMode == StartupMode.DeployMode) { dlg.SaveGentleConfig(); } } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeploySql) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeployPwd)) { dlg.LoadConnectionDetailsFromConfig(true); } else { if (DeploySql == "mysql") { dlg.provider = SetupDatabaseForm.ProviderType.MySql; dlg.rbMySQL.Checked = true; dlg.tbUserID.Text = "root"; dlg.tbServerHostName.Text = Dns.GetHostName(); dlg.tbServiceDependency.Text = @"MySQL5"; } else { dlg.provider = SetupDatabaseForm.ProviderType.SqlServer; dlg.rbSQLServer.Checked = true; dlg.tbUserID.Text = "sa"; dlg.tbServerHostName.Text = Dns.GetHostName() + @"\SQLEXPRESS"; dlg.tbServiceDependency.Text = @"SQLBrowser"; } dlg.tbPassword.Text = DeployPwd; dlg.tbDatabaseName.Text = dlg.schemaNameDefault; dlg.schemaName = dlg.schemaNameDefault; } } if (dlg.tbServerHostName.Text.Trim().ToLower() == "localhost" | dlg.tbServerHostName.Text.Trim() == "") { Log.Info("*****************************************************************"); Log.Info("* WARNING, connection host ({0}) not officially supported *", dlg.tbServerHostName.Text); Log.Info("*****************************************************************"); } if ((startupMode != StartupMode.Normal && startupMode != StartupMode.DeployMode) || (!dlg.TestConnection(startupMode))) { Log.Info("---- ask user for connection details ----"); if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK || startupMode != StartupMode.DeployMode) { return; // close the application without restart here. } } dlg.CheckServiceName(); if (startupMode == StartupMode.DeployMode) { dlg.SaveGentleConfig(); } Log.Info("---- check if database needs to be updated/created ----"); int currentSchemaVersion = dlg.GetCurrentShemaVersion(startupMode); if (currentSchemaVersion <= 36) // drop pre-1.0 DBs and handle -1 { // Allow users to cancel DB recreation to backup their old DB if (currentSchemaVersion > 0) { if ( MessageBox.Show( "Your existing database cannot be upgraded and will be replaced by an empty database. Continue now?", "DB recreation needed", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } Log.Info("---- create database ----"); if (!dlg.ExecuteSQLScript("create")) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create the database.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Log.Info("- Database created."); currentSchemaVersion = dlg.GetCurrentShemaVersion(startupMode); } Log.Info("---- upgrade database schema ----"); if (!dlg.UpgradeDBSchema(currentSchemaVersion)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to upgrade the database.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Log.Info("---- check if tvservice is running ----"); if (!ServiceHelper.IsRunning) { Log.Info("---- tvservice is not running ----"); if (startupMode != StartupMode.DeployMode) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The Tv service is not running.\rStart it now?", "Mediaportal TV service", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } } Log.Info("---- start tvservice----"); ServiceHelper.Start(); } ServiceHelper.WaitInitialized(); int cards = 0; try { cards = RemoteControl.Instance.Cards; } catch (Exception) { Log.Info("---- restart tvservice----"); ServiceHelper.Restart(); ServiceHelper.WaitInitialized(); try { RemoteControl.Clear(); RemoteControl.HostName = Dns.GetHostName(); cards = RemoteControl.Instance.Cards; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Info("---- Unable to restart tv service----"); Log.Write(ex); MessageBox.Show("Failed to startup tvservice" + ex); return; } } // Mantis #0001991: disable mpg recording (part I: force TS recording format) IList <Card> TvCards = Card.ListAll(); foreach (Card card in TvCards) { if (card.RecordingFormat != 0) { card.RecordingFormat = 0; Log.Info("Card {0} switched from .MPG to .TS format", card.Name); card.Persist(); } } // Mantis #0002138: impossible to configure TVGroups TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer(); layer.CreateGroup(TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels); // Avoid the visual part of SetupTv if in DeployMode if (startupMode == StartupMode.DeployMode) { return; } try { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.DoEvents(); new Startup().Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex); } }