private IEnumerable<Teaser> GetEntityItems(EntityModel entity)
     List<Teaser> res = new List<Teaser>();
     //1. Check if entity is a teaser, if add it
     if (entity is Teaser)
         //2. Second check if entity type is (semantically) a list, and if so, get its list items
         List<Teaser> items = GetTeaserListFromSemantics(entity);
         if (items != null)
             res = items;
             //3. Last resort, try to find some suitable properties using reflection
             Teaser teaser = new Teaser();
             foreach (PropertyInfo pi in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
                 switch (pi.Name)
                     case "Headline":
                     case "Name":
                         teaser.Headline = pi.GetValue(entity) as String;
                     case "Date":
                         DateTime? date = pi.GetValue(entity) as DateTime?;
                         if (date != null)
                             teaser.Date = date;
                     case "Description":
                         teaser.Text = pi.GetValue(entity) as String;
                     case "Link":
                         teaser.Link = pi.GetValue(entity) as Link;
                     case "Url":
                         string url = pi.GetValue(entity) as String;
                         if (url != null)
                             teaser.Link = new Link { Url = url };
             if (teaser.Headline != null || teaser.Text != null || teaser.Link != null)
     return res;
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps Form data (for an HTTP POST request) to properies of a given Entity Model and performs basic validation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The Entity Model to map the form data to.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if there is any form data to be mapped.</returns>
        protected bool MapRequestFormData(EntityModel model)
            if (Request.HttpMethod != "POST")
                return false;

            // CSRF protection: If the anti CSRF cookie is present, a matching token must be in the form data too.
            const string antiCsrfToken = "__RequestVerificationToken";
            if (Request.Cookies[antiCsrfToken] != null)

            Type modelType = model.GetType();
            foreach (string formField in Request.Form)
                if (formField == antiCsrfToken)
                    // This is not a form field, but the anti CSRF token (already validated above).

                PropertyInfo modelProperty = modelType.GetProperty(formField);
                if (modelProperty == null)
                    Log.Debug("Model [{0}] has no property for form field '{1}'", model, formField);

                string formFieldValue = Request.Form[formField];

                ValidationAttribute validationAttr = modelProperty.GetCustomAttribute<ValidationAttribute>();
                if (validationAttr != null)
                        validationAttr.Validate(formFieldValue, formField);
                    catch (ValidationException ex)
                        string validationMessage = ResolveValidationMessage(ex.Message, model);
                        Log.Debug("Validation of property '{0}' failed: {1}", formField, validationMessage);
                        ModelState.AddModelError(formField, validationMessage);

                    if (modelProperty.PropertyType == typeof (bool))
                        // The @Html.CheckBoxFor method includes a hidden field with the original checkbox state, resulting in two boolean values (comma separated)
                        formFieldValue = formFieldValue.Split(',')[0];
                    modelProperty.SetValue(model, Convert.ChangeType(formFieldValue, modelProperty.PropertyType));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Debug("Failed to set Model [{0}] property '{1}' to value obtained from form data: '{2}'. {3}", model, formField, formFieldValue, ex.Message);
                    ModelState.AddModelError(formField, ex.Message);

            return true;
 private List<Teaser> GetTeaserListFromSemantics(EntityModel entity)
     Type type = entity.GetType();
     bool isList = false;
     foreach (object attr in type.GetCustomAttributes(true))
         if (attr is SemanticEntityAttribute)
             SemanticEntityAttribute semantics = (SemanticEntityAttribute)attr;
             isList = semantics.Vocab == ViewModel.SchemaOrgVocabulary && semantics.EntityName == "ItemList";
             if (isList)
     if (isList)
         foreach(PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties())
             if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(List<Teaser>))
                  return pi.GetValue(entity) as List<Teaser>;
     return null;