static void Main(string[] args) { var port = 8005; var server = new ServerService(port); server.StartServer(); }
private void PingAllServers() { if (Server.AllServers.Count <= 1) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < Server.AllServers.Count; i++) { if (Server.AllServers[i].ID == Server.My_Identification.ID) //Avoid ping to himself { continue; } try { ServerService obj = (ServerService)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ServerService), Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri + "MyRemoteObjectName"); obj.Ping(); Console.WriteLine("ALIVE: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("DEAD: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); //Console.WriteLine(e); } } }
private void prepareRemoting(int port, string name, int min_delay, int max_delay) { tupleSpace = new List <TupleClass>(); channel = new TcpChannel(port); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false); myRemoteObject = new ServerService(this, min_delay, max_delay); RemotingServices.Marshal(myRemoteObject, name, typeof(ServerService)); }
//server functions public void Init(string serverLoc) { leader = false; ServerService obj = (ServerService)Activator.GetObject( typeof(ServerService), serverLoc); obj.GetServerInfo(this); }
/// <summary> /// Event Fired when a Client gets connected. Following actions are performed /// 1. Update Tree view /// 2. Open a chat box to chat with client. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void ClientAdded(object sender, EventArgs e) { tcpClient = ((MyEventArgs)e).clientSock; String remoteIP = ((IPEndPoint)tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(); String remotePort = ((IPEndPoint)tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port.ToString(); serverService = new ServerService(ParentForm, tcpClient); Variable.SERVERSERVICES.Add(serverService); Variable.THREADS.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); }
private void setServer(String obj) { _channel = new TcpChannel(_port); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(_channel, false); ServerService serverService = new ServerService(this); RemotingServices.Marshal(serverService, obj, typeof(ServerService)); Console.WriteLine("[SERVER:" + _id + "] " + _url + " Delay: " + _min_delay + "ms to " + _max_delay + "ms\n"); }
public List <TupleClass> updateTS() { while (view.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); } WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[view.Count - 1]; IAsyncResult[] asyncResults = new IAsyncResult[view.Count - 1]; int i = 0; List <TupleClass> result = new List <TupleClass>(); foreach (string url in view) { if (url == _url) { continue; } ServerService remoteObject = (ServerService)serverRemoteObjects[url]; askUpdateDelegate askUpdateDel = new askUpdateDelegate(remoteObject.askUpdate); IAsyncResult ar = askUpdateDel.BeginInvoke(null, null); asyncResults[i] = ar; handles[i] = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; i++; } if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 3000)) { return(updateTS()); //TODO } List <TupleClass> localRes = new List <TupleClass>(); for (i = 0; i < view.Count - 1; i++) { try { IAsyncResult asyncResult = asyncResults[i]; askUpdateDelegate askUpdateDel = (askUpdateDelegate)((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate; localRes = askUpdateDel.EndInvoke(asyncResult); } catch (SocketException e) { } if (i == 0) { result = localRes; } else { if (!compareList(result, localRes)) { Thread.Sleep(300);//If servers do not agree with the tuple space, we need to let them sync return(updateTS()); } } } return(result); }
public void GetServerInfo(ServerService newServer) { view.Add(newServer); foreach (ServerService serv in view) { serv.SetServerView(view); Console.WriteLine("servReq: " + servSeqNum + ", currentSeq: " + currentSeqNum); Status(); serv.SetInfo(servSeqNum, currentSeqNum, tuples); Console.WriteLine("View sent"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { serverService = new ServerService(); Model.Server.Thread = new Thread(() => serverService.Start()); Model.Server.Thread.IsBackground = true; Model.Server.Thread.Start(); while (true) { serverService.Commands(Console.ReadLine()); } }
public static ServerService MakeServerService() { var serverService = new ServerService(); serverService.SetUserService(new UserService()); serverService.SetUserConferenceService(new UserConferenceService()); serverService.SetAdminConferencesService(new AdminConferenceService()); serverService.SetAdminUserCheckerService(new AdminUserCheckerService()); serverService.SetTicketService(new TicketService()); serverService.SetEmailService(new EmailService()); serverService.SetPaperService(new ProposalService()); serverService.SetEnumService(new EnumGetDataService()); serverService.SetReviewService(new ReviewService()); serverService.SetSectionService(new SectionService()); return(serverService); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ICaseRepository caseRepository = new CaseDbRepository(); IDonorRepository donorRepository = new DonorDbRepository(); IVolunteerRepository volunteerRepository = new VolunteerDbRepository(); IDonationRepository donationRepository = new DonationDbRepository(); CaseService caseService = new CaseService(caseRepository); DonorService donorService = new DonorService(donorRepository); VolunteerService volunteerService = new VolunteerService(volunteerRepository); DonationService donationService = new DonationService(donationRepository); IService serverService = new ServerService(caseService, donorService, volunteerService, donationService); SerialConcurrentServer server = new SerialConcurrentServer("", 55555, serverService); server.Start(); }
public void CompareTerm(int _term, ServerService server) { Console.WriteLine("COmpara o recebido de servidor " + server.getID() + " :" + _term + "com o meu:" + term); if (_term > term) { state = Estado.FOLLOWER; Console.WriteLine("e maior chefe"); term = _term; server.CompareANS(); electionTimer.Stop(); electionTimer.Start(); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Nao e maior chefe"); return; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider serverProv = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(); serverProv.TypeFilterLevel = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel.Full; BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider clientProv = new BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider(); var props = new Hashtable(); props["port"] = 3291; var channel = new TcpChannel(props, clientProv, serverProv); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false); var service = new ServerService(); RemotingServices.Marshal(service, "Curse"); Console.WriteLine("Server started ..."); Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void selfPrepare(int min_delay, int max_delay) { serverRemoteObjects = new Dictionary <string, IServerService>(); matchIndexMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); channel = new TcpChannel(_port); Console.WriteLine(_port.ToString()); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false); myRemoteObject = new ServerService(this, min_delay, max_delay); RemotingServices.Marshal(myRemoteObject, _name, typeof(ServerService)); //TODO remote object name fd = new FailureDetector(); Console.WriteLine("Hello! I'm a Server at port " + _port); foreach (string url in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys) { string[] urlSplit = url.Split(new Char[] { '/', ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int portOut; Int32.TryParse(urlSplit[2], out portOut); //not to connect to himself if (portOut != _port) { serverRemoteObjects.Add(url, (ServerService)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ServerService), url)); matchIndexMap.Add(url, 0); } } _numServers = serverRemoteObjects.Count; List <string> view = fd.getView(); while (view == null || view.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); view = fd.getView(); } _state = new FollowerState(this, 0);; Console.WriteLine("Finished constructing server " + _port + " with thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); }
public void requestVote() { Console.WriteLine("request_vote --t " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); if (timerThreadBlock) { return; } _term++; Console.WriteLine("Started election in term " + _term); int votes = 1; if (_server.fd.changed()) { _view = _server.fd.getView(); _numServers = _view.Count(); foreach (string url in _view) { Console.WriteLine(url); } } Console.WriteLine("after view change"); WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[_numServers - 1]; IAsyncResult[] asyncResults = new IAsyncResult[_numServers - 1]; try { int i = 0; foreach (string url in _view) { if (url == _url) { continue; } ServerService remoteObject = (ServerService)_serverRemoteObjects[url]; voteDelegate voteDel = new voteDelegate(; IAsyncResult ar = voteDel.BeginInvoke(_term, _url, null, null); asyncResults[i] = ar; handles[i] = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; i++; } if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 4000)) //TODO { Console.WriteLine("candidate timeout waiting for votes"); requestVote(); } else { for (i = 0; i < _numServers - 1; i++) { IAsyncResult asyncResult = asyncResults[i]; voteDelegate voteDel = (voteDelegate)((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate; bool response = voteDel.EndInvoke(asyncResult); if (response) { votes++; } } if (votes > (_numServers / 2)) { electionTimeout.Stop(); timerThreadBlock = true; _server.updateState("leader", _term, _url); _server = null; electionTimeout.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("elected in term" + _term); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Finished elections without sucess"); } } wait = rnd.Next(1000, 1200); electionTimeout.Interval = wait; electionTimeout.Enabled = true; } catch (SocketException) { //TODO throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public void pingLoop() { while (true) { List <string> oldView = view; WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[numServers]; IAsyncResult[] asyncResults = new IAsyncResult[numServers]; try { int i = 0; int[] responses = new int[numServers]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IServerService> remoteObjectpair in serverRemoteObjects) { ServerService remoteObject = (ServerService)remoteObjectpair.Value; pingDelegate pingDel = new pingDelegate(remoteObject.Ping); IAsyncResult ar = pingDel.BeginInvoke(null, null); asyncResults[i] = ar; handles[i] = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; i++; } if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 300)) { for (int k = 0; k < numServers; k++) { if (handles[k].WaitOne(0) == false) { responses[k] = -1; } } } for (i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { try { if (responses[i] != -1) //responses with -1 already timed out, we don't want to endinvoke them { IAsyncResult asyncResult = asyncResults[i]; pingDelegate pingDel = (pingDelegate)((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate; responses[i] = pingDel.EndInvoke(asyncResult); } } catch (SocketException) { responses[i] = -1; } catch (NullReferenceException) { responses[i] = -1; } } lock (view) { view = new List <string>(); for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { if (responses[j] != -1) { view.Add(allServers[j]); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } bool isChanged = false; if (oldView.Count != view.Count) { isChanged = true; } foreach (string bla in view) { if (!oldView.Contains(bla)) { isChanged = true; } } if (isChanged) { modified = true; Console.WriteLine("View Changed. View count: " + view.Count); } } }
public void requestVote() { if (timerThreadBlock) { return; } if (_server.fd.changed()) { _view = _server.fd.getView(); _numServers = _view.Count(); foreach (string url in _view) { if (!votemap.ContainsKey(url)) { votemap.Add(url, false); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> entry in votemap) { if (!_view.Contains(entry.Key)) { votemap.Remove(entry.Key); } } } int howmany = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> entry in votemap) { if (!entry.Value) { howmany++; } } WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[howmany]; IAsyncResult[] asyncResults = new IAsyncResult[howmany]; string[] requestId = new string[howmany]; try { int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> entry in votemap) { if (entry.Value) { continue; } ServerService remoteObject = (ServerService)_serverRemoteObjects[entry.Key]; voteDelegate voteDel = new voteDelegate(; IAsyncResult ar = voteDel.BeginInvoke(_term, _url, null, null); asyncResults[i] = ar; handles[i] = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; requestId[i] = entry.Key; i++; } if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 100)) { requestVote(); } else { for (i = 0; i < howmany; i++) { IAsyncResult asyncResult = asyncResults[i]; voteDelegate voteDel = (voteDelegate)((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate; bool response = voteDel.EndInvoke(asyncResult); votemap.Remove(requestId[i]); votemap.Add(requestId[i], true); if (response) { votes++; } } if (votes > (_numServers / 2)) { stopClock(); timerThreadBlock = true; _server.updateState("leader", _term, _url); _server = null; Console.WriteLine("Elected in term " + _term); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Finished elections without success."); pulseVote.Stop(); pulseVote.Dispose(); SetVoteTimer(); } } } catch (SocketException) { requestVote(); } }
public void pulseAppendEntry() { if (timerThreadBlock) { return; } int sucess = 1; timer.Enabled = true; if (_server.fd.changed()) { _view = _server.fd.getView(); _numServers = _view.Count(); } Dictionary <int, string> i_url_map = new Dictionary <int, string>(); WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[_numServers - 1]; IAsyncResult[] asyncResults = new IAsyncResult[_numServers - 1]; try { int i = 0; foreach (string url in _view) { if (url == _url) { continue; } EntryPacket entryPacket = new EntryPacket(); int theirIndex = _server.matchIndexMap[url]; int myindex = _server.getLogIndex(); if (myindex != theirIndex) { for (int k = theirIndex; k < myindex; k++) { entryPacket.Add(_server.entryLog[k]); } } ServerService remoteObject = (ServerService)_serverRemoteObjects[url]; appendEntryDelegate appendEntryDel = new appendEntryDelegate(remoteObject.appendEntry); IAsyncResult ar = appendEntryDel.BeginInvoke(entryPacket, _term, _url, null, null); asyncResults[i] = ar; handles[i] = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; i_url_map.Add(i, url); i++; } if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 5000)) //TODO esta desoncronizado { pulseHeartbeat(); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> entry in i_url_map) { IAsyncResult asyncResult = asyncResults[entry.Key]; appendEntryDelegate appendEntryDel = (appendEntryDelegate)((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate; EntryResponse response = appendEntryDel.EndInvoke(asyncResult); if (!response.Sucess) //foi false { if (_term < response.Term) //term da resposta e maior do que o meu { Console.WriteLine("Leader -> Follower : pulseappendEntry"); timerThreadBlock = true; _server.updateState("follower", _term, response.Leader); _server = null; timer.Dispose(); } //nao estou a tratar quando da false por causa do log aqui especificamente //trato tudo da mesma maneira } //se tiver ter dado true e porque os 2 estao up to date, logo atualizo o dele para o bem //se tiver dado false, meto no mapa nao contando para os sucessos, //depois no heartbeat a seguir deve sincronizar teoricamente :) _server.matchIndexMap[entry.Value] = response.MatchIndex; if (response.Sucess) { sucess++; } } if (!(sucess > (_numServers / 2))) { pulseAppendEntry(); } } } catch (ElectionException) { //nao sei se e preciso tratar visto que nao pode existir 1 lider e 1 candidato ao mesmo tempo } catch (SocketException) { //TODO throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string[] conf; string myRemoteObject = null; string serverLoc = null; int maxDelay = 0, minDelay = 0; if (args.Length == 0) //le do ficheiro { conf = ReadConfFile(); //pos 0 is port -- pos 1 is type } else //le dos argumentos { conf = ReadArgs(args); minDelay = System.Convert.ToInt32(conf[3]); maxDelay = System.Convert.ToInt32(conf[4]); myRemoteObject = conf[5]; } if (!conf[2].Equals("null")) { serverLoc = conf[2]; //serverLoc = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server"]; } Console.WriteLine("Port:{0}\nType:{1}\nObj:{2}", conf[0], conf[1], myRemoteObject); BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider provider = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(); provider.TypeFilterLevel = TypeFilterLevel.Full; IDictionary props = new Hashtable(); props["port"] = System.Convert.ToInt32(conf[0]); props["timeout"] = 100; props["connectionTimeout"] = 100; TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(props, null, provider); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, true); ServerService mo = new ServerService(System.Convert.ToInt32(conf[1]), minDelay, maxDelay, serverLoc, args[6]); Console.WriteLine(serverLoc); if (serverLoc != null) { mo.Init(serverLoc); } if (System.Convert.ToInt32(conf[1]) == 1) { mo.SetTimer(); } RemotingServices.Marshal(mo, myRemoteObject, typeof(ServerService)); System.Console.WriteLine("<enter> para sair..."); System.Console.ReadLine(); mo.Logout(); }
private void NetworkStatusStateMachine() { bool flag = false; switch (STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK) { case STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_START: //Console.WriteLine("IN STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_START: BEGIN"); serversAlive.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Server.AllServers.Count; i++) { if (Server.AllServers[i].ID == Server.My_Identification.ID) //Avoid ping himself { continue; } try { ServerService obj = (ServerService)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ServerService), Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri + "MyRemoteObjectName"); //Console.WriteLine("CHECK: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); if (obj.isRoot() == true) { Root_id = i; //ID of the current root node Console.WriteLine("My old Image is: {0}\n", ServerService.getImageRepresentation()); //OLD ServerService.setImage(obj.getImage()); //get the image of the root STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK = STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_KEEP_ALIVE; flag = true; Console.WriteLine("ROOT is {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); Console.WriteLine("My new Image is: {0}\n", ServerService.getImageRepresentation()); //NEW break; } else { serversAlive.Add(i); //Server ID Console.WriteLine("ALIVE: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); } } catch (Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine("IN STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_START: EXCEPTION"); Console.WriteLine("DEAD: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); //Console.WriteLine(e); } } //Console.WriteLine("IN STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_START: TEST_FLAG"); if (flag == false) { //Console.WriteLine("FLAG==FALSE: {0}", serversAlive.Count); if (serversAlive.Count == 0) //check if anyone is ROOT { //ROOT ServerService.setRoot(true); STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK = STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_IM_ROOT; } else { //Console.WriteLine("MY_IDENTIFICATION: {0}, {1}", Server.My_Identification.ID, (int)serversAlive[0]); if ((Server.My_Identification.ID - 1) < (int)serversAlive[0]) { //ROOT ServerService.setRoot(true); STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK = STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_IM_ROOT; } } } break; case STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_KEEP_ALIVE: //Console.WriteLine("IN STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_KEEP_ALIVE"); //ping root try { ServerService obj = (ServerService)Activator.GetObject(typeof(ServerService), Server.AllServers[Root_id].UID.AbsoluteUri + "MyRemoteObjectName"); obj.Ping(); //Console.WriteLine("ALIVE: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(1000)); //keepalive } catch (Exception e) { STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK = STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_START; //Console.WriteLine("IN STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_KEEP_ALIVE: EXCEPTION"); //Console.WriteLine("GOING TO STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_START"); //Console.WriteLine("DEAD: {0}", Server.AllServers[i].UID.AbsoluteUri); //Console.WriteLine(e); } break; case STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_IM_ROOT: Console.WriteLine("ROOT SERVER"); ServerService.add("OLA"); //I'm root. I add OLA STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK = STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_END; break; case STATE_MACHINE_NETWORK_END: break; } }
public void RemoveId(ServerService server) { view.Remove(server); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var server = new ServerService(8005); server.Start(); }
public void pingLoop() { while (true) { if (!_server.frozen) { List <string> oldView = view; WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[numServers]; IAsyncResult[] asyncResults = new IAsyncResult[numServers]; try { int i = 0; int[] responses = new int[numServers]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IServerService> remoteObjectpair in serverRemoteObjects) { ServerService remoteObject = (ServerService)remoteObjectpair.Value; pingDelegate pingDel = new pingDelegate(remoteObject.Ping); IAsyncResult ar = pingDel.BeginInvoke(null, null); asyncResults[i] = ar; handles[i] = ar.AsyncWaitHandle; i++; } if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(handles, 300)) { for (int k = 0; k < numServers; k++) { if (handles[k].WaitOne(timeouts[k]) == false) { responses[k] = -2; if (!suspects.Contains(allServers[k])) //timeout e ainda não era suspeito { Console.WriteLine("Added " + allServers[k] + " to suspects list"); suspects.Add(allServers[k]); } } } } for (i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { try { if (responses[i] != -2) //responses with -2 already timed out, we don't want to endinvoke them { IAsyncResult asyncResult = asyncResults[i]; pingDelegate pingDel = (pingDelegate)((AsyncResult)asyncResult).AsyncDelegate; responses[i] = pingDel.EndInvoke(asyncResult); } } catch (SocketException e) { responses[i] = -1; // -1 means they are dead } catch (NullReferenceException e) { responses[i] = -1; } } lock (view) { view = new List <string>(); for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { if (responses[j] != -1) { view.Add(allServers[j]); } if (responses[j] != -1 && responses[j] != -2 && suspects.Contains(allServers[j])) { suspects.Remove(allServers[j]); timeouts[j] += 100; Console.WriteLine("Increased timeout (" + allServers[j] + " - " + timeouts[j].ToString() + ")"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } bool isChanged = false; if (oldView.Count != view.Count) { isChanged = true; } foreach (string str in view) { if (!oldView.Contains(str)) { isChanged = true; } } if (isChanged) { Console.WriteLine("View Changed"); } } else { Thread.Sleep(100); } } }