Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point of the program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The first argument can be the name of the input file</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Start the timer
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our Savings Method implementation");

            // The name of the input file
            String inputFileName;

            // If there are command line arguments, the first one is the file name
            if (args.Length != 0)
                inputFileName = args[0];
                inputFileName = "D022-04g.dat";

            // Create the parser object, and read in all the data from file. This object can read ANY TSPLIB file. Code borrowed from HeuristicLab.
            TSPLIBParser myParser = new TSPLIBParser(inputFileName);


            // Create the vrp data object, using the parsed data
            CVRPData vrpData = new CVRPData(myParser);

            // Run the heuristic
            CVRPSolution mySolution = SavingsMethodHeuristic(vrpData);

            // Check if solution makes sense
            int solutionCheck = IsFeasible(mySolution.Solution, vrpData);

            switch (IsFeasible(mySolution.Solution, vrpData))
            case 0:
                Console.WriteLine("Solution verified");

            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("Not allocating nodes correctly");

            case 2:
                Console.WriteLine("Using node many times");

            case 3:
                Console.WriteLine("Not using node");

            //Add by Zihan&Ying
            case 4:
                Console.WriteLine("Exceeding max distance");

            // Calculate the total time
            TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;

            // Output the solution
            mySolution.WriteToFile(inputFileName + ".opt", ts);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
Esempio n. 2
        private static CVRPSolution SavingsMethodHeuristic(CVRPData vrpData)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting the SavingsMethodHeuristic");

            //The savings list
            List <SavingsCouple> Savings = CalcSavings(vrpData);

            Savings = Savings.OrderByDescending(x => x.Saving).ToList();

            // Current tour list. Populated in the following loop, and will have tours removed and added as the heuristic progresses.
            List <VTour> Tours = new List <VTour>();
            // List of nodes that are either at the start of a tour or at the end. These can be merged. Initially all nodes are in the list.
            List <int> availNodes = new List <int>();

            // Create the inital tours
            for (int i = 1; i < vrpData.Dimension; i++)
                VTour tour  = new VTour();
                int[] nodes = new int[1];
                nodes[0]        = i;
                tour.NodesArray = nodes;
                tour.Demand     = vrpData.Demands[i];


            //We will iterate through the savings list
            for (int i = 0; i < Savings.Count; i++)
                //flag variable that indicate if both nodes in savings couple are at the extremites of a tour
                int flag = 0;

                //check if the nodes are in the extremites
                for (int j = 0; j < availNodes.Count; j++)
                    if ((availNodes[j] == Savings[i].FirstNode) || (availNodes[j] == Savings[i].SecondNode))

                //If the nodes are at the extremities, try to merge
                if (flag == 2)
                    //we need to find the two tours that contain the nodes
                    //id of the tours
                    int    indexOfFirstRoute  = -1;
                    int    indexOfSecondRoute = -1;
                    double tourlength         = 0;        //Add by Will&Ying

                    for (int j = 0; j < Tours.Count; j++)
                        //We found the tour that finishes with the first node
                        if (Tours[j].NodesArray[Tours[j].NodesArray.Length - 1] == Savings[i].FirstNode)
                            indexOfFirstRoute = j;
                            //Calculate total length
                            //Add by Will&Ying 10252012
                            tourlength = vrpData.Distances[0, Tours[j].NodesArray[0]];
                            for (int m = 0; m < Tours[j].NodesArray.Length - 1; m++)
                                tourlength = tourlength + vrpData.Distances[Tours[j].NodesArray[m], Tours[j].NodesArray[m + 1]];
                            tourlength = tourlength + vrpData.Distances[Tours[j].NodesArray[Tours[j].NodesArray.Length - 1], 0];
                        //We found the tour that starts with the second node
                        if (Tours[j].NodesArray[0] == Savings[i].SecondNode)
                            indexOfSecondRoute = j;
                            //Calculate total length
                            //Add by Will&Ying 10252012
                            tourlength = tourlength + vrpData.Distances[0, Tours[j].NodesArray[0]];
                            for (int m = 0; m < Tours[j].NodesArray.Length - 1; m++)
                                tourlength = tourlength + vrpData.Distances[Tours[j].NodesArray[m], Tours[j].NodesArray[m + 1]];

                            tourlength = tourlength + vrpData.Distances[Tours[j].NodesArray[Tours[j].NodesArray.Length - 1], 0];

                        //Add by Zihan&Ying
                        tourlength = tourlength - Savings[i].Saving;

                    // Merge routes if:
                    // 1. pair from savings finishes one route and starts another
                    // 2. its not the same route
                    // 3. capacity not violated by merging
                    // 4. Total tour length is not larger than Max.Length //Add by Will&Ying 10252012
                    if (indexOfSecondRoute >= 0 && indexOfFirstRoute >= 0 && indexOfSecondRoute != indexOfFirstRoute && Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].Demand + Tours[indexOfSecondRoute].Demand <= vrpData.Capacity &&
                        tourlength <= vrpData.MaxLength)
                        int newlength = Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].NodesArray.Length + Tours[indexOfSecondRoute].NodesArray.Length;

                        // Create a new sequence of nodes which corresponds to the merged route. It will include nodes from both routes
                        int[] tour = new int[newlength];
                        for (int j = 0; j < newlength; j++)
                            if (j < Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].NodesArray.Length)
                                tour[j] = Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].NodesArray[j];

                                //subtract the length of tour A
                                int normIndex = j - Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].NodesArray.Length;
                                tour[j] = Tours[indexOfSecondRoute].NodesArray[normIndex];

                        VTour Tour = new VTour();
                        Tour.Demand = Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].Demand + Tours[indexOfSecondRoute].Demand;

                        //add the combined tour and remove the old ones
                        Tour.NodesArray = tour;

                        // If the any of the tours merged are of length greater than 2, their corresponding extreme (starting or ending) node cannot
                        // be merged anymore. It can be removed from the savings list.
                        if (Tours[indexOfFirstRoute].NodesArray.Length > 1)
                        if (Tours[indexOfSecondRoute].NodesArray.Length > 1)

                        // Remove the merged routes from the route list.
                        if (indexOfFirstRoute > indexOfSecondRoute)
                            Tours.RemoveAt(indexOfSecondRoute - 1);

            //Tours now contain the solution
            CVRPSolution sol = new CVRPSolution();

            sol.Solution = new int[Tours.Count][];

            for (int i = 0; i < Tours.Count; i++)
                sol.Solution[i] = Tours[i].NodesArray;
                sol.TotalCost   = sol.TotalCost + vrpData.Distances[0, sol.Solution[i][0]] + vrpData.Distances[sol.Solution[i].Last(), 0];
                for (int j = 0; j < sol.Solution[i].Length - 1; j++)
                    sol.TotalCost = sol.TotalCost + vrpData.Distances[sol.Solution[i][j], sol.Solution[i][j + 1]];
            Console.WriteLine("Heuristic done.\nTotalcost : " + sol.TotalCost);