Esempio n. 1
        public ACCGump(Mobile from, string system, ACCGumpParams subParams) : base(0, 0)
            if (from.AccessLevel < ACC.GlobalMinimumAccessLevel)

            m_List      = new List <string>();
            m_SysString = system;
            m_SubP      = subParams;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> kvp in ACC.RegisteredSystems)

            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;


            AddBackground(0, 0, 630, 360, 5120);                  //Top BG
            AddBackground(0, 360, 630, 113, 5120);                //Bottom BG
            AddImageTiled(0, 446, 620, 50, 10452);                //Bottom

            if (system == null)
                AddHtml(175, 40, 375, 30, "<basefont size=7 color=#33CC33><center>A_Li_N - Completely Custom</center></basefont>", false, false);
                AddHtml(175, 80, 420, 265, "<basefont size=4 color=white>Thanks for choosing to test A_Li_N - Completely Custom.  With this gump, you will be able to control every aspect of my systems that are changable in-game.  Currently, there are only a couple test bases that I have made to do minimal testing.  If you have any questions, concerns, requests, bugs or anything else having to do with my systems, please email me at with the topic of 'ACC'.  Enjoy!</basefont>", false, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_List.Count; i++)
                Type t = Type.GetType(m_List[i]);
                if (t == null)

                ACCSystem sys = (ACCSystem)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
                if (sys == null)

                AddButton((i < 3?35:(i < 6?225:415)), (i % 3 == 0?372:(i % 3 == 1?397:422)), 1122, 1124, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtml((i < 3?35:(i < 6?225:415)), (i % 3 == 0?370:(i % 3 == 1?395:420)), 184, 20, String.Format("<basefont color=white><center>{0}</center></basefont>", sys.Name()), false, false);

                if (system == m_List[i])
                    m_Syst = sys;

            if (m_Syst != null)
                AddButton(560, 0, 1417, 1417, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                if (m_Syst.Enabled)
                    AddLabel(592, 45, 66, "On");
                    AddLabel(588, 45, 36, "Off");

//				AddButton( 15, 340, 22153, 22155, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); //Help

            AddImage(0, 0, 9002);                   //Border
            AddImage(580, 350, 10410);              //Dragon

            if (m_Syst != null)
                m_Syst.Gump(from, this, m_SubP);
Esempio n. 2
 public abstract void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info, ACCGumpParams subParams);
Esempio n. 3
 public abstract void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info, ACCGumpParams subParams );
Esempio n. 4
 public abstract void Gump(Mobile from, Gump gump, ACCGumpParams subParams);
Esempio n. 5
 public abstract void Gump( Mobile from, Gump gump, ACCGumpParams subParams );