public static void FindInnocentTarget(Mobile m)
            string searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 13))
            case 0:         searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";                 break;

            case 1:         searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";                 break;

            case 2:         searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";                 break;

            case 3:         searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria";                 if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 4:         searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria";                 if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 5:         searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria";                 if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 6:         searchLocation = "the Serpent Island";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 7:         searchLocation = "the Serpent Island";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 8:         searchLocation = "the Serpent Island";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 9:         searchLocation = "the Isles of Dread";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Isles of Dread")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 10:        searchLocation = "the Savaged Empire";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Savaged Empire")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 11:        searchLocation = "the Savaged Empire";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Savaged Empire")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 12:        searchLocation = "the Island of Umber Veil";    if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Island of Umber Veil")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 13:        searchLocation = "the Bottle World of Kuldar";  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Bottle World of Kuldar")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            int       aCount  = 0;
            Region    reg     = null;
            ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Mobile target in World.Mobiles.Values)
                if (target is BaseVendor)
                    reg = Region.Find(target.Location, target.Map);
                    string tWorld = Worlds.GetMyWorld(target.Map, target.Location, target.X, target.Y);

                    if (target.Blessed == false && reg.IsPartOf(typeof(VillageRegion)))
                        if (searchLocation == "the Land of Sosaria" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Land of Lodoria" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Serpent Island" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Isles of Dread" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Savaged Empire" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Island of Umber Veil" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Bottle World of Kuldar" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;

            aCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, aCount);

            int xCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)

                if (xCount == aCount)
                    Mobile theVictim = ( Mobile )targets[i];
                    string kWorld    = Worlds.GetMyWorld(theVictim.Map, theVictim.Location, theVictim.X, theVictim.Y);

                    string kVictim = theVictim.GetType().ToString();
                    int    nFee    = 1000;
                    string kDollar = ((int)((Server.Misc.MyServerSettings.QuestRewardModifier() * 0.01) * nFee)).ToString();

                    string myexplorer = kVictim + "#" + theVictim.Title + "#" + theVictim.Name + "#" + Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(theVictim.Map, theVictim.Location) + "#0#" + kDollar + "#" + kWorld + "#Innocent";
                    CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "AssassinQuest", myexplorer);

                    string theStory = myexplorer + "#" + AssassinFunctions.QuestSentence(m);                       // ADD THE STORY PART

                    CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "AssassinQuest", theStory);
        public static void FindTarget(Mobile m, int fee)
            string searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 15))
            case 0:         searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";                 break;

            case 1:         searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";                 break;

            case 2:         searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";                 break;

            case 3:         searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria";                 if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 4:         searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria";                 if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 5:         searchLocation = "the Land of Lodoria";                 if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Lodoria")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 6:         searchLocation = "the Serpent Island";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 7:         searchLocation = "the Serpent Island";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 8:         searchLocation = "the Serpent Island";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Serpent Island")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 9:         searchLocation = "the Isles of Dread";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Isles of Dread")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 10:        searchLocation = "the Savaged Empire";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Savaged Empire")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 11:        searchLocation = "the Savaged Empire";                  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Savaged Empire")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 12:        searchLocation = "the Island of Umber Veil";    if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Island of Umber Veil")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 13:        searchLocation = "the Bottle World of Kuldar";  if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Bottle World of Kuldar")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            case 14:        searchLocation = "the Underworld";                              if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Underworld")))
                    searchLocation = "the Underworld";

            case 15:        searchLocation = "the Land of Ambrosia";                if (!(CharacterDatabase.GetDiscovered(m, "the Land of Ambrosia")))
                    searchLocation = "the Land of Sosaria";

            int       aCount  = 0;
            Region    reg     = null;
            ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Mobile target in World.Mobiles.Values)
                if (target is BaseCreature)
                    reg = Region.Find(target.Location, target.Map);
                    string tWorld = Worlds.GetMyWorld(target.Map, target.Location, target.X, target.Y);

                    if (target.EmoteHue != 123 && target.Karma < 0 && target.Fame < fee && (Worlds.GetDifficultyLevel(target.Location, target.Map) <= GetPlayerInfo.GetPlayerDifficulty(m)) && reg.IsPartOf(typeof(DungeonRegion)))
                        if (searchLocation == "the Land of Sosaria" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Land of Lodoria" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Serpent Island" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Isles of Dread" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Savaged Empire" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Island of Umber Veil" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Bottle World of Kuldar" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;
                        else if (searchLocation == "the Underworld" && tWorld == searchLocation)
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;

                    if (aCount < 1)               // SAFETY CATCH IF IT FINDS NO CREATURES AT ALL...IT WILL FIND AT LEAST ONE IN SOSARIA //
                        if (target.Karma < 0 && target.Fame < fee && reg.IsPartOf(typeof(DungeonRegion)) && tWorld == "the Land of Sosaria")
                            targets.Add(target); aCount++;

            aCount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, aCount);

            int xCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)

                if (xCount == aCount)
                    Mobile theVictim = ( Mobile )targets[i];
                    string kWorld    = Worlds.GetMyWorld(theVictim.Map, theVictim.Location, theVictim.X, theVictim.Y);

                    string kVictim = theVictim.GetType().ToString();
                    int    nFee    = theVictim.Fame / 5;
                    string kDollar = ((int)((Server.Misc.MyServerSettings.QuestRewardModifier() * 0.01) * nFee)).ToString();

                    string killName  = theVictim.Name;
                    string killTitle = theVictim.Title;
                    if (theVictim is Wyrms)
                        killName = "a wyrm"; killTitle = "";
                    if (theVictim is Daemon)
                        killName = "a daemon"; killTitle = "";
                    if (theVictim is Balron)
                        killName = "a balron"; killTitle = "";
                    if (theVictim is RidingDragon || theVictim is Dragons)
                        killName = "a dragon"; killTitle = "";
                    if (theVictim is BombWorshipper)
                        killName = "a worshipper of the bomb"; killTitle = "";
                    if (theVictim is Psionicist)
                        killName = "a psychic of the bomb"; killTitle = "";

                    string myexplorer = kVictim + "#" + killTitle + "#" + killName + "#" + Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(theVictim.Map, theVictim.Location) + "#0#" + kDollar + "#" + kWorld + "#Monster";
                    CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "AssassinQuest", myexplorer);

                    string theStory = myexplorer + "#" + AssassinFunctions.QuestSentence(m);                       // ADD THE STORY PART

                    CharacterDatabase.SetQuestInfo(m, "AssassinQuest", theStory);