Esempio n. 1
        void AccountInfoResponseHandler(Task t)
            GSTask task = (GSTask)t;
            AccountInfoResponseArgs args = (AccountInfoResponseArgs)task.Args;
            GameClient client = (GameClient)_server.InputThread.FindClient(args.ClientKey);
            if (args.AccountId < 0)
                // Account doesnt exist
                client.SendAccountResponse(-1, null);
            else if (args.DisplayName == null || args.DisplayName.Length <= 0)
                // Account exists but password is wrong
                client.SendAccountResponse(args.AccountId, null);
                // Valid account
                client.SendAccountResponse(args.AccountId, args.DisplayName);

                // Store stuff
                client.AccountId = args.AccountId;
                client.HardCurrency = args.HardCurrency;
                client.DisplayName = args.DisplayName;

                // Let the server do new client stuff
Esempio n. 2
 void FloorRecord_Process_Handler(Task t)
     HTask task = (HTask)t;
     PuzzleCompleteArgs pca = (PuzzleCompleteArgs)t.Args;
     if (task.Query.Rows.Count > 0)
         // record exists, see if this time is better
         object[] row = task.Query.Rows[0];
         int oldTime = (int)row[3];
         int newTime = (int)pca.CompletionTime;
         if (newTime < oldTime)
             // Better time, update the record
             string sql = string.Format("UPDATE floor_records SET best_time={0} WHERE account_id={1} AND tower={2} AND floor={3};", newTime, task.Client.AccountId, pca.TowerIndex, pca.FloorNumber);
             AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);
         // No record for this floor yet, just submit what we have
         string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO floor_records SET account_id={0}, tower={1}, floor={2}, best_time={3}, friend_rank={4}, global_rank={5};", task.Client.AccountId, pca.TowerIndex, pca.FloorNumber, (int)pca.CompletionTime, 0, 0);
         AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);
Esempio n. 3
        void ChatMessageHandler(Task t)
            GSTask task = (GSTask)t;

            ChatMessageArgs args = (ChatMessageArgs)task.Args;

            // Fetch client list
            Connection[] clients = _server.InputThread.Clients;

            // Send message to clients
            foreach( GameClient gc in clients )
                if( gc.IsInChannel(args.Channel) )
                    if( !gc.IsChatBlocked(task.Client.AccountId) )
                        gc.SendChat(args.Channel, args.Message, task.Client.DisplayName);
Esempio n. 4
 void UserData_Fetch_Handler(Task t)
     string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE account_id={0};", ((FFTask)t).Client.AccountId);
     t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.UserData_Init;
     AddDBQuery(sql, t);
Esempio n. 5
        void ChatBlockListProcessHandler(Task t)
            GSTask task = (GSTask)t;

            // Add all blocked users to the block list
            DBQuery q = task.Query;
            if (q != null && q.Rows != null && q.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (object[] row in q.Rows)
                    uint blocked = (uint)row[2];

            // Fetch the chat channel info
            task.Type = (int)GSTask.GSTType.ChatInfo_Process;
            DBQuery query = AddDBQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM chat_info WHERE account_id={0};", task.Client.AccountId), task);
Esempio n. 6
        void LoadCourses_Init_Handler(Task t)
            foreach (object[] row in t.Query.Rows)
                CourseInfo ci = new CourseInfo();

                ci.CourseID = (int)row[0];
                ci.ParTime = (double)row[1];
                ci.LootMarkers = (int)row[2];
                ci.MaxObstacleScore = (int)row[3];
                ci.FlightMode = (int)row[4];
                ci.TimeScoreBase = (int)row[5];
                ci.TimeScoreModifier = (int)row[6];
                ci.LootTable = (int)row[7];

                _courseInfo[ci.CourseID] = ci;

                FFTask lootTask = new FFTask(FFTask.FFTaskType.LootTable_Init);
                AddDBQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM loot_tables WHERE loot_table_id={0};", ci.LootTable), lootTask);
Esempio n. 7
        void LootTableRanges_Init_Handler(Task t)
            if (t.Query.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (object[] row in t.Query.Rows)
                    int rangeID = (int)row[0];
                    int ltID = (int)row[1];
                    float percentage = (float)row[2];

                    LootTable lt = _lootTables[ltID];

                    LootRange range = new LootRange();
                    range.Percentage = percentage;

                    lt.Ranges[rangeID] = range;

                    FFTask rangeTask = new FFTask(FFTask.FFTaskType.LootRange_Init, null, lt.ID);
                    AddDBQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM loot_range_templates WHERE loot_range_id={0};", rangeID), rangeTask);
Esempio n. 8
        void Build_LootRangeCreated_Handler(Task t)
            object[] args = (object[])t.Args;
            int index = (int)args[0];
            LootTableArgs lt = (LootTableArgs)args[1];

            object[] row = t.Query.Rows[0];
            ulong rangeID = (ulong)row[0];

            LootTableArgs.Range range = lt.Ranges[index];
            foreach (int template in range.Templates)
                string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO loot_range_templates SET loot_range_id={0},template_id={1},loot_table_id={2};", rangeID, template, lt.TableID);
                AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);
Esempio n. 9
        void Build_LootTableInfo_Handler(Task t)
            LootTableArgs args = (LootTableArgs)t.Args;
            string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO loot_tables (loot_table_id, base_drop_chance, marker_bonus) VALUES( {0}, {1}, {2}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE base_drop_chance=VALUES(base_drop_chance),marker_bonus=VALUES(marker_bonus);", args.TableID, args.BaseDropChance, args.MarkerBonus);
            AddDBQuery(sql, null);

            if (_lootTables.ContainsKey(args.TableID))
                // Delete existing range templates
                sql = string.Format("DELETE FROM loot_range_templates WHERE loot_table_id={0};", args.TableID);

                t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.Build_KillLootRanges;
                AddDBQuery(sql, t, false);
                // New table
                t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.Build_PopulateLootTable;
Esempio n. 10
 void Build_ItemTemplateInfo_Handler(Task t)
     ItemTemplateArgs args = (ItemTemplateArgs)t.Args;
     string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO item_templates (template_id,
                                                              stat_id_a, stat_id_b, stat_id_c, stat_id_d, stat_id_e, stat_id_f,
                                                              stat_min_a, stat_min_b, stat_min_c, stat_min_d, stat_min_e, stat_min_f,
                                                              stat_max_a, stat_max_b, stat_max_c, stat_max_d, stat_max_e, stat_max_f,
                                                              ability_id_a, ability_id_b, ability_id_c, ability_id_d,
                                                              ability_chance_a, ability_chance_b, ability_chance_c, ability_chance_d)
                                                              {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6},
                                                              {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12},
                                                              {13}, {14}, {15}, {16}, {17}, {18},
                                                              {19}, {20}, {21}, {22},
                                                              {23}, {24}, {25}, {26})
                                                       ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
                                                                 stat_id_a=VALUES(stat_id_a), stat_id_b=VALUES(stat_id_b), stat_id_c=VALUES(stat_id_c), stat_id_d=VALUES(stat_id_d), stat_id_e=VALUES(stat_id_e), stat_id_f=VALUES(stat_id_f),
                                                                 stat_min_a=VALUES(stat_min_a), stat_min_b=VALUES(stat_min_b), stat_min_c=VALUES(stat_min_c), stat_min_d=VALUES(stat_min_d), stat_min_e=VALUES(stat_min_e), stat_min_f=VALUES(stat_min_f),
                                                                 stat_max_a=VALUES(stat_max_a), stat_max_b=VALUES(stat_max_b), stat_max_c=VALUES(stat_max_c), stat_max_d=VALUES(stat_max_d), stat_max_e=VALUES(stat_max_e), stat_max_f=VALUES(stat_max_f),
                                                                 ability_id_a=VALUES(ability_id_a), ability_id_b=VALUES(ability_id_b), ability_id_c=VALUES(ability_id_c), ability_id_d=VALUES(ability_id_d),
                                                                 ability_chance_a=VALUES(ability_chance_a), ability_chance_b=VALUES(ability_chance_b), ability_chance_c=VALUES(ability_chance_c), ability_chance_d=VALUES(ability_chance_d);",
                                                                 args.StatTypes[0], args.StatTypes[1], args.StatTypes[2], args.StatTypes[3], args.StatTypes[4], args.StatTypes[5],
                                                                 args.StatMins[0], args.StatMins[1], args.StatMins[2], args.StatMins[3], args.StatMins[4], args.StatMins[5],
                                                                 args.StatMaxs[0], args.StatMaxs[1], args.StatMaxs[2], args.StatMaxs[3], args.StatMaxs[4], args.StatMaxs[5],
                                                                 args.AbilityTypes[0], args.AbilityTypes[1], args.AbilityTypes[2], args.AbilityTypes[3],
                                                                 args.AbilityChances[0], args.AbilityChances[1], args.AbilityChances[2], args.AbilityChances[3]);
     AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);
Esempio n. 11
        void Build_KillLootRanges_Handler(Task t)
            LootTableArgs args = (LootTableArgs)t.Args;
            string sql = string.Format("DELETE FROM loot_ranges WHERE loot_table_id={0};", args.TableID);

            t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.Build_PopulateLootTable;
            AddDBQuery(sql, t, false);
Esempio n. 12
 void Build_CourseInfo_Handler(Task t)
     CourseInfoArgs args = (CourseInfoArgs)t.Args;
     string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO courses (course_id, par_time, loot_markers, max_obstacle_score, flight_mode, time_score_base, time_score_modifier, loot_table) VALUES( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7} ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE par_time=VALUES(par_time), loot_markers=VALUES(loot_markers), max_obstacle_score=VALUES(max_obstacle_score), flight_mode=VALUES(flight_mode), time_score_base=VALUES(time_score_base), time_score_modifier=VALUES(time_score_modifier), loot_table=VALUES(loot_table);", args.CourseID, args.ParTimeSeconds, args.LootMarkers, args.MaxObstacleScore, args.GameMode, args.TimeScoreBase, args.TimeScoreModifier, args.LootTable);
     AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);
Esempio n. 13
        void SpendCoinsGlobalHandler(Task t)
            GSTask task = (GSTask)t;

            int amount = (int)task.Args;
            ulong serverSpendID = (ulong)task.Query.Rows[0][0];

            _server.GlobalServer.SpendCoins(task.Client.AccountId, amount, serverSpendID);
Esempio n. 14
        void CurrencyUpdateHandler(Task t)
            CurrencyUpdateArgs args = (CurrencyUpdateArgs)t.Args;

            // Find the client
            GameClient client = _server.InputThread.FindClientByID(args.AccountId);

            // Tell the client
Esempio n. 15
        void ItemTemplate_Init_Handler(Task t)
            foreach (object[] row in t.Query.Rows)
                int id = (int)row[0];
                int[] statIDs = new int[6];
                int[] statMins = new int[6];
                int[] statMaxs = new int[6];
                int[] abilities = new int[4];
                float[] abilityChances = new float[4];

                for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
                    statIDs[i] = (int)row[i + 1];

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    statMins[i] = (int)row[(i * 2) + 7];
                    statMaxs[i] = (int)row[(i * 2) + 8];

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    abilities[i] = (int)row[(i * 2) + 19];
                    abilityChances[i] = (float)row[(i * 2) + 20];

                ItemTemplate temp = new ItemTemplate(id);
                temp.Load(statIDs, statMins, statMaxs, abilities, abilityChances);

                _itemTemplates[id] = temp;
Esempio n. 16
        void Build_PopulateLootTable_Handler(Task t)
            LootTableArgs args = (LootTableArgs)t.Args;
            for( int i = 0; i < args.Ranges.Length; i++ )
                LootTableArgs.Range range = args.Ranges[i];
                string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO loot_ranges SET loot_table_id={0},percentage={1}; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", args.TableID, range.Percentage);

                object[] targs = new object[2];
                targs[0] = i;
                targs[1] = args;
                FFTask task = new FFTask(FFTask.FFTaskType.Build_LootRangeCreated, null, targs);
                AddDBQuery(sql, task);
Esempio n. 17
        void LoadCourses_Fetch_Handler(Task t)
            // Wipe any existing course info and loot tables
            _courseInfo = new Dictionary<int, CourseInfo>();
            _lootTables = new Dictionary<int, LootTable>();

            // Grab the courses from the database
            t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.LoadCourses_Init;
            AddDBQuery("SELECT * FROM courses;", t);
Esempio n. 18
        void CourseCompleted_GenerateLoot_Handler(Task t)
            FFTask task = (FFTask)t;
            CourseFinishedArgs args = (CourseFinishedArgs)task.Args;
            CourseInfo ci = _courseInfo[args.CourseID];

            // set the next task
            task.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.CourseCompleted_ProcessScore;

            // Generate Loot
            Item loot = null;
            int lootTemplate = _lootTables[ci.LootTable].GenerateLoot(args.LootMarkers, ci.LootMarkers, _random);
            if (lootTemplate >= 0)
                // Got an item drop, now instantiate the item
                ItemTemplate template = _itemTemplates[lootTemplate];
                loot = template.Instantiate(_random);
                args.LootItem = loot;

                // Add the item to the database
                int[] statIDs = loot.StatIDs;
                int[] statValues = loot.StatValues;
                long limboExpirationTicks = 0;
                if (task.Client.InventoryCount >= task.Client.InventoryMax)
                    // This item wont fit in inventory, add it to the limbo
                    DateTime expiration = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
                    limboExpirationTicks = expiration.Ticks;
                    if (task.Client.LimboCount >= task.Client.LimboMax)
                        // Request a limbo audit
                        AddTask(new FFTask(FFTask.FFTaskType.Limbo_Audit, task.Client));
                string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO items SET template_id={0},owner_id={1},stat_id_a={2},stat_value_a={3},stat_id_b={4},stat_value_b={5},stat_id_c={6},stat_value_c={7},stat_id_d={8},stat_value_d={9},stat_id_e={10},stat_value_e={11},stat_id_f={12},stat_value_f={13},abilities={14}, drone_id=0, limbo_expiration_date={15}; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();",
                    loot.TemplateID, task.Client.AccountId, statIDs[0], statValues[0], statIDs[1], statValues[1], statIDs[2], statValues[2], statIDs[3], statValues[3], statIDs[4], statValues[4], statIDs[5], statValues[5], loot.Abilities, limboExpirationTicks);
                AddDBQuery(sql, task);
                // No loot, just move on to score
                task.Query = null;
Esempio n. 19
        void LootRange_Init_Handler(Task t)
            int lootTableID = (int)t.Args;
            LootTable lt = _lootTables[lootTableID];
            foreach (object[] row in t.Query.Rows)
                int rangeID = (int)row[0];
                int templateID = (int)row[1];

Esempio n. 20
        void CourseCompleted_ProcessScore_Handler(Task t)
            FFTask task = (FFTask)t;
            CourseFinishedArgs args = (CourseFinishedArgs)task.Args;
            CourseInfo ci = _courseInfo[args.CourseID];

            // Get the loot item id if there was one
            ulong lootID = 0;
            if (t.Query != null && t.Query.Rows.Count > 0)
                lootID = (ulong)t.Query.Rows[0][0];

            // Compute time score
            double deltaMS = (ci.ParTime * 1000) - args.TimeMS;
            int timeScore = Math.Max(0, ci.TimeScoreBase + (int)(deltaMS * ci.TimeScoreModifier));

            // Add total score to the users scores
            int totalScore = timeScore + args.ObstacleScore;
            string sql = string.Format("UPDATE user_data SET soft_currency=soft_currency + {0} WHERE account_id={1};", totalScore, task.Client.AccountId);
            AddDBQuery(sql, new FFTask(FFTask.FFTaskType.UserData_Fetch, task.Client), false);  // Do a user data fetch to refresh the client with current user data after its been updated

            // Send the score & loot back to the client
            Item loot = (Item)args.LootItem;
            task.Client.SendCourseCompletionInfo(args.CourseID, args.ObstacleScore, timeScore, loot == null ? 0 : loot.TemplateID, lootID);

            // Send inventory item to the client
            if (loot != null)
                task.Client.SendInventoryItem(loot.ItemID, loot.TemplateID, loot.Abilities, loot.StatIDs, loot.StatValues, 0, loot.LimboExperation);
Esempio n. 21
        void LootTable_Init_Handler(Task t)
            object[] row = t.Query.Rows[0];

            LootTable lt = new LootTable((int)row[0], (float)row[1], (float)row[2]);
            _lootTables[lt.ID] = lt;

            t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.LootTableRanges_Init;
            AddDBQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM loot_ranges WHERE loot_table_id={0};", lt.ID), t);
Esempio n. 22
        void CourseCompleted_Validate_Handler(Task t)
            FFTask task = (FFTask)t;

            CourseFinishedArgs args = (CourseFinishedArgs)task.Args;
            CourseInfo ci = _courseInfo[args.CourseID];
            if (!ci.Validate(args))
                // log the error
                LogInterface.Log(string.Format("Invalid course completed info from account {0}", task.Client.AccountId), LogInterface.LogMessageType.Security, true);

                // Flag the account
                GSTask flagTask = new GSTask();
                flagTask.Type = (int)GSTask.GSTType.FlagAccount;
                flagTask.Client = task.Client;

                // Use good values instead
                args.ObstacleScore = 0;                 // 0 Obstacle score
                args.LootMarkers = 0;                   // 0 Loot Markers
                args.TimeMS = ci.ParTime + 5;           // ParTime + 5 seconds

            task.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.CourseCompleted_GenerateLoot;
Esempio n. 23
 void UserData_Init_Handler(Task t)
     int softCurrency = 0;
     int inventoryMax = 25;
     int limboMax = 10;
     FFTask task = (FFTask)t;
     if (t.Query.Rows.Count <= 0)
         // User data doesnt exist for this user, create with defaults now
         string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO user_data SET account_id={0}, soft_currency={1}, inventory_max={2}, limbo_max={3};", task.Client.AccountId, softCurrency, inventoryMax, limboMax);
         AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);
         object[] row = t.Query.Rows[0];
         softCurrency = (int)row[1];
         inventoryMax = (int)row[2];
         limboMax = (int)row[3];
     task.Client.SendUserData(softCurrency, inventoryMax, limboMax);
Esempio n. 24
 void Inventory_Fetch_Handler(Task t)
     FFTask task = (FFTask)t;
     string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM items WHERE owner_id={0};", task.Client.AccountId);
     t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.Inventory_Init;
     AddDBQuery(sql, t);
Esempio n. 25
        void ChatInfoProcessHandler(Task t)
            GSTask task = (GSTask)t;

            DBQuery q = task.Query;
            if (q != null && q.Rows != null && q.Rows.Count > 0)
                object[] row = q.Rows[0];
                task.Client.ChatChannels = (uint)row[1];
                // No channels for this user, add them to the global channel by default
                task.Type = -1;     // Set this to less than zero so no task happens after the database query finishes
                task.Client.ChatChannels = 1;
                DBQuery query = AddDBQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO chat_info SET account_id={0},channels={1};", task.Client.AccountId, task.Client.ChatChannels), task);
Esempio n. 26
        void Inventory_Init_Handler(Task t)
            FFTask task = (FFTask)t;
            List<Item> inventory = new List<Item>();
            List<Item> equipped = new List<Item>();
            List<Item> limbo = new List<Item>();
            foreach (object[] row in t.Query.Rows)
                int itemID = (int)row[0];
                int templateID = (int)row[1];
                int ownerID = (int)row[2];

                int[] statIDs = new int[6];
                int[] statValues = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    statIDs[i] = (int)row[(i * 2) + 3];
                    statValues[i] = (int)row[(i * 2) + 4];
                int abilities = (int)row[15];
                int droneID = (int)row[16];
                long limboDate = (long)row[17];

                Item item = new Item(itemID, templateID, statIDs, statValues, abilities, droneID, limboDate);
                if (droneID > 0)
                else if (limboDate > 0)
                    TimeSpan span = new DateTime(limboDate) - DateTime.Now;
                    if (span.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                        // This item has expired, remove it from the database
                        LogInterface.Log(string.Format("Deleting item {0} owned by {1} due to limbo time out", itemID, ownerID), LogInterface.LogMessageType.Game);
                        string sql = string.Format("DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id={0};", itemID);
                        AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);

            // Store the current inventory count
            task.Client.InventoryCount = inventory.Count;

            // Send items to the player
            foreach (Item eitem in equipped)
                task.Client.SendInventoryItem(eitem.ItemID, eitem.TemplateID, eitem.Abilities, eitem.StatIDs, eitem.StatValues, eitem.DroneID, 0);

            foreach (Item i in inventory)
                task.Client.SendInventoryItem(i.ItemID, i.TemplateID, i.Abilities, i.StatIDs, i.StatValues, 0, 0);

            foreach (Item litem in limbo)
                TimeSpan remaining = new DateTime(litem.LimboExperation) - DateTime.Now;
                task.Client.SendInventoryItem(litem.ItemID, litem.TemplateID, litem.Abilities, litem.StatIDs, litem.StatValues, 0, remaining.TotalSeconds);
Esempio n. 27
 void CredentialsRequestHandler(Task t)
     GSTask task = (GSTask)t;
     // Forward credentials request onto the global server
     AccountRequestArgs args = (AccountRequestArgs)task.Args;
     _server.GlobalServer.RequestAccountInfo(task.Client.SessionKey, args.Email, args.Password, args.DisplayName);
Esempio n. 28
 void ItemTemplate_Fetch_Handler(Task t)
     _itemTemplates = new Dictionary<int, ItemTemplate>();
     string sql = "SELECT * FROM item_templates;";
     t.Type = (int)FFTask.FFTaskType.ItemTemplate_Init;
     AddDBQuery(sql, t);
Esempio n. 29
        void ChatBlockListFetchHandler(Task t)
            GSTask task = (GSTask)t;

            // Fetch the chat block list from the database
            task.Type = (int)GSTask.GSTType.ChatBlockList_Process;
            DBQuery query = AddDBQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM chat_blocks WHERE blocker={0};", task.Client.AccountId), task);
Esempio n. 30
 void TutorialData_Store_Handler(Task t)
     HTask task = (HTask)t;
     ulong tutorialData = (ulong)t.Args;
     string sql = string.Format("UPDATE game_data SET tutorial_data={0} WHERE account_id={1};", tutorialData, task.Client.AccountId);
     AddDBQuery(sql, null, false);