public async override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); users = new List <iOSUser>(); //Get all the users (for better performance, convert to paginated lists) var userList = await UserCall.getUsers(); if (userList == null) { var alertController = UIAlertController.Create("Warning", "Could not connect to server, please try again.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); alertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Try Again", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, alert => ViewDidLoad())); alertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("No thanks", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, alert => System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("No thanks was selected"))); this.PresentViewController(alertController, true, null); } else { // Get the image and reload the list when done foreach (var user in userList) { UIImage image = await IOSImageUtil.FromUrl(user.imageUrl); var iosUser = new iOSUser(image, user); users.Add(iosUser); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("NR OF USERS IN LIST: " + users.Count); playersTableView.Source = new SelectPlayerDatasource(users, this); playersTableView.ReloadData(); } } }
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { SelectPlayerCell cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(cellIdentifier) as SelectPlayerCell; iOSUser user = users[indexPath.Row]; if (cell == null) { cell = new SelectPlayerCell(); } UIImage image; if (userDict.ContainsKey(user)) { image = userDict[user]; } else { image = user.image; userDict.Add(user, image); } cell.ImgProfile.Image = image; IOSImageUtil.makeRoundImageView(cell.ImgProfile); cell.LblPlayerUsername.Text = user.username; cell.LblPlayerRank.Text = "Wins: " + user.wins + " Losses " + user.losses; return(cell); }
public User toUser(iOSUser iOSUser) { User user = new User(); =; user.username = iOSUser.username; user.imageUrl = iOSUser.imageUrl; user.wins = iOSUser.wins; user.losses = iOSUser.losses; return(user); }
public void didSelectPlayer(iOSUser user, UIImage image) { user.image = null; parent.didSelectPlayer(thisPlayer, user, image); this.DismissViewController(true, null); }
public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { iOSUser selectedUser = users[indexPath.Row]; owner.didSelectPlayer(selectedUser, userDict[selectedUser]); }