Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload files to MEGA Cloud Service
        /// </summary>
        public static async void Upload()

            // Get the date of the last uploaded file
            // Needed so that we do not upload the same file twice
            var lastUploadDate = SettingsService.LoadSettingFromFile <DateTime>("LastUploadDate");

            // Open the phone's Media Library
            MediaLibrary mediaLibrary;

            try { mediaLibrary = new MediaLibrary(); }
            catch (Exception e)
                // Error opening the Media Library
                LogService.Log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error opening the Media Library", e);

            using (mediaLibrary)
                List <Picture> pictures;

                var selectDate = lastUploadDate;
                // Find all pictures taken after the last upload date
                try { pictures = mediaLibrary.Pictures.Where(p => p.Date > selectDate).OrderBy(p => p.Date).ToList(); }
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Error getting the pictures taken after the last upload date
                    LogService.Log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error getting pictures from the media library", e);

                if (!pictures.Any())
                    // No pictures is not an error. Maybe all pictures have already been uploaded
                    // Just finish the task for this run
                    LogService.Log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "No new items to upload");

                var cameraUploadNode = await scheduledAgent.GetCameraUploadsNode();

                if (cameraUploadNode == null)
                    // No camera upload node found or created
                    // Just finish this run and try again next time
                    LogService.Log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "No camera uploads folder");

                // Loop all available pictures for upload action
                foreach (var picture in pictures)
                        // Retreive the picture bytes as stream
                        using (var imageStream = picture.GetImage())
                            // Make sure the stream pointer is at the start of the stream
                            imageStream.Position = 0;

                            // Calculate time for fingerprint check
                            DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                            TimeSpan diff   = picture.Date.ToUniversalTime() - origin;
                            ulong    mtime  = (ulong)Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds);

                            // Get the unique fingerprint of the file
                            string fingerprint = SdkService.MegaSdk.getFileFingerprint(new MegaInputStream(imageStream), mtime);

                            // Check if the fingerprint is already in the subfolders of the Camera Uploads
                            var mNode = SdkService.MegaSdk.getNodeByFingerprint(fingerprint, cameraUploadNode);

                            // If node already exists then save the node date and proceed with the next node
                            if (mNode != null)
                                SettingsService.SaveSettingToFile <DateTime>("LastUploadDate", picture.Date);
                                continue; // skip to next picture

                            // Create a temporary local path to save the picture for upload
                            string newFilePath = Path.Combine(scheduledAgent.GetTemporaryUploadFolder(), picture.Name);

                            // Reset back to start
                            // Because fingerprint action has moved the position
                            imageStream.Position = 0;

                            // Copy file to local storage to be able to upload
                            using (var fs = new FileStream(newFilePath, FileMode.Create))
                                await imageStream.CopyToAsync(fs);

                                await fs.FlushAsync();


                            // Init the upload
                            SdkService.MegaSdk.startUploadWithMtimeTempSource(newFilePath, cameraUploadNode, mtime, true);
                    catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
                        // Something went wrong (could be memory limit)
                        // Just finish this run and try again next time
                        LogService.Log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error during the item upload", e);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // Send log, process the error and try again
                        LogService.Log(MLogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error during the item upload", e);
                        ErrorProcessingService.ProcessFileError(picture.Name, picture.Date);