public bool Delete(Item item)
         return true;
         return false;
 public bool Insert(Item item)
         return true;
         return false;
 public bool Update(Item oldItem, Item newItem)
         return true;
         return false;
Esempio n. 4
		public virtual void AddProperties(Item item)
			if (item == null || item.Deleted)

			if (User.IsOnline())
				item.SendInfoTo(User.NetState, true);

Esempio n. 5
		public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item trashed)
			if (from == null || trashed == null || trashed.Deleted || !IsAccessibleTo(from))
				return false;

			if (this.IsBound() && !this.IsBoundTo(from))
				from.SendMessage(0x22, "That does not belong to you.");
				return false;

			if (!this.IsBoundTo(from))
					r =>
						switch (r)
							case ItemBindResult.NoAccess:
								from.SendMessage(0x22, "{0} must be bound to you before you can use it.", this.ResolveName(from.GetLanguage()));

				from.SendMessage(0x22, "{0} must be bound to you before you can use it.", this.ResolveName(from.GetLanguage()));
				return false;

			return base.OnDragDrop(from, trashed);
Esempio n. 6
 public ItemModel Create(Item item)
     return new ItemModel()
         Id = item.Id,
         UserId = item.UserId,
         User = Create(item.User),
         Count = item.Count,
         Level = item.Level,
         LevelProgress = item.LevelProgress,
         ItemTemplate = Create(item.ItemTemplate),
Esempio n. 7
 public void OnEnter(Item item)
     Add(ref m_Items, item);
            public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
                Original = reader.ReadItem();

                if (Original == null)
Esempio n. 9
 public override bool IsItemProhibited(Server.Item Item)
Esempio n. 10
		public static void SendLocalizedMessageTo( Item from, Mobile to, int number, int hue )
			SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, to, number, "", hue );
            public ItemClone(Item original)
                Original = original;

                foreach (var property in (typeof(Item)).GetProperties())
                    if (property.CanRead && property.CanWrite)
                        property.SetValue(this, property.GetValue(original, null), null);

                Movable = false;
Esempio n. 12
		public static void SendLocalizedMessageTo( Item from, Mobile to, int number, string args, int hue )
			to.Send( new MessageLocalized( from.Serial, from.ItemID, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, number, "", args ) );
Esempio n. 13
		public static void SendMessageTo( Item from, Mobile to, string text, int hue )
			to.Send( new UnicodeMessage( from.Serial, from.ItemID, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, "ENU", "", text ) );
Esempio n. 14
 public void OnLeave(Item item)
     Remove(ref m_Items, item);
Esempio n. 15
        public BottleInscriberGump(Mobile from, object o)
            : base(0, 0)
            m_Bottle = o as Item;
            m_From = from;

            AddBackground(1, 9, 372, 144, 5054);
            AddBackground(11, 19, 352, 124, 3500);
            AddLabel(50, 27, 0, "Quel nom désirez vous lui donner ?");
            AddImage(48, 49, 1141);
            AddTextEntry(57, 50, 91, 18, 0x000, 0, "Écrire ici");
            AddButton(62, 85, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(222, 85, 4020, 4022, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(97, 93, 0, "Ok");
            AddLabel(258, 93, 0, "Annuler");
Esempio n. 16
		public static void RemoveItem( Item item ) {
			m_Items.Remove( item.Serial );
Esempio n. 17
		public static void Load() {
			if ( m_Loaded )

			m_Loaded = true;
			m_LoadingType = null;

			Console.Write( "World: Loading..." );

			Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

			m_Loading = true;

			_addQueue = new Queue<IEntity>();
			_deleteQueue = new Queue<IEntity>();

			int mobileCount = 0, itemCount = 0, guildCount = 0;

			object[] ctorArgs = new object[1];
			Type[] ctorTypes = new Type[1] { typeof( Serial ) };

			List<ItemEntry> items = new List<ItemEntry>();
			List<MobileEntry> mobiles = new List<MobileEntry>();
			List<GuildEntry> guilds = new List<GuildEntry>();

			if ( File.Exists( MobileIndexPath ) && File.Exists( MobileTypesPath ) ) {
				using ( FileStream idx = new FileStream( MobileIndexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
					BinaryReader idxReader = new BinaryReader( idx );

					using ( FileStream tdb = new FileStream( MobileTypesPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
						BinaryReader tdbReader = new BinaryReader( tdb );

						int count = tdbReader.ReadInt32();

						ArrayList types = new ArrayList( count );

						for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
							string typeName = tdbReader.ReadString();

							Type t = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName( typeName );

							if ( t == null ) {
								Console.WriteLine( "failed" );
								if ( !Core.Service ) {
									Console.WriteLine( "Error: Type '{0}' was not found. Delete all of those types? (y/n)", typeName );

									if ( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key == ConsoleKey.Y ) {
										types.Add( null );
										Console.Write( "World: Loading..." );

									Console.WriteLine( "Types will not be deleted. An exception will be thrown." );
								} else {
									Console.WriteLine( "Error: Type '{0}' was not found.", typeName );

								throw new Exception( String.Format( "Bad type '{0}'", typeName ) );

							ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor( ctorTypes );

							if ( ctor != null ) {
								types.Add( new object[] { ctor, null } );
							} else {
								throw new Exception( String.Format( "Type '{0}' does not have a serialization constructor", t ) );

						mobileCount = idxReader.ReadInt32();

						m_Mobiles = new Dictionary<Serial, Mobile>( mobileCount );

						for ( int i = 0; i < mobileCount; ++i ) {
							int typeID = idxReader.ReadInt32();
							int serial = idxReader.ReadInt32();
							long pos = idxReader.ReadInt64();
							int length = idxReader.ReadInt32();

							object[] objs = ( object[] ) types[typeID];

							if ( objs == null )

							Mobile m = null;
							ConstructorInfo ctor = ( ConstructorInfo ) objs[0];
							string typeName = ( string ) objs[1];

							try {
								ctorArgs[0] = ( Serial ) serial;
								m = ( Mobile ) ( ctor.Invoke( ctorArgs ) );
							} catch {

							if ( m != null ) {
								mobiles.Add( new MobileEntry( m, typeID, typeName, pos, length ) );
								AddMobile( m );


			} else {
				m_Mobiles = new Dictionary<Serial, Mobile>();

			if ( File.Exists( ItemIndexPath ) && File.Exists( ItemTypesPath ) ) {
				using ( FileStream idx = new FileStream( ItemIndexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
					BinaryReader idxReader = new BinaryReader( idx );

					using ( FileStream tdb = new FileStream( ItemTypesPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
						BinaryReader tdbReader = new BinaryReader( tdb );

						int count = tdbReader.ReadInt32();

						ArrayList types = new ArrayList( count );

						for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
							string typeName = tdbReader.ReadString();

							Type t = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByFullName( typeName );

							if ( t == null ) {
								Console.WriteLine( "failed" );
								if ( !Core.Service ) {
									Console.WriteLine( "Error: Type '{0}' was not found. Delete all of those types? (y/n)", typeName );

									if ( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key == ConsoleKey.Y ) {
										types.Add( null );
										Console.Write( "World: Loading..." );

									Console.WriteLine( "Types will not be deleted. An exception will be thrown." );
								} else {
									Console.WriteLine( "Error: Type '{0}' was not found.", typeName );

								throw new Exception( String.Format( "Bad type '{0}'", typeName ) );

							ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor( ctorTypes );

							if ( ctor != null ) {
								types.Add( new object[] { ctor, typeName } );
							} else {
								throw new Exception( String.Format( "Type '{0}' does not have a serialization constructor", t ) );

						itemCount = idxReader.ReadInt32();

						m_Items = new Dictionary<Serial, Item>( itemCount );

						for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i ) {
							int typeID = idxReader.ReadInt32();
							int serial = idxReader.ReadInt32();
							long pos = idxReader.ReadInt64();
							int length = idxReader.ReadInt32();

							object[] objs = ( object[] ) types[typeID];

							if ( objs == null )

							Item item = null;
							ConstructorInfo ctor = ( ConstructorInfo ) objs[0];
							string typeName = ( string ) objs[1];

							try {
								ctorArgs[0] = ( Serial ) serial;
								item = ( Item ) ( ctor.Invoke( ctorArgs ) );
							} catch {

							if ( item != null ) {
								items.Add( new ItemEntry( item, typeID, typeName, pos, length ) );
								AddItem( item );


			} else {
				m_Items = new Dictionary<Serial, Item>();

			if ( File.Exists( GuildIndexPath ) ) {
				using ( FileStream idx = new FileStream( GuildIndexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
					BinaryReader idxReader = new BinaryReader( idx );

					guildCount = idxReader.ReadInt32();

					CreateGuildEventArgs createEventArgs = new CreateGuildEventArgs( -1 );
					for ( int i = 0; i < guildCount; ++i ) {
						idxReader.ReadInt32();//no typeid for guilds
						int id = idxReader.ReadInt32();
						long pos = idxReader.ReadInt64();
						int length = idxReader.ReadInt32();

						createEventArgs.Id = id;
						BaseGuild guild = EventSink.InvokeCreateGuild( createEventArgs );
						if ( guild != null )
							guilds.Add( new GuildEntry( guild, pos, length ) );


			bool failedMobiles = false, failedItems = false, failedGuilds = false;
			Type failedType = null;
			Serial failedSerial = Serial.Zero;
			Exception failed = null;
			int failedTypeID = 0;

			if ( File.Exists( MobileDataPath ) ) {
				using ( FileStream bin = new FileStream( MobileDataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
					BinaryFileReader reader = new BinaryFileReader( new BinaryReader( bin ) );

					for ( int i = 0; i < mobiles.Count; ++i ) {
						MobileEntry entry = mobiles[i];
						Mobile m = entry.Mobile;

						if ( m != null ) {
							reader.Seek( entry.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin );

							try {
								m_LoadingType = entry.TypeName;
								m.Deserialize( reader );

								if ( reader.Position != ( entry.Position + entry.Length ) )
									throw new Exception( String.Format( "***** Bad serialize on {0} *****", m.GetType() ) );
							} catch ( Exception e ) {
								mobiles.RemoveAt( i );

								failed = e;
								failedMobiles = true;
								failedType = m.GetType();
								failedTypeID = entry.TypeID;
								failedSerial = m.Serial;



			if ( !failedMobiles && File.Exists( ItemDataPath ) ) {
				using ( FileStream bin = new FileStream( ItemDataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
					BinaryFileReader reader = new BinaryFileReader( new BinaryReader( bin ) );

					for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i ) {
						ItemEntry entry = items[i];
						Item item = entry.Item;

						if ( item != null ) {
							reader.Seek( entry.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin );

							try {
								m_LoadingType = entry.TypeName;
								item.Deserialize( reader );

								if ( reader.Position != ( entry.Position + entry.Length ) )
									throw new Exception( String.Format( "***** Bad serialize on {0} *****", item.GetType() ) );
							} catch ( Exception e ) {
								items.RemoveAt( i );

								failed = e;
								failedItems = true;
								failedType = item.GetType();
								failedTypeID = entry.TypeID;
								failedSerial = item.Serial;



			m_LoadingType = null;

			if ( !failedMobiles && !failedItems && File.Exists( GuildDataPath ) ) {
				using ( FileStream bin = new FileStream( GuildDataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) {
					BinaryFileReader reader = new BinaryFileReader( new BinaryReader( bin ) );

					for ( int i = 0; i < guilds.Count; ++i ) {
						GuildEntry entry = guilds[i];
						BaseGuild g = entry.Guild;

						if ( g != null ) {
							reader.Seek( entry.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin );

							try {
								g.Deserialize( reader );

								if ( reader.Position != ( entry.Position + entry.Length ) )
									throw new Exception( String.Format( "***** Bad serialize on Guild {0} *****", g.Id ) );
							} catch ( Exception e ) {
								guilds.RemoveAt( i );

								failed = e;
								failedGuilds = true;
								failedType = typeof( BaseGuild );
								failedTypeID = g.Id;
								failedSerial = g.Id;



			if ( failedItems || failedMobiles || failedGuilds ) {
				Console.WriteLine( "An error was encountered while loading a saved object" );

				Console.WriteLine( " - Type: {0}", failedType );
				Console.WriteLine( " - Serial: {0}", failedSerial );

				if ( !Core.Service ) {
					Console.WriteLine( "Delete the object? (y/n)" );

					if ( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key == ConsoleKey.Y ) {
						if ( failedType != typeof( BaseGuild ) ) {
							Console.WriteLine( "Delete all objects of that type? (y/n)" );

							if ( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key == ConsoleKey.Y ) {
								if ( failedMobiles ) {
									for ( int i = 0; i < mobiles.Count; ) {
										if ( mobiles[i].TypeID == failedTypeID )
											mobiles.RemoveAt( i );
								} else if ( failedItems ) {
									for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ) {
										if ( items[i].TypeID == failedTypeID )
											items.RemoveAt( i );

						SaveIndex<MobileEntry>( mobiles, MobileIndexPath );
						SaveIndex<ItemEntry>( items, ItemIndexPath );
						SaveIndex<GuildEntry>( guilds, GuildIndexPath );

					Console.WriteLine( "After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate." );
				} else {
					Console.WriteLine( "An exception will be thrown and the server will terminate." );

				throw new Exception( String.Format( "Load failed (items={0}, mobiles={1}, guilds={2}, type={3}, serial={4})", failedItems, failedMobiles, failedGuilds, failedType, failedSerial ), failed );


			m_Loading = false;


			foreach ( Item item in m_Items.Values ) {
				if ( item.Parent == null )


			foreach ( Mobile m in m_Mobiles.Values ) {
				m.UpdateRegion(); // Is this really needed?



			Console.WriteLine( "done ({1} items, {2} mobiles) ({0:F2} seconds)", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, m_Items.Count, m_Mobiles.Count );
Esempio n. 18
 public virtual void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<Server.ContextMenus.ContextMenuEntry> list, Item item)