Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Converts a BoxSpawn to an actual spawner object. This function is used to generate
		/// spawn groups created in Pandora's Box
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="spawn">The BoxSpawn object describing the spawn that should be created</param>
		/// <returns>A Spawner object - null if not valid</returns>
		public static Item CreateBoxSpawn( BoxSpawn spawn )
			if ( spawn == null || spawn.Entries.Count == 0 )
				return null;

			XmlSpawner spawner = new XmlSpawner();

			spawner.Amount = spawn.Count;
			spawner.MaxCount = spawn.Count;
			spawner.MinDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( spawn.MinDelay );
			spawner.MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( spawn.MaxDelay );
			spawner.Team = spawn.Team;
			spawner.HomeRange = spawn.HomeRange;

			spawner.Running = false;

			spawner.Group = spawn.Group;

			XmlSpawner.SpawnObject[] spawnObjects = new Server.Mobiles.XmlSpawner.SpawnObject[ spawn.Entries.Count ];

			for ( int i = 0; i < spawnObjects.Length; i++ )
				BoxSpawnEntry entry = spawn.Entries[ i ] as BoxSpawnEntry;

				spawnObjects[ i ] = new Server.Mobiles.XmlSpawner.SpawnObject( entry.Type, entry.MaxCount );

			spawner.SpawnObjects = spawnObjects;

			return spawner;
Esempio n. 2
 public KeywordTimer(XmlSpawner spawner, KeywordTag tag, TimeSpan delay, TimeSpan repeatdelay, string condition, int gotogroup)
     : base(delay)
     Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond;
     m_Tag = tag;
     m_Spawner = spawner;
     m_Condition = condition;
     m_Goto = gotogroup;
     m_Repeatdelay = repeatdelay;
Esempio n. 3
        public static bool TestItemProperty(XmlSpawner spawner, Item ObjectPropertyItem, string testString, Mobile trigmob, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;
            // now make sure the item itself is there
            if (ObjectPropertyItem == null || ObjectPropertyItem.Deleted)
                status_str = "Trigger Object not found";
                return false;

            bool testreturn = CheckPropertyString(spawner, ObjectPropertyItem, testString, trigmob, out status_str);

            return testreturn;
Esempio n. 4
 public static bool SpawnTypeKeyword(object invoker, XmlSpawner.SpawnObject TheSpawn, string typeName, string substitutedtypeName, bool requiresurface,
     List<XmlSpawner.SpawnPositionInfo> spawnpositioning, Mobile triggermob, Point3D location, Map map, out string status_str)
     return SpawnTypeKeyword(invoker, TheSpawn, typeName, substitutedtypeName, requiresurface, spawnpositioning,
         triggermob, location, map, null, out status_str);
Esempio n. 5
        // set property values with support for nested attributes
        public static string SetPropertyValue(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string name, string value)
            if (o == null)
                return "Null object";

            if ( o != null && o is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)o).AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator )
                return "Access denied";

            Type ptype = null;
            object po = null;
            Type type = o.GetType();

            PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            // parse the strings of the form property.attribute into two parts
            // first get the property
            string[] arglist = ParseString(name, 2, ".");

            string propname = arglist[0];

            string[] keywordargs = ParseString(propname, 4, ",");

            // check for special keywords
            if (keywordargs[0] == "ATTACHMENT")
                if (keywordargs.Length < 4)
                    return "Invalid ATTACHMENT format";
                // syntax is ATTACHMENT,type,name,propname

                string apropname = keywordargs[3];
                string aname = keywordargs[2];
                Type attachtype = SpawnerType.GetType(keywordargs[1]);

                // allow empty string specifications to be used to indicate a null string which will match any name
                if (aname == "") aname = null;

                ArrayList attachments = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(o, attachtype, aname);

                if (attachments != null && attachments.Count > 0)
                    // change the object, object type, and propname to refer to the attachment
                    o = attachments[0];
                    propname = apropname;

                    if (o == null)
                        return "Null object";

                    type = o.GetType();
                    props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    return "Attachment not found";

            else if (keywordargs[0] == "SKILL")
                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                    return "Invalid SKILL format";
                bool found = true;
                    SkillName skillname = (SkillName)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillName), keywordargs[1], true);
                    if (o is Mobile)

                        Skill skill = ((Mobile)o).Skills[skillname];

                        skill.Base = double.Parse(value);

                        return "Property has been set.";
                        return "Object is not mobile";
                catch { found = false; }

                if (!found)
                    return "Invalid SKILL reference.";
            else if (keywordargs[0] == "STEALABLE")

                bool found = true;
                    if (o is Item)

                        ItemFlags.SetStealable(o as Item, bool.Parse(value));

                        return "Property has been set.";
                        return "Object is not an item";
                catch { found = false; }

                if (!found)
                    return "Invalid Stealable assignment.";

            // do a bit of parsing to handle array references
            string[] arraystring = propname.Split('[');
            int index = 0;
            if (arraystring.Length > 1)
                // parse the property name from the indexing
                propname = arraystring[0];

                // then parse to get the index value
                string[] arrayvalue = arraystring[1].Split(']');

                if (arrayvalue.Length > 0)
                        index = int.Parse(arrayvalue[0]);
                    catch { }

            if (arglist.Length == 2)
                PropertyInfo plookup = LookupPropertyInfo(spawner, type, propname);

                if (plookup != null)

                    //if ( !plookup.CanWrite )
                    //return "Property is read only.";

                    if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, propname))
                        return "Property is protected.";

                    ptype = plookup.PropertyType;
                    po = plookup.GetValue(o, null);

                    // now set the nested attribute using the new property list
                    return (SetPropertyValue(spawner, po, arglist[1], value));
                    // is a nested property with attributes so first get the property
                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, propname))
                            //CPA pattr = Properties.GetCPA( p );

                            //if ( pattr == null )
                            //return "Property not found.";

                            //if ( !p.CanWrite )
                            //return "Property is read only.";

                            if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, propname))
                                return "Property is protected.";

                            ptype = p.PropertyType;

                            po = p.GetValue(o, null);

                            // now set the nested attribute using the new property list
                            return (SetPropertyValue(spawner, po, arglist[1], value));


                // its just a simple single property

                PropertyInfo plookup = LookupPropertyInfo(spawner, type, propname);

                if (plookup != null)
                    if (!plookup.CanWrite)
                        return "Property is read only.";

                    if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, propname))
                        return "Property is protected.";

                    string returnvalue = InternalSetValue(null, o, plookup, value, false, index);

                    return returnvalue;

                    // note, looping through all of the props turns out to be a significant performance bottleneck
                    // good place for optimization

                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, propname))

                            if (!p.CanWrite)
                                return "Property is read only.";

                            if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, propname))
                                return "Property is protected.";

                            string returnvalue = InternalSetValue(null, o, p, value, false, index);

                            return returnvalue;


            return "Property not found.";
Esempio n. 6
 public static void RemoveFromTagList(XmlSpawner spawner, KeywordTag tag)
     for (int i = 0; i < spawner.m_KeywordTagList.Count; i++)
         if (tag == spawner.m_KeywordTagList[i])
Esempio n. 7
        public static PropertyInfo LookupPropertyInfo(XmlSpawner spawner, Type type, string propname)
            if (spawner == null || type == null || propname == null) return null;

            // look up the info in the current list

            if (spawner.PropertyInfoList == null) spawner.PropertyInfoList = new ArrayList();

            PropertyInfo pinfo = null;
            TypeInfo tinfo = null;

            foreach (TypeInfo to in spawner.PropertyInfoList)
                // check the type
                if (to.t == type)
                    // found it
                    tinfo = to;

                    // now search the property list
                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in to.plist)
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, propname))
                            pinfo = p;

            // did we find the property?
            if (pinfo != null)
                return pinfo;
                // if it cant be found, then do the full search and add it to the list

                PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

                foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                    if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, propname))
                        // did we find the type at least?
                        if (tinfo == null)
                            // if not then add the type to the list
                            tinfo = new TypeInfo();
                            tinfo.t = type;


                        // and add the property to the tinfo property list
                        return p;

            return null;
Esempio n. 8
 public static KeywordTag GetFromTagList(XmlSpawner spawner, int serial)
     for (int i = 0; i < spawner.m_KeywordTagList.Count; i++)
         if (serial == ((KeywordTag)spawner.m_KeywordTagList[i]).Serial)
             return ((KeywordTag)spawner.m_KeywordTagList[i]);
     return (null);
Esempio n. 9
        public static string ApplySubstitution(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, Mobile trigmob, string typeName)
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // go through the string looking for instances of {keyword}
            string remaining = typeName;

            while (remaining != null && remaining.Length > 0)

                int startindex = remaining.IndexOf('{');

                if (startindex == -1 || startindex + 1 >= remaining.Length)
                    // if there are no more delimiters then append the remainder and finish

                // might be a substitution, check for keywords
                int endindex = remaining.Substring(startindex + 1).IndexOf("}");

                // if the ending delimiter cannot be found then just append and finish
                if (endindex == -1)

                // get the string up to the delimiter
                string firstpart = remaining.Substring(0, startindex);

                string keypart = remaining.Substring(startindex + 1, endindex);

                // try to evaluate and then substitute the arg
                Type ptype;

                string value = ParseForKeywords(spawner, o, keypart.Trim(), trigmob, true, out ptype);

                // trim off the " from strings
                if (value != null)
                    value = value.Trim('"');

                // replace the parsed value for the keyword

                // continue processing the rest of the string
                if (endindex + startindex + 2 >= remaining.Length) break;

                remaining = remaining.Substring(endindex + startindex + 2, remaining.Length - endindex - startindex - 2);
            return sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 10
        public static bool AddAttachmentToTarget(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string[] keywordargs, string[] arglist, Mobile trigmob,
            object refobject, out string remainder, out string status_str)
            remainder = "";
            status_str = null;

            if (o == null || keywordargs == null || arglist == null) return false;

            // Use the format /ATTACH,drop_probability/attachmenttype,name[,args]/
            // or /ATTACH,drop_probability/<attachmenttype,name[,args]/propname1/value1/propname2/value2/...>/
            double drop_probability = 1;

            if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                bool converterror = false;
                try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                catch { status_str = "Invalid drop probability : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }

                if (converterror) return false;

            // o is the object to which the attachment will be attached

            // handle the nested item property specification using <>
            string attachargstring = null;

            // attachtypestr will be the actual attachment type to be created.  In the simple form  it will be arglist[1]
            // for the string /arg1/ATTACH/arg2/arg3/arg4/arg5 arglist [0] will contain ATTACH , arglist[1] will be arg2,
            // and arglist[2] will be arg3/arg4/arg5
            // if nested property specs
            // arglist[1] will be <arg2 and arglist[2] will be arg3/ar4>/arg5
            // the drop probability will be in probargs
            string[] probargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 2, ",");

            string attachtypestr = arglist[1];

            // get the argument list after the < if any , note for the string /arg1/ATTACH/<arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5 arglist [0] will contain ATTACH
            // arglist[1] will be <arg2 and arglist[2] will be arg3/ar4>/arg5
            // but note arglist[1] could also be <arg2>
            // remainder will have ATTACH/<arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5
            // can also deal with nested cases of ATTACH/<args/ADD/<args>>  and ATTACH/<args/ADD/<args>/ADD/<args>> although there is no clear
            // reason why this syntax should be used at this time
            string addattachstr = arglist[1];

            if (arglist.Length > 2)
                addattachstr = arglist[1] + "/" + arglist[2];

            // check to see if the first char is a "<"
            if (addattachstr.IndexOf("<") == 0)
                // attacharglist[1] will contain arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5
                // addattachstr should have the full list of args <arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5 if they are there.  In the case of /arg1/ADD/arg2
                // it will just have arg2
                string[] attacharglist = ParseString(addattachstr, 2, "<");

                // take that argument list that should like like arg2/ag3/arg4>/arg5
                // need to find the matching ">"
                //string[] attachargs = ParseString(attacharglist[1],2,">");

                string[] attachargs = ParseToMatchingParen(attacharglist[1], '<', '>');

                // and get the first part of the string without the >  so attachargs[0] should be arg2/ag3/arg4
                attachargstring = attachargs[0];

                // and attachargs[1] should be the remainder
                if (attachargs.Length > 1)
                    // but have to get rid of any trailing / that might be after the >
                    string[] trailstr = ParseSlashArgs(attachargs[1], 2);
                    if (trailstr.Length > 1)
                        remainder = trailstr[1];
                        remainder = attachargs[1];
                    remainder = "";

                // get the type info by pulling out the first arg in attachargstring
                string[] tempattacharg = ParseSlashArgs(attachargstring, 2);

                // and get the type info from it
                attachtypestr = tempattacharg[0];

                // otherwise its just a regular case with arglist[2] containing the rest of the arguments
                if (arglist.Length > 2)
                    remainder = arglist[2];
                    remainder = "";

            // test the drop probability
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() >= drop_probability) return true;

            Type type = null;
            if (attachtypestr != null)
                    type = SpawnerType.GetType(ParseObjectType(attachtypestr));
                catch { }
            // if so then create it
            if (type != null && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(XmlAttachment)))
                object newo = XmlSpawner.CreateObject(type, attachtypestr, false, true);
                if (newo is XmlAttachment)
                    XmlAttachment attachment = newo as XmlAttachment;

                    // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set attachment attributes
                    if (attachargstring != null)
                        ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, attachargstring, attachment, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);

                    // add the attachment to the target
                    if (!XmlAttach.AttachTo(spawner, o, attachment))
                        status_str = String.Format("Attachment {0} not added", attachtypestr);
                        return false;

                    status_str = "Invalid ATTACH. No such attachment : " + attachtypestr;

                    return false;

                status_str = "Invalid ATTACH. No such attachment : " + attachtypestr;
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 11
        // added in arg parsing to handle object property setting
        public static bool ApplyObjectStringProperties(XmlSpawner spawner, string str, object o, Mobile trigmob, object refobject, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;

            if (str == null || str.Length <= 0 || o == null) return false;

            // object strings will be of the form "object/modifier" where the modifier string is of the form "propname/value/propname/value/..."
            // some keywords do not have value arguments so the modifier could take the form "propname/propname/value/..."
            // this is handled by parsing into both forms

            // make sure the string is properly terminated to assure proper parsing of any final keywords
            bool terminated = false;
            str = str.Trim();

            if (str[str.Length - 1] != '/')
                str += "/";
                terminated = true;

            string[] arglist;

            arglist = ParseSlashArgs(str, 2);

            string remainder = null;

            // place the modifier section of the string in remainder
            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                remainder = arglist[1];

            bool no_error = true;

            // process the modifier string if there is anything
            while (arglist.Length > 1)
                // place into arglist the parsed modifier up to this point
                // arglist[0] will contain the propname
                // arglist[1] will contain the value
                // arglist[2] will contain the reset of the modifier
                arglist = ParseSlashArgs(remainder, 3);

                // singlearglist will contain the propname and the remainder
                // for those keywords that do not have value args
                string[] singlearglist = ParseSlashArgs(remainder, 2);

                if (arglist.Length > 1)
                    // handle value keywords that may take comma args

                    // itemarglist[1] will contain arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5
                    // additemstr should have the full list of args <arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5 if they are there.  In the case of /arg1/ADD/arg2
                    // it will just have arg2
                    string[] groupedarglist = ParseString(arglist[1], 2, "[");

                    // take that argument list that should like like arg2/ag3/arg4>/arg5
                    // need to find the matching ">"

                    string[] groupargs = null;
                    string groupargstring = null;
                    if (groupedarglist.Length > 1)
                        groupargs = ParseToMatchingParen(groupedarglist[1], '[', ']');

                        // and get the first part of the string without the >  so itemargs[0] should be arg2/ag3/arg4
                        groupargstring = groupargs[0];

                    // need to handle comma args that may be grouped with the () such as the (ATTACHMENT,args) arg

                    //string[] value_keywordargs = ParseString(groupedarglist[0],10,",");
                    string[] value_keywordargs = groupedarglist[0].Trim().Split(',');
                    if (groupargstring != null && groupargstring.Length > 0)

                        if (value_keywordargs != null && value_keywordargs.Length > 0)
                            value_keywordargs[value_keywordargs.Length - 1] = groupargstring;

                    // handle propname keywords that may take comma args
                    //string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0],10,",");
                    string[] keywordargs = arglist[0].Trim().Split(',');

                    // this quick optimization can determine whether this is a regular prop/value assignment
                    // since most prop modification strings will use regular propnames and not keywords, it makes sense to check for that first
                    if (value_keywordargs[0].Length > 0 && !Char.IsUpper(value_keywordargs[0][0]) &&
                        arglist[0].Length > 0 && !Char.IsUpper(arglist[0][0]))
                        // all of this code is also included in the keyword candidate tests
                        // this is because regular props can also be entered with uppercase so the lowercase test is not definitive

                        // restricted properties
                        //if(arglist[0].ToLower() == "accesslevel")
                        //	status_str = "accesslevel is a protected property";
                        //	if(arglist.Length < 3) break;
                        //	remainder = arglist[2];
                            // check for the literal char
                            if (singlearglist[1] != null && singlearglist[1].Length > 0 && singlearglist[1][0] == '@')
                                string lstr = singlearglist[1];

                                if (terminated && lstr[lstr.Length - 1] == '/')
                                    lstr = lstr.Remove(lstr.Length - 1, 1);

                                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], lstr.Remove(0, 1));

                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;
                                remainder = null;

                                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], arglist[1]);

                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                        if (IsValuemodKeyword(value_keywordargs[0]))
                            valuemodKeyword kw = (valuemodKeyword)valuemodKeywordHash[value_keywordargs[0]];

                            if (kw == valuemodKeyword.RND)
                                // generate a random number and use it as the property value.  Use the format /RND,min,max/
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    // get a random number
                                    string randvalue = "0";
                                        randvalue = String.Format("{0}", Utility.RandomMinMax(int.Parse(value_keywordargs[1]), int.Parse(value_keywordargs[2])));
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid RND args : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                    // set the property value using the random number as the value
                                    string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], randvalue);
                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                        status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid RND args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.RNDBOOL)
                                // generate a random bool and use it as the property value.  Use the format /RNDBOOL/

                                string randvalue = Utility.RandomBool().ToString();

                                // set the property value using the random number as the value
                                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], randvalue);
                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;

                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.RNDLIST || kw == valuemodKeyword.RNDSTRLIST)
                                // generate a random number and use it as the property value.  Use the format /RNDLIST,val1,val2,.../
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    // compute a random index into the arglist

                                    int randindex = Utility.Random(1, value_keywordargs.Length - 1);

                                    // assign the list entry as the value

                                    string randvalue = value_keywordargs[randindex];

                                    // set the property value
                                    string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], randvalue);

                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                        status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid " + arglist[0] + " args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.MY)
                                // syntax is MY,property
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, o, o, value_keywordargs[1], arglist[0]);
                                    if (resultstr != null)
                                        status_str = "MY error: " + resultstr;
                                        no_error = false;

                                    status_str = "Invalid MY args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GET)
                                // syntax is GET,itemname[,itemtype],property
                                // or GET,itemname[,itemtype],<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    string propname = value_keywordargs[2];
                                    string typestr = null;

                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                        propname = value_keywordargs[3];
                                        typestr = value_keywordargs[2];
                                    // get the current property value
                                    //Type ptype;
                                    // get target item
                                    // is the itemname a serialno?
                                    object testitem = null;
                                    if (value_keywordargs[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                        int serial = -1;
                                            serial = Convert.ToInt32(value_keywordargs[1], 16);
                                        catch { }
                                        if (serial >= 0)
                                            testitem = World.FindEntity(serial);

                                        testitem = FindItemByName(spawner, value_keywordargs[1], typestr);

                                    string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, testitem, o, propname, arglist[0]);

                                    if (resultstr != null)
                                        status_str = "GET error: " + resultstr;
                                        no_error = false;

                                    status_str = "Invalid GET args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETVAR)
                                // syntax is GETVAR,varname
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    string varname = value_keywordargs[1];

                                    // look for the xmllocalvariable attachment with the given name
                                    XmlLocalVariable var = (XmlLocalVariable)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(refobject, typeof(XmlLocalVariable), varname);

                                    if (var != null)

                                        string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], var.Data);

                                        // see if it was successful
                                        if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                            status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                            no_error = false;
                                        status_str = arglist[0] + " : No such var";
                                        no_error = false;
                                    if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                    remainder = arglist[2];

                                    status_str = "Invalid GETVAR args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONMOB)
                                // syntax is GETONMOB,mobname[,mobtype],property
                                // or GETONMOB,mobname[,mobtype],<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    //if(trigmob != null && !trigmob.Deleted){
                                    // get the current property value
                                    //Type ptype;
                                    // get target item

                                    string propname = value_keywordargs[2];
                                    string typestr = null;
                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                        propname = value_keywordargs[3];
                                        typestr = value_keywordargs[2];

                                    Mobile testmobile = FindMobileByName(spawner, value_keywordargs[1], typestr);
                                    string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, testmobile, o, propname, arglist[0]);
                                    if (resultstr != null)
                                        status_str = "GETONMOB error: " + resultstr;
                                        no_error = false;

                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONMOB args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONCARRIED)
                                // syntax is GETONCARRIED,itemname[,itemtype],property
                                // or GETONCARRIED,itemname[,itemtype],<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    if (trigmob != null && !trigmob.Deleted)
                                        string propname = value_keywordargs[2];
                                        string typestr = null;
                                        if (value_keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                            propname = value_keywordargs[3];
                                            typestr = value_keywordargs[2];
                                        // get the current property value
                                        //Type ptype;
                                        // get target item
                                        Item testitem = SearchMobileForItem(trigmob, ParseObjectType(value_keywordargs[1]), typestr, false);

                                        string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, testitem, o, propname, arglist[0]);

                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONCARRIED error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;

                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONCARRIED args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONTRIGMOB)
                                // syntax is GETONTRIGMOB,property
                                // or  GETONTRIGMOB,<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    if (trigmob != null && !trigmob.Deleted)
                                        string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, trigmob, o, value_keywordargs[1], arglist[0]);
                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONTRIGMOB error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;

                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONTRIGMOB args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONNEARBY)
                                // syntax is GETONNEARBY,range,name[,type][,searchcontainers],property
                                // or GETONNEARBY,range,name[,type][,searchcontainers],[ATTACHMENT,type,name,property]
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    string targetname = value_keywordargs[2];
                                    string propname = value_keywordargs[3];
                                    string typestr = null;
                                    bool searchcontainers = false;
                                    int range = -1;
                                        range = int.Parse(value_keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { }

                                    if (range < 0)
                                        status_str = "invalid range in GETONNEARBY";
                                        no_error = false;

                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 4)
                                        typestr = value_keywordargs[3];
                                        propname = value_keywordargs[4];

                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 5)
                                            searchcontainers = bool.Parse(value_keywordargs[3]);
                                            status_str = "invalid searchcontainer bool in GETONNEARBY";
                                            no_error = false;
                                        typestr = value_keywordargs[4];
                                        propname = value_keywordargs[5];

                                    Type targettype = null;
                                    if (typestr != null)
                                        targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

                                    if (no_error)
                                        // get all of the nearby objects
                                        ArrayList nearbylist = GetNearbyObjects(spawner, targetname, targettype, typestr, range, searchcontainers,null);

                                        string resultstr = null;

                                        // apply the properties from the first valid thing on the list
                                        foreach (object nearbyobj in nearbylist)
                                            resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, nearbyobj, o, propname, arglist[0]);
                                            if (resultstr == null)
                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONNEARBY error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONNEARBY args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONPARENT)
                                // syntax is GETONPARENT,property
                                // or  GETONPARENT,<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    object parent = null;
                                    if (refobject is Item)
                                        parent = ((Item)refobject).Parent;
                                        if (refobject is XmlAttachment)
                                            parent = ((XmlAttachment)refobject).AttachedTo;

                                    if (parent != null)
                                        string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, parent, o, value_keywordargs[1], arglist[0]);
                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONPARENT error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;

                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONPARENT args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONTHIS)
                                // syntax is GETONTHIS,property
                                // or  GETONTHIS,<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    if (refobject != null)
                                        string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, refobject, o, value_keywordargs[1], arglist[0]);
                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONTHIS error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;

                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONTHIS args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONTAKEN)
                                // syntax is GETONTAKEN,property
                                // or  GETONTAKEN,<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    // find the taken object

                                    Item taken = GetTaken(refobject);

                                    if (taken != null)
                                        string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, taken, o, value_keywordargs[1], arglist[0]);
                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONTAKEN error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;

                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONTAKEN args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONGIVEN)
                                // syntax is GETONGIVEN,property
                                // or  GETONGIVEN,<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    // find the taken object

                                    Item taken = GetGiven(refobject);

                                    if (taken != null)
                                        string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, taken, o, value_keywordargs[1], arglist[0]);
                                        if (resultstr != null)
                                            status_str = "GETONGIVEN error: " + resultstr;
                                            no_error = false;

                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONGIVEN args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETONSPAWN)
                                // syntax is GETONSPAWN[,spawername],subgroup,property
                                // or GETONSPAWN[,spawername],subgroup,<ATTACHMENT,type,name,property>
                                // note this will be an arg to some property

                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    string subgroupstr = value_keywordargs[1];
                                    string propstr = value_keywordargs[2];
                                    string spawnerstr = null;
                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                        spawnerstr = value_keywordargs[1];
                                        subgroupstr = value_keywordargs[2];
                                        propstr = value_keywordargs[3];
                                    // get the current property value
                                    //Type ptype;
                                    // get target object
                                    int subgroup = -1;
                                    try { subgroup = int.Parse(subgroupstr); }
                                    catch { }
                                    if (subgroup == -1)
                                        status_str = "Invalid subgroup in GETONSPAWN";
                                        no_error = false;
                                        if (spawnerstr != null)
                                            spawner = FindSpawnerByName(spawner, spawnerstr);
                                            if (spawner == null)
                                                status_str = "Invalid spawnername in GETONSPAWN";
                                                no_error = false;
                                        object targetobj = XmlSpawner.GetSpawned(spawner, subgroup);
                                        if (targetobj != null)
                                            string resultstr = ApplyToProperty(spawner, targetobj, o, propstr, arglist[0]);
                                            if (resultstr != null)
                                                status_str = "GETONSPAWN error: " + resultstr;
                                                no_error = false;

                                            no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETONSPAWN args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETFROMFILE)
                                // syntax is GETFROMFILE,filename

                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    string filename = value_keywordargs[1];
                                    string filestring = null;

                                    // read in the string from the file
                                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename) == true)

                                            // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file.
                                            // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                                            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                                                string line;
                                                // Read and display lines from the file until the end of
                                                // the file is reached.
                                                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                                    filestring += line;

                                            status_str = "GETFROMFILE error: " + filename;
                                            no_error = false;
                                        // set the property value
                                        string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], filestring);

                                        // see if it was successful
                                        if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                            status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                            no_error = false;

                                    status_str = "Invalid GETFROMFILE args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.GETACCOUNTTAG)
                                // syntax is GETACCOUNTTAG,tagname

                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    string tagname = value_keywordargs[1];
                                    string tagvalue = null;

                                    // get the value of the account tag from the triggering mob
                                    if (trigmob != null && !trigmob.Deleted)
                                        Account acct = trigmob.Account as Account;
                                        if (acct != null)
                                            tagvalue = acct.GetTag(tagname);
                                        no_error = false;

                                    if (tagvalue != null)
                                        // set the property value
                                        string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], tagvalue);

                                        // see if it was successful
                                        if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                            status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                            no_error = false;
                                        status_str = "Invalid GETACCOUNTTAG tagname : " + tagname;
                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid GETACCOUNTTAG args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.MUL)
                                // increment the property value by the amount.  Use the format propname/MUL,min,max/ or propname/MUL,value
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    // get a random number
                                    string incvalue = "0";
                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                            int incarg0 = (int)(10000 * double.Parse(value_keywordargs[1]));
                                            int incarg1 = (int)(10000 * double.Parse(value_keywordargs[2]));
                                            incvalue = String.Format("{0}", Utility.RandomMinMax(incarg0, incarg1) / 10000.0);
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid MUL args : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                        incvalue = value_keywordargs[1];
                                    // get the current property value
                                    Type ptype;
                                    string tmpvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], out ptype);

                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (ptype == null)
                                        status_str = String.Format("Cant find {0}", arglist[0]);
                                        no_error = false;
                                        string currentvalue = "0";
                                            string[] arglist2 = ParseString(tmpvalue, 2, "=");
                                            string[] arglist3 = ParseString(arglist2[1], 2, " ");
                                            currentvalue = arglist3[0].Trim();
                                        catch { }
                                        string tmpstr = currentvalue;
                                        // should use the actual ptype info to do the multiplication.  Maybe later.
                                            int tmpval = (int)(double.Parse(currentvalue) * double.Parse(incvalue));
                                            tmpstr = tmpval.ToString();
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid MUL args : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                        // set the property value using the incremented value
                                        string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], tmpstr);
                                        // see if it was successful
                                        if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                            status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                            no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid MUL args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.INC)
                                // increment the property value by the amount.  Use the format propname/INC,min,max/ or propname/INC,value
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    // get a random number
                                    string incvalue = "0";
                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                            incvalue = String.Format("{0}", Utility.RandomMinMax(int.Parse(value_keywordargs[1]), int.Parse(value_keywordargs[2])));
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid INC args : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                        incvalue = value_keywordargs[1];
                                    // get the current property value
                                    Type ptype;
                                    string tmpvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], out ptype);

                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (ptype == null)
                                        status_str = String.Format("Cant find {0}", arglist[0]);
                                        no_error = false;
                                        string currentvalue = "0";
                                            string[] arglist2 = ParseString(tmpvalue, 2, "=");
                                            string[] arglist3 = ParseString(arglist2[1], 2, " ");
                                            currentvalue = arglist3[0].Trim();
                                        catch { }
                                        string tmpstr = currentvalue;

                                        // should use the actual ptype info to do the addition.  Maybe later.
                                            int tmpval = (int)(double.Parse(currentvalue) + double.Parse(incvalue));
                                            tmpstr = tmpval.ToString();
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid INC args : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                        // set the property value using the incremented value
                                        string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], tmpstr);
                                        // see if it was successful
                                        if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                            status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                            no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid INC args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.MOB)
                                // lookup the mob id based on the name. format is /MOB,name[,type]/
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    string typestr = null;
                                    if (value_keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        typestr = value_keywordargs[2];
                                    // lookup the name
                                    Mobile mob_id = null;
                                        mob_id = FindMobileByName(spawner, value_keywordargs[1], typestr); // the format of this will be 0xvalue "name"
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid MOB args : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                    // set the property value using this format (M) id name

                                    string result = SetPropertyObject(spawner, o, arglist[0], mob_id);

                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                        status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                        no_error = false;


                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.TRIGMOB)
                                string result = SetPropertyObject(spawner, o, arglist[0], trigmob);
                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.AMOUNTCARRIED)
                                // syntax is AMOUNTCARRIED,itemtype
                                int amount = 0;

                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    string typestr = value_keywordargs[1];

                                    // get the list of items being carried of the specified type
                                    Type targetType = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

                                    if (targetType != null && trigmob != null && trigmob.Backpack != null)
                                        amount = trigmob.Backpack.GetAmount(targetType);

                                    string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], amount.ToString());

                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                        status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                        no_error = false;
                                    status_str = "Invalid AMOUNTCARRIED args : " + arglist[1];
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.PLAYERSINRANGE)
                                // syntax is PLAYERSINRANGE,range
                                int nplayers = 0;
                                int range = 0;
                                // get the number of players in range
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                        range = int.Parse(value_keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { }

                                // count nearby players
                                if (refobject is Item)

                                    foreach (Mobile p in ((Item)refobject).GetMobilesInRange(range))
                                        if (p.Player && p.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player) nplayers++;

                                    if (refobject is Mobile)

                                        foreach (Mobile p in ((Mobile)refobject).GetMobilesInRange(range))
                                            if (p.Player && p.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player) nplayers++;

                                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], nplayers.ToString());

                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.TRIGSKILL)
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    if (spawner != null && spawner.TriggerSkill != null)
                                        string skillstr = null;
                                        // syntax is TRIGSKILL,name|value|cap|base
                                        if (value_keywordargs[1].ToLower() == "name")
                                            skillstr = spawner.TriggerSkill.Name;
                                            if (value_keywordargs[1].ToLower() == "value")
                                                skillstr = spawner.TriggerSkill.Value.ToString();
                                                if (value_keywordargs[1].ToLower() == "cap")
                                                    skillstr = spawner.TriggerSkill.Cap.ToString();
                                                    if (value_keywordargs[1].ToLower() == "base")
                                                        skillstr = spawner.TriggerSkill.Base.ToString();

                                        string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], skillstr);
                                        // see if it was successful
                                        if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                            status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                            no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.RANDNAME)
                                if (value_keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                    string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], NameList.RandomName(value_keywordargs[1]));
                                    // see if it was successful
                                    if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                        status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                        no_error = false;

                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                        else if (IsTypemodKeyword(keywordargs[0]))
                            typemodKeyword kw = (typemodKeyword)typemodKeywordHash[keywordargs[0]];

                            if (kw == typemodKeyword.MUSIC)
                                SendMusicToPlayers(arglist[0], trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            //  SOUND keyword
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.SOUND)
                                int sound = -1;
                                // try to get the soundnumber argument
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "Missing sound number";
                                    no_error = false;
                                        sound = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper sound number format"; no_error = false; }
                                    if (sound >= 0 && o is Mobile)
                                        Effects.PlaySound(((Mobile)o).Location, ((Mobile)o).Map, sound);
                                        if (sound >= 0 && o is Item)
                                            Effects.PlaySound(((Item)o).Location, ((Item)o).Map, sound);
                                catch { }
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            //  EFFECT keyword
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.EFFECT)
                                int effect = -1;
                                int duration = 1;
                                // syntax is EFFECT,itemid,duration,[x,y,z]
                                // try to get the effect argument
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "Missing effect number";
                                    no_error = false;
                                        effect = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect number format"; no_error = false; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        duration = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect duration format"; no_error = false; }
                                // by default just use the spawn location
                                Point3D eloc;
                                Map emap = Map.Internal;
                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    eloc = ((Mobile)o).Location;
                                    emap = ((Mobile)o).Map;
                                    if (o is Item)
                                        eloc = ((Item)o).Location;
                                        emap = ((Item)o).Map;
                                        // should never get here
                                        eloc = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    // is this applied to the trig mob or to a location?
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 5)
                                        int x = 0;
                                        int y = 0;
                                        int z = 0;
                                            x = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                            y = int.Parse(keywordargs[4]);
                                            z = int.Parse(keywordargs[5]);
                                        catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                        eloc = new Point3D(x, y, z);
                                if (effect >= 0 && emap != Map.Internal)
                                    Effects.SendLocationEffect(eloc, emap, effect, duration);
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            //  BOLTEFFECT keyword
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.BOLTEFFECT)
                                int sound = 0x29;
                                int hue = 0;
                                // syntax is BOLTEFFECT[,sound[,hue]]

                                // try to get the effect argument
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)

                                        sound = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper sound id"; no_error = false; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper hue"; no_error = false; }
                                if (o is IEntity)
                                    SendBoltEffect((IEntity)o, sound, hue);

                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            //  MEFFECT keyword
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.MEFFECT)
                                int effect = -1;
                                int duration = 0;
                                int speed = 1;
                                Point3D eloc1 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                Point3D eloc2 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                Map emap = Map.Internal;
                                bool hasloc = false;
                                // syntax is MEFFECT,itemid[,speed][,x,y,z][,x2,y2,z2]

                                // try to get the effect argument
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "Missing effect number";
                                    no_error = false;
                                        effect = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect number format"; no_error = false; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        speed = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect speed format"; no_error = false; }

                                // by default just use the spawn location

                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    eloc2 = ((Mobile)o).Location;
                                    emap = ((Mobile)o).Map;
                                else if (o is Item)
                                    eloc2 = ((Item)o).Location;
                                    emap = ((Item)o).Map;

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 8)

                                    int x = 0;
                                    int y = 0;
                                    int z = 0;
                                        x = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                        y = int.Parse(keywordargs[4]);
                                        z = int.Parse(keywordargs[5]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                    eloc1 = new Point3D(x, y, z);

                                        x = int.Parse(keywordargs[6]);
                                        y = int.Parse(keywordargs[7]);
                                        z = int.Parse(keywordargs[8]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                    eloc2 = new Point3D(x, y, z);
                                    hasloc = true;

                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 5)

                                        int x = 0;
                                        int y = 0;
                                        int z = 0;
                                            x = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                            y = int.Parse(keywordargs[4]);
                                            z = int.Parse(keywordargs[5]);
                                        catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                        eloc1 = new Point3D(x, y, z);
                                        hasloc = true;


                                if (effect >= 0 && hasloc && emap != Map.Internal)
                                    Effects.SendPacket(eloc1, emap, new HuedEffect(EffectType.Moving, -1, -1, effect, eloc1, eloc2, speed, duration, false, false, 0, 0));
                                    if (effect >= 0 && refobject is IEntity && o is IEntity)
                                        //Effects.SendLocationEffect(eloc, emap, effect, duration);
                                        //public static void SendMovingEffect( IEntity from, IEntity to, int itemID, int speed, int duration, bool fixedDirection, bool explodes )
                                        Effects.SendMovingEffect((IEntity)refobject, (IEntity)o, effect, speed, duration, false, false);
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            //  PEFFECT keyword
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.PEFFECT)
                                int effect = -1;
                                int duration = 1;
                                // syntax is PEFFECT,itemid,duration,[x,y,z]
                                // try to get the effect argument
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "Missing effect number";
                                    no_error = false;
                                        effect = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect number format"; no_error = false; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        duration = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect duration format"; no_error = false; }
                                // by default just use the spawn location
                                Point3D eloc;
                                Map emap = Map.Internal;
                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    eloc = ((Mobile)o).Location;
                                    emap = ((Mobile)o).Map;
                                else if (o is Item)
                                    eloc = ((Item)o).Location;
                                    emap = ((Item)o).Map;
                                    // should never get here
                                    eloc = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    // is this applied to the trig mob or to a location?
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 5)
                                        int x = 0;
                                        int y = 0;
                                        int z = 0;
                                            x = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                            y = int.Parse(keywordargs[4]);
                                            z = int.Parse(keywordargs[5]);
                                        catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                        eloc = new Point3D(x, y, z);
                                if (effect >= 0 && emap != Map.Internal)
                                    Effects.SendLocationEffect(eloc, emap, effect, duration);
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            //  POISON keyword
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.POISON)

                                ApplyPoisonToPlayers(arglist[0], o as Mobile, o, out status_str);

                                //ApplyPoisonToPlayers(arglist[0], trigmob, refobject, out status_str);

                                if (status_str != null)
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.DAMAGE)

                                ApplyDamageToPlayers(arglist[0], o as Mobile, o, out status_str);

                                //ApplyDamageToPlayers(arglist[0], trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.ADD)

                                no_error = AddItemToTarget(spawner, o, keywordargs, arglist, trigmob, refobject, false, out remainder, out status_str);

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.EQUIP)
                                no_error = AddItemToTarget(spawner, o, keywordargs, arglist, trigmob, refobject, true, out remainder, out status_str);

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.DELETE)

                                if (o is Item)
                                else if (o is Mobile)
                                    if (!((Mobile)o).Player)
                                else if (o is XmlAttachment)

                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.KILL)
                                if (o is Mobile)

                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.UNEQUIP)
                                // syntax is UNEQUIP,layer[,delete]

                                Layer layer = Layer.Invalid;
                                bool remove = false;

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                        layer = (Layer)Enum.Parse(typeof(Layer), keywordargs[1], true);
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid layer"; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    if (keywordargs[2] == "delete")
                                        remove = true;

                                if (o is Mobile && layer != Layer.Invalid)
                                    Mobile m = (Mobile)o;
                                    // go through all of the items on the mobile
                                    List<Item> packlist = m.Items;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < packlist.Count; ++i)
                                        Item item = (Item)packlist[i];

                                        //  check the layer
                                        // if it matches then unequip it
                                        if (item.Layer == layer)
                                            if (remove)

                                if (status_str != null)
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.ATTACH)
                                no_error = AddAttachmentToTarget(spawner, o, keywordargs, arglist, trigmob, refobject, out remainder, out status_str);

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.MSG)
                                // syntax is MSG[,probability][,hue]

                                // if the object is a mobile then display a msg over the mob or item
                                double drop_probability = 1;
                                int hue = 0x3b2;

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid msg probability : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid MSG hue : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }


                                if (hue < 0) hue = 0;

                                if (o is Mobile || o is Item)
                                    string msgstr = arglist[1];

                                    // test the drop probability
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                        if (o is Mobile)
                                            ((Mobile)o).PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, hue, false, msgstr);
                                            if (o is Item)
                                                ((Item)o).PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, hue, false, msgstr);

                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.ASCIIMSG)
                                // syntax is ASCIIMSG[,probability][,hue][,font]

                                // if the object is a mobile then display a msg over the mob or item
                                double drop_probability = 1;
                                int hue = 0x3b2;
                                int font = 3;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid msg probability : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid MSG hue : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    try { font = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid MSG font : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (hue < 0) hue = 0;
                                if (font < 0) font = 0;

                                if (o is Mobile || o is Item)
                                    string msgstr = arglist[1];

                                    // test the drop probability
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                        if (o is Mobile)
                                            PublicOverheadMobileMessage((Mobile)o, MessageType.Regular, hue, font, msgstr, true);
                                            if (o is Item)
                                                PublicOverheadItemMessage((Item)o, MessageType.Regular, hue, font, msgstr);

                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.SENDMSG)
                                // syntax is SENDMSG[,probability][,hue]/msg

                                // if the object is a mobile then display a msg over the mob or item
                                double drop_probability = 1;
                                int hue = 0x3b2;
                                int font = 3;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid msg probability : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SENDMSG hue : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }


                                if (hue < 0) hue = 0;

                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    string msgstr = arglist[1];

                                    // test the drop probability
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                        ((Mobile)o).Send(new UnicodeMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, font, "ENU", "System", msgstr));
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.SENDASCIIMSG)
                                // syntax is SENDASCIIMSG[,probability][,hue][,font]

                                // if the object is a mobile then display a msg over the mob or item
                                double drop_probability = 1;
                                int hue = 0x3b2;
                                int font = 3;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid msg probability : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid MSG hue : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    try { font = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid MSG font : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (hue < 0) hue = 0;
                                if (font < 0) font = 0;

                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    string msgstr = arglist[1];

                                    // test the drop probability
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                        ((Mobile)o).Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, font, "System", msgstr));
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.SAY)
                                // if the object is a mobile then display a msg over the mob
                                double drop_probability = 1;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid say probability : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    string msgstr = arglist[1];

                                    // test the drop probability
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.SPEECH)
                                // syntax is SPEECH[,probability][,keywordnumber]
                                // if the object is a mobile then have it speak with optional keyword arg
                                double drop_probability = 1;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid speech probability : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                int keyword_number = -1;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { keyword_number = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid keyword number : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }
                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    string msgstr = arglist[1];

                                    // test the drop probability
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                        int[] keywordarray = new int[] { };
                                        if (keyword_number >= 0)
                                            keywordarray = new int[] { keyword_number };
                                        ((Mobile)o).DoSpeech(msgstr, keywordarray, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2);
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.OFFSET)
                                // syntax is OFFSET,x,y[,z]
                                // shift the location of the object by the specified amount

                                int xoffset = 0;
                                int yoffset = 0;
                                int zoffset = 0;

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        xoffset = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                        yoffset = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid xy offset : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                        zoffset = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid zoffset : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (o is Mobile)
                                    Point3D loc = ((Mobile)o).Location;
                                    ((Mobile)o).Location = new Point3D(loc.X + xoffset, loc.Y + yoffset, loc.Z + zoffset);
                                else if (o is Item)
                                    Point3D loc = ((Item)o).Location;
                                    ((Item)o).Location = new Point3D(loc.X + xoffset, loc.Y + yoffset, loc.Z + zoffset);

                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.ANIMATE)
                                // syntax is ANIMATE,action[,framecount][,repeatcount][,forward true/false][,repeat true/false][delay]
                                // Animate( int action, int frameCount, int repeatCount, bool forward, bool repeat, int delay )
                                int action = -1;
                                int framecount = 7;
                                int repeatcount = 1;
                                bool forward = true;
                                bool repeat = false;
                                int delay = 0;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { action = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid action : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { framecount = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid framecount : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    try { repeatcount = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid repeatcount : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 4)
                                    try { forward = bool.Parse(keywordargs[4]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid forward : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 5)
                                    try { repeat = bool.Parse(keywordargs[5]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid repeat : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 6)
                                    try { delay = int.Parse(keywordargs[6]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid delay : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (o is Mobile && action >= 0)
                                    ((Mobile)o).Animate(action, framecount, repeatcount, forward, repeat, delay);

                                if (arglist.Length < 2) break;
                                remainder = singlearglist[1];

                            else if (kw == typemodKeyword.BCAST)
                                // syntax is BCAST[,hue][,font]/message

                                int hue = 0x482;
                                int font = -1; // default unicode messages

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    try { hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid hue : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    try { font = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid font : " + arglist[1]; no_error = false; }

                                if (font >= 0)
                                    // broadcast an ascii message to all players
                                    BroadcastAsciiMessage(AccessLevel.Player, hue, font, arglist[1]);
                                    // broadcast a message to all players
                                    CommandHandlers.BroadcastMessage(AccessLevel.Player, hue, arglist[1]);

                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];

                        //else // check for protected properties
                        //	if(arglist[0].ToLower() == "accesslevel")
                        //	status_str = "accesslevel is a protected property";
                        //	if(arglist.Length < 3) break;
                        //	remainder = arglist[2];
                            // check for the literal char
                            if (singlearglist[1] != null && singlearglist[1].Length > 0 && singlearglist[1][0] == '@')

                                string lstr = singlearglist[1];
                                if (terminated && lstr[lstr.Length - 1] == '/')
                                    lstr = lstr.Remove(lstr.Length - 1, 1);

                                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], lstr.Remove(0, 1));
                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;
                                remainder = null;
                                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[0], arglist[1]);
                                // see if it was successful
                                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                                    status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + result;
                                    no_error = false;
                                if (arglist.Length < 3) break;
                                remainder = arglist[2];
            return (no_error);
Esempio n. 12
        public static void AddToRecentSpawnerSearchList(XmlSpawner spawner, XmlSpawner target)
            if (spawner == null || target == null) return;

            if (spawner.RecentSpawnerSearchList == null)
                spawner.RecentSpawnerSearchList = new ArrayList();

            // check the length and truncate if it gets too long
            if (spawner.RecentSpawnerSearchList.Count > 100)
Esempio n. 13
        public static void AddSpawnItem(XmlSpawner spawner, object invoker, XmlSpawner.SpawnObject theSpawn, Item item, Point3D location, Map map, Mobile trigmob, bool requiresurface,
            List<XmlSpawner.SpawnPositionInfo> spawnpositioning, string propertyString, bool smartspawn, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;
            if (item == null || theSpawn == null) return;

            // add the item to the spawned list

            item.Spawner = spawner;

            if (spawner != null)
                // this is being called by a spawner so use spawner information for placement
                if (!spawner.Deleted)
                    // set the item amount
                    if (spawner.StackAmount > 1 && item.Stackable)
                        item.Amount = spawner.StackAmount;
                    // if this is in any container such as a pack then add to the container.
                    if (spawner.Parent is Container)
                        Container c = (Container)spawner.Parent;

                        Point3D loc = spawner.Location;

                        if (!smartspawn)
                            item.OnBeforeSpawn(loc, map);

                        item.Location = loc;

                        // check to see whether we drop or add the item based on the spawnrange
                        // this will distribute multiple items around the spawn point, and allow precise
                        // placement of single spawns at the spawn point
                        if (spawner.SpawnRange > 0)

                        // if the spawn entry is in a subgroup and has a packrange, then get the packcoord

                        Point3D packcoord = Point3D.Zero;
                        if (theSpawn.PackRange >= 0 && theSpawn.SubGroup > 0)
                            packcoord = spawner.GetPackCoord(theSpawn.SubGroup);
                        Point3D loc = spawner.GetSpawnPosition(requiresurface, theSpawn.PackRange, packcoord, spawnpositioning);

                        if (!smartspawn)
                            item.OnBeforeSpawn(loc, map);

                        // standard placement for all items in the world
                        item.MoveToWorld(loc, map);
                    // if the spawner has already been deleted then delete the item since it cannot be cleaned up by spawner deletion any longer
                if (!smartspawn)
                    item.OnBeforeSpawn(location, map);
                // use the location and map info passed in
                // this allows AddSpawnItem to be called by objects other than spawners as long as they pass in a valid SpawnObject
                item.MoveToWorld(location, map);

            // clear the taken flag on all newly spawned items
            ItemFlags.SetTaken(item, false);

            if (!smartspawn)

            // apply the parsed arguments from the typestring using setcommand
            // be sure to do this after setting map and location so that errors dont place the mob on the internal map
            BaseXmlSpawner.ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, propertyString, item, trigmob, spawner, out status_str);

            // if the object has an OnAfterSpawnAndModify method, then invoke it
Esempio n. 14
 public static void AddSpawnItem(XmlSpawner spawner, XmlSpawner.SpawnObject theSpawn, Item item, Point3D location, Map map, Mobile trigmob, bool requiresurface,
     List<XmlSpawner.SpawnPositionInfo> spawnpositioning, string propertyString, bool smartspawn, out string status_str)
     AddSpawnItem(spawner, spawner, theSpawn, item, location, map, trigmob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, propertyString, smartspawn, out status_str);
Esempio n. 15
 public static void AddSpawnItem(XmlSpawner spawner, object invoker, XmlSpawner.SpawnObject theSpawn, Item item, Point3D location, Map map, Mobile trigmob, bool requiresurface,
     string propertyString, out string status_str)
     AddSpawnItem(spawner, invoker, theSpawn, item, location, map, trigmob, requiresurface, null, propertyString, false, out status_str);
Esempio n. 16
        public static Mobile FindMobileByName(XmlSpawner fromspawner, string name, string typestr)
            if (name == null) return (Mobile)null;

            int count = 0;

            Mobile foundmobile = FindInRecentMobileSearchList(fromspawner, name, typestr);

            if (foundmobile != null) return foundmobile;

            Type targettype = null;
            if (typestr != null)
                targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

            // search through all mobiles in the world and find one with a matching name
            foreach (Mobile mobile in World.Mobiles.Values)
                Type mobtype = mobile.GetType();
                if (!mobile.Deleted && (typestr == null ||
                    (mobtype != null && targettype != null && (mobtype.Equals(targettype) || mobtype.IsSubclassOf(targettype))))
                    && ((name.Length == 0 || String.Compare(mobile.Name, name, true) == 0)))

                    foundmobile = mobile;
                    // added the break in to return the first match instead of forcing uniqueness (overrides the count test)
                //if(count > 1) break;

            // if a unique item is found then success
            if (count == 1)
                // add this to the recent search list
                AddToRecentMobileSearchList(fromspawner, foundmobile);

                return (foundmobile);
                return (Mobile)null;
Esempio n. 17
        public static XmlSpawner FindSpawnerByName(XmlSpawner fromspawner, string name)
            if (name == null) return (XmlSpawner)null;

            int count = 0;

            // do a quick search through the recent search list to see if it is there
            XmlSpawner foundspawner = FindInRecentSpawnerSearchList(fromspawner, name);

            if (foundspawner != null) return foundspawner;

            // search through all xmlspawners in the world and find one with a matching name
            foreach (Item item in World.Items.Values)
                if (item is XmlSpawner)
                    XmlSpawner spawner = (XmlSpawner)item;
                    if (!spawner.Deleted && (String.Compare(spawner.Name, name, true) == 0))
                        foundspawner = spawner;

                        // added the break in to return the first match instead of forcing uniqueness (overrides the count test)
                    //if(count > 1) break;

            // if a unique item is found then success
            if (count == 1)
                // add this to the recent search list
                AddToRecentSpawnerSearchList(fromspawner, foundspawner);

                return (foundspawner);
                return (XmlSpawner)null;
Esempio n. 18
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        // End modified Beta-36 Properties.cs code
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        public static string ApplyToProperty(XmlSpawner spawner, object getobject, object setobject, string getpropertystring, string setpropertystring)
            Type ptype;

            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, getobject, getpropertystring, out ptype);

            if (getvalue == null)
                return "Null object or property";

            if (ptype == null)
                return getvalue;

            string value2 = ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);

            if (value2 != null)
                // set the property value using returned get value as the the value
                string result = SetPropertyValue(spawner, setobject, setpropertystring, value2);

                // see if it was successful
                if (result != "Property has been set.")
                    return setpropertystring + " : " + result;

            return null;
Esempio n. 19
        public static string GetPropertyValue(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string name, out Type ptype)
            ptype = null;
            if (o == null || name == null) return null;

            Type type = o.GetType();
            object po = null;

            if ( o != null && o is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)o).AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator )
                return "Access denied";

            PropertyInfo[] props = null;

                props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                Console.WriteLine("GetProperties error with type {0}", type);
                return null;

            // parse the strings of the form property.attribute into two parts
            // first get the property
            string[] arglist = ParseString(name, 2, ".");
            string propname = arglist[0];
            // parse up to 4 comma separated args for special keyword properties
            string[] keywordargs = ParseString(propname, 4, ",");

            // check for special keywords
            if (keywordargs[0] == "ATTACHMENT")
                // syntax is ATTACHMENT,type,name,property
                if (keywordargs.Length < 4)
                    return "Invalid ATTACHMENT format";

                string apropname = keywordargs[3];
                string aname = keywordargs[2];
                Type attachtype = SpawnerType.GetType(keywordargs[1]);

                // allow empty string specifications to be used to indicate a null string which will match any name
                if (aname == "") aname = null;

                ArrayList attachments = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(o, attachtype, aname);

                if (attachments != null && attachments.Count > 0)
                    string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, attachments[0], apropname, out ptype);

                    return getvalue;
                    return "Attachment not found";
                if (keywordargs[0] == "SKILL")
                    // syntax is SKILL,skillname
                    if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                        return "Invalid SKILL format";
                    bool found = true;
                        SkillName skillname = (SkillName)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillName), keywordargs[1], true);

                        if (o is Mobile)
                            Skill skill = ((Mobile)o).Skills[skillname];
                            ptype = skill.Value.GetType();

                            return String.Format("{0} = {1}", skillname, skill.Value);
                            return "Object is not mobile";
                    catch { found = false; }

                    if (!found)
                        return "Skill not found.";
                    if (keywordargs[0] == "SERIAL")

                        bool found = true;
                            if (o is Mobile)
                                ptype = ((Mobile)o).Serial.GetType();

                                return String.Format("Serial = {0}", ((Mobile)o).Serial);
                                if (o is Item)
                                    ptype = ((Item)o).Serial.GetType();

                                    return String.Format("Serial = {0}", ((Item)o).Serial);
                                    return "Object is not item/mobile";
                        catch { found = false; }

                        if (!found)
                            return "Serial not found.";
                        if (keywordargs[0] == "TYPE")
                            ptype = typeof(Type);

                            return String.Format("Type = {0}", o.GetType().Name);

                            if (keywordargs[0] == "STEALABLE")

                                bool found = true;

                                    if (o is Item)
                                        ptype = typeof(bool);

                                        return String.Format("Stealable = {0}", ItemFlags.GetStealable(o as Item));
                                        return "Object is not an item";
                                catch { found = false; }

                                if (!found)
                                    return "Stealable flag not found.";

            // do a bit of parsing to handle array references
            string[] arraystring = arglist[0].Split('[');
            int index = -1;
            if (arraystring.Length > 1)
                // parse the property name from the indexing
                propname = arraystring[0];

                // then parse to get the index value
                string[] arrayvalue = arraystring[1].Split(']');

                if (arrayvalue.Length > 0)
                        index = int.Parse(arrayvalue[0]);
                    catch { }

            if (arglist.Length == 2)
                // use the lookup table for optimization if possible
                PropertyInfo plookup = LookupPropertyInfo(spawner, type, propname);

                if (plookup != null)

                    if (!plookup.CanRead)
                        return "Property is write only.";

                    //if ( BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, propname) )
                    //return "Property is protected.";

                    ptype = plookup.PropertyType;
                    if (ptype.IsPrimitive)
                        po = plookup.GetValue(o, null);
                    else if ((ptype.GetInterface("IList") != null) && index >= 0)
                            object arrayvalue = plookup.GetValue(o, null);
                            po = ((IList)arrayvalue)[index];
                        catch { }
                        po = plookup.GetValue(o, null);
                    // now set the nested attribute using the new property list
                    return (GetPropertyValue(spawner, po, arglist[1], out ptype));
                    // is a nested property with attributes so first get the property
                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                        //if ( Insensitive.Equals( p.Name, arglist[0] ) )
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, propname))

                            if (!p.CanRead)
                                return "Property is write only.";

                            //if ( BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, propname) )
                            //return "Property is protected.";

                            ptype = p.PropertyType;
                            if (ptype.IsPrimitive)
                                po = p.GetValue(o, null);
                            else if ((ptype.GetInterface("IList") != null) && index >= 0)
                                    object arrayvalue = p.GetValue(o, null);
                                    po = ((IList)arrayvalue)[index];
                                catch { }
                                po = p.GetValue(o, null);
                            // now set the nested attribute using the new property list
                            return (GetPropertyValue(spawner, po, arglist[1], out ptype));

                // use the lookup table for optimization if possible
                PropertyInfo plookup = LookupPropertyInfo(spawner, type, propname);

                if (plookup != null)

                    if (!plookup.CanRead)
                        return "Property is write only.";

                    ptype = plookup.PropertyType;

                    return InternalGetValue(o, plookup, index);
                    // its just a simple single property
                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)

                        //if ( Insensitive.Equals( p.Name, name ) )
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, propname))

                            if (!p.CanRead)
                                return "Property is write only.";

                            ptype = p.PropertyType;

                            return InternalGetValue(o, p, index);

            return "Property not found.";
Esempio n. 20
        public static bool AddItemToTarget(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string[] keywordargs, string[] arglist, Mobile trigmob,
            object refobject, bool equip, out string remainder, out string status_str)
            remainder = "";
            status_str = null;

            if (o == null || keywordargs == null || arglist == null) return false;

            // if the object is a mobile then add the item in the next arg to its pack.  Use the format /ADD,drop_probability/itemtype/
            // or /ADD,drop_probability/<itemtype/propname1/value1/propname2/value2/...>/
            double drop_probability = 1;

            if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                bool converterror = false;
                try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                catch { status_str = "Invalid drop probability : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }

                if (converterror) return false;

            Mobile m = null;
            if (o is Mobile || (o is Container))
                Container pack = null;

                if (o is Mobile)
                    m = (Mobile)o;

                    if (!m.Deleted)
                        pack = m.Backpack;

                        // auto add a pack if the mob doesnt have one
                        if (pack == null)
                            pack = new Backpack();
                    pack = o as Container;


                if (pack != null)
                    // handle the nested item property specification using <>
                    string itemargstring = null;

                    // itemtypestr will be the actual item type to be created.  In the simple form  it will be arglist[1]
                    // for the string /arg1/ADD/arg2/arg3/arg4/arg5 arglist [0] will contain ADD , arglist[1] will be arg2,
                    // and arglist[2] will be arg3/arg4/arg5
                    // if nested property specs
                    // arglist[1] will be <arg2 and arglist[2] will be arg3/ar4>/arg5
                    // the drop probability will be in probargs
                    string[] probargs = ParseCommaArgs(arglist[0], 2);

                    string itemtypestr = arglist[1];

                    // get the argument list after the < if any , note for the string /arg1/ADD/<arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5 arglist [0] will contain ADD
                    // arglist[1] will be <arg2 and arglist[2] will be arg3/ar4>/arg5
                    // but note arglist[1] could also be <arg2>
                    // remainder will have ADD/<arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5
                    // also need to deal with nested cases of ADD/<args/ADD/<args>>  and ADD/<args/ADD/<args>/ADD<args>>
                    string additemstr = arglist[1];

                    if (arglist.Length > 2)
                        additemstr = arglist[1] + "/" + arglist[2];

                    // check to see if the first char is a "<"
                    if (additemstr.IndexOf("<") == 0)
                        // itemarglist[1] will contain arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5
                        // additemstr should have the full list of args <arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5 if they are there.  In the case of /arg1/ADD/arg2
                        // it will just have arg2
                        string[] itemarglist = ParseString(additemstr, 2, "<");

                        // take that argument list that should like like arg2/ag3/arg4>/arg5
                        // need to find the matching ">"
                        //string[] itemargs = ParseString(itemarglist[1],2,">");

                        string[] itemargs = ParseToMatchingParen(itemarglist[1], '<', '>');

                        // and get the first part of the string without the >  so itemargs[0] should be arg2/ag3/arg4
                        itemargstring = itemargs[0];

                        // and itemargs[1] should be the remainder
                        if (itemargs.Length > 1)
                            // but have to get rid of any trailing / that might be after the >
                            string[] trailstr = ParseSlashArgs(itemargs[1], 2);
                            if (trailstr.Length > 1)
                                remainder = trailstr[1];
                                remainder = itemargs[1];
                            remainder = "";

                        // get the type info by pulling out the first arg in itemargstring
                        string[] tempitemarg = ParseSlashArgs(itemargstring, 2);

                        // and get the type info from it
                        itemtypestr = tempitemarg[0];

                        // otherwise its just a regular case with arglist[2] containing the rest of the arguments
                        if (arglist.Length > 2)
                            remainder = arglist[2];
                            remainder = "";

                    // test the drop probability
                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() >= drop_probability) return true;

                    // is it a valid item specification?
                    string baseitemtype = ParseObjectType(itemtypestr);

                    if (IsSpecialItemKeyword(baseitemtype))

                        // itemtypestr will have the form keyword[,x[,y]]
                        string[] itemkeywordargs = ParseCommaArgs(itemtypestr, 3);

                        itemKeyword kw = (itemKeyword)itemKeywordHash[baseitemtype];

                        switch (kw)
                            // deal with the special keywords

                            case itemKeyword.ARMOR:
                                    // syntax is ARMOR,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid ARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid ARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicArmor(min, max, false, false);

                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);

                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "ARMOR takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.WEAPON:
                                    // syntax is WEAPON,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid WEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid WEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicWeapon(min, max, false);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "WEAPON takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.JEWELRY:
                                    // syntax is JEWELRY,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid JEWELRY args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid JEWELRY args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicJewelry(min, max);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "JEWELRY takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.SHIELD:
                                    // syntax is SHIELD,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid SHIELD args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid SHIELD args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicShield(min, max);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "SHIELD takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.JARMOR:
                                    // syntax is JARMOR,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid JARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid JARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicArmor(min, max, true, true);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "JARMOR takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.SARMOR:
                                    // syntax is SARMOR,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid SARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid SARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicArmor(min, max, false, true);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "SARMOR takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.JWEAPON:
                                    // syntax is JWEAPON,min,max
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int min = 0;
                                        int max = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid JWEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid JWEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        Item item = MagicWeapon(min, max, true);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            if (equip && m != null)
                                                if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "JWEAPON takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.SCROLL:
                                    // syntax is SCROLL,mincircle,maxcircle
                                    //get the min,max
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                        int minCircle = 0;
                                        int maxCircle = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                        try { minCircle = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid SCROLL args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        try { maxCircle = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                        catch { status_str = "Invalid SCROLL args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }

                                        if (converterror) return false;
                                        int circle = Utility.RandomMinMax(minCircle, maxCircle);
                                        int min = (circle - 1) * 8;
                                        Item item = Loot.RandomScroll(min, min + 7, SpellbookType.Regular);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "SCROLL takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.POTION:
                                    // syntax is POTION
                                    Item item = Loot.RandomPotion();
                                    if (item != null)
                                        // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                        if (itemargstring != null)
                                            ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                            case itemKeyword.TAKEN:
                                    // syntax is TAKEN

                                    Item item = GetTaken(refobject);

                                    if (item != null)
                                        // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                        if (itemargstring != null)
                                            ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                            case itemKeyword.GIVEN:
                                    // syntax is GIVEN

                                    Item item = GetGiven(refobject);

                                    if (item != null)
                                        // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                        if (itemargstring != null)
                                            ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                            case itemKeyword.LOOT:
                                    // syntax is LOOT,methodname
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 2)

                                        Item item = null;

                                        // look up the method
                                        Type ltype = typeof(Loot);
                                        if (ltype != null)
                                            MethodInfo method = null;

                                                // get the zero-arg method with the specified name
                                                method = ltype.GetMethod(itemkeywordargs[1], new Type[0]);

                                            catch { }

                                            if (method != null && method.IsStatic)
                                                ParameterInfo[] pinfo = method.GetParameters();
                                                // check to make sure the method for this object has the right args
                                                if (pinfo.Length == 0)
                                                    // method must be public static with no arguments returning an Item class object
                                                        item = method.Invoke(null, null) as Item;
                                                    catch { }
                                                    status_str = "LOOT method must be zero arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                                    return false;
                                                status_str = "LOOT no valid method found : " + itemtypestr;
                                                return false;

                                        if (item != null)
                                            // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                            if (itemargstring != null)
                                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "LOOT takes 1 arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.NECROSCROLL:
                                    // syntax is NECROSCROLL,index
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 2)
                                        int index = 0;
                                        bool converterror = false;
                                            index = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]);
                                            status_str = "Invalid NECROSCROLL args : " + itemtypestr;
                                            converterror = true;

                                        if (converterror) return false;

                                        if (Core.AOS)
                                            Item item = Loot.Construct(Loot.NecromancyScrollTypes, index);
                                            if (item != null)
                                                // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                                if (itemargstring != null)
                                                    ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                        status_str = "NECROSCROLL takes 1 arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;
                            case itemKeyword.LOOTPACK:
                                    // syntax is LOOTPACK,type
                                    if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 2)
                                        LootPack lootpack = null;
                                        string loottype = itemkeywordargs[1];

                                        if (loottype.ToLower() == "poor")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.Poor;
                                        else if (loottype.ToLower() == "meager")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.Meager;
                                        else if (loottype.ToLower() == "average")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.Average;
                                        else if (loottype.ToLower() == "rich")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.Rich;
                                        else if (loottype.ToLower() == "filthyrich")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.FilthyRich;
                                        else if (loottype.ToLower() == "ultrarich")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.UltraRich;
                                        else if (loottype.ToLower() == "superboss")
                                            lootpack = LootPack.SuperBoss;
                                            status_str = "Invalid LOOTPACK type: " + loottype;
                                            return false;

                                        int m_KillersLuck = 0;
                                        if (trigmob != null)
                                            m_KillersLuck = LootPack.GetLuckChanceForKiller(trigmob);

                                        bool converterror = false;
                                            // generate the nospawn component of the lootpack
                                            lootpack.Generate(m, pack, false, m_KillersLuck);

                                            // generate the spawn component (basically gold) requires a mobile and wont work in containers
                                            // because Generate does a test for TryDropItem for stackables which requires a valid mob argument,
                                            // any stackable generated in a container will fail
                                            // so just test for a valid mobile and only do the atspawn generate for them.
                                            if (m != null)
                                                lootpack.Generate(m, pack, true, m_KillersLuck);
                                            status_str = "Unable to add LOOTPACK";
                                            converterror = true;

                                        if (converterror) return false;

                                        status_str = "LOOTPACK takes 1 arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                        return false;

                        Type type = null;
                            type = SpawnerType.GetType(ParseObjectType(itemtypestr));
                        catch { }

                        // if so then create it
                        if (type != null)
                            object newo = XmlSpawner.CreateObject(type, itemtypestr);
                            if (newo is Item)
                                Item item = newo as Item;

                                if (equip && m != null)
                                    if (!m.EquipItem(item)) pack.DropItem(item);

                                // could call applyobjectstringproperties on a nested propertylist here to set item attributes
                                if (itemargstring != null)
                                    ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, itemargstring, item, trigmob, refobject, out status_str);
                                status_str = "Invalid ADD. No such item : " + itemtypestr;

                                if (newo is BaseCreature)

                                return false;

                            status_str = "Invalid ADD. No such item : " + itemtypestr;
                            return false;
                    status_str = "Invalid ADD. mobile has no pack.";

                    if (arglist.Length < 3) return false;

                    remainder = arglist[2];
                    return false;
                status_str = "Invalid ADD. must be mobile or container.";

                if (arglist.Length < 3) return false;

                remainder = arglist[2];
                return false;
            return true;
Esempio n. 21
        public static string ParseForKeywords(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string valstr, Mobile trigmob, bool literal, out Type ptype)
            ptype = null;

            if (valstr == null || valstr.Length <= 0) return null;

            string str = valstr.Trim();

            // look for keywords
            // need to handle the case of nested arglists like arg,arg,<arg,arg>
            // handle value keywords that may take comma args

            // itemarglist[1] will contain arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5
            // additemstr should have the full list of args <arg2/arg3/arg4>/arg5 if they are there.  In the case of /arg1/ADD/arg2
            // it will just have arg2
            string[] groupedarglist = ParseString(str, 2, "[");

            // take that argument list that should like like arg2/ag3/arg4>/arg5
            // need to find the matching ">"

            string[] groupargs = null;
            string groupargstring = null;
            if (groupedarglist.Length > 1)
                groupargs = ParseToMatchingParen(groupedarglist[1], '[', ']');

                // and get the first part of the string without the >  so itemargs[0] should be arg2/ag3/arg4
                groupargstring = groupargs[0];

            // need to handle comma args that may be grouped with the () such as the (ATTACHMENT,args) arg

            //string[] arglist = ParseString(groupedarglist[0],4,",");
            string[] arglist = groupedarglist[0].Trim().Split(',');
            if (groupargstring != null && groupargstring.Length > 0)
                if (arglist != null && arglist.Length > 0)
                    arglist[arglist.Length - 1] = groupargstring;

            string pname = arglist[0].Trim();
            char startc = str[0];

            // first see whether it is a standard numeric value
            if ((startc == '.') || (startc == '-') || (startc == '+') || (startc >= '0' && startc <= '9'))
                // determine the type
                if (str.IndexOf(".") >= 0)
                    ptype = typeof(Double);
                    ptype = typeof(Int32);
                return str;
                // or a string
                if (startc == '"' || startc == '(')
                    ptype = typeof(String);
                    return str;
                    // or an enum
                    if (startc == '#')
                        ptype = typeof(String);
                        return str.Substring(1);
                    // or a bool
                    else if ((str.ToLower()) == "true" || (str.ToLower() == "false"))
                        ptype = typeof(Boolean);
                        return str;
                    // then look for a keyword
                    else if (IsValueKeyword(pname))
                        valueKeyword kw = (valueKeyword)valueKeywordHash[pname];

                        //if(pname == "GETONMOB" && arglist.Length > 2)
                        if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONMOB) && arglist.Length > 2)
                            // syntax is GETONMOB,mobname[,mobtype],property

                            string propname = arglist[2];
                            string typestr = null;

                            if (arglist.Length > 3)
                                typestr = arglist[2];
                                propname = arglist[3];

                            Mobile testmobile = FindMobileByName(spawner, arglist[1], typestr);

                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, testmobile, propname, out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GET) && arglist.Length > 2)
                            // syntax is GET,itemname[,itemtype],property

                            string propname = arglist[2];
                            string typestr = null;

                            if (arglist.Length > 3)
                                typestr = arglist[2];
                                propname = arglist[3];

                            // is the itemname a serialno?
                            object testitem = null;
                            if (arglist[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                int serial = -1;
                                    serial = Convert.ToInt32(arglist[1], 16);
                                catch { }
                                if (serial >= 0)
                                    testitem = World.FindEntity(serial);
                                testitem = FindItemByName(spawner, arglist[1], typestr);

                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, testitem, propname, out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONCARRIED) && arglist.Length > 2)
                            // syntax is GETONCARRIED,itemname[,itemtype],property

                            string propname = arglist[2];
                            string typestr = null;

                            // if the itemtype arg has been specified then check it
                            if (arglist.Length > 3)
                                propname = arglist[3];
                                typestr = arglist[2];

                            Item testitem = SearchMobileForItem(trigmob, ParseObjectType(arglist[1]), typestr, false);

                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, testitem, propname, out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONNEARBY) && arglist.Length > 3)
                            // syntax is GETONNEARBY,range,name[,type][,searchcontainers],property
                            // or GETONNEARBY,range,name[,type][,searchcontainers],[ATTACHMENT,type,name,property]

                            string targetname = arglist[2];
                            string propname = arglist[3];
                            string typestr = null;
                            bool searchcontainers = false;
                            int range = -1;
                                range = int.Parse(arglist[1]);
                            catch { }

                            if (arglist.Length > 4)
                                typestr = arglist[3];
                                propname = arglist[4];

                            if (arglist.Length > 5)
                                    searchcontainers = bool.Parse(arglist[4]);
                                propname = arglist[5];

                            Type targettype = null;
                            if (typestr != null)
                                targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

                            if (range >= 0)
                                // get all of the nearby objects
                                ArrayList nearbylist = GetNearbyObjects(spawner, targetname, targettype, typestr, range, searchcontainers, null);

                                // apply the properties from the first valid thing on the list
                                foreach (object nearbyobj in nearbylist)
                                    string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, nearbyobj, propname, out ptype);
                                    return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                                return null;
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONTRIGMOB) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETONTRIGMOB,property
                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, trigmob, arglist[1], out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETVAR) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETVAR,varname
                            string varname = arglist[1];

                            if (o is XmlAttachment)
                                o = ((XmlAttachment)o).AttachedTo;

                            // look for the xmllocalvariable attachment with the given name
                            XmlLocalVariable var = (XmlLocalVariable)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(o, typeof(XmlLocalVariable), varname);

                            if (var != null)

                                return var.Data;
                                return null;
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONPARENT) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETONPARENT,property

                            string getvalue = null;

                            if (o is Item)
                                getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, ((Item)o).Parent, arglist[1], out ptype);
                                if (o is XmlAttachment)

                                    getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, ((XmlAttachment)o).AttachedTo, arglist[1], out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONGIVEN) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETONGIVEN,property

                            Item taken = null;
                            if (o is XmlAttachment)
                                taken = GetGiven(((XmlAttachment)o).AttachedTo);
                                taken = GetGiven(o);

                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, taken, arglist[1], out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONTAKEN) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETONTAKEN,property

                            Item taken = null;
                            if (o is XmlAttachment)
                                taken = GetTaken(((XmlAttachment)o).AttachedTo);
                                taken = GetTaken(o);

                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, taken, arglist[1], out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONTHIS) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETONTHIS,property

                            string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, o, arglist[1], out ptype);

                            return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETONSPAWN) && arglist.Length > 2)
                            // syntax is GETONSPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup,property
                            // get the target from the spawn list
                            string subgroupstr = arglist[1];
                            string propstr = arglist[2];
                            string spawnerstr = null;

                            if (arglist.Length > 3)
                                spawnerstr = arglist[1];
                                subgroupstr = arglist[2];
                                propstr = arglist[3];

                            int subgroup = -1;
                            try { subgroup = int.Parse(subgroupstr); }
                            catch { }

                            if (subgroup == -1) return null;

                            if (spawnerstr != null)
                                spawner = FindSpawnerByName(spawner, spawnerstr);

                            // check for the special COUNT property keyword
                            if (propstr == "COUNT")
                                ptype = typeof(int);

                                // get all of the currently active spawns with the specified subgroup
                                ArrayList so = XmlSpawner.GetSpawnedList(spawner, subgroup);

                                if (so == null) return "0";

                                // and return the count
                                return so.Count.ToString();

                                object targetobj = XmlSpawner.GetSpawned(spawner, subgroup);
                                if (targetobj == null) return null;

                                string getvalue = GetPropertyValue(spawner, targetobj, propstr, out ptype);

                                return ParseGetValue(getvalue, ptype);
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETFROMFILE) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETFROMFILE,filename
                            ptype = typeof(string);

                            string filename = arglist[1];
                            string filestring = null;

                            // read in the string from the file
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename) == true)

                                    // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file.
                                    // The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
                                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                                        string line;
                                        // Read and display lines from the file until the end of
                                        // the file is reached.
                                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                            filestring += line;

                                catch { }

                            return filestring;
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.GETACCOUNTTAG) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is GETACCOUNTTAG,tagname
                            ptype = typeof(string);

                            string tagname = arglist[1];
                            string tagvalue = null;

                            // get the value of the account tag from the triggering mob
                            if (trigmob != null && !trigmob.Deleted)
                                Account acct = trigmob.Account as Account;
                                if (acct != null)
                                    tagvalue = '"' + acct.GetTag(tagname) + '"';

                            return tagvalue;
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.RND) && arglist.Length > 2)
                            // syntax is RND,min,max
                            string randvalue = "0";
                            ptype = typeof(Int32);

                                randvalue = String.Format("{0}", Utility.RandomMinMax(int.Parse(arglist[1]), int.Parse(arglist[2])));
                            catch { }

                            // return the random number as the value
                            return randvalue;
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.RNDBOOL))
                            // syntax is RNDBOOL

                            ptype = typeof(bool);

                            // return the random number as the value
                            return Utility.RandomBool().ToString();
                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.RNDLIST) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is RNDLIST,val1,val2,...

                            ptype = typeof(Int32);

                            // compute a random index into the arglist

                            int randindex = Utility.Random(1, arglist.Length - 1);

                            // return the list entry as the value

                            return arglist[randindex];

                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.RNDSTRLIST) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is RNDSTRLIST,val1,val2,...

                            ptype = typeof(string);

                            // compute a random index into the arglist

                            int randindex = Utility.Random(1, arglist.Length - 1);

                            // return the list entry as the value

                            return arglist[randindex];

                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.AMOUNTCARRIED) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is AMOUNTCARRIED,itemtype

                            ptype = typeof(Int32);

                            int amount = 0;

                            string typestr = arglist[1];

                            if (typestr != null)
                                // get the list of items being carried of the specified type
                                Type targetType = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

                                if (targetType != null && trigmob != null && trigmob.Backpack != null)
                                    amount = trigmob.Backpack.GetAmount(targetType);

                            return amount.ToString();

                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.PLAYERSINRANGE) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is PLAYERSINRANGE,range

                            ptype = typeof(Int32);

                            int nplayers = 0;
                            int range = 0;
                            // get the number of players in range
                                range = int.Parse(arglist[1]);
                            catch { }

                            // count nearby players

                            if (o is Item)
                                foreach (Mobile p in ((Item)o).GetMobilesInRange(range))
                                    if (p.Player && p.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player) nplayers++;

                            else if (o is Mobile)
                                foreach (Mobile p in ((Mobile)o).GetMobilesInRange(range))
                                    if (p.Player && p.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player) nplayers++;

                            return nplayers.ToString();

                        else if ((kw == valueKeyword.TRIGSKILL) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            if (spawner != null && spawner.TriggerSkill != null)
                                // syntax is TRIGSKILL,name|value|cap|base
                                if (arglist[1].ToLower() == "name")
                                    ptype = typeof(string);
                                    return spawner.TriggerSkill.Name;
                                else if (arglist[1].ToLower() == "value")
                                    ptype = typeof(double);
                                    return spawner.TriggerSkill.Value.ToString();
                                else if (arglist[1].ToLower() == "cap")
                                    ptype = typeof(double);
                                    return spawner.TriggerSkill.Cap.ToString();
                                else if (arglist[1].ToLower() == "base")
                                    ptype = typeof(double);
                                    return spawner.TriggerSkill.Base.ToString();

                            return null;
                        if ((kw == valueKeyword.RANDNAME) && arglist.Length > 1)
                            // syntax is RANDNAME,nametype
                            return NameList.RandomName(arglist[1]);
                            // an invalid keyword format will be passed as literal
                            return str;
                    else if (literal)
                        ptype = typeof(String);
                        return str;
                        // otherwise treat it as a property name
                        string result = GetPropertyValue(spawner, o, pname, out ptype);

                        return ParseGetValue(result, ptype);
Esempio n. 22
        public static bool CheckPropertyString(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string testString, Mobile trigmob, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;

            if (o == null) return false;

            if (testString == null || testString.Length < 1)
                status_str = "Null property test string";
                return false;
            // parse the property test string for and(&)/or(|) operators
            string[] arglist = ParseString(testString, 2, "&|");
            if (arglist.Length < 2)
                bool returnval = CheckSingleProperty(spawner, o, testString, trigmob, out status_str);

                // simple conditional test with no and/or operators
                return returnval;
                // test each half independently and combine the results
                bool first = CheckSingleProperty(spawner, o, arglist[0], trigmob, out status_str);

                // this will recursively parse the property test string with implicit nesting for multiple logical tests of the
                // form A * B * C * D    being grouped as A * (B * (C * D))
                bool second = CheckPropertyString(spawner, o, arglist[1], trigmob, out status_str);

                int andposition = testString.IndexOf("&");
                int orposition = testString.IndexOf("|");

                // combine them based upon the operator
                if ((andposition > 0 && orposition <= 0) || (andposition > 0 && andposition < orposition))
                    // and operator
                    return (first && second);
                    if ((orposition > 0 && andposition <= 0) || (orposition > 0 && orposition < andposition))
                        // or operator
                        return (first || second);
                        // should never get here
                        return false;
Esempio n. 23
        public static string SetPropertyObject(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string name, object value)
            if (o == null)
                return "Null object";

            if ( o != null && o is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)o).AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator )
                return "Access denied";

            Type ptype = null;
            object po = null;
            Type type = o.GetType();

            PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            // parse the strings of the form property.attribute into two parts
            // first get the property
            string[] arglist = ParseString(name, 2, ".");

            if (arglist.Length == 2)
                // is a nested property with attributes so first get the property

                // use the lookup table for optimization if possible
                PropertyInfo plookup = LookupPropertyInfo(spawner, type, arglist[0]);

                if (plookup != null)

                    //if ( !plookup.CanWrite )
                    //return "Property is read only.";

                    if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, arglist[0]))
                        return "Property is protected.";

                    ptype = plookup.PropertyType;

                    po = plookup.GetValue(o, null);

                    // now set the nested attribute using the new property list
                    return (SetPropertyObject(spawner, po, arglist[1], value));

                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, arglist[0]))

                            //if ( !p.CanWrite )
                            //return "Property is read only.";

                            if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, arglist[0]))
                                return "Property is protected.";

                            ptype = p.PropertyType;

                            po = p.GetValue(o, null);

                            // now set the nested attribute using the new property list
                            return (SetPropertyObject(spawner, po, arglist[1], value));

                // its just a simple single property

                // use the lookup table for optimization if possible
                PropertyInfo plookup = LookupPropertyInfo(spawner, type, name);

                if (plookup != null)

                    if (!plookup.CanWrite)
                        return "Property is read only.";

                    if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, name))
                        return "Property is protected.";

                    if (plookup.PropertyType == typeof(Server.Mobile))
                        plookup.SetValue(o, value, null);

                        return "Property has been set.";
                        return "Property is not of type Mobile.";
                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                        if (Insensitive.Equals(p.Name, name))

                            if (!p.CanWrite)
                                return "Property is read only.";

                            if (BaseXmlSpawner.IsProtected(type, name))
                                return "Property is protected.";

                            if (p.PropertyType == typeof(Server.Mobile))
                                p.SetValue(o, value, null);

                                return "Property has been set.";
                                return "Property is not of type Mobile.";

            return "Property not found.";
Esempio n. 24
        public static bool CheckSingleProperty(XmlSpawner spawner, object o, string testString, Mobile trigmob, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;

            if (o == null || testString == null || testString.Length == 0) return false;

            //get the prop name and test value
            // format will be prop=prop, or prop>prop, prop<prop, prop!prop
            // also support the 'not' operator ~ at the beginning of a test, like ~prop=prop
            testString = testString.Trim();

            bool invertreturn = false;

            if (testString.Length > 0 && testString[0] == '~')
                invertreturn = true;
                testString = testString.Substring(1, testString.Length - 1);

            string[] arglist = ParseString(testString, 2, "=><!");
            if (arglist.Length < 2)
                status_str = "invalid property string : " + testString;
                return false;
            bool hasequal = false;
            bool hasnotequals = false;
            bool hasgreaterthan = false;
            bool haslessthan = false;

            if (testString.IndexOf("=") > 0)
                hasequal = true;
                if (testString.IndexOf("!") > 0)
                    hasnotequals = true;
                    if (testString.IndexOf(">") > 0)
                        hasgreaterthan = true;
                        if (testString.IndexOf("<") > 0)
                            haslessthan = true;

            // does it have a valid operator?
            if (!hasequal && !hasgreaterthan && !haslessthan && !hasnotequals)
                return false;

            Type ptype1;
            Type ptype2;

            string value1 = ParseForKeywords(spawner, o, arglist[0].Trim(), trigmob, false, out ptype1);

            // see if it was successful
            if (ptype1 == null)
                status_str = arglist[0] + " : " + value1;

                return invertreturn;
                //return false;

            string value2 = ParseForKeywords(spawner, o, arglist[1].Trim(), trigmob, false, out ptype2);

            // see if it was successful
            if (ptype2 == null)
                status_str = arglist[1] + " : " + value2;

                return invertreturn;
                //return false;

            // look for hex numeric specifications
            int base1 = 10;
            int base2 = 10;
            if (IsNumeric(ptype1) && value1.StartsWith("0x"))
                base1 = 16;

            if (IsNumeric(ptype2) && value2.StartsWith("0x"))
                base2 = 16;

            // and do the type dependent comparisons
            if (ptype2 == typeof(TimeSpan) || ptype1 == typeof(TimeSpan))
                if (hasequal)
                        if (TimeSpan.Parse(value1) == TimeSpan.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                        status_str = "invalid timespan comparison : {0}" + testString;
                    if (hasnotequals)
                            if (TimeSpan.Parse(value1) != TimeSpan.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                            status_str = "invalid timespan comparison : {0}" + testString;
                        if (hasgreaterthan)
                                if (TimeSpan.Parse(value1) > TimeSpan.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                            catch { status_str = "invalid timespan comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                            if (haslessthan)
                                    if (TimeSpan.Parse(value1) < TimeSpan.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                catch { status_str = "invalid timespan comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                // and do the type dependent comparisons
                if (ptype2 == typeof(DateTime) || ptype1 == typeof(DateTime))
                    if (hasequal)
                            if (DateTime.Parse(value1) == DateTime.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                            status_str = "invalid DateTime comparison : {0}" + testString;
                        if (hasnotequals)
                                if (DateTime.Parse(value1) != DateTime.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                status_str = "invalid DateTime comparison : {0}" + testString;
                            if (hasgreaterthan)
                                    if (DateTime.Parse(value1) > DateTime.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                catch { status_str = "invalid DateTime comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                if (haslessthan)
                                        if (DateTime.Parse(value1) < DateTime.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid DateTime comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                    // and do the type dependent comparisons
                    if (IsNumeric(ptype2) && IsNumeric(ptype1))
                        if (hasequal)
                                if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) == Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                            if (hasnotequals)
                                    if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) != Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                    status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                if (hasgreaterthan)
                                        if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) > Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                    if (haslessthan)
                                            if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) < Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                        catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                        if ((ptype2 == typeof(double)) && IsNumeric(ptype1))
                            if (hasequal)
                                    if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) == double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                    status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                if (hasnotequals)
                                        if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) != double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                        status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                    if (hasgreaterthan)
                                            if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) > double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                        catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                        if (haslessthan)
                                                if (Convert.ToInt64(value1, base1) < double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                            catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                            if ((ptype1 == typeof(double)) && IsNumeric(ptype2))
                                if (hasequal)
                                        if (double.Parse(value1) == Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                        status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                    if (hasnotequals)
                                            if (double.Parse(value1) != Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                            status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                        if (hasgreaterthan)
                                                if (double.Parse(value1) > Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                            catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                            if (haslessthan)
                                                    if (double.Parse(value1) < Convert.ToInt64(value2, base2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                if ((ptype1 == typeof(double)) && (ptype2 == typeof(double)))
                                    if (hasequal)
                                            if (double.Parse(value1) == double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                            status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                        if (hasnotequals)
                                                if (double.Parse(value1) != double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString;
                                            if (hasgreaterthan)
                                                    if (double.Parse(value1) > double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                                if (haslessthan)
                                                        if (double.Parse(value1) < double.Parse(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                    catch { status_str = "invalid int comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                    if (ptype2 == typeof(Boolean) && ptype1 == typeof(Boolean))
                                        if (hasequal)
                                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(value1) == Convert.ToBoolean(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                            catch (Exception se) { status_str = "invalid bool comparison : {0}" + testString + se.Message; }
                                            if (hasnotequals)
                                                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(value1) != Convert.ToBoolean(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                catch (Exception se) { status_str = "invalid bool comparison : {0}" + testString + se.Message; }
                                        if (ptype2 == typeof(Double) || ptype2 == typeof(Double))
                                            if (hasequal)
                                                    if (Convert.ToDouble(value1) == Convert.ToDouble(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                catch { status_str = "invalid double comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                                if (hasnotequals)
                                                        if (Convert.ToDouble(value1) != Convert.ToDouble(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                    catch { status_str = "invalid double comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                                    if (hasgreaterthan)
                                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(value1) > Convert.ToDouble(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                        catch { status_str = "invalid double comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                                        if (haslessthan)
                                                                if (Convert.ToDouble(value1) < Convert.ToDouble(value2)) return !invertreturn;
                                                            catch { status_str = "invalid double comparison : {0}" + testString; }
                                            // by default just do a string comparison
                                            if (hasequal)
                                                if (value1 == value2) return !invertreturn;
                                                if (hasnotequals)
                                                    if (value1 != value2) return !invertreturn;
            return invertreturn;
Esempio n. 25
 public static bool SpawnTypeKeyword(object invoker, XmlSpawner.SpawnObject TheSpawn, string typeName, string substitutedtypeName, bool requiresurface,
     Mobile triggermob, Point3D location, Map map, XmlGumpCallback gumpcallback, out string status_str)
     return SpawnTypeKeyword(invoker, TheSpawn, typeName, substitutedtypeName, requiresurface, null,
         triggermob, location, map, gumpcallback, out status_str);
Esempio n. 26
        public static Mobile FindInRecentMobileSearchList(XmlSpawner spawner, string name, string typestr)
            if (spawner == null || name == null || spawner.RecentMobileSearchList == null) return null;

            ArrayList deletelist = null;
            Mobile foundmobile = null;

            Type targettype = null;
            if (typestr != null)
                targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

            foreach (Mobile m in spawner.RecentMobileSearchList)
                if (m.Deleted)
                    // clean it up
                    if (deletelist == null)
                        deletelist = new ArrayList();
                    if (name.Length == 0 || String.Compare(m.Name, name, true) == 0)

                        if (typestr == null ||
                            (m.GetType() != null && targettype != null && (m.GetType().Equals(targettype) || m.GetType().IsSubclassOf(targettype))))
                            foundmobile = m;

            if (deletelist != null)
                foreach (Mobile i in deletelist)

            return (foundmobile);
Esempio n. 27
        public static bool SpawnTypeKeyword(object invoker, XmlSpawner.SpawnObject TheSpawn, string typeName, string substitutedtypeName, bool requiresurface,
            List<XmlSpawner.SpawnPositionInfo> spawnpositioning, Mobile triggermob, Point3D location, Map map, XmlGumpCallback gumpcallback, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;

            if (typeName == null || TheSpawn == null || substitutedtypeName == null) return false;

            XmlSpawner spawner = invoker as XmlSpawner;

            // check for any special keywords that might appear in the type such as SET, GIVE, or TAKE

            if (IsTypeKeyword(typeName))
                typeKeyword kw = (typeKeyword)typeKeywordHash[typeName];

                switch (kw)
                    case typeKeyword.SET:

                            // the syntax is SET/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            // check for the SET,itemname[,itemtype]/prop/value form is used
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");

                            if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                string typestr = null;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                    typestr = keywordargs[2];

                                // is the itemname a serialno?
                                object setitem = null;
                                if (keywordargs[1].StartsWith("0x"))
                                    int serial = -1;
                                        serial = Convert.ToInt32(keywordargs[1], 16);
                                    catch { }
                                    if (serial >= 0)
                                        setitem = World.FindEntity(serial);
                                    // just look it up by name
                                    setitem = FindItemByName(spawner, keywordargs[1], typestr);

                                if (setitem == null)
                                    status_str = "cant find unique item :" + keywordargs[1];
                                    return false;
                                    ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, setitem, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                            else if (spawner != null)
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, spawner.SetItem, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONMOB:
                            // the syntax is SETONMOB,mobname[,mobtype]/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            Mobile mob = null;
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                    string typestr = null;
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        typestr = keywordargs[2];

                                    mob = FindMobileByName(spawner, keywordargs[1], typestr);

                                    if (mob == null)
                                        status_str = String.Format("named mob '{0}' not found", keywordargs[1]);
                                    status_str = "missing mob name in SETONMOB";
                            if (mob != null)
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, mob, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONTHIS:
                            // the syntax is SETONTHIS/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            //string [] arglist = ParseString(substitutedtypeName,3,"/");

                            if (invoker != null)
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, invoker, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONTRIGMOB:
                            // the syntax is SETONTRIGMOB/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, triggermob, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETACCOUNTTAG:
                            // the syntax is SETACCOUNTTAG,tagname/value
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);

                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                string[] objstr = ParseString(arglist[0], 2, ",");

                                if (objstr.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing tagname in SETACCOUNTTAG";
                                    return false;

                                string tagname = objstr[1];
                                string tagval = arglist[1];

                                // set the tag value
                                // get the value of the account tag from the triggering mob
                                if (triggermob != null && !triggermob.Deleted)
                                    Account acct = triggermob.Account as Account;
                                    if (acct != null)
                                        acct.SetTag(tagname, tagval);
                                status_str = "no value assigned to SETACCOUNTTAG";
                                return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETVAR:
                            // the syntax is SETVAR,varname/value

                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);

                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                string[] objstr = ParseString(arglist[0], 2, ",");

                                if (objstr.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing varname in SETVAR";
                                    return false;

                                string varname = objstr[1];
                                string varval = arglist[1];

                                // find the xmllocalvariable attachment with that name
                                XmlLocalVariable a = (XmlLocalVariable)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(invoker, typeof(XmlLocalVariable), varname);

                                if (a == null)
                                    // doesnt already exist so add it
                                    XmlAttach.AttachTo(invoker, new XmlLocalVariable(varname, varval));

                                    a.Data = varval;
                                status_str = "no value assigned to SETVAR";
                                return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONNEARBY:
                            // the syntax is SETONNEARBY,range,name[,type][,searchcontainers][,proptest]/prop/value/prop/value...

                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string typestr = null;
                            string targetname = null;
                            string proptest = null;
                            int range = -1;
                            bool searchcontainers = false;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] objstr = ParseString(arglist[0], 6, ",");
                                if (objstr.Length < 3)
                                    status_str = "missing range or name in SETONNEARBY";
                                    return false;

                                    range = int.Parse(objstr[1]);
                                catch { }

                                if (range < 0)
                                    status_str = "invalid range in SETONNEARBY";
                                    return false;

                                targetname = objstr[2];

                                if (objstr.Length > 3)
                                    typestr = objstr[3];

                                if (objstr.Length > 4)
                                        searchcontainers = bool.Parse(objstr[4]);
                                    catch { }

                                if (objstr.Length > 5)
                                       proptest = objstr[5];
                                status_str = "missing args to SETONNEARBY";
                                return false;

                            Type targettype = null;
                            if (typestr != null)
                                targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);
                            ArrayList nearbylist = GetNearbyObjects(invoker, targetname, targettype, typestr, range, searchcontainers, proptest);

                            // apply the properties to everything on the list
                            foreach (object nearbyobj in nearbylist)
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, nearbyobj, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONPETS:
                            // the syntax is SETONPETS,range/prop/value/prop/value...

                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string typestr = "BaseCreature";
                            string targetname = null;
                            int range = -1;
                            bool searchcontainers = false;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] objstr = ParseString(arglist[0], 2, ",");
                                if (objstr.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing range or name in SETONPETS";
                                    return false;

                                    range = int.Parse(objstr[1]);
                                catch { }

                                if (range < 0)
                                    status_str = "invalid range in SETONPETS";
                                    return false;

                                status_str = "missing args to SETONPETS";
                                return false;

                            Type targettype = null;

                            if (typestr != null)
                                targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

                            // get all of the nearby pets
                            ArrayList nearbylist = GetNearbyObjects(triggermob, targetname, targettype, typestr, range, searchcontainers, null);

                            // apply the properties to everything on the list
                            foreach (object nearbyobj in nearbylist)
                                // is this a pet of the triggering mob
                                BaseCreature pet = nearbyobj as BaseCreature;

                                if (pet != null && pet.Controlled && pet.ControlMaster == triggermob)
                                    ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, nearbyobj, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));


                    case typeKeyword.SETONCARRIED:
                            // the syntax is SETONCARRIED,itemname[,itemtype][,equippedonly]/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            // or SETONCARRIED,itemname[,itemtype]/prop/value

                            // first find the carried item
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string typestr = null;
                            string itemname = null;
                            bool equippedonly = false;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] objstr = ParseString(arglist[0], 4, ",");
                                if (objstr.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing itemname in SETONCARRIED";
                                    return false;

                                itemname = objstr[1];

                                if (objstr.Length > 2)
                                    typestr = objstr[2];

                                if (objstr.Length > 3)
                                    if (objstr[3].ToLower() == "equippedonly")
                                        equippedonly = true;
                                            equippedonly = bool.Parse(objstr[3]);
                                        catch { }
                                status_str = "missing args to SETONCARRIED";
                                return false;

                            Item testitem = SearchMobileForItem(triggermob, ParseObjectType(itemname), typestr, false, equippedonly);

                            ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, testitem, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONSPAWN:
                            // the syntax is SETONSPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            // or SETONSPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup/prop/value

                            // first find the spawn
                            int subgroup = -1;
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            XmlSpawner targetspawner = spawner;
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing subgroup in SETONSPAWN";
                                    return false;
                                    string subgroupstr = keywordargs[1];
                                    string spawnerstr = null;
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        spawnerstr = keywordargs[1];
                                        subgroupstr = keywordargs[2];
                                    if (spawnerstr != null)
                                        targetspawner = FindSpawnerByName(spawner, spawnerstr);
                                    try { subgroup = int.Parse(subgroupstr); }
                                    catch { }
                            if (subgroup == -1)
                                status_str = "invalid subgroup in SETONSPAWN";
                                return false;

                            ArrayList spawnedlist = XmlSpawner.GetSpawnedList(targetspawner, subgroup);
                            if (spawnedlist == null) return true;
                            foreach (object targetobj in spawnedlist)
                                if (targetobj == null) return true;

                                // dont apply it to keyword tags
                                if (targetobj is KeywordTag) continue;

                                // set the properties on the target object
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, targetobj, triggermob, spawner, out status_str);
                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONSPAWNENTRY:
                            // the syntax is SETONSPAWNENTRY[,spawnername],entrystring/prop/value/prop2/value...

                            // find the spawn entry
                            string entrystring = null;
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            XmlSpawner targetspawner = spawner;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing entrystring in SETONSPAWNENTRY";
                                    return false;
                                    entrystring = keywordargs[1];
                                    string spawnerstr = null;
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        spawnerstr = keywordargs[1];
                                        entrystring = keywordargs[2];
                                    if (spawnerstr != null)
                                        targetspawner = FindSpawnerByName(spawner, spawnerstr);
                            if (entrystring == null || entrystring.Length == 0)
                                status_str = "invalid entrystring in SETONSPAWNENTRY";
                                return false;

                            int entryindex = -1;
                            // is the entrystring a number?
                            if (entrystring[0] >= '0' && entrystring[0] <= '9')
                                    entryindex = int.Parse(entrystring);
                                catch { }


                            if (targetspawner == null || targetspawner.SpawnObjects == null) return true;

                            for (int i = 0; i < targetspawner.SpawnObjects.Length; i++)
                                XmlSpawner.SpawnObject targetobj = targetspawner.SpawnObjects[i];

                                // is this references by entrystring or entryindex?
                                if ((entryindex == i)
                                || (entryindex == -1 && targetobj != null && targetobj.TypeName != null && targetobj.TypeName.IndexOf(entrystring) >= 0))
                                    // set the properties on the spawn entry object
                                    ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, targetobj, triggermob, spawner, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SETONPARENT:
                            // the syntax is SETONPARENT/prop/value/prop2/value...
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);

                            if (invoker != null && (invoker is Item))
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, ((Item)invoker).Parent, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                            else if (invoker != null && (invoker is XmlAttachment))
                                ApplyObjectStringProperties(spawner, substitutedtypeName, ((XmlAttachment)invoker).Attached, triggermob, invoker, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.GIVE:
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);

                            string remainder;
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                // check for any special keywords such as the additem option or the subproperty specification
                                // note this will be an arg to some property
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 2, ",");
                                AddItemToTarget(spawner, triggermob, keywordargs, arglist, triggermob, invoker, false, out remainder, out status_str);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.TAKE:
                            // syntax TAKE[,prob[,quantity[,true,[type]]]]/itemname
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string targetName;
                            string typestr = null;
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                targetName = arglist[1];
                                status_str = "invalid TAKE specification";
                                return false;
                            string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 5, ",");
                            double drop_probability = 1;
                            int quantity = 0;
                            bool banksearch = false;
                            Item savedItem = null;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid TAKE probability : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { quantity = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid TAKE quantity : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { banksearch = bool.Parse(keywordargs[3]); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid TAKE bankflag : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 4)
                                typestr = keywordargs[4];
                            if (drop_probability == 1 || Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                // search the trigger mob for the named item
                                Item itemTarget = SearchMobileForItem(triggermob, targetName, typestr, banksearch);

                                // found the item so get rid of it
                                if (itemTarget != null)
                                    // if a quantity was specified and the item is stackable, then try to take the quantity
                                    if (quantity > 0 && itemTarget.Stackable)
                                        // create a copy of the stacked item to be saved
                                        //savedItem = itemTarget.Dupe(0);
                                        savedItem = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(itemTarget, itemTarget.Amount);
                                        if (savedItem != null)

                                        int totaltaken = 0;

                                        int remaining = itemTarget.Amount - quantity;
                                        if (remaining <= 0)
                                            int taken = itemTarget.Amount;
                                            totaltaken += taken;

                                            while (remaining < 0)
                                                quantity -= taken;
                                                // if didnt get the full amount then keep looking for other stacks
                                                itemTarget = SearchMobileForItem(triggermob, targetName, typestr, banksearch);
                                                if (itemTarget == null) break;

                                                remaining = itemTarget.Amount - quantity;

                                                if (remaining <= 0)
                                                    taken = itemTarget.Amount;
                                                    totaltaken += taken;

                                                    totaltaken += quantity;
                                                    itemTarget.Amount = remaining;
                                            totaltaken = quantity;
                                            itemTarget.Amount = remaining;

                                        if (savedItem != null)
                                            savedItem.Amount = totaltaken;
                                        // dont save quest holders
                                        if (itemTarget is XmlQuestBook || itemTarget is IXmlQuest)
                                            savedItem = itemTarget;

                                    // if the saved item was being held then release it otherwise the player can take it back
                                    if (triggermob != null && triggermob.Holding == savedItem)
                                        triggermob.Holding = null;

                                    XmlSaveItem si = (XmlSaveItem)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(invoker, typeof(XmlSaveItem), "Taken");

                                    if (si == null)
                                        XmlAttach.AttachTo(invoker, new XmlSaveItem("Taken", savedItem, triggermob));
                                        si.SavedItem = savedItem;
                                        si.WasOwnedBy = triggermob;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.TAKEBYTYPE:
                            // syntax TAKEBYTYPE[,prob[,quantity[,true]]]/itemtype
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string targetName;
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                targetName = arglist[1];
                                status_str = "invalid TAKEBYTYPE specification";
                                return false;
                            string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 4, ",");
                            double drop_probability = 1;
                            int quantity = 0;
                            bool banksearch = false;
                            Item savedItem = null;

                            if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { drop_probability = Convert.ToDouble(keywordargs[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid TAKEBYTYPE probability : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { quantity = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid TAKEBYTYPE quantity : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { banksearch = bool.Parse(keywordargs[3]); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid TAKEBYTYPE bankflag : " + arglist[1]; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                            if (drop_probability == 1 || Utility.RandomDouble() < drop_probability)
                                // search the trigger mob for the named item
                                Item itemTarget = SearchMobileForItemType(triggermob, targetName, banksearch);

                                // found the item so get rid of it
                                if (itemTarget != null)
                                    // if a quantity was specified and the item is stackable, then try to take the quantity
                                    if (quantity > 0 && itemTarget.Stackable)

                                        // create a copy of the stacked item to be saved
                                        //savedItem = itemTarget.Dupe(0);
                                        savedItem = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(itemTarget, itemTarget.Amount);
                                        if (savedItem != null)

                                        int totaltaken = 0;

                                        int remaining = itemTarget.Amount - quantity;
                                        if (remaining <= 0)
                                            int taken = itemTarget.Amount;
                                            totaltaken += taken;


                                            while (remaining < 0)
                                                quantity -= taken;
                                                // if didnt get the full amount then keep looking for other stacks
                                                itemTarget = SearchMobileForItemType(triggermob, targetName, banksearch);

                                                if (itemTarget == null) break;

                                                remaining = itemTarget.Amount - quantity;
                                                if (remaining <= 0)
                                                    taken = itemTarget.Amount;
                                                    totaltaken += taken;


                                                    totaltaken += quantity;
                                                    itemTarget.Amount = remaining;

                                            totaltaken = quantity;
                                            itemTarget.Amount = remaining;

                                        if (savedItem != null)
                                            savedItem.Amount = totaltaken;
                                        // dont save quest holders
                                        if (itemTarget is XmlQuestBook || itemTarget is XmlQuestHolder || itemTarget is XmlQuestToken)
                                            savedItem = itemTarget;

                                // is there an existing xmlsaveitem attachment

                                XmlSaveItem si = (XmlSaveItem)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(invoker, typeof(XmlSaveItem), "Taken");

                                if (si == null)
                                    XmlAttach.AttachTo(invoker, new XmlSaveItem("Taken", savedItem, triggermob));
                                    si.SavedItem = savedItem;
                                    si.WasOwnedBy = triggermob;
                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.GUMP:
                            // the syntax is GUMP,title,type/string
                            // can alternatively accept a gump constructor name
                            // GUMP,title,type,constructorname/string
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            string gumpText;
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                gumpText = arglist[1];
                                status_str = "invalid GUMP specification";
                                return false;

                            string[] gumpkeywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 4, ",");
                            string gumpTitle = "";
                            int gumpNumber = 0; // 0=simple text gump, 1=yes/no gump, 2=reply gump, 3=quest gump

                            if (gumpkeywordargs.Length > 2)
                                gumpTitle = gumpkeywordargs[1];
                                bool converterror = false;
                                try { gumpNumber = int.Parse(gumpkeywordargs[2]); }
                                catch { status_str = "Invalid GUMP args"; converterror = true; }
                                if (converterror) return false;
                                status_str = "invalid GUMP specification";
                                return false;
                            string gumptypestr = "XmlSimpleGump"; // default gump constructor

                            if (gumpkeywordargs.Length > 3)
                                // get the gump constructor type
                                gumptypestr = gumpkeywordargs[3].Trim();
                            Type type = null;
                            if (gumptypestr != null)
                                    type = SpawnerType.GetType(gumptypestr);
                                catch { }
                            if (type == null)
                                status_str = "invalid GUMP constructor : " + gumptypestr;
                                return false;

                            // prepare the keyword tag for the gump
                            KeywordTag newtag = new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner, 1);
                            if (triggermob != null && !triggermob.Deleted && (triggermob is PlayerMobile))
                                object newgump = null;
                                object[] gumpargs = new object[7];
                                gumpargs[0] = invoker;
                                gumpargs[1] = gumpText;
                                gumpargs[2] = gumpTitle;
                                gumpargs[3] = gumpNumber;
                                gumpargs[4] = newtag;
                                gumpargs[5] = triggermob;
                                gumpargs[6] = gumpcallback;

                                //spawner.TriggerMob.SendGump( new XmlSimpleGump(this, gumpText,gumpTitle, gumpType ));
                                    newgump = Activator.CreateInstance(type, gumpargs);
                                catch { status_str = "Error in creating gump type : " + gumptypestr; newtag.Delete(); return false; }
                                if (newgump != null)
                                    if (newgump is Gump)
                                    else if (newgump is Item)
                                        status_str = gumptypestr + " is not a Gump type";
                                        return false;
                                    else if (newgump is Mobile)
                                        status_str = gumptypestr + " is not a Gump type";
                                        return false;
                                        status_str = gumptypestr + " is not a Gump type";
                                        return false;

                    case typeKeyword.BROWSER:
                            // the syntax is BROWSER/url
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);
                            string url;

                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                if (arglist[1] != null && arglist[1].Length > 0 && arglist[1][0] == '@')
                                    url = arglist[1].Substring(1);
                                    url = arglist[1];
                                status_str = "invalid BROWSER specification";
                                return false;

                            if (triggermob != null && !triggermob.Deleted && (triggermob is PlayerMobile))

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SENDMSG:
                            // the syntax is SENDMSG[,hue]/string
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            // check for literal
                            string msgText;
                            int hue = 0x3B2;
                            int font = 3;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 2, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                        hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid hue arg to SENDMSG"; }
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                if (arglist[1] != null && arglist[1].Length > 0 && arglist[1][0] == '@')
                                    arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);
                                    msgText = arglist[1].Substring(1);
                                    msgText = arglist[1];
                                status_str = "invalid SENDMSG specification";
                                return false;
                            if (triggermob != null && !triggermob.Deleted && (triggermob is PlayerMobile))
                                triggermob.Send(new UnicodeMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, font, "ENU", "System", msgText));

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SENDASCIIMSG:
                            // the syntax is SENDASCIIMSG[,hue][,font#]/string
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            // check for literal
                            string msgText;
                            int hue = 0x3B2;
                            int font = 3;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                        hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid hue arg to SENDASCIIMSG"; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        font = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid font arg to SENDASCIIMSG"; }
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                if (arglist[1] != null && arglist[1].Length > 0 && arglist[1][0] == '@')
                                    arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);
                                    msgText = arglist[1].Substring(1);
                                    msgText = arglist[1];
                                status_str = "invalid SENDASCIIMSG specification";
                                return false;
                            if (triggermob != null && !triggermob.Deleted && (triggermob is PlayerMobile))
                                triggermob.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, -1, MessageType.Regular, hue, font, "System", msgText));

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.WAITUNTIL:
                            // the syntax is WAITUNTIL[,delay][,timeout][/condition][/thendogroup]
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 4);
                            double delay = 0;
                            double timeout = 0;
                            string condition = null;
                            int gotogroup = -1;
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                        delay = double.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid delay arg to WAITUNTIL"; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        timeout = double.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid timeout arg to WAITUNTIL"; }
                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                condition = arglist[1];
                            if (arglist.Length > 2)
                                    gotogroup = int.Parse(arglist[2]);
                                catch { status_str = "invalid goto arg to WAITUNTIL"; }
                            if (status_str != null)
                                return false;
                            // suppress sequential advancement
                            //spawner.HoldSequence = true;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(delay), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeout), condition, gotogroup));

                    case typeKeyword.WHILE:
                            // the syntax is WHILE/condition/dogroup
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 4);
                            string condition = null;
                            int gotogroup = -1;
                            if (arglist.Length < 3)
                                status_str = "insufficient args to WHILE";
                                condition = arglist[1];
                                    gotogroup = int.Parse(arglist[2]);
                                catch { status_str = "invalid dogroup arg to WHILE"; }
                            if (status_str != null)
                                return false;
                            // test the condition
                            if (TestItemProperty(spawner, spawner, condition, triggermob, out status_str))
                                // try to spawn the dogroup
                                if (spawner != null && !spawner.Deleted)
                                    if (gotogroup >= 0)
                                        // spawn the subgroup

                                        // advance the sequence to that group
                                        //spawner.SequentialSpawn = gotogroup;
                                    // and suppress sequential advancement
                                    spawner.HoldSequence = true;


                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.IF:

                            // the syntax is IF/condition/thengroup [/elsegroup]
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 5);
                            string condition = null;
                            int thengroup = -1;
                            int elsegroup = -1;
                            if (arglist.Length < 3)
                                status_str = "insufficient args to IF";
                                condition = arglist[1];
                                    thengroup = int.Parse(arglist[2]);
                                catch { status_str = "invalid thengroup arg to IF"; }
                            if (arglist.Length > 3)
                                    elsegroup = int.Parse(arglist[3]);
                                catch { status_str = "invalid elsegroup arg to IF"; }

                            if (status_str != null)
                                return false;

                            // test the condition
                            if (TestItemProperty(spawner, spawner, condition, triggermob, out status_str))
                                // try to spawn the thengroup
                                if (thengroup >= 0 && spawner != null && !spawner.Deleted)

                                    // spawn the subgroup

                                    // advance the sequence to that group
                                    //spawner.SequentialSpawn = thengroup;
                                // and suppress sequential advancement
                                //spawner.HoldSequence = true;

                                // try to spawn the elsegroup
                                if (elsegroup >= 0 && spawner != null && !spawner.Deleted)

                                    // spawn the subgroup

                                    // advance the sequence to that group
                                    //spawner.SequentialSpawn = elsegroup;
                                // and suppress sequential advancement
                                //spawner.HoldSequence = true;
                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.DESPAWN:
                            // the syntax is DESPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup

                            // first find the spawner and group
                            int subgroup = -1;
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            XmlSpawner targetspawner = spawner;
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing subgroup in DESPAWN";
                                    return false;
                                    string subgroupstr = keywordargs[1];
                                    string spawnerstr = null;
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        spawnerstr = keywordargs[1];
                                        subgroupstr = keywordargs[2];
                                    if (spawnerstr != null)
                                        targetspawner = FindSpawnerByName(spawner, spawnerstr);
                                    try { subgroup = int.Parse(subgroupstr); }
                                    catch { }
                            if (subgroup == -1)
                                status_str = "invalid subgroup in DESPAWN";
                                return false;

                            if (targetspawner != null)
                                status_str = "invalid spawner in DESPAWN";
                                return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SPAWN:
                            // the syntax is SPAWN[,spawnername],subgroup

                            // first find the spawner and group
                            int subgroup = -1;
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            XmlSpawner targetspawner = spawner;
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "missing subgroup in SPAWN";
                                    return false;
                                    string subgroupstr = keywordargs[1];
                                    string spawnerstr = null;
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        spawnerstr = keywordargs[1];
                                        subgroupstr = keywordargs[2];
                                    if (spawnerstr != null)
                                        targetspawner = FindSpawnerByName(spawner, spawnerstr);
                                    try { subgroup = int.Parse(subgroupstr); }
                                    catch { }
                            if (subgroup == -1)
                                status_str = "invalid subgroup in SPAWN";
                                return false;

                            if (targetspawner != null)
                                if (spawner != targetspawner)
                                    // allow spawning of other spawners to be forced and ignore the normal loop protection
                                    targetspawner.SpawnSubGroup(subgroup, false, true);
                                status_str = "invalid spawner in SPAWN";
                                return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.GOTO:
                            // the syntax is GOTO/subgroup
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            int group = -1;
                            if (arglist.Length < 2)
                                status_str = "insufficient args to GOTO";
                                    group = int.Parse(arglist[1]);
                                catch { status_str = "invalid subgroup arg to GOTO"; }
                            if (status_str != null)
                                return false;

                            // move the sequence to the specified subgroup
                            if (group >= 0 && spawner != null && !spawner.Deleted)
                                // note, this will activate sequential spawning if it wasnt already set
                                spawner.SequentialSpawn = group;

                                // and suppress sequential advancement so that the specified group is the next to spawn
                                spawner.HoldSequence = true;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner, 2));

                    case typeKeyword.COMMAND:
                            // the syntax is COMMAND/commandstring
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                // mod to use a dummy char to issue commands
                                if (CommandMobileName != null)
                                    Mobile dummy = FindMobileByName(spawner, CommandMobileName, "Mobile");
                                    if (dummy != null)
                                        CommandSystem.Handle(dummy, String.Format("{0}{1}", CommandSystem.Prefix, arglist[1]));
                                    if (triggermob != null && !triggermob.Deleted)
                                        CommandSystem.Handle(triggermob, String.Format("{0}{1}", CommandSystem.Prefix, arglist[1]));

                                status_str = "insufficient args to COMMAND";

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.MUSIC:
                            // the syntax is MUSIC,name,range
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                SendMusicToPlayers(arglist[0], triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.SOUND:
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                // Syntax is SOUND,soundnumber
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                int sound = -1;
                                // try to get the soundnumber argument
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 2)
                                    status_str = "Missing sound number";
                                        sound = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper sound number format"; }
                                if (sound >= 0 && spawner != null && !spawner.Deleted)
                                    Effects.PlaySound(spawner.Location, spawner.Map, sound);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    //  MEFFECT keyword
                    case typeKeyword.MEFFECT:
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 9, ",");

                                if (keywordargs.Length < 9)
                                    status_str = "Missing args";
                                    int effect = -1;
                                    int duration = 0;
                                    int speed = 1;
                                    Point3D eloc1 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                    Point3D eloc2 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                    Map emap = Map.Internal;

                                    // syntax is MEFFECT,itemid,speed,x,y,z,x2,y2,z2

                                    // try to get the effect argument

                                        effect = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect number format"; }

                                        speed = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect speed format"; }

                                    int x = 0;
                                    int y = 0;
                                    int z = 0;
                                        x = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                        y = int.Parse(keywordargs[4]);
                                        z = int.Parse(keywordargs[5]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                    eloc1 = new Point3D(x, y, z);

                                        x = int.Parse(keywordargs[6]);
                                        y = int.Parse(keywordargs[7]);
                                        z = int.Parse(keywordargs[8]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                    eloc2 = new Point3D(x, y, z);

                                    if (effect >= 0 && emap != Map.Internal)
                                        Effects.SendPacket(eloc1, emap, new HuedEffect(EffectType.Moving, -1, -1, effect, eloc1, eloc2, speed, duration, false, false, 0, 0));
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;
                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));
                    case typeKeyword.EFFECT:
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (spawner == null || spawner.Deleted) return false;
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 6, ",");
                                int effect = -1;
                                int duration = 1;
                                // syntax is EFFECT,itemid,duration[,x,y,z] or EFFECT,itemid,duration[,trigmob]
                                // try to get the effect argument
                                // some interesting effects are explosion(14013,15), sparkle(14155,15), explosion2(14000,13)
                                if (keywordargs.Length < 3)
                                    status_str = "Missing effect number and duration";
                                        effect = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect number format"; }
                                        duration = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "Improper effect duration format"; }
                                // by default just use the spawner location
                                Point3D eloc = spawner.Location;
                                Map emap = spawner.Map;
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 3)
                                    // is this applied to the trig mob or to a location?
                                    if (keywordargs.Length > 5)
                                        int x = spawner.Location.X;
                                        int y = spawner.Location.Y;
                                        int z = spawner.Location.Z;
                                            x = int.Parse(keywordargs[3]);
                                            y = int.Parse(keywordargs[4]);
                                            z = int.Parse(keywordargs[5]);
                                        catch { status_str = "Improper effect location format"; }
                                        eloc = new Point3D(x, y, z);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;
                                if (effect >= 0)
                                    Effects.SendLocationEffect(eloc, emap, effect, duration);

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.POISON:
                            // the syntax is POISON,name,range
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                ApplyPoisonToPlayers(arglist[0], triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.DAMAGE:
                            // the syntax is DAMAGE,damage,phys,fire,cold,pois,energy[,range]
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                ApplyDamageToPlayers(arglist[0], triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.RESURRECT:
                            // the syntax is RESURRECT[,range][,PETS]
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                ResurrectPlayers(arglist[0], triggermob, invoker, out status_str);
                                if (status_str != null)
                                    return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                    case typeKeyword.CAST:
                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);
                            // Syntax is CAST,spellnumber[,arg] or CAST,spellname[,arg]
                            string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                            int spellnumber = 0;
                            bool hasnumber = true;
                            // try it as spellnumber
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                try { spellnumber = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]); }
                                catch { hasnumber = false; }
                                status_str = "invalid CAST specification";
                                // note that returning true means that Spawn will assume that it worked and will not try to recast
                                return true;
                            // call this with the 3 argument version that includes the bodytype arg
                            int keywordarg2 = 0;
                            if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                try { keywordarg2 = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]); }
                                catch { }

                            Spell spell = null;

                            // the trigger mob will cast the spells

                            Mobile caster = triggermob;
                            if (caster == null)
                                // note that returning true means that Spawn will assume that it worked and will not try to recast
                                return true;

                            // make the placeholder wand to avoid reagent and mana use
                            // this has been removed because Divinity doesn't have ClumsyWand
                            //BaseWand cwand = new ClumsyWand();
                            //cwand.Parent = caster;

                            BaseWand cwand = null;
                            spell = null;
                            /*if (hasnumber)
                                spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(spellnumber, caster, cwand);
                                spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(keywordargs[1], caster, cwand);
                            if (spell != null)
                                bool casterror = false;
                                    // deal with the 3 types of spells, mob targeted, location targeted, and self targeted

                                    // dont go through all of the warm up stuff, get right to the casting
                                    spell.State = SpellState.Sequencing;

                                    Type spelltype = spell.GetType();
                                    // deal with any special cases here
                                    if (spelltype == typeof(Server.Spells.Seventh.PolymorphSpell))
                                        if (keywordarg2 == 0)
                                            // this is invalid so dont cast
                                            throw (new ArgumentNullException());
                                        object[] polyargs = new object[3];
                                        polyargs[0] = caster;
                                        polyargs[1] = cwand;
                                        polyargs[2] = keywordarg2;
                                        spell = (Spell)Activator.CreateInstance(spelltype, polyargs);

                                        if (spell == null)
                                            throw (new ArgumentNullException());
                                        spell.State = SpellState.Sequencing;
                                    MethodInfo spelltargetmethod = null;

                                    // get the targeting method from the spell
                                    // note, the precedence is important as the target call should override oncast if it is present
                                    if (spelltype != null && (spelltargetmethod = spelltype.GetMethod("Target")) != null)

                                    // if it doesnt have it then check for self targeted types
                                    else if (spelltype != null && (spelltargetmethod = spelltype.GetMethod("OnCast")) != null)


                                        throw (new ArgumentNullException());
                                    // Get the parameters for the target method.
                                    ParameterInfo[] spelltargetparms = spelltargetmethod.GetParameters();
                                    // target will have one parm
                                    // selftarg will have none
                                    object[] targetargs = null;
                                    // check the parameters
                                    if (spelltargetparms != null && spelltargetparms.Length > 0)
                                        if (spelltargetparms[0].ParameterType == typeof(Server.Mobile))
                                            // set the target parameter
                                            targetargs = new object[1];
                                            targetargs[0] = triggermob;
                                        else if (spelltargetparms[0].ParameterType == typeof(Server.IPoint3D))
                                            // set the target parameter
                                            targetargs = new object[1];
                                            // pick a random point around the caster
                                            int range = keywordarg2;
                                            if (range == 0) range = 1;
                                            int randx = Utility.RandomMinMax(-range, range);
                                            int randy = Utility.RandomMinMax(-range, range);
                                            if (randx == 0 && randy == 0) randx = 1;
                                            targetargs[0] = new Point3D(triggermob.Location.X + randx,
                                                triggermob.Location.Y + randy,
                                            // dont handle any other types of args
                                            throw (new ArgumentNullException());
                                    // set the spell on the caster
                                    caster.Spell = spell;
                                    // invoke the spell method with the appropriate args
                                    spelltargetmethod.Invoke(spell, targetargs);

                                    // get rid of the placeholder wand
                                    if (cwand != null && !cwand.Deleted)
                                    status_str = "bad spell call : " + spell.Name;
                                    casterror = true;
                                    // get rid of the placeholder wand
                                    if (cwand != null && !cwand.Deleted)

                                if (casterror) return true;
                                status_str = "spell invalid or disabled : " + keywordargs[1];

                                //return true;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));
                            // note that returning true means that Spawn assume that it worked and will not try to recast
                    case typeKeyword.BCAST:
                            // syntax is BCAST[,hue][,font]/message

                            string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 3);

                            int hue = 0x482;
                            int font = -1;

                            if (arglist.Length > 0)
                                string[] keywordargs = ParseString(arglist[0], 3, ",");
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 1)
                                        hue = int.Parse(keywordargs[1]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid hue arg to BCAST"; }
                                if (keywordargs.Length > 2)
                                        font = int.Parse(keywordargs[2]);
                                    catch { status_str = "invalid font arg to BCAST"; }

                            if (arglist.Length > 1)
                                string msg = arglist[1];
                                if (arglist[1] != null && arglist[1].Length > 0 && arglist[1][0] == '@')
                                    arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);
                                    msg = arglist[1].Substring(1);
                                if (font >= 0)
                                    // broadcast an ascii message to all players
                                    BroadcastAsciiMessage(AccessLevel.Player, hue, font, msg);
                                    // standard unicode message format
                                    CommandHandlers.BroadcastMessage(AccessLevel.Player, hue, msg);

                                status_str = "missing msg arg in BCAST";
                                return false;

                            TheSpawn.SpawnedObjects.Add(new KeywordTag(substitutedtypeName, spawner));

                            status_str = "unrecognized keyword";
                            // should never get here
                // indicate successful keyword spawn
                return true;
                if (IsSpecialItemKeyword(typeName))
                    // these are special keyword item drops
                    string[] arglist = ParseSlashArgs(substitutedtypeName, 2);
                    string itemtypestr = arglist[0];
                    string baseitemtype = typeName;

                    // itemtypestr will have the form keyword[,x[,y]]
                    string[] itemkeywordargs = ParseString(itemtypestr, 3, ",");

                    // deal with the special keywords
                    itemKeyword kw = (itemKeyword)itemKeywordHash[baseitemtype];

                    switch (kw)
                        case itemKeyword.ARMOR:
                                // syntax is ARMOR,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid ARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid ARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicArmor(min, max, false, false);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "ARMOR takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.WEAPON:
                                // syntax is WEAPON,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid WEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid WEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicWeapon(min, max, false);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "WEAPON takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.JARMOR:
                                // syntax is JARMOR,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid JARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid JARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicArmor(min, max, true, true);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "JARMOR takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.JWEAPON:
                                // syntax is JWEAPON,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid JWEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid JWEAPON args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicWeapon(min, max, true);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "JWEAPON takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.SARMOR:
                                // syntax is SARMOR,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SARMOR args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicArmor(min, max, false, true);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "SARMOR takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.SHIELD:
                                // syntax is SHIELD,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SHIELD args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SHIELD args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicShield(min, max);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "SHIELD takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.JEWELRY:
                                // syntax is JEWELRY,min,max
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int min = 0;
                                    int max = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { min = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid JEWELRY args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { max = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid JEWELRY args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    Item item = MagicJewelry(min, max);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "JEWELRY takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.SCROLL:
                                // syntax is SCROLL,mincircle,maxcircle
                                //get the min,max
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 3)
                                    int minCircle = 0;
                                    int maxCircle = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { minCircle = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SCROLL args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    try { maxCircle = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[2]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid SCROLL args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    int circle = Utility.RandomMinMax(minCircle, maxCircle);
                                    int min = (circle - 1) * 8;
                                    Item item = Loot.RandomScroll(min, min + 7, SpellbookType.Regular);
                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "SCROLL takes 2 args : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.LOOT:
                                // syntax is LOOT,methodname
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 2)
                                    Item item = null;

                                    // look up the method
                                    Type ltype = typeof(Loot);
                                    if (ltype != null)
                                        MethodInfo method = null;

                                            // get the zero arg method with the specified name
                                            method = ltype.GetMethod(itemkeywordargs[1], new Type[0]);
                                        catch { }

                                        if (method != null && method.IsStatic)
                                            ParameterInfo[] pinfo = method.GetParameters();
                                            // check to make sure the method for this object has the right args
                                            if (pinfo.Length == 0)
                                                // method must be public static with no arguments returning an Item class object
                                                    item = method.Invoke(null, null) as Item;
                                                catch { }
                                                status_str = "LOOT method must be zero arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                                return false;
                                            status_str = "LOOT no valid method found : " + itemtypestr;
                                            return false;

                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "LOOT takes 1 arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                        case itemKeyword.POTION:
                                // syntax is POTION
                                Item item = Loot.RandomPotion();
                                if (item != null)
                                    AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                        case itemKeyword.TAKEN:
                                // syntax is TAKEN
                                // find the XmlSaveItem attachment

                                Item item = GetTaken(invoker);

                                if (item != null)
                                    AddSpawnItem(spawner, invoker, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                        case itemKeyword.GIVEN:
                                // syntax is GIVEN
                                // find the XmlSaveItem attachment

                                Item item = GetGiven(invoker);

                                if (item != null)
                                    AddSpawnItem(spawner, invoker, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);

                        case itemKeyword.NECROSCROLL:
                                // syntax is NECROSCROLL,index
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 2)
                                    int necroindex = 0;
                                    bool converterror = false;
                                    try { necroindex = int.Parse(itemkeywordargs[1]); }
                                    catch { status_str = "Invalid NECROSCROLL args : " + itemtypestr; converterror = true; }
                                    if (converterror) return false;
                                    if (Core.AOS)
                                        Item item = Loot.Construct(Loot.NecromancyScrollTypes, necroindex);
                                        if (item != null)
                                            AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "NECROSCROLL takes 1 arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;

                        case itemKeyword.MULTIADDON:
                                // syntax is MULTIADDON,filename
                                if (itemkeywordargs.Length == 2)
                                    string filename = itemkeywordargs[1];

                                    // read in the multi.txt file

                                    Item item = XmlSpawnerAddon.ReadMultiFile(filename, out status_str);

                                    if (item != null)
                                        AddSpawnItem(spawner, TheSpawn, item, location, map, triggermob, requiresurface, spawnpositioning, substitutedtypeName, out status_str);
                                    status_str = "MULTIADDON takes 1 arg : " + itemtypestr;
                                    return false;
                                status_str = "unrecognized keyword";
                                // should never get here

                    return true;
                    // should never get here
                    status_str = "unrecognized keyword";
                    return false;
Esempio n. 28
        public static XmlSpawner FindInRecentSpawnerSearchList(XmlSpawner spawner, string name)
            if (spawner == null || name == null || spawner.RecentSpawnerSearchList == null) return null;

            ArrayList deletelist = null;
            XmlSpawner foundspawner = null;

            foreach (XmlSpawner s in spawner.RecentSpawnerSearchList)
                if (s.Deleted)
                    // clean it up
                    if (deletelist == null)
                        deletelist = new ArrayList();
                    if (String.Compare(s.Name, name, true) == 0)
                        foundspawner = s;

            if (deletelist != null)
                foreach (XmlSpawner i in deletelist)

            return (foundspawner);
Esempio n. 29
        public static bool TestMobProperty(XmlSpawner spawner, Mobile mobile, string testString, Mobile trigmob, out string status_str)
            status_str = null;
            // now make sure the mobile itself is there
            if (mobile == null || mobile.Deleted)
                return false;

            bool testreturn = CheckPropertyString(spawner, mobile, testString, trigmob, out status_str);

            return testreturn;
Esempio n. 30
        public static Item FindItemByName(XmlSpawner fromspawner, string name, string typestr)
            if (name == null) return (Item)null;

            int count = 0;

            Item founditem = FindInRecentItemSearchList(fromspawner, name, typestr);

            if (founditem != null)
                return founditem;

            Type targettype = null;
            if (typestr != null)
                targettype = SpawnerType.GetType(typestr);

            // search through all items in the world and find the first one with a matching name
            foreach (Item item in World.Items.Values)
                Type itemtype = item.GetType();

                if (typestr == null ||
                        (itemtype != null && targettype != null && (itemtype.Equals(targettype) || itemtype.IsSubclassOf(targettype))))
                    if (!item.Deleted && (name.Length == 0 || String.Compare(item.Name, name, true) == 0))
                        founditem = item;
                        // added the break in to return the first match instead of forcing uniqueness (overrides the count test)
                //if(count > 1) break;

            // if a unique item is found then success
            if (count == 1)
                // add this to the recent search list
                AddToRecentItemSearchList(fromspawner, founditem);

                return (founditem);
                return (Item)null;