public static DataTable GetSelectedData()
            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"SELECT *");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM " + TableName);

            /*query.AppendLine($"WHERE link_id = 'RB140900511749'"); //シミュレーションの対象とする地点(サグ地点)の道路リンクID(ここから)
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511750'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511751'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511752'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511753'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511754'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511756'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519680'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519662'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519666'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519692'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519711'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714459'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714494'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714538'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714273'");//(ここまで)*/
            //TODO SQL書き換え
        public static DataTable GetAccurateAccBreakingRaw(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, InsertDatum datum)
            string query = "with LOW_SPEED as ";

            query += "( ";
            query += "	select g1.DRIVER_ID,g1.SENSOR_ID,g1.JST ";
            query += "	from CORRECTED_GPS g1,CORRECTED_GPS g2 ";
            query += "	where g1.DRIVER_ID = "+ datum.DriverId + " ";
            query += "	and g1.SENSOR_ID = "+ datum.SensorId + " ";
            query += "	and g1.SPEED < 10 ";
            query += "	and g2.DRIVER_ID = "+ datum.DriverId + " ";
            query += "	and g2.SENSOR_ID = "+ datum.SensorId + " ";
            query += "	and g2.SPEED > 10 ";
            query += "	and g1.JST = DATEADD(second,1,g2.JST) ";
            query += "	and g1.JST > '"+ startTime + "' ";
            query += "	and g1.JST < '"+ endTime + "' ";
            query += ") ";
            query += "select * ";
            query += "from LOW_SPEED ";
            query += "except ";
            query += "select LOW_SPEED.DRIVER_ID,LOW_SPEED.SENSOR_ID,CONVERT(varchar,LOW_SPEED.JST,121) as JST ";
            query += "from CORRECTED_GPS,LOW_SPEED ";
            query += "where CORRECTED_GPS.DRIVER_ID = LOW_SPEED.DRIVER_ID ";
            query += "and CORRECTED_GPS.SENSOR_ID = LOW_SPEED.SENSOR_ID ";
            query += "and CORRECTED_GPS.JST < LOW_SPEED.JST ";
            query += "and CORRECTED_GPS.JST >= DATEADD(second,-10,LOW_SPEED.JST) ";
            query += "and SPEED < 10 ";
            query += "group by LOW_SPEED.DRIVER_ID,LOW_SPEED.SENSOR_ID,LOW_SPEED.JST ";

        public static DataTable Get(DateTime startPeriod, DateTime endPeriod)
            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"SELECT *");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM " + TableName);
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE jst >= '{startPeriod}'");
            query.AppendLine($" AND jst <= '{endPeriod}'");

            /*query.AppendLine($" AND link_id = 'RB140900511749'");//シミュレーションの対象とする地点(サグ地点)の道路リンクID(ここから)
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511750'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511751'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511752'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511753'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511754'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900511756'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519680'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519662'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519666'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519692'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900519711'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714459'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714494'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714538'");
             * query.AppendLine($" OR link_id = 'RB140900714273'");//(ここまで)*/

Esempio n. 4
        public static DataTable GetLinkTableforMM(int[] id)
            string query = "select l1.LINK_ID as LINK_ID , l1.NUM, l1.LATITUDE as START_LAT, l1.LONGITUDE as START_LONG,l2.LATITUDE as END_LAT, l2.LONGITUDE as END_LONG ";

            query += ",SQRT((l1.LATITUDE - l2.LATITUDE) * (l1.LATITUDE - l2.LATITUDE) + (l1.LONGITUDE - l2.LONGITUDE) * (l1.LONGITUDE - l2.LONGITUDE)) as DISTANCE  ";
            query += "from LINKS as l1,LINKS as l2,( ";
            query += "select l1.NUM,MIN(l2.NUM - l1.NUM) as diff ";
            query += "from LINKS as l1,LINKS as l2,SEMANTIC_LINKS  ";
            query += "where l1.NUM < l2.NUM  ";
            query += "and l1.LINK_ID = l2.LINK_ID  ";
            query += "and l1.LINK_ID = SEMANTIC_LINKS.LINK_ID  ";
            query += "and SEMANTIC_LINK_ID in ( " + id[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < id.Length; i++)
                query += ", " + id;

            query += ") ";
            query += "group by l1.NUM) as Corres ";
            query += "where l1.NUM = Corres.NUM ";
            query += "and l2.NUM = l1.NUM + Corres.diff ";
            query += "order by NUM ";

Esempio n. 5
        public static AltitudeDatum Get(double latitude, double longitude)
            string query = "select * ";

            query += $"FROM {TableName} ";
            query += $"WHERE {ColumnLowerLatitude} <= " + latitude + " ";
            query += $"AND {ColumnUpperLatitude} > " + latitude + " ";
            query += $"AND {ColumnLowerLongitude} <= " + longitude + " ";
            query += $"AND {ColumnUpperLongitude} > " + longitude + " ";

            var           result      = DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(query);
            AltitudeDatum resultDatum = new AltitudeDatum();

            if (result.Rows.Count > 0)
                resultDatum = new AltitudeDatum
                    LowerLatitude  = result.Rows[0].Field <double?>(ColumnLowerLatitude),
                    LowerLongitude = result.Rows[0].Field <double?>(ColumnLowerLongitude),
                    UpperLatitude  = result.Rows[0].Field <double?>(ColumnUpperLatitude),
                    UpperLongitude = result.Rows[0].Field <double?>(ColumnUpperLongitude),
                    Altitude       = result.Rows[0].Field <float?>(ColumnAltitude)
        public static DataTable GetNormalized(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, InsertDatum datum)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"WITH convert_gps");
            query.AppendLine($"AS (");
            query.AppendLine($"	SELECT GPS.{ColumnDriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,GPS.{ColumnCarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,GPS.{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), CONVERT(DATETIME, (");
            query.AppendLine($"						CASE ");
            query.AppendLine($"							WHEN DATEPART(Ms, GPS.{ColumnJst}) >= 500");
            query.AppendLine($"								THEN DATEADD(SECOND, 1, GPS.{ColumnJst})");
            query.AppendLine($"							ELSE GPS.{ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"							END");
            query.AppendLine($"						)), 20)) AS {ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,GPS.{ColumnLatitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,GPS.{ColumnLongitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"						,CASE ");
            query.AppendLine($"							WHEN GPS.{ColumnBearing} IS NULL");
            query.AppendLine($"								THEN RMC.MOVING_SPEED * 1.852");
            query.AppendLine($"							ELSE GPS.{ColumnSpeed}");
            query.AppendLine($"							END AS {ColumnSpeed}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnHeading}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnDistanceDifference}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnLinkId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnRoadTheta}");
            query.AppendLine($"	FROM {TableName} AS GPS");
            query.AppendLine($"	LEFT JOIN GPRMC_RAW AS RMC");
            query.AppendLine($"	ON GPS.{ColumnSensorId} = RMC.{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	    AND GPS.{ColumnJst} = RMC.{ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"	WHERE GPS.{ColumnDriverId} = {datum.DriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		AND GPS.{ColumnCarId} = {datum.CarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		AND GPS.{ColumnSensorId} = {datum.SensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"     AND GPS.{ColumnJst} >= '{startTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"     AND GPS.{ColumnJst} <= '{endTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"	)");
            query.AppendLine($"SELECT {ColumnDriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnCarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,AVG({ColumnLatitude}) AS {ColumnLatitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,AVG({ColumnLongitude}) AS {ColumnLongitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(AVG({ColumnSpeed}) AS real) AS {ColumnSpeed}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(AVG({ColumnHeading}) AS real) AS {ColumnHeading}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(SUM({ColumnDistanceDifference}) AS real) AS {ColumnDistanceDifference}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,MIN({ColumnLinkId}) AS {ColumnLinkId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(AVG({ColumnRoadTheta}) AS real) AS {ColumnRoadTheta}");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM convert_gps");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE speed IS NOT NULL");
            query.AppendLine($"GROUP BY {ColumnDriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnCarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"ORDER BY {ColumnJst}");

Esempio n. 7
        public static int GetMaxMeshId()
            string query = "SELECT MAX(mesh_id) AS max_id ";

            query += $"FROM {TableName}";

            return(DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(query).Rows[0].Field <int>("max_id"));
Esempio n. 8
        public static DataTable Get(string linkId)
            string query = "SELECT * ";

            query += $"FROM {TableName} ";
            query += $"WHERE link_id = '{linkId}' ";

Esempio n. 9
        public static DataTable GetAltitude(double latitude, double longitude)
            string query = "SELECT * FROM " + TableName;

            query += " WHERE lower_latitude <= " + latitude + " AND upper_latitude > " + latitude + " AND lower_longitude <= " + longitude;
            query += " AND upper_longitude > " + longitude;

Esempio n. 10
        public static DataTable Get(DateTime startPeriod, DateTime endPeriod)
            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"SELECT *");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM " + TableName);
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE jst >= '{startPeriod}'");
            query.AppendLine($" AND jst <= '{endPeriod}'");

         * このレベルになるとDB側にテーブル関数作ったほうがいいよね...
         * 頑張れる方、リファクタリングしてください
         * Elizabeth
         * Your tears and my fears are almost disappear
         * So let's share the perfect time,For you and me
         * You knocked on my door
         * So let's start our journey
         * Because you came to see me first
        public static DataTable GetAccurateStoppingAccRaw(int timeDiff, InsertDatum datum)
            string query = "with LOW_SPEED as ";

            query += "( ";
            query += "	select DRIVER_ID,SENSOR_ID,DATEADD(second,-1,JST) as START_TIME, JST as END_TIME ";
            query += "	from CORRECTED_GPS ";
            query += "	where DRIVER_ID = "+ datum.DriverId + " ";
            query += "	and SENSOR_ID = "+ datum.SensorId + " ";
            query += "	and SPEED < 1 ";
            query += "	and JST >= '"+ datum.StartTime + "' ";
            query += "	and JST <= '"+ datum.EndTime + "' ";
            query += ") ";
            query += ", UPPER_TIME as ";
            query += "( ";
            query += "	select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by START_TIME) as NUMBER, DRIVER_ID, SENSOR_ID, START_TIME ";
            query += "	from ";
            query += "	( ";
            query += "		select DRIVER_ID,SENSOR_ID,START_TIME ";
            query += "		from LOW_SPEED ";
            query += "		except ";
            query += "		select DRIVER_ID,SENSOR_ID,END_TIME ";
            query += "		from LOW_SPEED ";
            query += "	) as UP ";
            query += ") ";
            query += ", LOWER_TIME as ";
            query += "( ";
            query += "	select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by END_TIME) as NUMBER, DRIVER_ID,SENSOR_ID,END_TIME ";
            query += "	from ";
            query += "	( ";
            query += "		select DRIVER_ID,SENSOR_ID,END_TIME ";
            query += "		from LOW_SPEED ";
            query += "		except ";
            query += "		select DRIVER_ID,SENSOR_ID,START_TIME ";
            query += "		from LOW_SPEED ";
            query += "	) as LOW ";
            query += ") ";
            query += ", LOW_SPEED_SPAN as ";
            query += "( ";
            query += "	from LOWER_TIME,UPPER_TIME ";
            query += "	where LOWER_TIME.NUMBER = UPPER_TIME.NUMBER ";
            query += ") ";

            query += "select AVG(ACC_X) as ACC_X,AVG(ACC_Y) as ACC_Y,AVG(ACC_Z) as ACC_Z ";
            query += "from ANDROID_ACC_RAW,LOW_SPEED_SPAN ";
            query += "where ANDROID_ACC_RAW.DRIVER_ID = LOW_SPEED_SPAN.DRIVER_ID ";
            query += "and ANDROID_ACC_RAW.DATETIME <= DATEADD(MILLISECOND,-1*" + timeDiff + ",LOW_SPEED_SPAN.END_TIME) ";
            query += "and ANDROID_ACC_RAW.DATETIME > DATEADD(MILLISECOND,-1*" + timeDiff + ",LOW_SPEED_SPAN.START_TIME) ";

        public static int GetEfficiency(int torque, int rev)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine("SELECT * ");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM {TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE torque = {torque}");
            query.AppendLine($"AND rev = {rev}");

                   .Select(v => v.Field <int?>(EfficiencyDao.ColumnEfficiency)).FirstOrDefault() ?? -1);
        public static int GetMilliSencodTimeDiffBetweenJstAndAndroidTime(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, InsertDatum datum)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(MILLISECOND, {ColumnAndroidTime}, {ColumnJst})) AS time_diff");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM {TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE {ColumnJst} >= '{startTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($" AND {ColumnJst} <= '{endTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($" AND {ColumnDriverId} = {datum.DriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($" AND {ColumnSensorId} = {datum.SensorId}");

            return(DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(query.ToString()).Rows[0].Field <int?>("time_diff") ?? 0);
        public static DataTable Get(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, InsertDatum datum)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine("SELECT *");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM {TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE {ColumnJst} >= '{startTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"   AND {ColumnJst} <= '{endTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"   AND {ColumnDriverId} = {datum.DriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"   AND {ColumnSensorId} = {datum.SensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"ORDER BY {ColumnJst}");

Esempio n. 15
        public static DataTable Get(InsertDatum datum)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine("SELECT *");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM {TripsRawDao.TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE {TripsRawDao.ColumnDriverId} = {datum.DriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"AND {TripsRawDao.ColumnCarId} = {datum.CarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"AND {TripsRawDao.ColumnSensorId} = {datum.SensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"AND {TripsRawDao.ColumnStartTime} >= '{datum.StartTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"AND {TripsRawDao.ColumnEndTime} <= '{datum.EndTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"ORDER BY {ColumnStartTime}");

Esempio n. 16
        public static bool IsExsistsTrip(DataRow row)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"SELECT *");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM {TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE {ColumnDriverId} = {row.Field<int>(ColumnDriverId)}");
            query.AppendLine($"  AND {ColumnCarId} = {row.Field<int>(ColumnCarId)}");
            query.AppendLine($"  AND {ColumnSensorId} = {row.Field<int>(ColumnSensorId)}");
            // SQL ServerではDateTime(1)型のミリ秒を切り上げするので±1秒の間をもうける
            query.AppendLine($"  AND {ColumnStartTime} > '{row.Field<DateTime>(ColumnStartTime).AddSeconds(-1)}'");
            query.AppendLine($"  AND {ColumnEndTime} < '{row.Field<DateTime>(ColumnEndTime).AddSeconds(1)}'");

            return(DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(query.ToString()).AsEnumerable().Count() != 0);
Esempio n. 17
        public static DataTable GetNormalized(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, InsertDatum datum)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"WITH convert_gps");
            query.AppendLine($"AS (");
            query.AppendLine($"	SELECT {ColumnDriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnCarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), CONVERT(DATETIME, (");
            query.AppendLine($"						CASE ");
            query.AppendLine($"							WHEN DATEPART(Ms, {ColumnJst}) >= 500");
            query.AppendLine($"								THEN DATEADD(SECOND, 1, {ColumnJst})");
            query.AppendLine($"							ELSE {ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"							END");
            query.AppendLine($"						)), 20)) AS {ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnLatitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnLongitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnSpeed}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnHeading}");
            query.AppendLine($"		,{ColumnDistanceDifference}");
            query.AppendLine($"	FROM {TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"	WHERE {ColumnDriverId} = {datum.DriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		AND {ColumnCarId} = {datum.CarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"		AND {ColumnSensorId} = {datum.SensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"     AND {ColumnJst} >= '{startTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"     AND {ColumnJst} <= '{endTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"	)");
            query.AppendLine($"SELECT {ColumnDriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnCarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,AVG({ColumnLatitude}) AS {ColumnLatitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,AVG({ColumnLongitude}) AS {ColumnLongitude}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(AVG({ColumnSpeed}) AS real) AS {ColumnSpeed}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(AVG({ColumnHeading}) AS real) AS {ColumnHeading}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,CAST(SUM({ColumnDistanceDifference}) AS real) AS {ColumnDistanceDifference}");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM convert_gps");
            query.AppendLine($"GROUP BY {ColumnDriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnCarId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnSensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"	,{ColumnJst}");
            query.AppendLine($"ORDER BY {ColumnJst}");

Esempio n. 18
        public static DataTable GetLinkId(int Latitude, int Longitude)
            int    maxLatitude  = Latitude + 20;
            int    minLatitude  = Latitude - 20;
            int    maxLongitude = Longitude + 20;
            int    minLongitude = Longitude - 20;
            string query        = "with LINKS_TABLE as (SELECT LINKS.* ";

            query += $"FROM {TableName} ,LINKS";
            query += $" WHERE key_latitude >= '{minLatitude}' AND key_longitude >= '{minLongitude}' AND key_latitude <= '{maxLatitude}' AND key_longitude <= '{maxLongitude}' AND";
            query += $" {TableName}.NUM = LINKS.NUM AND {TableName}.LINK_ID = LINKS.LINK_ID), ";
            query += " DIRECTION as ";
            query += "( ";
            query += "select LINK_ID, LAT1,LON1,LAt2,LON2, ";
            query += " case ";
            query += " when ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() >= 0 then ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() ";
            query += " when ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() < 0 then ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() + 180 ";
            query += " end as HEADING,A,B,C ";
            query += "from ( ";
            query += " select *,ROUND((COS(RAD_LAT2) * SIN(RAD_LON2 - RAD_LON1)* 1000000),2) as Y, ROUND((COS(RAD_LAT1) * SIN(RAD_LAT2) - SIN(RAD_LAT1) * COS(RAD_LAT2) * COS(RAD_LON2 - RAD_LON1))*1000000,2) as X, LAT2-LAT1 as A,LON1-LON2 as B,LON2+LAT1-LON1*LAT2 as C  ";
            query += " from( ";
            query += " select node1.LINK_ID, node1.LATITUDE as LAT1, node1. LONGITUDE as LON1, node2.LATITUDE as LAT2, node2.LONGITUDE as LON2, node1.LATITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LAT1, node1.LONGITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LON1, node2.LATITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LAT2, node2.LONGITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LON2 ";
            query += " from ( ";
            query += " select * ";
            query += " from LINKS ";
            query += " where NODE_ID is not null ";
            query += " and DIRECTION = 1 ";
            query += " ) as node1,( ";
            query += " select * ";
            query += " from LINKS ";
            query += " where NODE_ID is not null ";
            query += " and DIRECTION = 2 ";
            query += " ) as node2 ";
            query += " where node1.LINK_ID = node2.LINK_ID ";
            query += " ) as rad ";
            query += ") as XY ";
            query += "where (X != 0 ";
            query += "or Y != 0) ";
            query += ") ";
            query += "from LINKS_TABLE AS LINKS ";
            query += "left join DIRECTION on LINKS.LINK_ID = DIRECTION.LINK_ID ";

Esempio n. 19
        public static DataTable GetSemanticLinkTableWithHeadingAndLine(int semanticLinkId)
            // TODO テーブル関数にすると疎結合にできるね

            string query = "with DIRECTION as ";

            query += "( ";
            query += "select LINK_ID, LAT1,LON1,LAt2,LON2, ";
            query += "	case ";
            query += "	when ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() >= 0 then ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() ";
            query += "	when ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() < 0 then ATN2(Y,X) * 180 / PI() + 180 ";
            query += "	end as HEADING,A,B,C ";
            query += "from ( ";
            query += "	select *,ROUND((COS(RAD_LAT2) * SIN(RAD_LON2 - RAD_LON1)* 1000000),2) as Y, ROUND((COS(RAD_LAT1) * SIN(RAD_LAT2) - SIN(RAD_LAT1) * COS(RAD_LAT2) * COS(RAD_LON2 - RAD_LON1))*1000000,2) as X, LAT2-LAT1 as A,LON1-LON2 as B,LON2+LAT1-LON1*LAT2 as C  ";
            query += "	from( ";
            query += "		select node1.LINK_ID, node1.LATITUDE as LAT1, node1. LONGITUDE as LON1, node2.LATITUDE as LAT2, node2.LONGITUDE as LON2, node1.LATITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LAT1, node1.LONGITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LON1, node2.LATITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LAT2, node2.LONGITUDE * PI() / 180 as RAD_LON2 ";
            query += "		from ( ";
            query += "			select * ";
            query += "			from LINKS ";
            query += "			where NODE_ID is not null ";
            query += "			and DIRECTION = 1 ";
            query += "		) as node1,( ";
            query += "			select * ";
            query += "			from LINKS ";
            query += "			where NODE_ID is not null ";
            query += "			and DIRECTION = 2 ";
            query += "		) as node2 ";
            query += "		where node1.LINK_ID = node2.LINK_ID ";
            query += "	) as rad ";
            query += ") as XY ";
            query += "where (X != 0 ";
            query += "or Y != 0) ";
            query += ") ";
            query += "from SEMANTIC_LINKS ";
            query += "left join LINKS on LINKS.LINK_ID = SEMANTIC_LINKS.LINK_ID ";
            query += "left join DIRECTION on LINKS.LINK_ID = DIRECTION.LINK_ID ";
            query += "where SEMANTIC_LINK_ID = " + semanticLinkId + " ";
            query += "order by SEMANTIC_LINK_ID ";

        public static DataTable Get(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int timeDiff, InsertDatum datum)
            var query = new StringBuilder();

            query.AppendLine($"   {ColumnDriverId},");
            query.AppendLine($"   {ColumnCarId},");
            query.AppendLine($"   {ColumnSensorId},");
            query.AppendLine($"   CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(MILLISECOND, {timeDiff} ,{ColumnDateTime}),121) AS jst,");
            query.AppendLine($"   {ColumnAccX} AS {CorrectedAccDao.ColumnLongitudinalAcc},");
            query.AppendLine($"   {ColumnAccY} AS {CorrectedAccDao.ColumnLateralAcc},");
            query.AppendLine($"   {ColumnAccZ} AS {CorrectedAccDao.ColumnVerticalAcc}");
            query.AppendLine($"FROM {TableName}");
            query.AppendLine($"WHERE {ColumnDateTime} >= '{startTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"   AND {ColumnDateTime} <= '{endTime}'");
            query.AppendLine($"   AND {ColumnDriverId} = {datum.DriverId}");
            query.AppendLine($"   AND {ColumnSensorId} = {datum.SensorId}");
            query.AppendLine($"ORDER BY {ColumnDateTime}");

Esempio n. 21
        public static void UpdateConsumedEnergy()
            var selectQuery = new StringBuilder();

            selectQuery.AppendLine("SELECT trip.trip_id, SUM(consumed_electric_energy) AS consumed_energy");
            selectQuery.AppendLine($"FROM {TableName} AS trip, {EcologMMDao.TableName} AS ecolog");
            selectQuery.AppendLine("WHERE consumed_energy IS NULL");
            selectQuery.AppendLine("  AND trip.trip_id = ecolog.trip_id");
            selectQuery.AppendLine("GROUP BY trip.trip_id");

            var resultTable = DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(selectQuery.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow row in resultTable.Rows)
                var updateQuery = new StringBuilder();
                updateQuery.AppendLine($"UPDATE {TableName}");
                updateQuery.AppendLine($"SET consumed_energy = '{row.Field<double>(1)}'");
                updateQuery.AppendLine($"WHERE trip_id = {row.Field<int>(0)}");

Esempio n. 22
        public static DataTable Get()
            string query = "SELECT * FROM " + TableName;

Esempio n. 23
        public static DataTable Get(string driverName)
            string query = $"SELECT * FROM {TableName} WHERE {ColumnName} = '{driverName}'";

Esempio n. 24
        public static int GetMaxId()
            string query = "SELECT MAX(" + ColumnTestId + ") as max_id FROM " + TableName;

            return(DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(query).Rows[0].Field <int>("max_id"));
Esempio n. 25
        public static int GetMaxTripId()
            string query = $"SELECT MAX({ColumnTripId}) AS max_id FROM {TableName}";

            return(DatabaseAccesser.GetResult(query).Rows[0].Field <int?>("max_id") ?? 0);