Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function called from heartbeat job
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessSigils()
            //This job is called every two hours, and is responsible for updating the cities' next capture times based on their
            //capture points. If a city will fall in less than four hours, its precise vortex spawn timer is started.

            //run if factions is on
            if (KinSystemSettings.CityCaptureEnabled)
                //iterate through all the cities and update their capture time as neccesary
                foreach (KinFactionCities e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(KinFactionCities)))
                    KinCityData data = GetCityData(e);
                    if (data == null)
                        continue;                          //should be impossible except "Other"
                    Logging.ActivityProcessing act = new ActivityProcessing();
                    act.City    = data.City.ToString();
                    act.Kin     = data.ControlingKin.ToString();
                    act.LogTime = DateTime.Now;

                    if (data.Sigil == null || data.Sigil.Deleted)
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning: The faction city of " + e.ToString() + "'s sigil appears to have been deleted or not yet assigned.");

                    if (!data.Sigil.Active)

                    //see if this city is in a voting stage which has now expired
                    if (data.HasVotingStageExpired)
                        //process vote results and move on

                     * //if not, but city is still within voting stage then ignore
                     * else if (data.IsVotingStage)
                     * {
                     * continue;
                     * }		*/

                    //Ignore if a vortex is already spawned, or in the process of spawning
                    if (data.Sigil.InCapturePhase() || data.Sigil.IsVortexSpawning())

                    //Update the control points / times
                    //Plasma: Explanation on how this works!
                    //A city starts off with 7 days on the clock. Each day passed will always reduce this by one day.
                    //Each two hours, the actvity delta is taken which will be sitting at a max of +/- 100
                    //This is used to work out a percentage of pro or negative activity.
                    //Note that pro activity counts for only a third that of negativity.  This levels the algorithm
                    //as it is constantly declining anyway and thus is balanced.

                    if (data.Sigil.NextEventTime == DateTime.MinValue)

                    act.PointsProcessed   = data.ActivityDelta;
                    act.PreviousDecayTime = data.Sigil.NextEventTime;

                    //plasma: skip all activity stuff if the sigil is in scheduled mode
                    if (!data.Sigil.ScheduledMode)
                        //data.Sigil.NextEventTime = data.Sigil.NextEventTime.AddHours(-2.0);
                        int activityDelta = data.ActivityDelta;
                        int delayMinutes  = 0;
                        if (activityDelta > 0)
                            //Work out the slight additional increase that at max each beat will allow four extra days in delay
                            delayMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)(activityDelta / 100.0) * 36));
                            //Work out the possibly massive additional decrease (up to 2.6 hours EXTRA so thats 3.6 hours)
                            delayMinutes = -Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)(activityDelta / 100.0) * 160));

                        //Reduce/increase minutes based on activity
                        data.Sigil.NextEventTime = data.Sigil.NextEventTime.AddMinutes(delayMinutes);

                    act.NewDecayTime     = data.Sigil.NextEventTime;
                    act.TimeDeltaMinutes = (act.PreviousDecayTime - act.NewDecayTime).Minutes;

                    //Wipe activity

                    //If the city's new capture time is in under 4 hours, start vortex spawn timer
                    TimeSpan t = data.Sigil.NextEventTime - DateTime.Now;
                    if (t <= TimeSpan.FromHours(4))
                Console.WriteLine("Nothing to do.. Faction town capture not switched on in KinSettings");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfers owership of a city to a kin or golem controller king
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="city"></param>
        /// <param name="winners"></param>
        public static void TransferOwnership(KinFactionCities city, IOBAlignment kin, List <PlayerMobile> winners)
            KinCityData cd = GetCityData(city);

            if (cd == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Error in KinCityManager.TransferOwnership() - City Data not found");

            //Set props that apply to both GC and Kin
            cd.CityLeader  = null;
            cd.CaptureTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (kin == IOBAlignment.None)             //GCs!
                cd.ControlingKin = kin;
                //setup defaults for a controller city
                cd.IsVotingStage = false;
                cd.TaxRate       = 0.0;
                cd.UnassignedGuardPostSlots = 0;
                //Absorb treasury
                ChangeGuards(city, KinCityData.GuardOptions.None, true);
                //Update townspeople spawners and switch on GCs
                if (OnGolemController != null)
                    OnGolemController(cd.City, true);
                //check to see if the city was previously owned by the controllers
                if (cd.ControlingKin == IOBAlignment.None)
                    //if so then apply default settings for a town
                    ChangeGuards(city, KinCityData.GuardOptions.None, true);
                    //Set last change time so they can change the guards immediately
                    cd.LastGuardChangeTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-KinSystemSettings.GuardChangeTimeHours);
                    //Update townspeople spawners and switch off GCs
                    SetGolemControllers(cd.City, false);
                    if (OnGolemController != null)
                        OnGolemController(cd.City, false);
                    cd.LastGuardChangeTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-KinSystemSettings.GuardChangeTimeHours);

                cd.ControlingKin = kin;
                //Assign voting info
                foreach (PlayerMobile pm in winners)
                    cd.BeneficiaryDataList.Add(new KinCityData.BeneficiaryData(pm, 0));

                //Change the guards to none if it is LB incase the new owners are all red
                if (cd.GuardOption == KinCityData.GuardOptions.LordBritish)
                    ChangeGuards(cd.City, KinCityData.GuardOptions.None, true);

                //Skip voting if only one beneficiary
                if (cd.BeneficiaryDataList.Count == 1)
                    cd.CityLeader = cd.BeneficiaryDataList[0].Pm;
                    cd.IsVotingStage = true;

                cd.UnassignedGuardPostSlots = KinSystem.GetCityGuardPostSlots(city);
                //Voting is controlled by heartbeat