private bool GetSDT(UdpClient client, IPEndPoint endpoint, out SDTParser sdt) { sdt = new SDTParser(); bool retval = false; while (!retval) { var receivedbytes = client.Receive(ref endpoint); RtpPacket h = RtpPacket.Decode(receivedbytes); if ((receivedbytes.Length > 12) && ((receivedbytes.Length - 12) % 188) == 0) { double num9 = (((double)(receivedbytes.Length - 12)) / 188.0) - 1.0; for (double j = 0.0; j <= num9; j++) { byte[] destinationarray = (byte[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(byte), 188); Array.Copy(receivedbytes, (int)Math.Round((double)(12.0 + (j * 188))), destinationarray, 0, 188); sdt.OnTsPacket(destinationarray); if (sdt.IsReady) { retval = true; } } } } return(retval); }
private void RtpListenerThread() { try { try { while (!_rtpListenerThreadStopEvent.WaitOne(1)) { var receivedbytes = _udpClient.Receive(ref _serverEndPoint); var packet = RtpPacket.Decode(receivedbytes); OnPacketReceived(new RtpPacketReceivedArgs(packet)); } } finally { switch (_transmissionMode) { case TransmissionMode.Multicast: _udpClient.DropMulticastGroup(_multicastEndPoint.Address); _udpClient.Close(); break; case TransmissionMode.Unicast: _udpClient.Close(); break; } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("SAT>IP : RTP listener thread exception", ex); return; } Logger.Warn("SAT>IP : RTP listener thread stopping"); }
private void DoScan() { _decoder.TableChangeDetected += _decoder_TableChangeDetected; List <ProgramMapTable> programMapTables = new List <ProgramMapTable>(); _isScanning = true; _stopScanning = false; SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(btnScan, "Text", "Stop Search"); foreach (var mapping in _mappings) { IniReader reader = new IniReader(mapping.Mapping.File); var Count = reader.ReadInteger("DVB", "0", 0); try { var Index = 1; string source = mapping.Source; string tuning; while (Index <= Count) { programMapTables.Clear(); patfound = false; pmtsfound = false; nitfound = false; sdtfound = false; SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblPat, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblPmt, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblSdt, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblNit, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); if (_stopScanning) { return; } float percent = ((float)(Index)) / Count; percent *= 100f; if (percent > 100f) { percent = 100f; } SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pgbSearchResult, "Value", (int)percent); string[] strArray = reader.ReadString("DVB", Index.ToString()).Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (strArray[4] == "C2") { //rtsp://,16,100,308,256 tuning = string.Format("freq={0}&bw={1}&msys=dvbc2&c2tft={2}&ds={3}&plp={4}&pids=0", source, strArray[0].ToString(), strArray[1].ToLower().ToString(), strArray[2].ToLower().ToString(), strArray[3].ToString(), strArray[5].ToLower().ToString()); } else { //rtsp://,16,50,201,301 tuning = string.Format("freq={0}&msys=dvbc&mtype={1}&sr={2}&specinv={3}&pids=0", source, strArray[0].ToString(), strArray[1].ToLower().ToString(), strArray[2].ToString(), strArray[3].ToString(), strArray[5].ToLower().ToString()); } RtspStatusCode statuscode; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_device.RtspSession.SessionID)) { _device.RtspSession.Options(); _device.RtspSession.Setup(tuning, TransmissionMode.Unicast); _device.RtspSession.Play(string.Empty); _udpclient = new UdpClient(_device.RtspSession.RtpPort); _remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); _device.RtspSession.RecieptionInfoChanged += RtspSession_RecieptionInfoChanged; _device.RtspSession.Play(tuning); } else { _device.RtspSession.Play(tuning); } /* Say the Sat>IP server we want Receives the Recieption Details SDP */ statuscode = _device.RtspSession.Describe(); if (_locked) { while ((!patfound) || (!pmtsfound) || (!sdtfound)) { var receivedbytes = _udpclient.Receive(ref _remoteEndPoint); RtpPacket rtp = RtpPacket.Decode(receivedbytes); if (rtp.HasPayload) { Logger.Write(Utils.ToHexString(rtp.Payload)); _decoder.AddData(receivedbytes); } } lock (_decoder) { programMapTables = _decoder?.ProgramMapTables.OrderBy(p => p.ProgramNumber).ToList(); foreach (var programMapTable in programMapTables) { short videoPid = -1; short audioPid = -1; short ac3pid = -1; short ttxpid = -1; short subpid = -1; short aacpid = -1; short dtspid = -1; short eac3pid = -1; var desc = _decoder.GetServiceDescriptorForProgramNumber(programMapTable?.ProgramNumber); if (desc != null) { if (programMapTable?.EsStreams != null) { foreach (var stream in programMapTable.EsStreams) { if (stream != null) { if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <Ac3Descriptor>().Any()) { ac3pid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <Eac3Descriptor>().Any()) { eac3pid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <AACDescriptor>().Any()) { aacpid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <DTSDescriptor>().Any()) { dtspid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <SubtitlingDescriptor>().Any()) { subpid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <TeletextDescriptor>().Any()) { ttxpid = stream.ElementaryPid; } switch (stream.StreamType) { case 0x01: // ISO/IEC 11172-2 (MPEG-1 video) in a packetized stream case 0x02: // ITU-T Rec. H.262 and ISO/IEC 13818-2 (MPEG-2 higher rate interlaced video) in a packetized stream case 0x1B: // ITU-T Rec. H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-10 (lower bit-rate video) in a packetized stream case 0x24: // ITU - T Rec.H.265 and ISO/ IEC 23008 - 2(Ultra HD video) in a packetized stream { videoPid = stream.ElementaryPid; break; } case 0x03: // ISO/IEC 11172-3 (MPEG-1 audio) in a packetized stream case 0x04: // ISO/IEC 13818-3 (MPEG-2 halved sample rate audio) in a packetized stream { audioPid = stream.ElementaryPid; break; } default: { Console.Write(stream.StreamType.ToString()); break; } } } } } var chan = new Channel { ServiceType = desc.ServiceType, ServiceName = desc.ServiceName.Value, ServiceProvider = desc.ServiceProviderName.Value, ServiceId = programMapTable.ProgramNumber, ProgramClockReferenceId = programMapTable.PcrPid, AudioPid = audioPid, VideoPid = videoPid, AC3Pid = ac3pid, EAC3Pid = eac3pid, AACPid = aacpid, DTSPid = dtspid, TTXPid = ttxpid, SubTitlePid = subpid }; AddResults(chan); } } } } Thread.Sleep(5000); Index++; } } catch { } } _device.RtspSession.TearDown(); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pgbSearchResult, "Value", 100); _isScanning = false; SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(btnScan, "Text", "Start Search"); StopScanThread(); }
private void btnScan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvResult.Items.Count > 0) { lvResult.Items.Clear(); } //StartScanThread(); _decoder.TableChangeDetected += _decoder_TableChangeDetected; var programMapTables = new List <ProgramMapTable>(); _isScanning = true; _stopScanning = false; SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(btnScan, "Text", "Stop Search"); programMapTables.Clear(); patfound = false; pmtsfound = false; nitfound = false; sdtfound = false; SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblPat, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblPmt, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblSdt, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblNit, "BackColor", Color.LightGreen); if (_stopScanning) { return; } RtspStatusCode statuscode; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_device.RtspSession.SessionID)) { _device.RtspSession.Options(); _device.RtspSession.Setup(_currenttunestring, TransmissionMode.Unicast); _device.RtspSession.Play(_currenttunestring); _udpclient = new UdpClient(_device.RtspSession.RtpPort); _remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); _device.RtspSession.RecieptionInfoChanged += RtspSession_RecieptionInfoChanged; } else { _device.RtspSession.Play(_currenttunestring); } /* Say the Sat>IP server we want Receives the Recieption Details SDP */ statuscode = _device.RtspSession.Describe(); if (_locked) { while (!patfound || !pmtsfound || !sdtfound || !nitfound) { var receivedbytes = _udpclient.Receive(ref _remoteEndPoint); var rtp = RtpPacket.Decode(receivedbytes); if (rtp.HasPayload) { var packets = packetFactory.GetTsPacketsFromData(rtp.Payload); Logger.Write(rtp.Payload.ToHexString()); _decoder.AddData(receivedbytes); } //} lock (_decoder) { programMapTables = _decoder?.ProgramMapTables.OrderBy(p => p.ProgramNumber).ToList(); foreach (var programMapTable in programMapTables) { short videoPid = -1; short audioPid = -1; short ac3pid = -1; short ttxpid = -1; short subpid = -1; var desc = _decoder.GetServiceDescriptorForProgramNumber(programMapTable?.ProgramNumber); if (desc != null) { if (programMapTable?.EsStreams != null) { foreach (var stream in programMapTable.EsStreams) { if (stream != null) { if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <Ac3Descriptor>().Any()) { ac3pid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <Eac3Descriptor>().Any()) { ac3pid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <SubtitlingDescriptor>().Any()) { subpid = stream.ElementaryPid; } if (stream.Descriptors.OfType <TeletextDescriptor>().Any()) { ttxpid = stream.ElementaryPid; } switch (stream.StreamType) { case 0x01: // ISO/IEC 11172-2 (MPEG-1 video) in a packetized stream case 0x02 : // ITU-T Rec. H.262 and ISO/IEC 13818-2 (MPEG-2 higher rate interlaced video) in a packetized stream case 0x1B : // ITU-T Rec. H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-10 (lower bit-rate video) in a packetized stream case 0x24 : // ITU - T Rec.H.265 and ISO/ IEC 23008 - 2(Ultra HD video) in a packetized stream { videoPid = stream.ElementaryPid; break; } case 0x03: // ISO/IEC 11172-3 (MPEG-1 audio) in a packetized stream case 0x04 : // ISO/IEC 13818-3 (MPEG-2 halved sample rate audio) in a packetized stream { audioPid = stream.ElementaryPid; break; } default: { Console.Write(stream.StreamType.ToString()); break; } } } } } var chan = new Channel { ServiceType = desc.ServiceType, ServiceName = desc.ServiceName.Value, ServiceProvider = desc.ServiceProviderName.Value, ServiceId = programMapTable.ProgramNumber, ProgramClockReferenceId = programMapTable.PcrPid, AudioPid = audioPid, VideoPid = videoPid, AC3Pid = ac3pid, TTXPid = ttxpid, SubTitlePid = subpid }; AddResults(chan); } } } } //Thread.Sleep(55000); _device.RtspSession.TearDown(); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pgbSearchResult, "Value", 100); _isScanning = false; SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(btnScan, "Text", "Start Search"); } }