Esempio n. 1
 public AngleAxis(Vector3D axis, float angle)
Esempio n. 2
        public override void func_zeroedyi_and_dzeroedyi_by_dxp_and_dzeroedyi_by_dyi(Vector yi, Vector xp)
            ThreeD_Motion_Model mm = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).threed_motion_model;

            // Extract cartesian and quaternion components of xp

            Vector3D yWiminusrW = new Vector3D((new Vector3D(yi)) -(mm.get_rRES()));

            Quaternion qRES = mm.get_qRES();
            Quaternion qRW = qRES.Inverse();
            MatrixFixed dqRW_by_dq = MatrixFixed.dqbar_by_dq();

            // Rotation RRW
            RotationMatrix RRW = qRW.RotationMatrix();

            // Position of feature relative to robot in robot frame
            Vector3D zeroedyi = new Vector3D(RRW * yWiminusrW);

            // Now calculate Jacobians
            // dzeroedyi_by_dyi is RRW

            // dzeroedyi_by_dxp has 2 partitions:
            // dzeroedyi_by_dr (3 * 3)
            // dzeroedyi_by_dq (3 * 4)
            MatrixFixed dzeroedyi_by_dr = (MatrixFixed)(RRW);
            dzeroedyi_by_dr *= -1.0f;

            //These should be 3x4 dimension
            MatrixFixed dzeroedyi_by_dqRW = MatrixFixed.dRq_times_a_by_dq(qRW, yWiminusrW);
            MatrixFixed dzeroedyi_by_dq = dzeroedyi_by_dqRW * dqRW_by_dq;

            dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES.Update(dzeroedyi_by_dr, 0, 0);
            dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES.Update(dzeroedyi_by_dq, 0, 3);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void func_zeroedyi_and_dzeroedyi_by_dxp_and_dzeroedyi_by_dyi(Vector yi, Vector xp)
            Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model wm = (Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model;

            // Extract cartesian and quaternion components of xp

            // Extract ri and hhati components of yi = ypi

            // ri part: transformation is just the same as in the normal point case
            // zeroedri = RRW(rWi - rW)  //commented out in original code

            // ri - r
            Vector3D yWiminusrW = new Vector3D(riRES - wm.threed_motion_model.get_rRES());

            Quaternion qRW = wm.threed_motion_model.get_qRES().Inverse();
            MatrixFixed dqRW_by_dq = MatrixFixed.dqbar_by_dq();

            // Rotation RRW
            RotationMatrix RRW = qRW.RotationMatrix();

            // RRW(rWi - rW)
            Vector3D zeroedri = new Vector3D(RRW * yWiminusrW);

            // Now calculate Jacobians
            // dzeroedri_by_dri is RRW
            // dzeroedri_by_dhhati = 0
            MatrixFixed dzeroedri_by_dri = new MatrixFixed(RRW);

            // dzeroedyi_by_dxp:
            // dzeroedri_by_dr = -RRW
            // dzeroedri_by_dq = d_dq(RRW (ri - r))
            MatrixFixed dzeroedri_by_dr = RRW * -1.0f;

            MatrixFixed dzeroedri_by_dqRW = MatrixFixed.dRq_times_a_by_dq(qRW, yWiminusrW);
            MatrixFixed dzeroedri_by_dq = dzeroedri_by_dqRW * dqRW_by_dq;

            // Now for the hhati part (easier...)
            // zeroedhhati = RRW hhati
            Vector3D zeroedhhati = new Vector3D(RRW * hhatiRES);

            // Jacobians
            // dzeroedhhati_by_dr = 0
            // dzeroedhhati_by_dq = d_dq(RRW hhati)
            // dzeroedhhati_by_dhhati = RRW
            // dzeroedhhati_by_dri = 0
            MatrixFixed dzeroedhhati_by_dqRW = MatrixFixed.dRq_times_a_by_dq(qRW, hhatiRES);
            MatrixFixed dzeroedhhati_by_dq = dzeroedhhati_by_dqRW * dqRW_by_dq;
            MatrixFixed dzeroedhhati_by_dhhati = new MatrixFixed(RRW);

            // And put it all together
            zeroedyiRES.Update(zeroedri.GetVNL3(), 0);
            zeroedyiRES.Update(zeroedhhati.GetVNL3(), 3);

            //cout << "Line: zeroedri = " << zeroedri << "zeroedhhati = " << zeroedhhati;

            dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES.Update(dzeroedri_by_dr, 0, 0);
            dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES.Update(dzeroedri_by_dq, 0, 3);
            dzeroedyi_by_dxpRES.Update(dzeroedhhati_by_dq, 3, 3);

            dzeroedyi_by_dyiRES.Update(dzeroedri_by_dri, 0, 0);
            dzeroedyi_by_dyiRES.Update(dzeroedhhati_by_dhhati, 3, 3);
Esempio n. 4
 // @returns the axis of rotation. */
 public Vector3D Axis()
     Vector3D _i = Imaginary();
     float l = _i.Norm();
     if (l < 1e-8) 
         _i.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
         Point3D _i2 = (Point3D)_i / l;
         _i = new Vector3D(_i2);
     return _i;
Esempio n. 5
 // Rotate a vector
 // @param v the vector to be rotated
 // @returns the resulting rotated vector
 public Vector3D Rotate(Vector3D v)
     Vector3D _i = this.Imaginary();
     Vector3D _n = new Vector3D(Vector3D.VectorProduct(_i, v));
     Vector3D delta = new Vector3D(_r * _n - (Vector3D.VectorProduct(_n, _i)));
     return (new Vector3D(v + 2.0f * delta));
Esempio n. 6
        public float Multiply(LineSeg3D ls1, LineSeg3D ls2) 
            Vector3D d1 = new Vector3D(ls1._ep - ls1._sp);
            Vector3D d2 = new Vector3D(ls2._ep - ls2._sp);

            return (d1.GetX() * d2.GetX() + d1.GetY() * d2.GetY() + d1.GetZ() * d2.GetZ());
Esempio n. 7
 public static MatrixFixed dRq_times_a_by_dq(Quaternion q, Vector a)
     Vector3D v = new Vector3D(a);
     return (dRq_times_a_by_dq(q, v));
Esempio n. 8
        public Vector3D Axis()
            Vector3D axis = new Vector3D(0,0,0);

            float d0 = this[0,0], d1 = this[1,1], d2 = this[2,2];

            // The trace determines the method of decomposition
            float rr = 1.0f + d0 + d1 + d2;

            if (rr > 0) 
                axis.SetX( this[2,1] - this[1,2] );
                axis.SetY( this[0,2] - this[2,0] );
                axis.SetZ( this[1,0] - this[0,1] );
                // Trace is less than zero, so need to determine which
                // major diagonal is largest
                if ((d0 > d1) && (d0 > d2)) 
                    axis.SetX( 0.5f );
                    axis.SetY( this[0,1] + this[1,0] );
                    axis.SetZ( this[0,2] + this[2,0] );
                    if (d1 > d2) 
                        axis.SetX( this[0,1] + this[1,0] );
                        axis.SetY( 0.5f );
                        axis.SetZ( this[1,2] + this[2,1] );
                        axis.SetX( this[0,2] + this[2,0] );
                        axis.SetY( this[1,2] + this[2,1] );
                        axis.SetZ( 0.5f );

            return (axis);
Esempio n. 9
        public Vector3D InverseRotate(Vector3D v)
                new Vector3D(this[0,0]*v.GetX()+this[1,0]*v.GetY()+this[2,0]*v.GetZ(),
Esempio n. 10
 public void Set(Vector3D angleaxis)
     float angle = angleaxis.Norm();
     Set(angleaxis, angle);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Note that the axis doesn't have to be a unit vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">the axis around which to rotate</param>
        /// <param name="angle">the angle of rotation in radians</param>
        public void Set(Vector3D axis, float angle)
            // start with an identity matrix.

            // Identity is all that can be deduced from zero angle
            if (angle == 0)

            // normalize to a unit vector u
            float[] u = new float[3];
            float norm;
            norm = 1.0f / axis.Norm();
            // add (cos(angle)-1)*(1 - u u').
            float cos_angle = (float)Math.Cos(angle);
            for (uint i=0; i<3; ++i)
                for (uint j=0; j<3; ++j)
                    this[(int)i,(int)j] += (cos_angle-1) * ((i==j ? 1:0) - u[i]*u[j]);

            // add sin(angle) * [u]
            float sin_angle = (float)Math.Sin(angle);
            this[0,1] -= sin_angle*u[2]; 
            this[0,2] += sin_angle*u[1];
            this[1,0] += sin_angle*u[2];
            this[1,2] -= sin_angle*u[0];
            this[2,0] -= sin_angle*u[1]; 
            this[2,1] += sin_angle*u[0];
Esempio n. 12
        public override void func_xpredef_and_dxpredef_by_dxp_and_dxpredef_by_dxpdef  
                    (Vector xp, Vector xpdef)
            // Split position state into cartesian and quaternion

            // r0, q0: position in original frame
            Vector3D r0 = rRES;
            Quaternion q0 = qRES;

            // rn, qn: definition of new frame
            Vector3D rn = rRES;
            Quaternion qn = qRES;

            Quaternion qnbar = qn.Conjugate();

            // Calculate new cartesian part of xp
            Vector3D Temp31a = new Vector3D(r0 - rn); // Temp31a is r0 - rn
            RotationMatrix Temp33a = qnbar.RotationMatrix();
            Vector3D Temp31b = new Vector3D(Temp33a * Temp31a);

            // Copy into xpredefRES
            xpredefRES[0] = Temp31b.GetX();
            xpredefRES[1] = Temp31b.GetY();
            xpredefRES[2] = Temp31b.GetZ();

            // Calculate new quaternion part of xp
            Quaternion Tempqa = qnbar.Multiply(q0);

            // Copy into xpredefRES
            Vector vecTempqa = Tempqa.GetRXYZ();
            xpredefRES.Update(vecTempqa, 3);

            // Form Jacobian dxpredef_by_dxpRES
            dxpredef_by_dxpRES.Update(Temp33a, 0, 0);

            MatrixFixed Temp44a = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq1(qnbar);
            dxpredef_by_dxpRES.Update(Temp44a, 3, 3);

            // Form Jacobian dxpredef_by_dxpdefRES
            //Temp33a *= -1.0f;
            Temp33a = (RotationMatrix)(Temp33a  * - 1.0f);
            dxpredef_by_dxpdefRES.Update(Temp33a, 0, 0);

            Temp44a = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq2(q0);

            MatrixFixed Temp44b = MatrixFixed.dqbar_by_dq();
            MatrixFixed Temp44c = Temp44a * Temp44b;
            dxpredef_by_dxpdefRES.Update(Temp44c, 3, 3);

            // Top right corner of this Jacobian is tricky because we have to
            // differentiate a rotation matrix
            // Uses function that does this in
            // Build this corner in Temp34a
            //MatrixFixed temp = new MatrixFixed(3,4);
            MatrixFixed Temp34a = MatrixFixed.dRq_times_a_by_dq(qnbar, Temp31a.GetVNL3());

            // So far we have drN_by_dqnbar; want _by_dqn
            MatrixFixed Temp34b = Temp34a * Temp44b;

            // Finally copy into result matrix
            dxpredef_by_dxpdefRES.Update(Temp34b, 0, 3);

            // cout << "dxpredef_by_dxpdefRES" << dxpredef_by_dxpdefRES;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// returns the current camera position and orientation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <param name="orientation"></param>
 public void getCameraPositionOrientation(ref Vector3D position, ref Quaternion orientation)
     monoslaminterface.GetCameraPositionOrientation(ref position, ref orientation);
Esempio n. 14
 public AngleAxis(Vector3D angleaxis)
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the position and orientation of the camera
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="orientation"></param>
        public void GetCameraPositionOrientation(ref Vector3D position, ref Quaternion orientation)
            Quaternion qRO = new Quaternion(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            ThreeD_Motion_Model threed_motion_model = (ThreeD_Motion_Model)scene.get_motion_model();


            orientation = threed_motion_model.get_qRES(); //.Multiply(qRO);
            position = threed_motion_model.get_rRES();

            Vector state = scene.get_xv();
            position = new Vector3D(state[0], state[1], state[2]);
            //orientation = new Quaternion(state[4], state[5], state[6], state[3]);
            orientation = new Quaternion(state[3], state[4], state[5], state[6]); //.Multiply(qRO);
Esempio n. 16
 public RotationMatrix(Vector3D axis, float angle) : base(3,3)
     Set(axis, angle);
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// turns a postion and quaternion based orientation into a matrix format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="orientation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Matrix QuaternionToMatrixLookAt(Vector3D position, SceneLibrary.Quaternion orientation)
            Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion q_orientation = 
                new Microsoft.DirectX.Quaternion((float)orientation.GetX(),
            Matrix _matrixRotation = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(q_orientation);
            Vector3 camPos = new Vector3((float)position.GetX(), -(float)position.GetY(), (float)position.GetZ());
            Vector3 camTY = new Vector3(_matrixRotation.M21, _matrixRotation.M22, _matrixRotation.M23);
            Vector3 camTZ = new Vector3(-(_matrixRotation.M31), -(_matrixRotation.M32), -(_matrixRotation.M33));
            return (Matrix.LookAtLH(camPos, camPos + camTZ, camTY));

            //float yaw = 0, pitch = 0, roll = 0;
            //DecomposeRollPitchYawZXYMatrix(_matrixRotation, ref pitch, ref yaw, ref roll);

            //return (Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll((float)yaw, (float)pitch, (float)roll) * Matrix.LookAtLH(camPos, camPos + camTZ, camTY));
            //return (Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, (float)roll) * Matrix.LookAtLH(camPos, camPos + camTZ, camTY));
Esempio n. 18
        // Function to find a region in an image guided by current motion prediction
        // which doesn't overlap existing features
        public static bool FindNonOverlappingRegion(Scene_Single scene,
                  Vector local_u,
                  float delta_t,
                  Partially_Initialised_Feature_Measurement_Model default_feature_type_for_initialisation,
                  uint camera_width,
                  uint camera_height,
                  uint BOXSIZE,
                  ref int init_feature_search_ustart,
                  ref int init_feature_search_vstart,
                  ref int init_feature_search_ufinish,
                  ref int init_feature_search_vfinish,
                  uint FEATURE_INIT_STEPS_TO_PREDICT,
                  float FEATURE_INIT_DEPTH_HYPOTHESIS,
                  Random rnd)
            ThreeD_Motion_Model threed_motion_model = (ThreeD_Motion_Model)scene.get_motion_model();

            Vector local_xv = new Vector(scene.get_xv());
            for (uint i = 0; i < FEATURE_INIT_STEPS_TO_PREDICT; i++)
                scene.get_motion_model().func_fv_and_dfv_by_dxv(local_xv, local_u, delta_t);
            Vector local_xp = new Vector(threed_motion_model.get_xpRES());

            Vector3D rW = threed_motion_model.get_rRES();
            Quaternion qWR = threed_motion_model.get_qRES();

            // yW =  rW + RWR hR
            Vector3D hR = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, FEATURE_INIT_DEPTH_HYPOTHESIS);

            // Used Inverse + transpose because this was't compiling the normal way
            Vector3D yW = new Vector3D(rW + qWR.RotationMatrix() * hR);

            // Then project that point into the current camera position

            Fully_Initialised_Feature_Measurement_Model fully_init_fmm =

            Vector yWVNL = yW.GetVNL3();
            fully_init_fmm.func_hi_and_dhi_by_dxp_and_dhi_by_dyi(yWVNL, scene.get_motion_model().get_xpRES());

            // Now, this defines roughly how much we expect a feature initialised to move
            float suggested_u = fully_init_fmm.get_hiRES()[0];
            float suggested_v = fully_init_fmm.get_hiRES()[1];
            float predicted_motion_u = camera_width / 2.0f - suggested_u;
            float predicted_motion_v = camera_height / 2.0f - suggested_v;

            // So, the limits of a "safe" region within which we can initialise
            // features so that they end up staying within the screen
            // (Making the approximation that the whole screen moves like the 
            // centre point)
            int safe_feature_search_ustart = (int)(-predicted_motion_u);
            int safe_feature_search_vstart = (int)(-predicted_motion_v);
            int safe_feature_search_ufinish = (int)(camera_width - predicted_motion_u);
            int safe_feature_search_vfinish = (int)(camera_height - predicted_motion_v);

            if (safe_feature_search_ustart < ((int)((BOXSIZE - 1) / 2) + 1))
                safe_feature_search_ustart = (int)((BOXSIZE - 1) / 2 + 1);
            if (safe_feature_search_ufinish > (int)camera_width - ((int)((BOXSIZE - 1) / 2) + 1))
                safe_feature_search_ufinish = (int)(camera_width - (BOXSIZE - 1) / 2 - 1);
            if (safe_feature_search_vstart < ((int)((BOXSIZE - 1) / 2) + 1))
                safe_feature_search_vstart = (int)((BOXSIZE - 1) / 2 + 1);
            if (safe_feature_search_vfinish > (int)camera_height - ((int)((BOXSIZE - 1) / 2) + 1))
                safe_feature_search_vfinish = (int)(camera_height - (BOXSIZE - 1) / 2 - 1);

            return FindNonOverlappingRegionNoPredict(safe_feature_search_ustart,
                       ref init_feature_search_ustart,
                       ref init_feature_search_vstart,
                       ref init_feature_search_ufinish,
                       ref init_feature_search_vfinish, rnd);
Esempio n. 19
        public static MatrixFixed dvnorm_by_dv(Vector3D v)
            float vv = v.GetX()*v.GetX() + v.GetY()*v.GetY() + v.GetZ()*v.GetZ();

            // We can use dqi_by_dqi and dqi_by_dqj functions because they are the same
            float[] a = new float[9];
            a[0] = dqi_by_dqi(v.GetX(), vv);
            a[1] = dqi_by_dqj(v.GetX(), v.GetY(), vv);
            a[2] = dqi_by_dqj(v.GetX(), v.GetZ(), vv);

            a[3] = dqi_by_dqj(v.GetY(), v.GetX(), vv);
            a[4] = dqi_by_dqi(v.GetY(), vv);
            a[5] = dqi_by_dqj(v.GetY(), v.GetZ(), vv);

            a[6] = dqi_by_dqj(v.GetZ(), v.GetX(), vv);
            a[7] = dqi_by_dqj(v.GetZ(), v.GetY(), vv);
            a[8] = dqi_by_dqi(v.GetZ(), vv);

            MatrixFixed M = new MatrixFixed(3,3);
            return M;
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xv">position and orientation of the camera</param>
        /// <param name="u">Control vector of accelerations</param>
        /// <param name="delta_t">time step in seconds</param>
        public override void func_fv_and_dfv_by_dxv(Vector xv, Vector u, float delta_t)
            Vector3D rold, vold, omegaold, rnew, vnew, omeganew;
            Quaternion qold, qnew;            

            // Separate things out to make it clearer
            rold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            vold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            omegaold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            qold = new Quaternion();
            extract_r_q_v_omega(xv, rold, qold, vold, omegaold);

            Vector3D acceleration = new Vector3D(u);
            // rnew = r + v * delta_t
            //rnew = (Vector3D)((Point3D)rold + (Point3D)vold * delta_t);
            rnew = new Vector3D(rold + vold * delta_t);

            // qnew = q x q(omega * delta_t)

            // Keep qwt ( = q(omega * delta_t)) for later use
            Quaternion qwt = new Quaternion(omegaold * delta_t);

            qnew = qold.Multiply(qwt);

            // vnew = v
            vnew = new Vector3D(vold + acceleration * delta_t);
            // omeganew = omega
            omeganew = omegaold;


            // Put it all together
            compose_xv(ref rnew, ref qnew, ref vnew, ref omeganew, ref fvRES);

            // cout << "rold qold vold omegaold" << rold << qold 
            //      << vold << omegaold;
            // cout << "rnew qnew vnew omeganew" << rnew << qnew 
            //      << vnew << omeganew;

            // Now on to the Jacobian...
            // Identity is a good place to start since overall structure is like this
            // I       0             I * delta_t   0
            // 0       dqnew_by_dq   0             dqnew_by_domega
            // 0       0             I             0
            // 0       0             0             I

            // Fill in dxnew_by_dv = I * delta_t
            MatrixFixed Temp33A = new MatrixFixed(3,3);
            Temp33A *= delta_t;
            dfv_by_dxvRES.Update(Temp33A, 0, 7);

            // Fill in dqnew_by_dq
            // qnew = qold x qwt  ( = q3 = q2 x q1 in Scene/ language)
            MatrixFixed Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq2(qwt); //4,4
            dfv_by_dxvRES.Update(Temp44A, 3, 3);

            // Fill in dqnew_by_domega = d(q x qwt)_by_dqwt . dqwt_by_domega
            Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq1(qold); // Temp44A is d(q x qwt) by dqwt
            // Use function below for dqwt_by_domega
            MatrixFixed Temp43A = new MatrixFixed(4,3);
            dqomegadt_by_domega(omegaold, delta_t, Temp43A);
            // Multiply them together
            MatrixFixed Temp43B = Temp44A * Temp43A;
            // And plug it in
            dfv_by_dxvRES.Update(Temp43B, 3, 10);

            // cout << "dfv_by_dxvRES" << dfv_by_dxvRES;
Esempio n. 21
        //returns matrix of dimensions (3,4)
        public static MatrixFixed dRq_times_a_by_dq (Quaternion q, Vector3D a)
            MatrixFixed aMat = new MatrixFixed(3,1);
            aMat[0, 0] = a.GetX(); 
            aMat[1, 0] = a.GetY(); 
            aMat[2, 0] = a.GetZ(); 

            MatrixFixed TempR = new MatrixFixed(3,3);
            MatrixFixed Temp31 = new MatrixFixed(3,1);
            MatrixFixed dRq_times_a_by_dq = new MatrixFixed(3,4);

            // Make Jacobian by stacking four vectors together side by side
            TempR = dR_by_dq0(q);
            Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
            dRq_times_a_by_dq.Update(Temp31, 0, 0);

            TempR = dR_by_dqx(q);
            Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
            dRq_times_a_by_dq.Update(Temp31, 0, 1);

            TempR = dR_by_dqy(q);
            Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
            dRq_times_a_by_dq.Update(Temp31, 0, 2);

            TempR = dR_by_dqz(q);
            Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
            dRq_times_a_by_dq.Update(Temp31, 0, 3);

            return dRq_times_a_by_dq;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill noise covariance matrix Pnn: this is the covariance of 
        /// the noise vector (V)
        ///                  (Omega)
        /// that gets added to the state. 
        /// Form of this could change later, but for now assume that 
        /// V and Omega are independent, and that each of their components is
        /// independent... 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xv"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="delta_t"></param>
        public override void func_Q(Vector xv, Vector v, float delta_t)
            float linear_velocity_noise_variance = 
                SD_A_component_filter * SD_A_component_filter * delta_t * delta_t;
            float angular_velocity_noise_variance =
                SD_alpha_component_filter * SD_alpha_component_filter * delta_t * delta_t;

            // Independence means that the matrix is diagonal
            MatrixFixed Pnn = new MatrixFixed(6,6);
            Pnn.Put(0, 0, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(1, 1, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(2, 2, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(3, 3, angular_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(4, 4, angular_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(5, 5, angular_velocity_noise_variance);

            // Form Jacobian dxnew_by_dn
            // Is like this:
            // I * delta_t     0
            // 0               dqnew_by_dOmega
            // I               0
            // 0               I

            // Start by zeroing
            MatrixFixed dxnew_by_dn = new MatrixFixed(13,6);

            // Fill in easy bits first
            MatrixFixed Temp33A = new MatrixFixed(3,3);
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 7, 0);
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 10, 3);
            Temp33A *= delta_t;
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 0, 0);

            // Tricky bit is dqnew_by_dOmega
            // Is actually the same calculation as in func_fv...
            // Since omega and Omega are additive...?
            Vector3D rold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3D vold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3D omegaold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Quaternion qold=new Quaternion();
            extract_r_q_v_omega(xv, rold, qold, vold, omegaold); // overkill but easy
            // Fill in dqnew_by_domega = d(q x qwt)_by_dqwt . dqwt_by_domega
            // Temp44A is d(q x qwt) by dqwt
            MatrixFixed Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq1(qold); 
            // Use function below for dqwt_by_domega
            MatrixFixed Temp43A = new MatrixFixed(4,3);
            dqomegadt_by_domega(omegaold, delta_t, Temp43A);
            // Multiply them together
            MatrixFixed Temp43B = Temp44A * Temp43A;
            // And then plug into Jacobian
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp43B, 3, 3);

            // Finally do Q = dxnew_by_dn . Pnn . dxnew_by_dnT
            QxRES.Update( dxnew_by_dn * Pnn * dxnew_by_dn.Transpose() );

            //  cout << "QxRES" << QxRES;
Esempio n. 23
 // @param v the vector to be rotated
 // @returns the resulting rotated vector 
 public Vector3D Multiply (Vector3D v)
     return (this.Rotate(v));
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract the component parts of the state  x_v . Fills matrices r, q, v, omega with values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xv"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="omega"></param>
        public void extract_r_q_v_omega(Vector xv, Vector3D r, Quaternion q, Vector3D v, Vector3D omega)
            r.SetVNL3(xv.Extract(3, 0));

            Vector qRXYZ = xv.Extract(4, 3);

            v.SetVNL3(xv.Extract(3, 7));

            omega.SetVNL3(xv.Extract(3, 10));
Esempio n. 25
 // Rotate a line segment.
 // param l the line segment to be rotated 
 // @returns the resulting rotated line segment
 public LineSeg3D Rotate(LineSeg3D l)
     // Simply rotate both lines
     Vector3D i = this.Imaginary();
     Vector3D ns = new Vector3D(Vector3D.VectorProduct(i, l.StartPoint()));
     Vector3D ne = new Vector3D(Vector3D.VectorProduct(i, l.EndPoint()));
     Vector3D deltas = new Vector3D(_r * ns - (Vector3D)(Vector3D.VectorProduct(ns, i)));
     Vector3D deltae = new Vector3D(_r * ne - (Vector3D)(Vector3D.VectorProduct(ne, i)));
     LineSeg3D result = new LineSeg3D(l.StartPoint() + 2.0f * deltas, l.EndPoint()   + 2.0f * deltae);
     return (result);
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a state vector x_v from its component parts. Puts the matrices r, q, v, omega into their right places.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="omega"></param>
        /// <param name="xv"></param>
        public void compose_xv(ref Vector3D r, ref Quaternion q, ref Vector3D v, ref Vector3D omega, ref Vector xv)
            xv.Update(r.GetVNL3(), 0);

            xv.Update(q.GetRXYZ(), 3);

            xv.Update(v.GetVNL3(), 7);
            xv.Update(omega.GetVNL3(), 10);
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xp">current robot position state</param>
        /// <param name="yi">3D position of the feature</param>
        /// <param name="xp_orig">robot position state when the feature was initially observed</param>
        /// <param name="hi">image coordinates of the feature</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override uint visibility_test(Vector xp, Vector yi, Vector xp_orig, Vector hi)
            float image_search_boundary = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).IMAGE_SEARCH_BOUNDARY;
            uint wdth = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).m_camera.ImageWidth();
            uint hght = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).m_camera.ImageHeight();
            uint cant_see_flag = 0;
            // Test image boundaries 
            float x = hi[0];
            float y = hi[1];
            if ((x < 0.0f + image_search_boundary) ||
                (x > (float)(wdth - 1 - image_search_boundary))) 
                cant_see_flag |= Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model.LEFT_RIGHT_FAIL;
                //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("Visibility test left / right fail.");
            if ((y < 0.0f + image_search_boundary) ||
                (y > (float)(hght - 1 - image_search_boundary))) 
                cant_see_flag |= Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model.UP_DOWN_FAIL;
                //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("Visibility test up / down fail.");

            // Do tests on length and angle of predicted view 

            // hLWi is current predicted vector from head to feature in 
            // world frame

            // This function gives relative position of feature
            func_zeroedyi_and_dzeroedyi_by_dxp_and_dzeroedyi_by_dyi(yi, xp);

            // Test the feature's not behind the camera (because projection
            // may do strange things)
            if (zeroedyiRES[2] <= 0) 
                cant_see_flag |= Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model.BEHIND_CAMERA_FAIL;
                //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("Behind camera fail.");

            RotationMatrix RWR = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).threed_motion_model.get_qRES().RotationMatrix();

            Vector3D hLWi = new Vector3D(RWR * (new Point3D(zeroedyiRES)));

            // hLWi_orig is vector from head to feature in world frame
            // WHEN THAT FEATURE WAS FIRST MEASURED: i.e. when the image
            // patch was saved
            func_zeroedyi_and_dzeroedyi_by_dxp_and_dzeroedyi_by_dyi(yi, xp_orig);

            RotationMatrix RWR_orig = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).threed_motion_model.get_qRES().RotationMatrix();
            Vector3D hLWi_orig = new Vector3D(RWR_orig * (new Point3D(zeroedyiRES)));

            // Compare hLWi and hLWi_orig for length and orientation
            float mod_hLWi = hLWi.Norm();
            float mod_hLWi_orig = hLWi_orig.Norm();

            float length_ratio = mod_hLWi / mod_hLWi_orig;
            float max_length_ratio = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).MAXIMUM_LENGTH_RATIO;
            if ((length_ratio > max_length_ratio) ||
                 (length_ratio < (1.0f / max_length_ratio))) 
                cant_see_flag |= Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model.DISTANCE_FAIL;
                //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("Distance fail.");

            float dot_prod = hLWi * hLWi_orig;

            float angle = (float)Math.Acos(dot_prod / (mod_hLWi * mod_hLWi_orig));
            if (angle == float.NaN) Debug.WriteLine("Maths error: " + dot_prod + " / " + (mod_hLWi * mod_hLWi_orig));
            angle = (angle >= 0.0f ? angle : -angle);  // Make angle positive
            if (angle > ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).MAXIMUM_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE) 
                cant_see_flag |= Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model.ANGLE_FAIL;
                //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("Angle fail.");

            return cant_see_flag;   // 0 if OK, otherwise error code
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate commonly used Jacobian part  \partial q(\omega * \Delta t) / \partial \omega .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="omega"></param>
        /// <param name="delta_t"></param>
        /// <param name="dqomegadt_by_domega"></param>
        public void dqomegadt_by_domega(Vector3D omega, float delta_t, MatrixFixed dqomegadt_by_domega)
            // Modulus
            float omegamod = (float)Math.Sqrt(omega.GetX() * omega.GetX() + 
			                  omega.GetY() * omega.GetY() + 
			                  omega.GetZ() * omega.GetZ());

            // Use generic ancillary functions to calculate components of Jacobian  
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(0, 0, dq0_by_domegaA(omega.GetX(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(0, 1, dq0_by_domegaA(omega.GetY(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(0, 2, dq0_by_domegaA(omega.GetZ(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(1, 0, dqA_by_domegaA(omega.GetX(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(1, 1, dqA_by_domegaB(omega.GetX(), omega.GetY(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(1, 2, dqA_by_domegaB(omega.GetX(), omega.GetZ(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(2, 0, dqA_by_domegaB(omega.GetY(), omega.GetX(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(2, 1, dqA_by_domegaA(omega.GetY(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(2, 2, dqA_by_domegaB(omega.GetY(), omega.GetZ(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(3, 0, dqA_by_domegaB(omega.GetZ(), omega.GetX(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(3, 1, dqA_by_domegaB(omega.GetZ(), omega.GetY(), omegamod, delta_t));
            dqomegadt_by_domega.Put(3, 2, dqA_by_domegaA(omega.GetZ(), omegamod, delta_t));
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Partial initialisation function
        /// Calculates the state vector  \vct{y}_{pi}  and Jacobians for a new
        /// partially-initialised feature from an initial observation.
        /// @param hi The initial measurement  \vct{h}_i , in this case the (x,y)
        ///  image location of the feature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hi"></param>
        /// <param name="xp">The robot position state  \vct{x}_p  from which the initial observation was made.</param>
        public override void func_ypi_and_dypi_by_dxp_and_dypi_by_dhi_and_Ri(Vector hi, Vector xp)
            // Representation of a line here:
            // ypi = (rWi    )
            //       (hLhatWi)

            // Form the ray (in camera co-ordinates by unprojecting this image location
            Vector3D hLRi = new Vector3D(((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).m_camera.Unproject(hi));
            //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("debug hLRi");

            // Form hLhatRi from hLRi
            // Normalise
            Vector3D hLhatRi = hLRi;

            MatrixFixed dhLhatRi_by_dhLRi = MatrixFixed.dvnorm_by_dv(hLRi); 

            //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("debug hLhatRi" + hLhatRi);

            // Now convert this into a direction in world co-ordinates by rotating
            // Form hLhatWi from hLhatRi
            // Rotate
            RotationMatrix RWR = ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).threed_motion_model.get_qRES().RotationMatrix();
            Vector3D hLhatWi = new Vector3D(RWR * hLhatRi);

            //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("debug hLhatWi" + hLhatWi);

            // Extract rW from xp
            // And form ypiRES
            ypiRES.Update(((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).threed_motion_model.get_rRES().GetVNL3(), 0);
            ypiRES.Update(hLhatWi.GetVNL3(), 3);

            //if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("debug ypiRES" + ypiRES);

            // Form Jacobians dypi_by_dxp and dypi_by_dhi

            // dypi_by_dxp = (drWi_by_dr     drWi_by_dq    )
            //               (dhLhatWi_by_dr dhLhatWi_by_dq)
            //             = (I              0             )
            //               (0              dhLhatWi_by_dq)

            // hLhatWi = RWR * hLhatRi
            // => dhLhatWi_by_dq = d/dq ( R(qWR) * hLhatRi)

            MatrixFixed dhLhatWi_by_dq = MatrixFixed.dRq_times_a_by_dq(((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).threed_motion_model.get_qRES(), hLhatRi);

            // Put dypi_by_dxp together
            dypi_by_dxpRES.Put(0, 0, 1.0f);
            dypi_by_dxpRES.Put(1, 1, 1.0f);
            dypi_by_dxpRES.Put(2, 2, 1.0f);
            dypi_by_dxpRES.Update(dhLhatWi_by_dq, 3, 3);

            //  cout << "dypi_by_dxpRES" <<  dypi_by_dxpRES;

            // dypi_by_dhi = (drWi_by_dhi    )
            //               (dhLhatWi_by_dhi)
            //             = (0              )
            //               (dhLhatWi_by_dhi)

            // hLhatWi = RWR * hLhatRi
            // Need to work out derivative for this
            // dhLhatWi_by_dhi = RWR * dhLhatRi_by_dhLRi * dhLRi_by_dhi

            MatrixFixed dhLhatWi_by_dhi = RWR * dhLhatRi_by_dhLRi * ((Wide_Camera_Point_Feature_Measurement_Model)wide_model).m_camera.UnprojectionJacobian();
            dypi_by_dhiRES.Update(dhLhatWi_by_dhi, 3, 0);

            //  cout << "dypi_by_dhiRES" <<  dypi_by_dhiRES;

            // And construct Ri

            if (Camera_Constants.DEBUGDUMP) Debug.WriteLine("func_ypi: hi = " + hi + "," +
                                           "xp = " + xp + "," +
                                           "ypiRES = " + ypiRES);
Esempio n. 30
 // Rotate a line segment.
 // @param l the line segment to be rotated
 // @returns the resulting rotated line segment
 public LineSeg3D Rotate(LineSeg3D l)
     // Simply rotate both lines
     float angle = (float)Math.Sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y + _z * _z);
     if (angle < 1e-8) 
         return l;
     float sn = (float)Math.Sin(angle);
     float cs = (float)Math.Cos(angle);
     Vector3D axis = new Vector3D(_x / angle, _y / angle, _z / angle);
     Vector3D ns = new Vector3D(Point3D.VectorProduct(axis, l.StartPoint()));
     Vector3D ne = new Vector3D(Point3D.VectorProduct(axis, l.EndPoint()));
     Vector3D deltas = new Vector3D(sn * ns + (cs - 1.0f) * (Point3D.VectorProduct(ns, axis)));
     Vector3D deltae = new Vector3D(sn * ne + (cs - 1.0f) * (Point3D.VectorProduct(ne, axis)));
     return new LineSeg3D(l.StartPoint() + deltas, l.EndPoint() + deltae);