Esempio n. 1
        private int GetAboveStaff()
            /* Find the topmost note in the chord */
            WhiteNote topnote = notedata[notedata.Length - 1].whitenote;

            /* The stem.End is the note position where the stem ends.
             * Check if the stem end is higher than the top note.
            if (stem1 != null)
                topnote = WhiteNote.Max(topnote, stem1.End);
            if (stem2 != null)
                topnote = WhiteNote.Max(topnote, stem2.End);

            int dist   = topnote.Dist(WhiteNote.Top(clef)) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;
            int result = 0;

            if (dist > 0)
                result = dist;

            /* Check if any accidental symbols extend above the staff */
            foreach (AccidSymbol symbol in accidsymbols)
                if (symbol.AboveStaff > result)
                    result = symbol.AboveStaff;
Esempio n. 2
        /** Draw the note letters (A, A#, Bb, etc) next to the note circles.
         * @param ytop The ylocation (in pixels) where the top of the staff starts.
         * @param topstaff The white note of the top of the staff.
        public void DrawNoteLetters(Graphics g, Pen pen, int ytop, WhiteNote topstaff)
            bool overlap = NotesOverlap(notedata, 0, notedata.Length);

            pen.Width = 1;

            foreach (NoteData note in notedata)
                if (!note.leftside)
                    /* There's not enought pixel room to show the letter */

                /* Get the x,y position to draw the note */
                int ynote = ytop + topstaff.Dist(note.whitenote) *
                            SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

                /* Draw the letter to the right side of the note */
                int xnote = SheetMusic.NoteWidth + SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4;

                if (note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedHalf ||
                    note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedQuarter ||
                    note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth || overlap)
                    xnote += SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2;
                g.DrawString(NoteName(note.number, note.whitenote),
                             ynote - SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2);
Esempio n. 3
        /** Draw the vertical line of the stem
         * @param ytop The y location (in pixels) where the top of the staff starts.
         * @param topstaff  The note at the top of the staff.
        private void DrawVerticalLine(Graphics g, Pen pen, int ytop, WhiteNote topstaff)
            int xstart;

            if (side == LeftSide)
                xstart = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + 1;
                xstart = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + SheetMusic.NoteWidth;

            if (direction == Up)
                int y1 = ytop + topstaff.Dist(bottom) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2
                         + SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 4;

                int ystem = ytop + topstaff.Dist(end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

                g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, y1, xstart, ystem);
            else if (direction == Down)
                int y1 = ytop + topstaff.Dist(top) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2
                         + SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                if (side == LeftSide)
                    y1 = y1 - SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 4;
                    y1 = y1 - SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

                int ystem = ytop + topstaff.Dist(end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2
                            + SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, y1, xstart, ystem);
Esempio n. 4
        /** Draw the black circle notes.
         * @param ytop The ylocation (in pixels) where the top of the staff starts.
         * @param topstaff The white note of the top of the staff.
        public void DrawNotes(Graphics g, Pen pen, int ytop, WhiteNote topstaff, int tracknum, Rectangle selRect, int OffsetX)
            pen.Width = 1;
            int staffH = sheetmusic.StaffH;

            // If selection in progress
            if (sheetmusic.bSelectingNote == true)
                // chord selectd = false by default
                selected = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < notes.Count; i++)
                    notes[i].Selected = false;

            foreach (NoteData note in notedata)
                /* Get the x,y position to draw the note */
                int ynote = ytop + topstaff.Dist(note.whitenote) *
                            SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

                int xnote = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4;
                if (!note.leftside)
                    xnote += SheetMusic.NoteWidth;
                int OffsetY = ynote + tracknum * staffH;

                // if selection in progress
                if (sheetmusic.bSelectingNote == true)
                    //note delected = false by default
                    notes[note.midinoteindex].Selected = false;

                    // If note is included in selection rectangle => note is selected
                    if ((OffsetX >= selRect.X) && (OffsetX < selRect.X + selRect.Width) && (OffsetY >= selRect.Y) && (OffsetY <= selRect.Y + selRect.Height))
                        // the chord is selected because one of its note is selected
                        selected = true;

                        // The midi note is selected
                        notes[note.midinoteindex].Selected = true;

                    // No selection in progress

                    // if Current note
                    if (sheetmusic.IsCurrentNote(tracknum, note.number, starttime) == true)
                        selected = true;
                        notes[note.midinoteindex].Selected = true;

                    if (sheetmusic.IsSelectedNote(tracknum, note.number, starttime))
                        selected = true;
                        notes[note.midinoteindex].Selected = true;

                /* Draw rotated ellipse.  You must first translate (0,0)
                 * to the center of the ellipse.
                g.TranslateTransform(xnote + SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2 + 1,
                                     ynote - SheetMusic.LineWidth +
                                     SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2);

                if (sheetmusic != null)
                    // FAB : à remettre pour colorier les notes de différentes couleurs
                    pen.Color = sheetmusic.NoteColor(note.number);

                    // if midi note is selected => red
                    if (notes[note.midinoteindex].Selected == true)
                        pen.Color = Color.Red;
                    pen.Color = Color.Black;

                if (note.duration == NoteDuration.Whole ||
                    note.duration == NoteDuration.Half ||
                    note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedHalf)
                    g.DrawEllipse(pen, -SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2,
                                  -SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2,
                                  SheetMusic.NoteHeight - 1);

                    g.DrawEllipse(pen, -SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2,
                                  -SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2 + 1,
                                  SheetMusic.NoteHeight - 2);

                    g.DrawEllipse(pen, -SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2,
                                  -SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2 + 1,
                                  SheetMusic.NoteHeight - 3);
                    Brush brush = Brushes.Black;
                    if (pen.Color != Color.Black)
                        brush = new SolidBrush(pen.Color);
                    g.FillEllipse(brush, -SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2,
                                  -SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2,
                                  SheetMusic.NoteHeight - 1);
                    if (pen.Color != Color.Black)

                pen.Color = Color.Black;
                g.DrawEllipse(pen, -SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2,
                              -SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2,
                              SheetMusic.NoteHeight - 1);

                g.TranslateTransform(-(xnote + SheetMusic.NoteWidth / 2 + 1),
                                     -(ynote - SheetMusic.LineWidth +
                                       SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2));

                /* Draw a dot if this is a dotted duration. */
                if (note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedHalf ||
                    note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedQuarter ||
                    note.duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth)
                                  xnote + SheetMusic.NoteWidth +
                                  SheetMusic.LineSpace / 3,
                                  ynote + SheetMusic.LineSpace / 3, 4, 4);

                /* Draw horizontal lines if note is above/below the staff */
                WhiteNote top  = topstaff.Add(1);
                int       dist = note.whitenote.Dist(top);
                int       y    = ytop - SheetMusic.LineWidth;

                if (dist >= 2)
                    for (int i = 2; i <= dist; i += 2)
                        y -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                        g.DrawLine(pen, xnote - SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4, y,
                                   xnote + SheetMusic.NoteWidth +
                                   SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4, y);

                WhiteNote bottom = top.Add(-8);
                y    = ytop + (SheetMusic.LineSpace + SheetMusic.LineWidth) * 4 - 1;
                dist = bottom.Dist(note.whitenote);
                if (dist >= 2)
                    for (int i = 2; i <= dist; i += 2)
                        y += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                        g.DrawLine(pen, xnote - SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4, y,
                                   xnote + SheetMusic.NoteWidth +
                                   SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4, y);
                /* End drawing horizontal lines */
Esempio n. 5
        /** We're connecting the stems of three or more chords using a horizontal beam.
         *  Adjust the vertical endpoint of the stems, so that the middle chord stems
         *  are vertically in between the first and last stem.
        static void LineUpStemEnds(ChordSymbol[] chords)
            Stem firstStem  = chords[0].Stem;
            Stem lastStem   = chords[chords.Length - 1].Stem;
            Stem middleStem = chords[1].Stem;

            if (firstStem.Direction == Stem.Up)
                /* Find the highest stem. The beam will either:
                 * - Slant downwards (first stem is highest)
                 * - Slant upwards (last stem is highest)
                 * - Be straight (middle stem is highest)
                WhiteNote top = firstStem.End;
                foreach (ChordSymbol chord in chords)
                    top = WhiteNote.Max(top, chord.Stem.End);
                if (top == firstStem.End && top.Dist(lastStem.End) >= 2)
                    firstStem.End  = top;
                    middleStem.End = top.Add(-1);
                    lastStem.End   = top.Add(-2);
                else if (top == lastStem.End && top.Dist(firstStem.End) >= 2)
                    firstStem.End  = top.Add(-2);
                    middleStem.End = top.Add(-1);
                    lastStem.End   = top;
                    firstStem.End  = top;
                    middleStem.End = top;
                    lastStem.End   = top;
                /* Find the bottommost stem. The beam will either:
                 * - Slant upwards (first stem is lowest)
                 * - Slant downwards (last stem is lowest)
                 * - Be straight (middle stem is highest)
                WhiteNote bottom = firstStem.End;
                foreach (ChordSymbol chord in chords)
                    bottom = WhiteNote.Min(bottom, chord.Stem.End);

                if (bottom == firstStem.End && lastStem.End.Dist(bottom) >= 2)
                    middleStem.End = bottom.Add(1);
                    lastStem.End   = bottom.Add(2);
                else if (bottom == lastStem.End && firstStem.End.Dist(bottom) >= 2)
                    middleStem.End = bottom.Add(1);
                    firstStem.End  = bottom.Add(2);
                    firstStem.End  = bottom;
                    middleStem.End = bottom;
                    lastStem.End   = bottom;

            /* All middle stems have the same end */
            for (int i = 1; i < chords.Length - 1; i++)
                Stem stem = chords[i].Stem;
                stem.End = middleStem.End;
Esempio n. 6
        /* Draw a horizontal beam stem, connecting this stem with the Stem pair.
         * @param ytop The y location (in pixels) where the top of the staff starts.
         * @param topstaff  The note at the top of the staff.
        private void DrawHorizBarStem(Graphics g, Pen pen, int ytop, WhiteNote topstaff)
            pen.Width = SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

            int xstart  = 0;
            int xstart2 = 0;

            if (side == LeftSide)
                xstart = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + 1;
            else if (side == RightSide)
                xstart = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + SheetMusic.NoteWidth;

            if (pair.side == LeftSide)
                xstart2 = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + 1;
            else if (pair.side == RightSide)
                xstart2 = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + SheetMusic.NoteWidth;

            if (direction == Up)
                int xend   = width_to_pair + xstart2;
                int ystart = ytop + topstaff.Dist(end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;
                int yend   = ytop + topstaff.Dist(pair.end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Eighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Triplet ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
                ystart += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                yend   += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                /* A dotted eighth will connect to a 16th note. */
                if (duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth)
                    int    x     = xend - SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                    double slope = (yend - ystart) * 1.0 / (xend - xstart);
                    int    y     = (int)(slope * (x - xend) + yend);

                    g.DrawLine(pen, x, y, xend, yend);

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
                ystart += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                yend   += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);

                int xend   = width_to_pair + xstart2;
                int ystart = ytop + topstaff.Dist(end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2 +
                int yend = ytop + topstaff.Dist(pair.end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2
                           + SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Eighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Triplet ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
                ystart -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                yend   -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                /* A dotted eighth will connect to a 16th note. */
                if (duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth)
                    int    x     = xend - SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                    double slope = (yend - ystart) * 1.0 / (xend - xstart);
                    int    y     = (int)(slope * (x - xend) + yend);

                    g.DrawLine(pen, x, y, xend, yend);

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
                ystart -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                yend   -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
            pen.Width = 1;
Esempio n. 7
        /** Draw a curvy stem tail.  This is only used for single chords, not chord pairs.
         * @param ytop The y location (in pixels) where the top of the staff starts.
         * @param topstaff  The note at the top of the staff.
        private void DrawCurvyStem(Graphics g, Pen pen, int ytop, WhiteNote topstaff)
            pen.Width = 2;

            int xstart = 0;

            if (side == LeftSide)
                xstart = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + 1;
                xstart = SheetMusic.LineSpace / 4 + SheetMusic.NoteWidth;

            if (direction == Up)
                int ystem = ytop + topstaff.Dist(end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Eighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Triplet ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                                 xstart, ystem,
                                 ystem + 3 * SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace * 2,
                                 ystem + SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2,
                                 ystem + SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 3);
                ystem += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                                 xstart, ystem,
                                 ystem + 3 * SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace * 2,
                                 ystem + SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2,
                                 ystem + SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 3);

                ystem += SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                if (duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                                 xstart, ystem,
                                 ystem + 3 * SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace * 2,
                                 ystem + SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2,
                                 ystem + SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 3);

            else if (direction == Down)
                int ystem = ytop + topstaff.Dist(end) * SheetMusic.NoteHeight / 2 +

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Eighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.DottedEighth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Triplet ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                                 xstart, ystem,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.LineSpace,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace * 2,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2 -
                                 SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2);
                ystem -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;

                if (duration == NoteDuration.Sixteenth ||
                    duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                                 xstart, ystem,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.LineSpace,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace * 2,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2 -
                                 SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2);

                ystem -= SheetMusic.NoteHeight;
                if (duration == NoteDuration.ThirtySecond)
                                 xstart, ystem,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.LineSpace,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace * 2,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2,
                                 xstart + SheetMusic.LineSpace,
                                 ystem - SheetMusic.NoteHeight * 2 -
                                 SheetMusic.LineSpace / 2);
            pen.Width = 1;