Esempio n. 1
        public override void OnComponentUsed(AddonComponent c, Mobile from)
            if (from.InRange(Location, 2) && from.InLOS(Location))
                if (m_Charges > 0)
                    from.Target = new InternalTarget(this);
                    if (from.Backpack != null)
                        PotionKeg keg = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(PotionKeg)) as PotionKeg;

                        if (Validate(keg) > 0)
                            from.SendGump(new InternalGump(this, keg));
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076198);                               // You do not have a full keg of explosion potions needed to recharge the cannon.
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that.
Esempio n. 2
        public override void OnComponentUsed(AddonComponent c, Mobile from)
            if (from.InRange(Location, 2))
                if (m_Charges > 0)
                    from.Target = new InternalTarget(this);
                    if (from.Backpack != null)
                        PotionKeg keg = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(PotionKeg)) as PotionKeg;

                        if (Validate(keg) > 0)
                            from.SendGump(new InternalGump(this, keg));
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076198);                               // You do not have a full keg of explosion potions needed to recharge the cannon.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076766);                   // That is too far away.
Esempio n. 3
            public InternalGump(CannonAddon cannon, PotionKeg keg)
                : base(50, 50)
                m_Cannon = cannon;
                m_Keg    = keg;

                Closable   = true;
                Disposable = true;
                Dragable   = true;
                Resizable  = false;


                AddBackground(0, 0, 291, 133, 0x13BE);
                AddImageTiled(5, 5, 280, 100, 0xA40);

                //AddHtmlLocalized( 9, 9, 272, 100, 1076196, cannon.Validate( keg ).ToString(), 0x7FFF, false, false ); // You will need a full keg of explosion potions to recharge the cannon.  Your keg will provide ~1_CHARGES~ charges.

                AddHtml(9, 9, 272, 100, string.Format("<basefont color=#FFFFFF>You will need a full keg of explosion potions to recharge the cannon.  Your keg will provide {0} charges.</basefont>", cannon.Validate(keg).ToString()), false, false);
                AddButton(5, 107, 0xFB1, 0xFB2, (int)Buttons.Cancel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(40, 109, 100, 20, 1060051, 0x7FFF, false, false);                   // CANCEL

                AddButton(160, 107, 0xFB7, 0xFB8, (int)Buttons.Recharge, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(195, 109, 120, 20, 1076197, 0x7FFF, false, false);                   // Recharge
Esempio n. 4
        public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item item)
            if (item is GreaterPoisonPotion && m_UsesRemaining < m_StorageLimit)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502237);         // You place the empty bottle in your backpack.
                Container pack = from.Backpack;
                pack.DropItem(new Bottle());

            if (item is PotionKeg)
                int       freespace = m_StorageLimit - m_UsesRemaining;
                PotionKeg keg       = (PotionKeg)item;
                if (keg.Type == PotionEffect.PoisonGreater && keg.Held <= freespace)
                    m_UsesRemaining += keg.Held;
                    from.SendMessage("You place the empty keg in your backpack.");     // You place the empty bottle in your backpack.
                    Container pack = from.Backpack;
                    pack.DropItem(new PotionKeg());
                from.SendMessage("This is not the right kind of Potion!");                                 // You don't have room for the empty bottle in your backpack.

            from.SendMessage("You can't fit all those potions in the sprinkler!");             // You don't have room for the empty bottle in your backpack.
Esempio n. 5
		private Item MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect type, int hue)
			PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();

			keg.Held = 100;
			keg.Type = type;
			keg.Hue = hue;

			return keg;
Esempio n. 6
        private Item MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect type, int hue)
            PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();

            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Type = type;
            keg.Hue  = hue;

		private static Item MakePotionKeg( PotionEffect type, int hue )
			PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();

			keg.Held = 100;
			keg.Type = type;
			keg.Hue = hue;

			return MakeNewbie( keg );
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target)
                if (m_PotionBarrelCreationDeed.Deleted || m_PotionBarrelCreationDeed.RootParent != from)
                if (from == null)

                if (target is Item)
                    Item item = target as Item;

                    if (!item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                        from.SendMessage("You must target a potion keg in your backpack.");

                    if (!(item is PotionKeg))
                        from.SendMessage("That item is not a potion keg.");

                    PotionKeg potionKeg = item as PotionKeg;

                    if (potionKeg.MaxHeld < 500)
                        from.SendMessage("You must target a potion keg with a capacity of 500 or more.");

                    if (potionKeg.IsPotionBarrel)
                        from.SendMessage("That keg has already been converted into a potion barrel.");

                    potionKeg.IsPotionBarrel = true;

                    from.SendMessage("You convert the potion keg into a potion barrel.");


                    from.SendMessage("That is not a valid item to combine.");
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target)
                if (m_PotionKegCombineDeed.Deleted || m_PotionKegCombineDeed.RootParent != from)
                if (from == null)

                if (target is Item)
                    Item item = target as Item;

                    if (!item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                        from.SendMessage("You must target an empty potion keg in your backpack.");

                    if (!(item is PotionKeg))
                        from.SendMessage("That item is not an empty potion keg.");

                    PotionKeg secondPotionKeg = item as PotionKeg;

                    if (secondPotionKeg == m_FirstPotionKeg)
                        from.SendMessage("You can cannot combine the same keg into itself.");

                    if (secondPotionKeg.Held > 0)
                        from.SendMessage("You may only combine empty potion kegs.");

                    m_PotionKegCombineDeed.CombinePotionKegs(from, m_FirstPotionKeg, secondPotionKeg);

                    from.SendMessage("That is not a valid item to combine.");
Esempio n. 10
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    Item[] kegs = pack.FindItemsByType(typeof(PotionKeg), true);

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Length; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i] as PotionKeg;

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)

                        if (this is TeiravonPotion)
                            TeiravonPotion tp = (TeiravonPotion)this;
                            if (tp.Racial)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

Esempio n. 11
        public void Fill(Mobile from, PotionKeg keg)
            Charges = Validate(keg);

            if (Charges > 0)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076199);                   // Your cannon is recharged.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076198);                   // You do not have a full keg of explosion potions needed to recharge the cannon.
Esempio n. 12
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    // Genova: suporte ao UO:ML.
                    #region Mondain's Legacy
                    if ((int)PotionEffect >= (int)PotionEffect.Invisibility)

                    List <PotionKeg> kegs = pack.FindItemsByType <PotionKeg>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Count; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i];

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
			from.BankBox.DropItem( new BagOfReagents( 100 ) );
			PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();
			keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
			keg.Held = 100;
			keg.Hue = 54;
			from.BankBox.DropItem( keg );
			keg = new PotionKeg();
			keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
			keg.Held = 100;
			keg.Hue = 43;
			from.BankBox.DropItem( keg );
			from.BankBox.DropItem( new BankCheck( 5000 ) );
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            from.BankBox.DropItem(new BagOfReagents(100));
            PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();

            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            keg      = new PotionKeg();
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            from.BankBox.DropItem(new BankCheck(5000));
Esempio n. 15
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target)
                if (m_PotionKegCombineDeed.Deleted || m_PotionKegCombineDeed.RootParent != from)
                if (from == null)

                if (target is Item)
                    Item item = target as Item;

                    if (!item.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                        from.SendMessage("You must target an empty potion keg in your backpack.");

                    if (!(item is PotionKeg))
                        from.SendMessage("That item is not an empty potion keg.");

                    PotionKeg firstPotionKeg = item as PotionKeg;

                    if (firstPotionKeg.Held > 0)
                        from.SendMessage("You may only combine empty potion kegs.");

                    from.SendMessage("Target an empty potion keg you wish to combine the previous with. The newly combined potion keg will maintain the hue of the second targeted potion keg.");
                    from.Target = new SecondPotionKegTarget(m_PotionKegCombineDeed, firstPotionKeg);

                    from.SendMessage("That is not a valid item to combine.");
Esempio n. 16
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    List <PotionKeg> kegs = pack.FindItemsByType <PotionKeg>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Count; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i];

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 129)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, true, "*You pour the completed potion into a potion keg*");

                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle(), false);

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x22, true, "*You pour the completed potion into a bottle*");

Esempio n. 17
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                // Publish 15
                // You will now be able to make potions directly into a potion keg.
                if (pack != null && (Core.UOAI || Core.UOAR || Core.UOMO || Core.Publish >= 15))
                    List <PotionKeg> kegs = pack.FindItemsByType <PotionKeg>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Count; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i];

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

Esempio n. 18
        public int Validate(PotionKeg keg)
            if (keg != null && !keg.Deleted && keg.Held == 100)
                if (keg.Type == PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser)
                else if (keg.Type == PotionEffect.Explosion)
                else if (keg.Type == PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater)

Esempio n. 19
        public bool OnCraft(bool exceptional, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    Item[] kegs = pack.FindItemsByType(typeof(PotionKeg), true);

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Length; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i] as PotionKeg;

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(true);                        // signal placed in keg

Esempio n. 20
        public int OnCraft(int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue)
            if (craftSystem is DefAlchemy)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null && m_PotionEffect <= PotionEffect.TotalManaRefresh)
                    List <PotionKeg> kegs = pack.FindItemsByType <PotionKeg>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < kegs.Count; ++i)
                        PotionKeg keg = kegs[i];

                        if (keg == null)

                        if (keg.Held <= 0 || keg.Held >= 100)

                        if (keg.Type != PotionEffect)


                        from.AddToBackpack(new Bottle());

                        return(-1);                        // signal placed in keg

Esempio n. 21
            public InternalGump( CannonAddon cannon, PotionKeg keg )
                : base(50, 50)
                m_Cannon = cannon;
                m_Keg = keg;

                Closable = true;
                Disposable = true;
                Dragable = true;
                Resizable = false;

                AddPage( 0 );

                AddBackground( 0, 0, 291, 133, 0x13BE );
                AddImageTiled( 5, 5, 280, 100, 0xA40 );

                AddHtmlLocalized( 9, 9, 272, 100, 1076196, cannon.Validate( keg ).ToString(), 0x7FFF, false, false ); // You will need a full keg of explosion potions to recharge the cannon.  Your keg will provide ~1_CHARGES~ charges.

                AddButton( 5, 107, 0xFB1, 0xFB2, (int) Buttons.Cancel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                AddHtmlLocalized( 40, 109, 100, 20, 1060051, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // CANCEL

                AddButton( 160, 107, 0xFB7, 0xFB8, (int) Buttons.Recharge, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                AddHtmlLocalized( 195, 109, 120, 20, 1076197, 0x7FFF, false, false ); // Recharge
Esempio n. 22
        public static void GiveKeg(Mobile from, UnknownKeg keg)
            Item      item   = new PotionKeg();
            PotionKeg barrel = (PotionKeg)item;

            barrel.Held = keg.KegFilled;

            int potionType = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 31);

            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 125) <= from.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Value)                 // COOKS CAN FIND A POTION 1 LEVEL HIGHER
                if (potionType == 2)
                else if (potionType == 3)
                else if (potionType == 5)
                else if (potionType == 7)
                else if (potionType == 9)
                else if (potionType == 10)
                else if (potionType == 11)
                else if (potionType == 12)
                    potionType = 30;
                else if (potionType == 13)
                else if (potionType == 15)
                else if (potionType == 16)
                else if (potionType == 18)
                else if (potionType == 19)
                else if (potionType == 21)
                else if (potionType == 22)
                else if (potionType == 24)
                else if (potionType == 25)
                else if (potionType == 27)
                else if (potionType == 28)

            if (potionType == 1)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Nightsight;
            else if (potionType == 2)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.CureLesser;
            else if (potionType == 3)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Cure;
            else if (potionType == 4)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            else if (potionType == 5)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Agility;
            else if (potionType == 6)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
            else if (potionType == 7)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Strength;
            else if (potionType == 8)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
            else if (potionType == 9)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLesser;
            else if (potionType == 10)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Poison;
            else if (potionType == 11)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonGreater;
            else if (potionType == 12)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
            else if (potionType == 13)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Refresh;
            else if (potionType == 14)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            else if (potionType == 15)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.HealLesser;
            else if (potionType == 16)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Heal;
            else if (potionType == 17)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            else if (potionType == 18)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser;
            else if (potionType == 19)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Explosion;
            else if (potionType == 20)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
            else if (potionType == 21)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityLesser;
            else if (potionType == 22)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Invisibility;
            else if (potionType == 23)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityGreater;
            else if (potionType == 24)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateLesser;
            else if (potionType == 25)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Rejuvenate;
            else if (potionType == 26)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateGreater;
            else if (potionType == 27)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ManaLesser;
            else if (potionType == 28)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Mana;
            else if (potionType == 29)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ManaGreater;
            else if (potionType == 30)
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLethal;
                barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Invulnerability;

            Server.Items.PotionKeg.SetColorKeg(item, item);
            from.SendMessage("This seems to be a " + barrel.Name + ".");
Esempio n. 23
        public static void SetColorKeg(Item potion, Item keg)
            PotionKeg p = (PotionKeg)keg;

            if (p.Held < 1)
                keg.Hue  = 0x96D;
                keg.Name = "empty potion keg";
                if (potion != keg)
                    if (potion is BasePotion)
                        BasePotion pot = (BasePotion)potion;
                        p.Type  = pot.PotionEffect;
                        keg.Hue = Server.Items.PotionKeg.GetPotionColor(potion);

                switch (p.Type)
                case PotionEffect.Nightsight: keg.Name = "keg of nightsight potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.CureLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser cure potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Cure: keg.Name = "keg of cure potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.CureGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater cure potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Agility: keg.Name = "keg of agility potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.AgilityGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater agility potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Strength: keg.Name = "keg of strength potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.StrengthGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater strength potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.PoisonLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser poison potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Poison: keg.Name = "keg of poison potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.PoisonGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater poison potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly: keg.Name = "keg of deadly poison potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.PoisonLethal: keg.Name = "keg of lethal poison potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Refresh: keg.Name = "keg of refresh potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.RefreshTotal: keg.Name = "keg of total refresh potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.HealLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser heal potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Heal: keg.Name = "keg of heal potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.HealGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater heal potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser explosion potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Explosion: keg.Name = "keg of explosion potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater explosion potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.InvisibilityLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser invisibility potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Invisibility: keg.Name = "keg of invisibility potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.InvisibilityGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater invisibility potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.RejuvenateLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser rejuvenate potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Rejuvenate: keg.Name = "keg of rejuvenate potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.RejuvenateGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater rejuvenate potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ManaLesser: keg.Name = "keg of lesser mana potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Mana: keg.Name = "keg of mana potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ManaGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater mana potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Invulnerability: keg.Name = "keg of invulnerability potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Conflagration: keg.Name = "keg of conflagration potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ConflagrationGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater conflagration potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ConfusionBlast: keg.Name = "keg of confusion blast potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ConfusionBlastGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater confusion blast potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirAlchemy: keg.Name = "keg of alchemy elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirAnatomy: keg.Name = "keg of anatomy elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirAnimalLore: keg.Name = "keg of animal lore elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirAnimalTaming: keg.Name = "keg of animal taming elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirArchery: keg.Name = "keg of archery elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirArmsLore: keg.Name = "keg of arms lore elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirBegging: keg.Name = "keg of begging elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirBlacksmith: keg.Name = "keg of blacksmithing elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirCamping: keg.Name = "keg of camping elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirCarpentry: keg.Name = "keg of carpentry elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirCartography: keg.Name = "keg of cartography elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirCooking: keg.Name = "keg of cooking elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirDetectHidden: keg.Name = "keg of detection elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirDiscordance: keg.Name = "keg of discordance elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirEvalInt: keg.Name = "keg of intelligence evaluation elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirFencing: keg.Name = "keg of fencing elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirFishing: keg.Name = "keg of fishing elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirFletching: keg.Name = "keg of fletching elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirFocus: keg.Name = "keg of focus elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirForensics: keg.Name = "keg of forensics elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirHealing: keg.Name = "keg of the healer elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirHerding: keg.Name = "keg of herding elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirHiding: keg.Name = "keg of hiding elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirInscribe: keg.Name = "keg of inscription elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirItemID: keg.Name = "keg of item identifying elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirLockpicking: keg.Name = "keg of lockpicking elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirLumberjacking: keg.Name = "keg of lumberjacking elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirMacing: keg.Name = "keg of mace fighting elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirMagicResist: keg.Name = "keg of magic resistance elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirMeditation: keg.Name = "keg of meditating elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirMining: keg.Name = "keg of mining elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirMusicianship: keg.Name = "keg of musicianship elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirParry: keg.Name = "keg of parrying elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirPeacemaking: keg.Name = "keg of peacemaking elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirPoisoning: keg.Name = "keg of poisoning elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirProvocation: keg.Name = "keg of provocation elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirRemoveTrap: keg.Name = "keg of removing trap elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirSnooping: keg.Name = "keg of snooping elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirSpiritSpeak: keg.Name = "keg of spirit speaking elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirStealing: keg.Name = "keg of stealing elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirStealth: keg.Name = "keg of stealth elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirSwords: keg.Name = "keg of sword fighting elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirTactics: keg.Name = "keg of tactics elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirTailoring: keg.Name = "keg of tailoring elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirTasteID: keg.Name = "keg of taste identification elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirTinkering: keg.Name = "keg of tinkering elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirTracking: keg.Name = "keg of tracking elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirVeterinary: keg.Name = "keg of veterinary elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.ElixirWrestling: keg.Name = "keg of wrestling elixir"; break;

                case PotionEffect.MixtureSlime: keg.Name = "keg of slimy mixture"; break;

                case PotionEffect.MixtureIceSlime: keg.Name = "keg of slimy ice mixture"; break;

                case PotionEffect.MixtureFireSlime: keg.Name = "keg of slimy fire mixture"; break;

                case PotionEffect.MixtureDiseasedSlime: keg.Name = "keg of slimy diseased mixture"; break;

                case PotionEffect.MixtureRadiatedSlime: keg.Name = "keg of slimy irradiated mixture"; break;

                case PotionEffect.LiquidFire: keg.Name = "keg of liquid fire"; break;

                case PotionEffect.LiquidGoo: keg.Name = "keg of liquid goo"; break;

                case PotionEffect.LiquidIce: keg.Name = "keg of liquid ice"; break;

                case PotionEffect.LiquidRot: keg.Name = "keg of liquid rot"; break;

                case PotionEffect.LiquidPain: keg.Name = "keg of liquid pain"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Resurrect: keg.Name = "keg of resurrection"; break;

                case PotionEffect.SuperPotion: keg.Name = "keg of superior"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Repair: keg.Name = "keg of repair"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Durability: keg.Name = "keg of durability"; break;

                case PotionEffect.HairOil: keg.Name = "keg of hair styling"; break;

                case PotionEffect.HairDye: keg.Name = "keg of hair dye"; break;

                case PotionEffect.Frostbite: keg.Name = "keg of frostbite potions"; break;

                case PotionEffect.FrostbiteGreater: keg.Name = "keg of greater frostbite potions"; break;
		public PotionBundle()
			ItemID = 0x9A8;
			Weight = 1.0;
			Hue = 0;
			Name = "Box of Potions";

			//PlaceItemIn( 16, 60, (item = new SkillBall( 25 )) );
			//item.Hue = 38;

                        PotionKeg keg;
                        PlaceItemIn( 18, 105, (keg =new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 23, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 28, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 33, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 54;
                        PlaceItemIn( 58, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 63, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 73, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 78, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 43;
                        PlaceItemIn( 98, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 103, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 38;
                        PlaceItemIn( 18, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 1001;
                        PlaceItemIn( 28, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 1001;
                        PlaceItemIn( 48, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 99;
                        PlaceItemIn( 58, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 99;
                        PlaceItemIn( 88, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 15;
                        PlaceItemIn( 98, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()) );
                        keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
                        keg.Held = 100;
                        keg.Hue = 62;

                        //PlaceItemIn( 103, 58, (item = new Sandals()) );
			//item.Hue = Utility.RandomList(5, 70, 90, 110);
			//item.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

			//PlaceItemIn( 122, 53, new SpecialDonateDye() );

Esempio n. 25
 public SecondPotionKegTarget(PotionKegCombiningDeed PotionKegCombineDeed, PotionKeg firstPotionKeg)
     : base(2, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_PotionKegCombineDeed = PotionKegCombineDeed;
     m_FirstPotionKeg       = firstPotionKeg;
        public PotionBundleAoS()
            Weight = 1.0;
            Hue = 0;
            Name = "Box of Potions";

            PotionKeg keg;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 18, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 54;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 23, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 54;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 28, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 54;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 33, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 54;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 54;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 58, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 43;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 63, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 43;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 43;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 73, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 43;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 78, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 43;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 98, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 38;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 103, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 38;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 38;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 18, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 1001;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 28, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 1001;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 48, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 99;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 58, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 99;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 88, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 15;
            CharacterCreation.PlaceItemIn(this, 98, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue = 62;
Esempio n. 27
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                if (from.CheckSkill(SkillName.TasteID, -5, 125))
                    if (from.Body.IsHuman && !from.Mounted)
                        from.Animate(34, 5, 1, true, false, 0);


                    Item      item   = new PotionKeg();
                    PotionKeg barrel = (PotionKeg)item;
                    barrel.Held = KegFilled;

                    int potionType = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 31);

                    if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 125) <= from.Skills[SkillName.Cooking].Value)                         // COOKS CAN FIND A POTION 1 LEVEL HIGHER
                        if (potionType == 2)
                        else if (potionType == 3)
                        else if (potionType == 5)
                        else if (potionType == 7)
                        else if (potionType == 9)
                        else if (potionType == 10)
                        else if (potionType == 11)
                        else if (potionType == 12)
                            potionType = 30;
                        else if (potionType == 13)
                        else if (potionType == 15)
                        else if (potionType == 16)
                        else if (potionType == 18)
                        else if (potionType == 19)
                        else if (potionType == 21)
                        else if (potionType == 22)
                        else if (potionType == 24)
                        else if (potionType == 25)
                        else if (potionType == 27)
                        else if (potionType == 28)

                    if (potionType == 1)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Nightsight;
                    else if (potionType == 2)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.CureLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 3)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Cure;
                    else if (potionType == 4)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 5)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Agility;
                    else if (potionType == 6)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 7)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Strength;
                    else if (potionType == 8)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 9)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 10)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Poison;
                    else if (potionType == 11)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 12)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
                    else if (potionType == 13)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Refresh;
                    else if (potionType == 14)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                    else if (potionType == 15)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.HealLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 16)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Heal;
                    else if (potionType == 17)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 18)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 19)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Explosion;
                    else if (potionType == 20)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 21)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 22)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Invisibility;
                    else if (potionType == 23)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 24)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 25)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Rejuvenate;
                    else if (potionType == 26)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 27)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ManaLesser;
                    else if (potionType == 28)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Mana;
                    else if (potionType == 29)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.ManaGreater;
                    else if (potionType == 30)
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLethal;
                        barrel.Type = PotionEffect.Invulnerability;

                    Server.Items.PotionKeg.SetColorKeg(item, item);
                    from.SendMessage("This seems to be a " + barrel.Name + ".");
                    int nReaction = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 10);

                    if (nReaction == 1)
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 813 : 1087);
                        if (!from.Mounted)
                            from.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                        Throwup puke = new Throwup();
                        puke.Map      = from.Map;
                        puke.Location = from.Location;
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, convulsing and spilling the keg.");
                    else if (nReaction == 2)
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 798 : 1070);
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, spasming and spilling the keg.");
                    else if (nReaction == 3)
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 792 : 1064);
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, feeling dump it out.");
                    else if (nReaction == 4)
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 785 : 1056);
                        if (!from.Mounted)
                            from.Animate(33, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, coughing and spilling the keg.");
                    else if (nReaction == 5)
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 748 : 1055);
                        from.Say("*clears throat*");
                        if (!from.Mounted)
                            from.Animate(33, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, hurting your dump out the keg.");
                    else if (nReaction == 6)
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 782 : 1053);
                        if (!from.Mounted)
                            from.Animate(33, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, accidentally drinking the entire keg.");
                    else if (nReaction > 6)
                        int nPoison = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 10);
                        Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(from.Location, from.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36B0, 1, 14, 63, 7, 9915, 0);
                        from.PlaySound(Utility.RandomList(0x30, 0x2D6));
                        if (nPoison > 9)
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Deadly);
                        else if (nPoison > 7)
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Greater);
                        else if (nPoison > 4)
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Regular);
                            from.ApplyPoison(from, Poison.Lesser);
                        from.PlaySound(from.Female ? 820 : 1094);
                        if (!from.Mounted)
                            from.Animate(6, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                        from.SendMessage("You fail to identify the liquid, spitting it out and dumping the keg.");

                    from.AddToBackpack(new Keg());

                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502138);                   // That is too far away for you to use
Esempio n. 28
 public BottleTarget(PotionKeg keg)
     : base(12, true, TargetFlags.None)
     m_Keg = keg;
 public InternalTarget( PotionKeg keg )
     : base(2, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_Keg = keg;
Esempio n. 30
		//in overridden types, the boolean value passed in tells the withdraw method to force the quantity.  Used for 
		//direct resource withdrawal
		public override Item Withdraw( ref int amount, bool forcequantity )

			if( _Amount == 0 )
				return null;
			//cannot spit out more than 100, or more than what's in there already
			int towithdraw = Math.Min( 100, Math.Min( _Amount, amount ) );

			if( towithdraw > 1 && towithdraw < 100 )
				//force give them a potion unless they can fill a keg			
				towithdraw = 1;
			//force the quantity back, if the flag was set
			if( forcequantity )
				towithdraw = amount;
			//if you want more than one, then create a potion keg
			if( towithdraw > 1 )
					PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();
					keg.Type = _Effect;
					keg.Held = towithdraw;
					_Amount -= towithdraw;
					return keg;
			else		//just one potion, so withdraw a bottle
				Item item = null;
					item = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( _Type );
				//pull that amount out of the store
				_Amount -= towithdraw;
				return item;
			return null;;
Esempio n. 31
        public bool PourBottle(Mobile from, Item item)
            if (item is Bottle)
                Container pack = from.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    item.Consume();                     //Consume a bottle

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502242);  // You pour some of the keg's contents into an empty bottle...

                    BasePotion pot = FillBottle();

                    if (pack.TryDropItem(from, pot, false))
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502243);                           // ...and place it into your backpack.

                        if (--Held == 0)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(502245);                               // The keg is now empty.
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502244);                           // ...but there is no room for the bottle in your backpack.
                        pot.MoveToWorld(pack.GetWorldLocation(), pack.Map);
            else if (item is PotionKeg)
                PotionKeg keg = item as PotionKeg;

                if (keg.Held >= 100)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502233);                       // The keg will not hold any more!
                else if (m_Type != keg.Type)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502236);                       // You decide that it would be a bad idea to mix different types of potions.
                    int toHold = Math.Min(100 - keg.Held, m_Held);

                    keg.Held += toHold;

                    if ((m_Held -= toHold) == 0)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502245);                           // The keg is now empty.


Esempio n. 32
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                from.SendMessage("This must be in your backpack to use.");
                Container pack       = from.Backpack;
                int       alchemists = 0;

                PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();

                int barrel = 0;

                foreach (Item i in from.Backpack.Items)
                    if (barrel == 0 && i is PotionKeg)
                        PotionKeg p = (PotionKeg)i;
                        if (p.Held < 1)
                            barrel = 1; keg = p;

                foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(10))
                    if (m is AlchemistGuildmaster || m is Alchemist)

                if (from.Skills[SkillName.Alchemy].Value < 50)
                    from.SendMessage("You should be at least an apprentice alchemist to try this!");
                else if (alchemists == 0)
                    from.SendMessage("You need to be near a local alchemist for their help!");
                else if (barrel == 0)
                    from.SendMessage("You need an empty potion keg to dump this in.");
                    if (pack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Gold), 500))
                        from.SendMessage("You give the alchemist 500 gold for their help.");
                        Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, from.Map, 0x026);

                        if (JarPotion == "Nightsight Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Nightsight;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Cure Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Cure Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Cure;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Cure Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Agility Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Agility;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Agility Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Strength Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Strength;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Strength Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Poison Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Poison Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Poison;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Poison Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Deadly Poison Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Refresh Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Refresh;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Total Refresh Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Heal Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Heal Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Heal;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Heal Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Explosion Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Explosion Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Explosion;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Explosion Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Invisibility Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Invisibility Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Invisibility;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Invisibility Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.InvisibilityGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Rejuvenate Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Rejuvenate Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Rejuvenate;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Rejuvenate Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RejuvenateGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lesser Mana Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.ManaLesser;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Mana Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Mana;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Greater Mana Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.ManaGreater;
                        else if (JarPotion == "Lethal Poison Potions")
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonLethal;
                            keg.Type = PotionEffect.Invulnerability;

                        int holdBonus = (int)(from.Skills[SkillName.Alchemy].Value / 2);
                        int fill      = Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 50) + holdBonus;
                        if (fill > 100)
                            fill = 100;

                        keg.Held = fill;
                        Item b = (Item)keg;
                        Server.Items.PotionKeg.SetColorKeg(b, b);

                        EmptyCanopicJar jar = new EmptyCanopicJar();
                        jar.ItemID     = this.ItemID;
                        jar.Name       = this.Name;
                        jar.RelicOwner = "belonged to " + JarOwner;
                        from.SendMessage("You will need at least 500 gold in your pack to pay the alchemist.");
Esempio n. 33
 public InternalTarget(PotionKeg keg) : base(2, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_Keg = keg;
Esempio n. 34
        public void CombinePotionKegs(Mobile from, PotionKeg firstPotionKeg, PotionKeg secondPotionKeg)
            bool combineFail = false;

            if (from == null)
                combineFail = true;
            if (from.Deleted || !from.Alive)
                combineFail = true;

            if (Deleted)
                combineFail = true;
            if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                combineFail = true;

            if (firstPotionKeg.Deleted)
                combineFail = true;
            if (!firstPotionKeg.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                combineFail = true;
            if (firstPotionKeg.Held > 0)
                combineFail = true;

            if (secondPotionKeg.Deleted)
                combineFail = true;
            if (!secondPotionKeg.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                combineFail = true;
            if (secondPotionKeg.Held > 0)
                combineFail = true;

            if (combineFail)
                from.SendMessage("At least one of the potion kegs intended to be combined is no longer accessable or is no longer empty.");

            if (firstPotionKeg.IsPotionBarrel)
                secondPotionKeg.IsPotionBarrel = true;

            secondPotionKeg.MaxHeld += firstPotionKeg.MaxHeld;

            from.SendMessage("You combine the capacity of the two kegs.");

Esempio n. 35
        public void Fill( Mobile from, PotionKeg keg )
            Charges = Validate( keg );

            if ( Charges > 0 )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1076199 ); // Your cannon is recharged.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1076198 ); // You do not have a full keg of explosion potions needed to recharge the cannon.
Esempio n. 36
        public PotionBundle()
            ItemID = 0x9A8;
            Weight = 1.0;
            Hue    = 0;
            Name   = "Box of Potions";

            //PlaceItemIn( 16, 60, (item = new SkillBall( 25 )) );
            //item.Hue = 38;

            PotionKeg keg;

            PlaceItemIn(18, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(23, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(28, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(33, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(38, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.HealGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 54;
            PlaceItemIn(58, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(63, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(68, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(73, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(78, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.CureGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 43;
            PlaceItemIn(98, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(103, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(108, 105, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.RefreshTotal;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 38;
            PlaceItemIn(18, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 1001;
            PlaceItemIn(28, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.StrengthGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 1001;
            PlaceItemIn(48, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 99;
            PlaceItemIn(58, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.AgilityGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 99;
            PlaceItemIn(88, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 15;
            PlaceItemIn(98, 129, (keg = new PotionKeg()));
            keg.Type = PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly;
            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Hue  = 62;

            //PlaceItemIn( 103, 58, (item = new Sandals()) );
            //item.Hue = Utility.RandomList(5, 70, 90, 110);
            //item.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            //PlaceItemIn( 122, 53, new SpecialDonateHairDye() );
Esempio n. 37
        public int Validate( PotionKeg keg )
            if ( keg != null && !keg.Deleted && keg.Held == 100 )
                if ( keg.Type == PotionEffect.ExplosionLesser )
                    return 5;
                else if ( keg.Type == PotionEffect.Explosion )
                    return 10;
                else if ( keg.Type == PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater )
                    return 15;

            return 0;