Esempio n. 1
        //Loading All Content
        protected override void LoadContent()
            _spriteBatch   = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            backgroundTxr  = Content.Load <Texture2D>("nightBackground"); //Loading background Texture for level 1
            backgroundTxr1 = Content.Load <Texture2D>("background1");     //Loading background Texture for level 2
            backgroundTxr2 = Content.Load <Texture2D>("background2");     //Loading background Texture for level 3
            winScreen      = Content.Load <Texture2D>("winScreen");       //Loading the win screen Texture
            gameOver       = Content.Load <Texture2D>("gameOver");        //Loading the game over screen Texture
            playersheetTxr = Content.Load <Texture2D>("charSprite");      //Loading the player character sprite sheet
            platformTxr    = Content.Load <Texture2D>("spriteSheet2");    //Loading the platform Texture
            wallTxr        = Content.Load <Texture2D>("spriteSheet2.1");  //Loading the rotated platform Texture
            kiBlastTxr     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("KiBlastSprite");   //Loading the Blast sprite sheet
            enemysheetTxr  = Content.Load <Texture2D>("CharSprite2");     //Loading the enemy character sprite sheet
            backingTrack   = Content.Load <Song>("backingTrack");         //Loading the backing track .MP3
            jumpSound      = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("jump");          //Loading the jump sound .WAV
            hitSound       = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("hitSound");      //Loading the hit sound .WAV
            deathSound     = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("deathSound");    //Loading the death sound .WAV
            advanceSound   = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("advanceSound");  //Loading the level advance sound .WAV
            blastSound     = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("kiBlastSound");  //Loading the blast sound .WAV
            newFont        = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("newFont");        //Loading the font style
            MediaPlayer.Play(backingTrack);                               //Starting the backing tack .MP3

            whiteBox = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
            whiteBox.SetData(new[] { Color.White });

            playerSprite = new PlayerSprite(playersheetTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(50, 430), hitSound, jumpSound); //giving player sprite variable a value

            BuildLevels();                                                                                        //Building the Platforms
            EnemySpawn();                                                                                         //Building the Enemies
            BuildWalls();                                                                                         //Building the Rotated Platform
Esempio n. 2
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, List <EnemySprite> enemySprites, PlayerSprite playerSprite)
            spritePos += spriteVelocity * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //Movement of the blast
            //Decaliring the collision on an enemy and declairing the blast as dead to be removed
            foreach (EnemySprite enemySprite in enemySprites)
                if (!enemySprite.dead && checkCollisionBelow(enemySprite))
                    hasCollided      = true;
                    spriteVelocity.Y = 0;
                    dead             = true;
                else if (!enemySprite.dead && checkCollisionAbove(enemySprite))
                    hasCollided      = true;
                    spriteVelocity.Y = 0;
                    dead             = true;

                if (!enemySprite.dead && checkCollisionLeft(enemySprite))
                    hasCollided      = true;
                    spriteVelocity.X = 0;
                    dead             = true;
                else if (!enemySprite.dead && checkCollisionRight(enemySprite))
                    hasCollided      = true;
                    spriteVelocity.X = 0;
                    dead             = true;
Esempio n. 3
 public void Update(GameTime gameTime, List <KiBlastSprite> blastSprites, PlayerSprite playerSprite)
     if (spritePos.Y > 120)
         spriteScale = new Vector2(1.5f, 1.5f);                    //controlling sprite size of enemies that are on the lower part of the screen
     foreach (KiBlastSprite blastSprite in blastSprites)
         if (!dead && checkCollision(blastSprite)) //checking for collision from another sprite
             hasCollided = true;                   //declaring collision
             dead        = true;                   //declaring death
             deathSound.Play();                    //playing the death sound effect
         if (dead && spritePos.Y < 110f)           //if death has been declared and the sprite is less than 110 frames down
             levelAdvance = true;                  //declaring the level has advanced
             advanceSound.Play();                  //playing the level advance sound effect
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            playerSprite.spritePos = Vector2.Clamp(playerSprite.spritePos, new Vector2(50, 0), new Vector2(780, 1500)); //Stopping the Character sprite from being able to go off the screen
            if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))
                Exit(); // when ESC is pressed the game will close
            KeyboardState keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
            GamePadState  gamePadState  = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);

            if (levelNumber == 4 && keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                levelNumber  = 0;
                lives        = 3;
                playerSprite = new PlayerSprite(playersheetTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(50, 430), hitSound, jumpSound); //giving player sprite variable a value
                foreach (EnemySprite enemySprite in enemySprites[levelNumber])
                    enemySprite.dead         = false;
                    enemySprite.levelAdvance = false;
            if (levelNumber == 3 && keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                levelNumber  = 0;
                lives        = 3;
                playerSprite = new PlayerSprite(playersheetTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(50, 430), hitSound, jumpSound); //giving player sprite variable a value
                foreach (EnemySprite enemySprite in enemySprites[levelNumber])
                    enemySprite.dead         = false;
                    enemySprite.levelAdvance = false;
            // if you are on any screen other than the game over screen then pressing space will create a blast corresponding to where the player character is positioned and whether or not the sprite is flipped
            if (levelNumber < 4)
                if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !kiBlast && playerSprite.currentState != PlayerSprite.playerStates.kiBlast)
                    if (playerSprite.flipped)
                        blasts.Add(new KiBlastSprite(kiBlastTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(playerSprite.spritePos.X - 25, playerSprite.spritePos.Y - 25), new Vector2(-300, 0)));
                        blasts.Add(new KiBlastSprite(kiBlastTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(playerSprite.spritePos.X + 25, playerSprite.spritePos.Y - 25), new Vector2(300, 0)));
                    kiBlast = true;
                    blastSound.Play(); //Playing the sound of the blast
                else if (!keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && kiBlast)
                    kiBlast = false;                                                       //declairing the value of the blast false when space bar is no longer pressed after using a blast
                //Updating the blasts
                foreach (KiBlastSprite kiBlast in blasts)
                    kiBlast.Update(gameTime, enemySprites[levelNumber], playerSprite);

            foreach (EnemySprite enemySprite in enemySprites[levelNumber])
                if (!enemySprite.dead)
                    enemySprite.Update(gameTime, blasts, playerSprite);                   //if the enemy sprite is not dead then the enemy sprites update
                if (enemySprite.levelAdvance)
                    playerSprite = new PlayerSprite(playersheetTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(50, 430), hitSound, jumpSound);
                //Controlling the movement of the enemies on the 1st level
                if (levelNumber == 0)
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 110f && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 748f && enemySprite.spritePos.X < 790f && !enemySprite.flipped)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 110f && !enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X == 790f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = true;
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 110f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 750f)
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 110f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X <= 750f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;

                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 216f && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 200f && enemySprite.spritePos.X < 790f && !enemySprite.flipped)
                        enemySprite.spritePos.X += 2;
                        enemySprite.flipped      = false;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 216f && !enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X == 790f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = true;
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 216f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 202f)
                        enemySprite.spritePos.X -= 2;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 216f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X <= 202f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;
                //Controlling the enemies movement on the 2nd level
                if (levelNumber == 1)
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 748f && enemySprite.spritePos.X < 790f && !enemySprite.flipped)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && !enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X == 790f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = true;
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 750f)
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X <= 750f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;

                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 301f && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 200f && enemySprite.spritePos.X < 790f && !enemySprite.flipped)
                        enemySprite.spritePos.X += 2;
                        enemySprite.flipped      = false;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 301f && !enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X == 790f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = true;
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 301f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 499)
                        enemySprite.spritePos.X -= 2;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 301f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X <= 500f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;
                //Controlling the enemies on the 3rd level
                if (levelNumber == 2)
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 748f && enemySprite.spritePos.X < 790f && !enemySprite.flipped)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && !enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X == 790f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = true;
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 750f)
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y < 200f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X <= 750f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;

                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 350f && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 200f && enemySprite.spritePos.X < 790f && !enemySprite.flipped)
                        enemySprite.spritePos.X += 2;
                        enemySprite.flipped      = false;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 350f && !enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X == 790f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = true;
                    if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 350f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X > 600)
                        enemySprite.spritePos.X -= 2;
                    else if (enemySprite.spritePos.Y > 350f && enemySprite.flipped && enemySprite.spritePos.X <= 600f)
                        enemySprite.flipped = false;

            if (!playerSprite.dead)
                playerSprite.Update(gameTime, levels[levelNumber], enemySprites[levelNumber], walls[levelNumber]); //Updating the PlayerSprite Class
            blasts.RemoveAll(kiBlast => kiBlast.dead);                                                             //Removing the blasts when they are declared dead
            //Resetting the players position on death as long as the lives are greater than 0
            if (playerSprite.dead && lives > 0)
                playerSprite = new PlayerSprite(playersheetTxr, whiteBox, new Vector2(50, 430), hitSound, jumpSound);
            //If your lives reach 0 it loads the gameover screen and stops the music
            if (lives <= 0)
                levelNumber = 4;