public virtual IGraph ParseFile(string fName, ProvInfo prov, IFileController fileController, out List <Exception> Errors, MainWindowViewModel toUpdate, string outputFormat) { IGraph targetGraph = new Graph(); targetGraph.BaseUri = UriFactory.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.StationGraphBase); ontovis.Util.AddNamesSpaces(targetGraph); return(ParseFile(fName, prov, fileController, targetGraph, out Errors, toUpdate, outputFormat)); }
public virtual IGraph ParseFile(string fName, ProvInfo prov, IFileController fileController, IGraph startingGraph, out List <Exception> Errors, MainWindowViewModel toUpdate, string outputFormat) { IUriNode provAction = null; if (prov != null) { provAction = addProvenance(ref startingGraph, prov.Aurthor, prov.AurthorIsUri); } ParseFileDetail(fName, ref startingGraph, provAction, fileController, out Errors, toUpdate, outputFormat); return(startingGraph); }
private void btnImportSchedules_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openDlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); openDlg.DefaultExt = ".mca"; openDlg.Filter = "Complete schedule file|*.mca"; openDlg.Title = "Schedule to Import"; if (openDlg.ShowDialog(this) == true) { IFileController cntrl = new ScheduleFileControl(); FileParseBase parser = new FileParseBase(); parser.MessageToDisplay += new FileParseBase.MessageDisplayDel(parser_MessageToDisplay); ProvInfo provInfo = new ProvInfo(txtName.Text, this.rbUri.IsChecked == true); List <Exception> Errors; IGraph stationNameGraph = parser.ParseFile(openDlg.FileName, provInfo, cntrl, out Errors, this.viewModel, Properties.Settings.Default.ScheduleFNameFormat); saveGraphToTurtle(stationNameGraph); } }
private void importStationList_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openDlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); openDlg.DefaultExt = ".msn"; openDlg.Filter = "Master Station Name List (msn)|*.msn"; openDlg.Title = "Station List to import"; if (openDlg.ShowDialog(this) == true) { IFileController cntrl = new StationFileControl(); FileParseBase parser = new FileParseBase(); parser.MessageToDisplay += new FileParseBase.MessageDisplayDel(parser_MessageToDisplay); ProvInfo provInfo = new ProvInfo(txtName.Text, this.rbUri.IsChecked == true); List <Exception> Errors; IGraph stationNameGraph = parser.ParseFile(openDlg.FileName, provInfo, cntrl, out Errors, this, Properties.Settings.Default.Outputdir); saveGraphToTurtle(stationNameGraph); saveGraphToRDF(stationNameGraph); } }
private void btnCombinedImport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openDlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); openDlg.DefaultExt = ".msn"; openDlg.Filter = "Master Station Name List (msn)|*.msn"; openDlg.Title = "Station List to import"; if (openDlg.ShowDialog(this) == true) { openDlg.DefaultExt = ".cif"; openDlg.Filter = "Complete schedule file|*.cif"; openDlg.Title = "Schedule to Import"; string stationName = openDlg.FileName; if (openDlg.ShowDialog(this) == true) { ProvInfo provInfo = null; if (chkIncludeProv.IsChecked.Value) { provInfo = new ProvInfo(txtName.Text, this.rbUri.IsChecked == true); } CominedImportArgs toPass = new CominedImportArgs(stationName, openDlg.FileName, provInfo); worker.RunWorkerAsync(toPass); } } }
public CominedImportArgs(string stationName, string schedule, ProvInfo prov) { StationNameList = stationName; ScheduleFile = schedule; Prov = prov; }