static void Main(string[] args) { Student studentOne = new Student("Ivan", "Dvoikadjiq", 1); Student studentTwo = new Student("Maria", "Otlichnik", 2); Student studentThree = new Student("Ana", 3); IList<Student> students = new List<Student>(); students.Add(studentOne); students.Add(studentTwo); students.Add(studentThree); Discipline disciplineOne = new Discipline("Matematika", 12, students, "muka"); Discipline disciplineTwo = new Discipline("Muzika", 12, students); IList<Discipline> disciplines = new List<Discipline>(); disciplines.Add(disciplineOne); disciplines.Add(disciplineTwo); Teacher teacherOne = new Teacher("Petko", disciplines); IList<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher>(); teachers.Add(teacherOne); Class classOne = new Class("Detska gradina", students, teachers); Console.WriteLine(classOne); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { //test School.Number = 50; School.Name = "СОУ Драган Драганов"; //add 2 classes Class class1 = new Class("012"); Class class2 = new Class("035"); School.NewClass(class1); School.NewClass(class2); //some Disciplines List<Discipline> disciplines1 = new List<Discipline> {new Discipline("Nuclear Physics", 1, -1), //will throw error new Discipline("Astrophysics", 1, 2)}; List<Discipline> disciplines2 = new List<Discipline> {new Discipline("Analysis", 2, 1), new Discipline("Applied mathematics", 2, 1)}; List<Discipline> disciplines3 = new List<Discipline> {new Discipline("Painting", 1, 3), new Discipline("Photography", 1, 3)}; //some Teachers List<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher> {new Teacher("M. Petrov"), new Teacher("L. Borisova"), new Teacher("K. Nakov")}; //some students List<Student> students = new List<Student> {new Student("Gosho P.", 10), new Student("Pesho B.", 10), new Student("Sasho K.", 10)}; List<Student> students2 = new List<Student> {new Student("Misho P.", 10), new Student("Tosho B.", 10), new Student("Rasho K.", 10)}; //add teachers and students to each class class1.AddTeachers(teachers); class1.AddStudents(students); class2.AddTeachers(teachers); class2.AddStudents(students2); //add disciplines for each Teacher class1.SetOfTeachers[0].AddDisciplines(disciplines1); class1.SetOfTeachers[1].AddDisciplines(disciplines2); class1.SetOfTeachers[2].AddDisciplines(disciplines3); class2.SetOfTeachers[0].AddDisciplines(disciplines1); class2.SetOfTeachers[1].AddDisciplines(disciplines2); class2.SetOfTeachers[2].AddDisciplines(disciplines3); } catch (Exception ex) { // Get stack trace for the exception with source file information var stack = new StackTrace(ex, true); // Get the top stack frame var frame = stack.GetFrame(0); // Get the line number from the stack frame //var lineNumber = frame.GetFileLineNumber(); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\n" + frame); } }
static void Main() { School justSchool = new School("JustSchool"); Teacher ivanov = new Teacher("Ivanov"); Teacher metodiev = new Teacher("Metodiev"); Student milko = new Student("Milko", 15); Student vasil = new Student("Vasil", 2); Class bClass = new Class("BClass"); Discipline math = new Discipline("Math", 5, 10); Discipline chemistry = new Discipline("Chemistry", 5, 12); justSchool.Classes.Add(bClass); bClass.Students.Add(milko); bClass.Students.Add(vasil); bClass.Teachers.Add(ivanov); bClass.Teachers.Add(metodiev); ivanov.Disciplines.Add(math); metodiev.Disciplines.Add(chemistry); bClass.Comment = "Pros"; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Student first=new Student("Mariq","564710"); Student second = new Student("Pesho", "111123", "Gouem pich"); Student third = new Student("Ganka", "126578"); Disciplines basic = new Disciplines(10, "C# programming", "This is the prepration level at SoftUni."); Disciplines intermediate = new Disciplines(20, "Object Oriented Programming"); Disciplines advanced = new Disciplines(30, "Structures of data and Algorithms", "This is the third level in SoftUni."); List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); students.Add(first); students.Add(second); students.Add(third); List<Disciplines>SetOne=new List<Disciplines>(); SetOne.Add(intermediate); SetOne.Add(intermediate); SetOne.Add(advanced); Teacher Nakov = new Teacher("Nakov", SetOne, "Gouem pich too :)"); Teacher Znaiko = new Teacher("Znaiko", SetOne); List<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher>(); teachers.Add(Nakov); teachers.Add(Znaiko); Class begginers = new Class(teachers,students); }
static void Main() { Teacher tomas = new Teacher("Tomas", "Fernandes"); tomas.Disciplines.Add(new SchoolDiscipline(Subject.Calculus, 30, 45)); Class firstA = new Class("1a"); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("ivan", "ivanoq", 12)); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("iwan", "ivanqv", 15)); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("ivrn", "ivaeov", 2)); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("ivat", "ivynov", 22)); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("yvan", "itanov", 35)); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("eqan", "iranov", 5)); firstA.AddStudent(new Student("vern", "evanov", 1)); Console.Write("ShowStudent() method: "); firstA.ShowStudent(15); SchoolDiscipline biology = new SchoolDiscipline(Subject.Biology, 30, 30); firstA.AddTeacher(tomas); firstA.AddTeacher(new Teacher("Tom", "Ferandes", Subject.Algebra)); firstA.AddTeacher(new Teacher("Tas", "Fernades", biology)); firstA.AddTeacher(new Teacher("Tos", "Fernand")); firstA.AddTeacher(new Teacher("Toms", "Fendes")); firstA.AddTeacher(new Teacher("Toas", "Fende")); Console.Write("ShowTeacher() method: "); firstA.ShowTeacher(biology); Console.WriteLine("ToString() method for class: "); Console.WriteLine(firstA); }
static void Main() { Class class12a = new Class("12a", LoadStudents(), LoadTeachers()); for (int i = 0; i < class12a.Students.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Student name: {0}", class12a.Students[i].Name); Console.WriteLine("Class number: {0}\n", class12a.Students[i].ClassNumber); } Console.WriteLine("\nTeacher name: {0}", class12a.Teachers[1].Name); Console.WriteLine("Disciplines:"); Console.WriteLine("{0}", class12a.Teachers[1].Disciplines[2].Name); Console.WriteLine("{0}", class12a.Teachers[1].Disciplines[3].Name); Console.WriteLine(); }
//a method for creating a new test school with predifined details //only the students are random picked ->check CreatArray method in Student class public static School New() { //create two student list with random details List<Student> exampleStudents1 = Student.CreateArray(10); List<Student> exampleStudents2 = Student.CreateArray(10); //create several disciplines with their names, lecture hours and exercies hours Discipline chemistry = new Discipline("Chemistry", 3, 3); Discipline history = new Discipline("History", 2, 2); Discipline mathematics = new Discipline("Mathematics", 4, 4); Discipline sport = new Discipline("Sport", 5, 5); //create list of disciplines for one of the teachers List<Discipline> exampleTeacher1Disciplines = new List<Discipline>(); exampleTeacher1Disciplines.Add(chemistry); exampleTeacher1Disciplines.Add(mathematics); //create list of disciplines for the other teacher List<Discipline> exampleTeacher2Disciplines = new List<Discipline>(); exampleTeacher2Disciplines.Add(history); exampleTeacher2Disciplines.Add(sport); //create two teachers and assign one list of disciplines to each of them Teacher exampleTeacher1 = new Teacher("Blagoy Stankov", exampleTeacher1Disciplines); Teacher exampleTeacher2 = new Teacher("Todor Trendafilov", exampleTeacher2Disciplines); //create a new class and add students and teacher to the class Class a12 = new Class("12a"); a12.AddGroupStudents(exampleStudents1); a12.AddTeacher(exampleTeacher1); //create another class and add students and teacher to the class Class b12 = new Class("12b"); b12.AddGroupStudents(exampleStudents2); b12.AddTeacher(exampleTeacher2); //create a new school School exampleSchool = new School("SOU Petko Rachov Slaveikov"); //assign both classes to the school exampleSchool.AddClass(a12); exampleSchool.AddClass(b12); return exampleSchool; }
static void Main() { List<Student> students = new List<Student> { new Student("Gosho", 1), new Student("Pesho", 3), new Student("Tosho", 2), new Student("Ivan", 4), new Student("Gergana", 5) }; var html = new Discipline("HTML", 1); html.AddStudent(students[0]); html.AddStudent(students[2]); html.AddStudent(students[4]); html.Ditails = "Fast-Track"; var css = new Discipline("CSS", 2); css.AddStudent(students[0]); css.AddStudent(students[1]); css.AddStudent(students[2]); var csharp = new Discipline("C#", 3); csharp.AddStudent(students[1]); csharp.AddStudent(students[3]); csharp.AddStudent(students[4]); var javaScript = new Discipline("JavaScript", 4, students); var cSharpTeacher = new Teacher("Svetlin Nakov"); cSharpTeacher.AddDiscipline(csharp); var webFundamentalsTeacher = new Teacher("Vladimir Georgiev"); webFundamentalsTeacher.AddDiscipline(html); webFundamentalsTeacher.AddDiscipline(css); var classA = new Class("A", new List<Teacher> { cSharpTeacher, webFundamentalsTeacher }); Console.WriteLine(classA.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Student student1 = new Student("Kiril", 13); student1.AddComment("Test comment1 for student 1"); student1.AddComment("Test comment2 for student 1"); Student student2 = new Student("Vasil", 25); student2.AddComment("Test comment1 for student 2"); student2.AddComment("Test comment2 for student 2"); student1.RemoveComment("Test comment1 for student 1"); student1.DisplayComments(); student2.ClearComments(); student2.DisplayComments(); student1.AddComment("Blah blah"); Console.WriteLine(student1.CommentsCount); student1.RemoveCommentAt(0); student1.DisplayComments(); Discipline discipline1 = new Discipline("Discrete Mathematics", 1, 1); Discipline discipline2 = new Discipline("Mathematical Analysis", 1, 1); Discipline discipline3 = new Discipline("OOP", 2, 3); discipline1.AddComment("Introduction do discrete data structures."); discipline3.AddComment("Object Oriented Programming in C#"); Teacher teacher1 = new Teacher("Trifon", new List<Discipline>() { discipline1 }); Teacher teacher2 = new Teacher("Grigor", new List<Discipline>() { discipline2, discipline3 }); Class class1 = new Class("312", new List<Teacher>() { teacher1, teacher2} , new List<Student>() { student1, student2} ); School school = new School(new List<Class>() { class1 }); }
public static void Main() { Student st1 = new Student("Pesho", "0102030405"); Student st2 = new Student("Kiro", "0102020304"); Student st3 = new Student("Penka", "0102020304"); st1.Details = "Golem pich"; Console.WriteLine(st1); Console.WriteLine(); Discipline oop = new Discipline("OOP", 12); oop.AddStudent(st1); oop.AddStudent(st2); oop.Students.Add(st3); //will not work - you have to use the method AddStudent Discipline java = new Discipline("Java", 6); java.AddStudent(st3); //Console.WriteLine(st1.Details); Console.WriteLine(oop); Console.WriteLine(java); Console.WriteLine(); Teacher t1 = new Teacher("Bai Ivan"); t1.AddDiscipline(oop); t1.AddDiscipline(java); t1.Details = "Naj-dobriq daskal!"; Console.WriteLine(t1); Console.WriteLine(); Class cl1 = new Class("Alpha"); cl1.AddTeacher(t1); cl1.AddStudent(st1); cl1.AddStudent(st2); cl1.AddStudent(st3); Console.WriteLine(cl1); }
static void Main() { Student student1 = new Student("Ivan", 15); Student student2 = new Student("Petkan", 17); Student student3 = new Student("Dragan", 19); Class osmiB = new Class("osmi B"); osmiB.SetOfStudents.Add(student1); osmiB.SetOfStudents.Add(student2); osmiB.SetOfStudents.Add(student3); Teacher teacher1 = new Teacher("Anatoli"); Teacher teacher2 = new Teacher("Cvetkan"); osmiB.SetOfTeachers.Add(teacher1); osmiB.SetOfTeachers.Add(teacher2); Discipline math = new Discipline("Math", 5, 4); Discipline history = new Discipline("History", 9, 8); Discipline geography = new Discipline("Geography", 4, 9); Discipline science = new Discipline("Science", 5, 4); teacher1.SetOfDisciplines.Add(math); teacher1.SetOfDisciplines.Add(history); teacher2.SetOfDisciplines.Add(geography); teacher2.SetOfDisciplines.Add(science); Console.WriteLine("The class {0} has those students : \n",osmiB.UnicTxtInd); Console.WriteLine(osmiB.StudentToString()); Console.WriteLine("Some teachers:"); Console.WriteLine(osmiB.TeacherToString()); teacher1.AddComment("This is some optional comment"); string comment=teacher1.ShowComment(); Console.WriteLine(comment); }
static void Main() { List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); students.Add(new Student("542", "Georgi Georgiev")); students.Add(new Student("111", "Georgi Kadiev")); students.Add(new Student("432", "Ivan Georgiev")); students.Add(new Student("974", "Petar Petrov")); students.Add(new Student("214", "Atanas Iliev")); List<Disciplines> disciplines = new List<Disciplines>(); disciplines.Add(new Disciplines(11, students, "Physics")); disciplines.Add(new Disciplines(15, students, "Math")); disciplines.Add(new Disciplines(20, students, "Programming")); List<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher>(); teachers.Add(new Teacher(disciplines, "Svetlin Nakov", "The Software Guru")); teachers.Add(new Teacher(disciplines, "Petur Hubchev")); Class classA = new Class(teachers, "A"); Class classV = new Class(teachers, "V"); Console.WriteLine(classA); Console.WriteLine(classV); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var pesho = new Student("Pesho", "201411V21", "very tallented, self-critical"); var misho = new Student("Misho", "201411V13"); // Student gatyo = new Student("Gosho", "201411V13"); // should throw exception var gosho = new Student("Gosho", "201412V13"); var katya = new Student("Katya", "201412V19", "likes litterature, expecially indian novels of Karl May"); var maths = new Discipline("Mathematics", 35, new List<Student>() { pesho, gosho, misho }); var litterature = new Discipline("Litterature", 15, new List<Student>() { gosho, misho, katya }, "optional"); var informatics = new Discipline("Informatics", 50, new List<Student>() { pesho, gosho, katya, misho }, "main discipline"); var peshova = new Teacher("Peshova", new List<Discipline>() { litterature }); var dushkov = new Teacher("Dushkov", new List<Discipline>() { maths, informatics }); var class201411V = new Class("201411V", new List<Student>() { pesho, misho }, new List<Teacher>() { peshova }); // below row should throw exception // SchoolClass class201412 = new Class("201411V", new List<Student>() { }, new List<Teacher>() { peshova, dushkov }); var class201412V = new Class("201412V", new List<Student>() { }, new List<Teacher>() { peshova, dushkov }); var eg = new School(new List<Class>() { class201411V, class201412V }); }
public void AddClass(Class schoolClass) { this.schoolClasses.Add(schoolClass); }
public void AddClass(Class temp) { classes.Add(temp); }
public Students(string name, int unicClassNumber, Class _class, string comment = "") : base(name, comment) { this.unicClassNumber = unicClassNumber; this.Class = _class; }
static void Main() { //define students Student firstStudent = new Student("Ivan Ivanov", 26); firstStudent.AddComment("I love school."); Student secondStudent = new Student("Kiril Stoianov", 21); secondStudent.AddComment("I hate school."); Student thirdStudent = new Student("Martin Hristov", 25); Student[] allStudents = { firstStudent, secondStudent, thirdStudent }; //define disciplines Discipline math = new Discipline("Math", 4, 4); math.AddComment("This is the hardest discipline, but it's very useful."); Discipline biology = new Discipline("Biology", 2, 2); Discipline chemistry = new Discipline("Chemistry", 1, 2); chemistry.AddComment("This is the most useless discipline."); Discipline[] allDisciplines = { math, biology, chemistry }; //define teachers and add disciplines Teacher firstTeacher = new Teacher("Nikolai Nikolov"); firstTeacher.AddDicipline(math); firstTeacher.AddDicipline(chemistry); Teacher secondTeacher = new Teacher("Silviq Stefanova"); secondTeacher.AddComment("She's a great teacher."); secondTeacher.AddDicipline(biology); Teacher[] allTeachers = { firstTeacher, secondTeacher }; //create class Class firstClassInSchool = new Class("12A"); //add students in class firstClassInSchool.AddStudents(allStudents); //add teachers for class firstClassInSchool.AddTeachers(allTeachers); Class[] allClasses = { firstClassInSchool }; //Define school and display information School mySchool = new School("1st Math Highschool"); //display info Console.WriteLine("-------{0}-------", mySchool.Name); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Teachers---"); foreach (var teacher in allTeachers) { foreach (var discipline in teacher.AllDiciplines) { Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", teacher, discipline); } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---Classes---"); foreach (var schoolClass in allClasses) { Console.WriteLine(schoolClass); } Console.WriteLine(); //Display Comments Console.WriteLine("---Comments---"); foreach (var schoolClass in allClasses) { schoolClass.ViewComments(); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var student in allStudents) { student.ViewComments(); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var teacher in allTeachers) { teacher.ViewComments(); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var discipline in allDisciplines) { discipline.ViewComments(); } }
public void AddClass(Class c) { this.classes.Add(c.Id, c); }
public void RemoveClass(Class classToRemove) { this.classes.Remove(classToRemove); }
public void AddClass(Class newClass) { this.classes.Add(newClass); }
public static void NewClass(Class newClass) { Classes.Add(newClass); }
public void ChangeId(int value, Class c) { this.Id = value; c.ValidateStudentEntries(); }
public void Remove(Class oldClass) { this.classes.Remove(oldClass); }
public void RemoveClass(Class schoolClass) { this.schoolClasses.Remove(schoolClass); }
static void Main(string[] args) { School penchoSlaveikov = new School("Pencho Slaveikov"); Class mathClass = new Class("12A"); penchoSlaveikov.AddClass(mathClass); Class artClass = new Class("12B"); penchoSlaveikov.AddClass(artClass); #region All Students Student[] students = { new Student("Pesho", 1), new Student("Minka", 2), new Student("Goshko", 3), new Student("Stavri", 4), new Student("Penka", 5), new Student("Slavka", 6), new Student("Dimcho", 7), new Student("Pencho", 8), new Student("Simo", 9), new Student("Giga", 10), new Student("Aishe", 11), }; #endregion #region All Disciplines Discipline mathematics = new Discipline("Mathematics", 3, 10); Discipline physics = new Discipline("Physics", 5, 15); Discipline geography = new Discipline("Geography", 2, 8); Discipline music = new Discipline("Music", 3, 6); Discipline english = new Discipline("English", 6, 12); Discipline drawing = new Discipline("Drawing", 2, 4); Discipline chemistry = new Discipline("Chemistry", 4, 8); #endregion #region All Teachers List<Teacher> teachers = new List<Teacher>() { new Teacher("Georgiev"), new Teacher("Minkov"), new Teacher("Ivanov"), new Teacher("Panaiotoa"), new Teacher("Ignatova") }; #endregion teachers[0].AddDiscipline(mathematics); teachers[0].AddDiscipline(physics); teachers[1].AddDiscipline(chemistry); teachers[1].AddDiscipline(physics); teachers[2].AddDiscipline(english); teachers[3].AddDiscipline(geography); teachers[4].AddDiscipline(music); teachers[4].AddDiscipline(drawing); mathClass.AddStudents(new List<Student>() { students[0], students[1], students[2], students[3], students[4], students[5] }); artClass.AddStudents(new List<Student>() { students[6], students[7], students[8], students[9], students[10] }); mathClass.AddTeachers(new List<Teacher>() { teachers[0], teachers[1], teachers[2] }); artClass.AddTeachers(new List<Teacher>() { teachers[2], teachers[3], teachers[4] }); #region Print on console Console.WriteLine("School: " + penchoSlaveikov); Console.Write("Classes: "); foreach (var clas in penchoSlaveikov.Classes) { Console.Write(clas + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Teachers in " + mathClass.UniqueId + ":"); foreach (var teacher in mathClass.Teachers) { Console.WriteLine(teacher + " - teaches: " + teacher.Disciplines); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Teachers in " + artClass.UniqueId + ":"); foreach (var teacher in artClass.Teachers) { Console.WriteLine(teacher + " - teaches: " + teacher.Disciplines); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Students in " + mathClass.UniqueId + ":"); foreach (var student in mathClass.Students) { Console.WriteLine(student); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Students in " + artClass.UniqueId + ":"); foreach (var student in artClass.Students) { Console.WriteLine(student); } #endregion }