}     //end method set_relevant_manipulated_sensor_values()

        private static double[] calculate_texttiling_scores(double[] element_list, int texttiling_block_size)
            //So here, for each element, we compare it's block, to the block for the next element and record that similarity value
            double[] element_dissimilarity_score = new double[element_list.Length];

            double left_block, right_block;

            //now go through each element, and compare it's block_size to the next
            for (int element = 0; element < element_dissimilarity_score.Length; element++)
                if (element >= texttiling_block_size && element < element_list.Length - texttiling_block_size) //have -block_size because we'll be looking at the number of blocks ahead, so can't calculate for the last few images ... or the first few either ... which is no big deal as an event is unlikely to occur so near the end and only be a couple of images long
                    //firstly get a value to represent the block of elements for the block corresponding to this element and the next element
                    left_block  = get_left_block(element_list, element, texttiling_block_size);
                    right_block = get_right_block(element_list, element + 1, texttiling_block_size);

                    //then calculate their similarity score and store it to the similarity score array
                    element_dissimilarity_score[element] = Standard_Calculation.get_diff_between_nums(left_block, right_block);
                    element_dissimilarity_score[element] = 0.0;
            } //end for (int element = 0; element < element_dissimilarity_score.Length; element++)

        } //end method calculate_texttiling_scores
        } //end method manipulate_relevant_sensor_values

        private static double[] calculate_sbd_scores(double[] element_list)
            //So here, for each element, we compare it's value to the previous value, and that's the difference score
            double[] element_dissimilarity_score = new double[element_list.Length];

            element_dissimilarity_score[0] = 0.0; //the first element will always be 0 since you can't compare to a previous value!!!

            //now go through each element, and compare it's value to the previous value, and that's the difference score
            for (int element = 1; element < element_dissimilarity_score.Length; element++)
                element_dissimilarity_score[element] = Standard_Calculation.get_diff_between_nums(element_list[element], element_list[element - 1]);
            } //end for (int element = 0; element < element_dissimilarity_score.Length; element++)

        } //end method calculate_texttiling_scores()