Esempio n. 1
        public static IDictionary <Symbol, object> CreateBuiltins(Interpreter interpreter)
            var builtins = new Dictionary <Symbol, object>();

            builtins[Symbol.FromString("+")]        = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Add), "+");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("-")]        = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Minus), "-");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("*")]        = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Multiply), "*");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("/")]        = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Divide), "/");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("=")]        = NativeProcedure.Create <double, double, bool>((x, y) => x == y, "=");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("<")]        = NativeProcedure.Create <double, double, bool>((x, y) => x < y, "<");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("<=")]       = NativeProcedure.Create <double, double, bool>((x, y) => x <= y, "<=");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString(">")]        = NativeProcedure.Create <double, double, bool>((x, y) => x > y, ">");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString(">=")]       = NativeProcedure.Create <double, double, bool>((x, y) => x >= y, ">=");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("eq?")]      = NativeProcedure.Create <object, object, bool>((x, y) => object.ReferenceEquals(x, y), "eq?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("equal?")]   = NativeProcedure.Create <object, object, bool>(EqualImpl, "equal?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("boolean?")] = NativeProcedure.Create <object, bool>(x => x is bool, "boolean?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("num?")]     = NativeProcedure.Create <object, bool>(x => x is int || x is double, "num?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("string?")]  = NativeProcedure.Create <object, bool>(x => x is string, "string?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("symbol?")]  = NativeProcedure.Create <object, bool>(x => x is Symbol, "symbol?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("list?")]    = NativeProcedure.Create <object, bool>(x => x is List <object>, "list?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("map")]      = NativeProcedure.Create <ICallable, List <object>, List <object> >((func, ls) => ls.Select(x => func.Call(new List <object> {
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("reverse")]  = NativeProcedure.Create <List <object>, List <object> >(ls => ls.Reverse <object>().ToList());
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("range")]    = new NativeProcedure(RangeImpl, "range");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("apply")]    = NativeProcedure.Create <ICallable, List <object>, object>((proc, args) => proc.Call(args), "apply");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("list")]     = new NativeProcedure(args => args, "list");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("list-ref")] = NativeProcedure.Create <List <object>, int, object>((ls, idx) => ls[idx]);
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("length")]   = NativeProcedure.Create <List <object>, int>(list => list.Count, "length");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("car")]      = NativeProcedure.Create <List <object>, object>(args => args[0], "car");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("cdr")]      = NativeProcedure.Create <List <object>, List <object> >(args => args.Skip(1).ToList(), "cdr");
            builtins[Symbol.CONS] = NativeProcedure.Create <object, List <object>, List <object> >((x, ys) => Enumerable.Concat(new[] { x }, ys).ToList(), "cons");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("not")]     = NativeProcedure.Create <bool, bool>(x => !x, "not");
            builtins[Symbol.APPEND]                = NativeProcedure.Create <List <object>, List <object>, List <object> >((l1, l2) => Enumerable.Concat(l1, l2).ToList(), "append");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("null")]    = NativeProcedure.Create <object>(() => (object)null, "null");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("null?")]   = NativeProcedure.Create <object, bool>(x => x is List <object> && ((List <object>)x).Count == 0, "null?");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("assert")]  = new NativeProcedure(AssertImpl, "assert");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("load")]    = NativeProcedure.Create <string, None>(filename => LoadImpl(interpreter, filename), "load");
            builtins[Symbol.FromString("call/cc")] = NativeProcedure.Create <ICallable, object>(Continuation.CallWithCurrentContinuation, "call/cc");

Esempio n. 2
        public static object CallWithCurrentContinuation(ICallable fc1)
            var ccc = new Continuation {
                Stack = new StackTrace(), Thread = Thread.CurrentThread

                var exitproc = NativeProcedure.Create <object, object>(v =>
                    var f1     = new StackTrace().GetFrames();
                    var c1     = ccc.Stack.GetFrames();
                    var offset = f1.Length - c1.Length;
                    if (ccc.Thread == Thread.CurrentThread)
                        for (int i = c1.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (c1[i].GetMethod() != f1[i + offset].GetMethod())
                                throw new NotImplementedException("not supported, continuation called outside dynamic extent");
                    ccc.Value = v;
                    throw ccc;
                return(fc1.Call(new List <object> {
            catch (Continuation c)
                if (ccc == c)
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Interpreter.CreateSymbolTableDelegate extension = _ => new Dictionary <Symbol, object>()
                { Symbol.FromString("say-hi"), NativeProcedure.Create <Function>(() => name => $"Hello {name}!") },
                { Symbol.FromString("truncate-string"), NativeProcedure.Create <int, Function>(len => input => ((string)input).Substring(0, len)) },
                { Symbol.FromString("dump"), NativeProcedure.Create <object>(() => Symbol.AllSymbols()) },
                { Symbol.FromString("print"), NativeProcedure.Create <object, object>((arg) => Print(arg)) },
                { Symbol.FromString("typeof"), NativeProcedure.Create <object, object>((arg) => {
                        if (null == arg)
                    }) }

            // TODO: math

             * 1 三角函数
             * double sin (double x);  x的正弦值
             * double cos (double x);  x的余弦值
             * double tan (double x);  x的正切值
             * 2 反三角函数
             * double asin (double x); 结果介于[-PI/2, PI/2],x值域为[-1,1]
             * double acos (double x); 结果介于[0, PI],x值域为[-1,1]
             * double atan (double x); 反正切(主值), 结果介于[-PI/2, PI/2]
             * double atan2 (double y, double x); 反正切(整圆值), 结果介于[-PI, PI]
             * 3 双曲三角函数
             * double sinh (double x);  x的双曲正弦值
             * double cosh (double x);  x的双曲余弦值
             * double tanh (double x);  x的双曲正切值
             * 4 指数与对数
             * double exp (double x);  幂函数e^x
             * double pow (double x, double y); x^y,如果x=0且y<=0,或者x<0且y不是整型数,将产生定义域错误
             * double sqrt (double x); x的平方根,其中x>=0
             * double log (double x); 以e为底的对数,自然对数,x>0
             * double log10 (double x); 以10为底的对数,x>0
             * 5 取整
             * double ceil (double x); 取上整
             * double floor (double x); 取下整
             * 6 绝对值
             * double fabs (double x);  x的绝对值
             * 7 标准化浮点数
             * double frexp (double x, int *exp); 标准化浮点数, x = f * 2^exp, 已知x求f, exp ( x介于[0.5, 1] )并返回f值
             * double ldexp (double x, int exp); 与frexp相反, 已知x, exp求x*2^exp
             * 8 取整与取余
             * double modf (double x, double *ip); 将参数的整数部分通过指针回传, 返回小数部分,整数部分保存在*ip中
             * double fmod (double x, double y); 返回两参数相除x/y的余数,符号与x相同。如果y为0,则结果与具体的额实现有关。
            // max, min, abs
            // TODO: logic(and, or)
            // TODO: c# Reflection
            // TODO: string operations (upper, lower, substring, regex)
            // TODO: hash/dict
            // TODO: set-car! set-cdr!
            // TODO: alist
            // misc: incf decf ++ -- to-delegate

            // Console.WriteLine("Args: {0}#{1} {2}", args, args.Length, args[0]);
            if (args.Length > 0 && File.Exists(args[0]))
                // evaluate input file's content
                var file = args[0];
                // Console.WriteLine("Eval file ...");
                var interpreter = new Interpreter(new[] { extension }, new ReadOnlyFileSystemAccessor());

                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(file))
                    object res = interpreter.Evaluate(reader);
                // starts the REPL
                var interpreter = new Interpreter(new[] { extension }, new ReadOnlyFileSystemAccessor());
                var headers     = new[]
                    "| Schemy - Scheme as a Configuration Language |",
                    "| Press Ctrl-C to exit                        |",

                interpreter.REPL(Console.In, Console.Out, "Schemy> ", headers);