public Users FindUser(string username)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();

            var UserEntity = (from p in SMSE.Users where p.Username == username select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (UserEntity != null)
                return(new Users
                    UserID = UserEntity.UserID,
                    CompanyID = UserEntity.CompanyID,
                    Name = UserEntity.Name,
                    Surname = UserEntity.Surname,
                    PhoneNumber = UserEntity.PhoneNumber,
                    Username = UserEntity.Username,
                    Password = UserEntity.Password,
                    IsActivated = UserEntity.IsActivated,
                    RegistrationCode = UserEntity.RegistrationCode
        public List <SensorsDatas> FindDatasBetweenDates(string sensorid, string startdate, string enddate)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE    = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            List <SensorsDatas>            results = new List <SensorsDatas>();

            int      SensorID  = Int32.Parse(sensorid);
            DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Parse(startdate);
            DateTime EndDate   = DateTime.Parse(enddate);

            var SensorDatasEntity = (from p in SMSE.DatasBetweenDates(SensorID, StartDate, EndDate) select p);

            if (SensorDatasEntity != null)
                foreach (var datas in SensorDatasEntity)
                    results.Add(new SensorsDatas()
                        DataID        = datas.DataID,
                        SensorID      = datas.SensorID,
                        ReadValue     = datas.ReadValue,
                        ReadValueTime = datas.ReadValueTime

        public void SendInfoMail(UsersDetails RegisteredUserDetail)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();

            var UserEntity       = (from p in SMSE.Users where p.UserID == RegisteredUserDetail.UserID select p).FirstOrDefault();
            var UserDetailEntity = (from p in SMSE.UsersDetails where p.UserID == RegisteredUserDetail.UserID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            var          fromAddress  = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "TechExpert Officer");
            var          toAddress    = new MailAddress(UserDetailEntity.Email, UserEntity.Name + " " + UserEntity.Surname);
            const string fromPassword = "******";
            const string subject      = "Sensor Monitoring System Registration";

            string body = "Your username is " + UserEntity.Username +
                          " and your password is " + UserEntity.Password +
                          " and your activation code is " + UserEntity.RegistrationCode;

            var smtp = new SmtpClient
                Host           = "",
                Port           = 587,
                EnableSsl      = true,
                DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                Credentials    = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword),
                Timeout        = 20000

            using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                Subject = subject,
                Body = body
        public List <SensorsDatas> FindAllSensorDatas(string sensorid)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE    = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            List <SensorsDatas>            results = new List <SensorsDatas>();
            int IntID = Int32.Parse(sensorid);

            var SensorDatasEntity = (from p in SMSE.SensorsDatas where p.SensorID == IntID select p);

            if (SensorDatasEntity != null)
                foreach (SensorsDatasEntity SensorDatas in SensorDatasEntity)
                    results.Add(new SensorsDatas()
                        DataID        = SensorDatas.DataID,
                        SensorID      = SensorDatas.SensorID,
                        ReadValue     = SensorDatas.ReadValue,
                        ReadValueTime = SensorDatas.ReadValueTime

        public Sensors FindSensor(string sensorid)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            int IntID = Int32.Parse(sensorid);

            var SensorEntity = (from p in SMSE.Sensors where p.SensorID == IntID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (SensorEntity != null)
                return(new Sensors()
                    SensorID = SensorEntity.SensorID,
                    CompanyID = SensorEntity.CompanyID,
                    SensorDescription = SensorEntity.SensorDescription,
                    SensorAddress = SensorEntity.SensorAddress,
                    GraphicalMinValue = SensorEntity.GraphicalMinValue,
                    GraphicalMaxValue = SensorEntity.GraphicalMaxValue,
                    LowestCriticalValue = SensorEntity.LowestCriticalValue,
                    HighestCriticalValue = SensorEntity.HighestCriticalValue,
                    SensorUnit = SensorEntity.SensorUnit
        public List <Sensors> FindCompaniesAllSensors(string companyid)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            List <Sensors> results = new List <Sensors>();
            int            IntID   = Int32.Parse(companyid);

            var SensorsEntity = (from p in SMSE.Sensors where p.CompanyID == IntID select p);

            if (SensorsEntity != null)
                foreach (SensorsEntity Sensors in SensorsEntity)
                    results.Add(new Sensors()
                        SensorID             = Sensors.SensorID,
                        CompanyID            = Sensors.CompanyID,
                        SensorDescription    = Sensors.SensorDescription,
                        SensorAddress        = Sensors.SensorAddress,
                        GraphicalMinValue    = Sensors.GraphicalMinValue,
                        GraphicalMaxValue    = Sensors.GraphicalMaxValue,
                        LowestCriticalValue  = Sensors.LowestCriticalValue,
                        HighestCriticalValue = Sensors.HighestCriticalValue,
                        SensorUnit           = Sensors.SensorUnit

        public void RegisterUserDetail(UsersDetails RegisteredUserDetail)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();

            SMSE.UsersDetails.Add(new UsersDetailsEntity
                UserID      = RegisteredUserDetail.UserID,
                City        = RegisteredUserDetail.City,
                Adress      = RegisteredUserDetail.Address,
                DateOfBirth = RegisteredUserDetail.DateOfBirth,
                Email       = RegisteredUserDetail.Email,

        public bool UsernameControl(string username)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();

            var UserEntity = (from p in SMSE.Users where p.Username == username select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (UserEntity != null)
        public bool SensorDataControl(string sensorid)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            int IntID = Int32.Parse(sensorid);

            var SensorDataEntity = (from p in SMSE.SensorsDatas where p.SensorID == IntID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (SensorDataEntity != null)
        public List <Companies> FindAllCompanies()
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            List <Companies> results            = new List <Companies>();

            foreach (CompaniesEntity Companies in SMSE.Companies)
                results.Add(new Companies()
                    CompanyID   = Companies.CompanyID,
                    CompanyName = Companies.CompanyName,

        public bool UserDetailControl(string userid)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            int IntID = int.Parse(userid);

            var UserDetailEntity = (from p in SMSE.UsersDetails where p.UserID == IntID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (UserDetailEntity != null)
        public void Activation(Users ActivatedUser)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();

            var UserEntity = (from p in SMSE.Users where p.UserID == ActivatedUser.UserID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            SMSE.Entry(UserEntity).CurrentValues.SetValues(new UsersEntity()
                UserID           = UserEntity.UserID,
                CompanyID        = UserEntity.CompanyID,
                Name             = UserEntity.Name,
                Surname          = UserEntity.Surname,
                PhoneNumber      = UserEntity.PhoneNumber,
                Username         = UserEntity.Username,
                Password         = UserEntity.Password,
                IsActivated      = true,
                RegistrationCode = UserEntity.RegistrationCode

        public void RegisterUser(Users RegisteredUser)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();

            bool   Activation       = false;
            Random rnd              = new Random();
            long   RandomCodeNumber = rnd.Next(111111, 999999);

            SMSE.Users.Add(new UsersEntity
                CompanyID        = RegisteredUser.CompanyID,
                Name             = RegisteredUser.Name,
                Surname          = RegisteredUser.Surname,
                PhoneNumber      = RegisteredUser.PhoneNumber,
                Username         = RegisteredUser.Username,
                Password         = RegisteredUser.Password,
                IsActivated      = Activation,
                RegistrationCode = RandomCodeNumber

        public void ChangeCode(Users ChangedCodeUser)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            Random rnd = new Random();
            long   RandomCodeNumber = rnd.Next(111111, 999999);

            var UserEntity = (from p in SMSE.Users where p.UserID == ChangedCodeUser.UserID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            SMSE.Entry(UserEntity).CurrentValues.SetValues(new UsersEntity()
                UserID           = UserEntity.UserID,
                CompanyID        = UserEntity.CompanyID,
                Name             = UserEntity.Name,
                Surname          = UserEntity.Surname,
                PhoneNumber      = UserEntity.PhoneNumber,
                Username         = UserEntity.Username,
                Password         = UserEntity.Password,
                IsActivated      = UserEntity.IsActivated,
                RegistrationCode = RandomCodeNumber

        public UsersDetails FindUserDetail(string userid)
            SensorMonitoringSystemEntities SMSE = new SensorMonitoringSystemEntities();
            int ID = int.Parse(userid);

            var UserDetailEntity = (from p in SMSE.UsersDetails where p.UserID == ID select p).FirstOrDefault();

            if (UserDetailEntity != null)
                return(new UsersDetails
                    DetailID = UserDetailEntity.DetailID,
                    UserID = UserDetailEntity.UserID,
                    City = UserDetailEntity.City,
                    Address = UserDetailEntity.Adress,
                    DateOfBirth = UserDetailEntity.DateOfBirth,
                    Email = UserDetailEntity.Email