Esempio n. 1
        private static void PlanetGenerator(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes hillAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes canyonAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;

            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(shapeAttributes.Seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes  = new MyCsgShapeBase[1];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[0];

                data.MacroModule = new MyBillowFast(quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low, seed: shapeAttributes.Seed, frequency: shapeAttributes.NoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Diameter, layerCount: 3);

                data.DetailModule = new MyBillowFast(
                    seed: shapeAttributes.Seed,
                    quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                    frequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.09f + 0.11f,
                    layerCount: 2);

                float halfSize        = shapeAttributes.Radius;
                float storageSize     = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(shapeAttributes.Diameter);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset   = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                data.FilledShapes[0] = new MyCsgShapePlanet(
                    new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                    ref shapeAttributes,
                    ref hillAttributes,
                    ref canyonAttributes,
                    detailFrequency: 0.5f,
                    deviationFrequency: 10.0f);


                data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                int depositCount = 1;
                data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                data.Deposits[0] = new MyCompositeLayeredOreDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(
                                                                        new Vector3(halfStorageSize), halfSize), materialAttributes.Layers,
                                                                    new MyBillowFast(layerCount: 3,
                                                                                     seed: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationSeed, frequency: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationNoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Diameter),
                                                                    new MyCompositeOrePlanetDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(new Vector3(halfStorageSize), materialAttributes.OreStartDepth), shapeAttributes.Seed, materialAttributes.OreStartDepth, materialAttributes.OreEndDepth, materialAttributes.OreProbabilities));

        private static void PlanetGenerator(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, float maxHillHeight, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;

            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(shapeAttributes.Seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes  = new MyCsgShapeBase[1];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[0];

                data.MacroModule = null;

                data.DetailModule = null;

                float halfSize        = shapeAttributes.Radius;
                float storageSize     = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(shapeAttributes.Diameter);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset   = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                string planetPath = Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath, "Data", "PlanetDataFiles", "Test");
                data.FilledShapes[0] = new MyCsgShapePrecomputed(new Vector3(halfStorageSize), shapeAttributes.AveragePlanetRadius, planetPath, maxHillHeight);

                 *                  new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                 *                  ref shapeAttributes,
                 *                  ref hillAttributes,
                 *                  ref canyonAttributes,
                 *                  detailFrequency: 0.5f,
                 *                  deviationFrequency: 10.0f);*/


                data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                int depositCount = 1;
                data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                data.Deposits[0] = new MyCompositePrecomputedOreDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(
                                                                            new Vector3(halfStorageSize), halfSize),
                                                                        new MyCompositeOrePlanetDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(new Vector3(halfStorageSize), materialAttributes.OreStartDepth), shapeAttributes.Seed, materialAttributes.OreStartDepth, materialAttributes.OreEndDepth, materialAttributes.OreProbabilities),
                                                                        data.FilledShapes[0] as MyCsgShapePrecomputed);

Esempio n. 3
        private static void PlanetGenerator(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, float maxHillHeight, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;
            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(shapeAttributes.Seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[1];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[0];

                data.MacroModule = null;

                data.DetailModule = null;

                float halfSize = shapeAttributes.Radius;
                float storageSize = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(shapeAttributes.Diameter);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                string planetPath = Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath,"Data","PlanetDataFiles","Test");
                data.FilledShapes[0] = new MyCsgShapePrecomputed(new Vector3(halfStorageSize), shapeAttributes.AveragePlanetRadius, planetPath, maxHillHeight);
                                        new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                                        ref shapeAttributes,
                                        ref hillAttributes,
                                        ref canyonAttributes,
                                        detailFrequency: 0.5f,
                                        deviationFrequency: 10.0f);*/


                data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                int depositCount = 1;
                data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                data.Deposits[0] = new MyCompositePrecomputedOreDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(
                                                                    new Vector3(halfStorageSize), halfSize),
                                                                    new MyCompositeOrePlanetDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(new Vector3(halfStorageSize), materialAttributes.OreStartDepth), shapeAttributes.Seed, materialAttributes.OreStartDepth, materialAttributes.OreEndDepth, materialAttributes.OreProbabilities),
                                                                    data.FilledShapes[0] as MyCsgShapePrecomputed );       

        private static void Generator(int version, int seed, float size, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;
            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[2];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[2];
                data.MacroModule = new MySimplexFast(seed: seed, frequency: 7f / size);
                switch (random.Next() & 0x1)
                    case 0:
                        data.DetailModule = new MyRidgedMultifractalFast(
                            seed: seed,
                            quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                            frequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.09f + 0.11f,
                            layerCount: 1);

                    case 1:
                        data.DetailModule = new MyBillowFast(
                            seed: seed,
                            quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                            frequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.07f + 0.13f,
                            layerCount: 1);

                float halfSize = size * 0.5f;
                float storageSize = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(size);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                MyCsgShapeBase primaryShape;
                { // determine primary shape
                    var primaryType = random.Next() % 3;
                    switch (primaryType)
                        case 0: //ShapeType.Torus
                                var secondaryRadius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.05f + 0.1f) * size;
                                var torus = new MyCsgTorus(
                                    translation: new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                                    invRotation: CreateRandomRotation(random),
                                    primaryRadius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.2f) * size,
                                    secondaryRadius: secondaryRadius,
                                    secondaryHalfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.4f) * secondaryRadius,
                                    deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                    detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);
                                primaryShape = torus;

                        case 1: //ShapeType.Sphere
                                var sphere = new MyCsgSphere(
                                    translation: new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                                    radius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.35f) * size,
                                    halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.05f + 0.05f) * size + 1f,
                                    deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                    detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);
                                primaryShape = sphere;

                { // add some additional shapes
                    int filledShapeCount = 0;
                    data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = primaryShape;
                    while (filledShapeCount < data.FilledShapes.Length)
                        var fromBorders = size * (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.1f) + 2f;
                        var fromBorders2 = 2f * fromBorders;
                        var sizeMinusFromBorders2 = size - fromBorders2;
                        var shapeType = random.Next() % 3;
                        switch (shapeType)
                            case 0: //ShapeType.Sphere
                                    Vector3 center = CreateRandomPointOnBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                                    float radius = fromBorders * (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.35f);

                                    MyCsgSphere sphere = new MyCsgSphere(
                                        translation: center + storageOffset,
                                        radius: radius,
                                        halfDeviation: radius * (random.NextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.1f),
                                        deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                        detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                                    data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = sphere;

                            case 1: //ShapeType.Capsule
                                    var start = CreateRandomPointOnBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                                    var end = new Vector3(size) - start;
                                    if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0) MyUtils.Swap(ref start.X, ref end.X);
                                    if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0) MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Y, ref end.Y);
                                    if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0) MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Z, ref end.Z);
                                    float radius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * fromBorders;

                                    MyCsgCapsule capsule = new MyCsgCapsule(
                                        pointA: start + storageOffset,
                                        pointB: end + storageOffset,
                                        radius: radius,
                                        halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * radius,
                                        deviationFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.4f),
                                        detailFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f));

                                    data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = capsule;

                            case 2: //ShapeType.Torus
                                    Vector3 center = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                                    var rotation = CreateRandomRotation(random);
                                    var borderDistance = ComputeBoxSideDistance(center, size);
                                    var secondaryRadius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.1f) * borderDistance;

                                    var torus = new MyCsgTorus(
                                        translation: center + storageOffset,
                                        invRotation: rotation,
                                        primaryRadius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.5f) * borderDistance,
                                        secondaryRadius: secondaryRadius,
                                        secondaryHalfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.2f) * secondaryRadius,
                                        deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                        detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                                    data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = torus;

                { // make some holes
                    int removedShapesCount = 0;

                    while (removedShapesCount < data.RemovedShapes.Length)
                        var fromBorders = size * (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.1f) + 2f;
                        var fromBorders2 = 2f * fromBorders;
                        var sizeMinusFromBorders2 = size - fromBorders2;
                        var shapeType = random.Next() % 7;
                        switch (shapeType)
                            // Sphere
                            case 0:
                                    Vector3 center = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;

                                    float borderDistance = ComputeBoxSideDistance(center, size);
                                    float radius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.3f) * borderDistance;
                                    MyCsgSphere sphere = new MyCsgSphere(
                                        translation: center + storageOffset,
                                        radius: radius,
                                        halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.3f + 0.35f) * radius,
                                        deviationFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f),
                                        detailFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f));

                                    data.RemovedShapes[removedShapesCount++] = sphere;

                            // Torus
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                                    Vector3 center = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                                    var rotation = CreateRandomRotation(random);
                                    var borderDistance = ComputeBoxSideDistance(center, size);
                                    var secondaryRadius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.1f) * borderDistance;

                                    var torus = new MyCsgTorus(
                                        translation: center + storageOffset,
                                        invRotation: rotation,
                                        primaryRadius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.5f) * borderDistance,
                                        secondaryRadius: secondaryRadius,
                                        secondaryHalfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.2f) * secondaryRadius,
                                        deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                        detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                                    data.RemovedShapes[removedShapesCount++] = torus;

                            // Capsule
                                    var start = CreateRandomPointOnBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                                    var end = new Vector3(size) - start;
                                    if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0) MyUtils.Swap(ref start.X, ref end.X);
                                    if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0) MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Y, ref end.Y);
                                    if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0) MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Z, ref end.Z);
                                    float radius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * fromBorders;

                                    MyCsgCapsule capsule = new MyCsgCapsule(
                                        pointA: start + storageOffset,
                                        pointB: end + storageOffset,
                                        radius: radius,
                                        halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * radius,
                                        deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.4f,
                                        detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);
                                    data.RemovedShapes[removedShapesCount++] = capsule;

                { // generating materials
                    // What to do when we (or mods) change the number of materials? Same seed will then produce different results.

                    Action<List<MyVoxelMaterialDefinition>> shuffleMaterials = (list) =>
                        int n = list.Count;
                        while (n > 1)
                            int k = (int)random.Next() % n;
                            var value = list[k];
                            list[k] = list[n];
                            list[n] = value;

                    if (m_surfaceMaterials.Count == 0)
                        if (m_depositMaterials.Count == 0)
                            data.DefaultMaterial = m_coreMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_coreMaterials.Count];
                            data.DefaultMaterial = m_depositMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_depositMaterials.Count];
                        data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                    if (false)
                        data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[data.FilledShapes.Length];
                        int currentMaterial = 0;
                        int depositCount = 0;

                        data.Deposits[depositCount] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(data.FilledShapes[depositCount].DeepCopy(), m_coreMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_coreMaterials.Count]);
                        data.Deposits[depositCount].Shape.ShrinkTo(random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.6f);
                        while (depositCount < data.FilledShapes.Length)
                            data.Deposits[depositCount] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(data.FilledShapes[depositCount].DeepCopy(), m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++]);
                            data.Deposits[depositCount].Shape.ShrinkTo(random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.6f);
                            if (currentMaterial == m_depositMaterials.Count)
                                currentMaterial = 0;
                        int depositCount = Math.Max((int)Math.Log(size), data.FilledShapes.Length);
                        data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                        var depositSize = size / 10f;

                        int currentMaterial = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < data.FilledShapes.Length; ++i)
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material;
                            if (i == 0)
                                if (m_coreMaterials.Count == 0)
                                    if (m_depositMaterials.Count == 0)
                                        material = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];
                                        material = m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++];
                                    material = m_coreMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_coreMaterials.Count];
                                if (m_depositMaterials.Count == 0)
                                    material = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];
                                    material = m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++];
                            data.Deposits[i] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(data.FilledShapes[i].DeepCopy(), material);
                            data.Deposits[i].Shape.ShrinkTo(random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.6f);
                            if (currentMaterial == m_depositMaterials.Count)
                                currentMaterial = 0;
                        for (int i = data.FilledShapes.Length; i < depositCount; ++i)
                            var center = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, size * 0.7f) + storageOffset + size * 0.15f;
                            var radius = random.NextFloat() * depositSize + 8f;
                            random.NextFloat();random.NextFloat();//backwards compatibility
                            MyCsgShapeBase shape = new MyCsgSphere(center, radius);

                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material;
                            if (m_depositMaterials.Count == 0)
                                material = m_surfaceMaterials[currentMaterial++];
                                material = m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++];

                            data.Deposits[i] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(shape, material);

                            if (m_depositMaterials.Count == 0)
                                if (currentMaterial == m_surfaceMaterials.Count)
                                    currentMaterial = 0;

                                if (currentMaterial == m_depositMaterials.Count)
                                    currentMaterial = 0;

 private static void Generator2(int seed, float size, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
     Generator(2, seed, size, out data);
        private static void PlanetGenerator(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes hillAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes canyonAttributes, MyMaterialLayer[] materialLevels, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;
            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(shapeAttributes.Seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[1];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[0];

                data.MacroModule = new MyBillowFast(quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,seed: shapeAttributes.Seed, frequency: shapeAttributes.NoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Radius, layerCount: 4);

                data.DetailModule = new MyBillowFast(
                           seed: shapeAttributes.Seed,
                           quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                           frequency: shapeAttributes.NoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Radius,
                           layerCount: 1);

                float halfSize = shapeAttributes.Radius * 0.5f;
                float storageSize = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(shapeAttributes.Radius);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                data.FilledShapes[0] = new MyCsgShapePlanet(
                                        new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                                        ref shapeAttributes,
                                        ref hillAttributes,
                                        ref canyonAttributes,
                                        detailFrequency: 0.09f,
                                        deviationFrequency: 10.0f);

                foreach (var material in MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinitions())
                    if (material.MinedOre == "Stone") // Surface

                data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                int depositCount = 1;
                data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                MyMaterialLayer[] materialLayers = new MyMaterialLayer[materialLevels.Length];

                float surfaceSize = (shapeAttributes.Radius/2.0f) * (1 - shapeAttributes.DeviationScale * hillAttributes.SizeRatio);
                for (int i = 0; i < materialLayers.Length; ++i)
                    materialLayers[i] = new MyMaterialLayer();
                    materialLayers[i].StartHeight = materialLevels[i].StartHeight + surfaceSize;
                    materialLayers[i].EndHeight = materialLevels[i].EndHeight + surfaceSize;
                    materialLayers[i].MaterialDefinition = GetMaterialByName(materialLevels[i].MaterialName);
                    materialLayers[i].StartAngle = materialLevels[i].StartAngle;
                    materialLayers[i].EndAngle = materialLevels[i].EndAngle;
                    materialLayers[i].HeightStartDeviation = materialLevels[i].HeightStartDeviation;
                    materialLayers[i].AngleStartDeviation = materialLevels[i].AngleStartDeviation;
                    materialLayers[i].HeightEndDeviation = materialLevels[i].HeightEndDeviation;
                    materialLayers[i].AngleEndDeviation = materialLevels[i].AngleEndDeviation;

                for (int i = 0; i < depositCount; ++i)
                    data.Deposits[i] = new MyCompositeLayeredOreDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(
                                                                        new Vector3(halfStorageSize), halfSize), materialLayers, 
                                                                        new MyBillowFast(layerCount:3, 
                                                                        seed:shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationSeed,frequency: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationNoiseFreqeuncy / shapeAttributes.Radius));

 private static void PlanetGenerator0(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes hillAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes canyonAttributes, MyMaterialLayer[] materialLevels, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
     PlanetGenerator(ref shapeAttributes, ref hillAttributes, ref canyonAttributes, materialLevels, out data);
Esempio n. 8
        private static void Generator(int version, int seed, float size, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;

            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes  = new MyCsgShapeBase[2];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[2];
                data.MacroModule   = new MySimplexFast(seed: seed, frequency: 7f / size);
                switch (random.Next() & 0x1)
                case 0:
                    data.DetailModule = new MyRidgedMultifractalFast(
                        seed: seed,
                        quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                        frequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.09f + 0.11f,
                        layerCount: 1);

                case 1:
                    data.DetailModule = new MyBillowFast(
                        seed: seed,
                        quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                        frequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.07f + 0.13f,
                        layerCount: 1);

                float halfSize        = size * 0.5f;
                float storageSize     = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(size);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset   = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                MyCsgShapeBase primaryShape;
                { // determine primary shape
                    var primaryType = random.Next() % 3;
                    switch (primaryType)
                    case 0:     //ShapeType.Torus
                        var secondaryRadius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.05f + 0.1f) * size;
                        var torus           = new MyCsgTorus(
                            translation: new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                            invRotation: CreateRandomRotation(random),
                            primaryRadius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.2f) * size,
                            secondaryRadius: secondaryRadius,
                            secondaryHalfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.4f) * secondaryRadius,
                            deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                            detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);
                        primaryShape = torus;

                    case 1:     //ShapeType.Sphere
                        var sphere = new MyCsgSphere(
                            translation: new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                            radius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.35f) * size,
                            halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.05f + 0.05f) * size + 1f,
                            deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                            detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);
                        primaryShape = sphere;

                { // add some additional shapes
                    int filledShapeCount = 0;
                    data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = primaryShape;
                    while (filledShapeCount < data.FilledShapes.Length)
                        var fromBorders           = size * (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.1f) + 2f;
                        var fromBorders2          = 2f * fromBorders;
                        var sizeMinusFromBorders2 = size - fromBorders2;
                        var shapeType             = random.Next() % 3;
                        switch (shapeType)
                        case 0:     //ShapeType.Sphere
                            Vector3 center = CreateRandomPointOnBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                            float   radius = fromBorders * (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.35f);

                            MyCsgSphere sphere = new MyCsgSphere(
                                translation: center + storageOffset,
                                radius: radius,
                                halfDeviation: radius * (random.NextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.1f),
                                deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                            data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = sphere;

                        case 1:     //ShapeType.Capsule
                            var start = CreateRandomPointOnBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                            var end   = new Vector3(size) - start;
                            if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0)
                                MyUtils.Swap(ref start.X, ref end.X);
                            if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0)
                                MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Y, ref end.Y);
                            if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0)
                                MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Z, ref end.Z);
                            float radius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * fromBorders;

                            MyCsgCapsule capsule = new MyCsgCapsule(
                                pointA: start + storageOffset,
                                pointB: end + storageOffset,
                                radius: radius,
                                halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * radius,
                                deviationFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.4f),
                                detailFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f));

                            data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = capsule;

                        case 2:     //ShapeType.Torus
                            Vector3 center          = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                            var     rotation        = CreateRandomRotation(random);
                            var     borderDistance  = ComputeBoxSideDistance(center, size);
                            var     secondaryRadius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.1f) * borderDistance;

                            var torus = new MyCsgTorus(
                                translation: center + storageOffset,
                                invRotation: rotation,
                                primaryRadius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.5f) * borderDistance,
                                secondaryRadius: secondaryRadius,
                                secondaryHalfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.2f) * secondaryRadius,
                                deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                            data.FilledShapes[filledShapeCount++] = torus;

                { // make some holes
                    int removedShapesCount = 0;

                    while (removedShapesCount < data.RemovedShapes.Length)
                        var fromBorders           = size * (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.1f) + 2f;
                        var fromBorders2          = 2f * fromBorders;
                        var sizeMinusFromBorders2 = size - fromBorders2;
                        var shapeType             = random.Next() % 7;
                        switch (shapeType)
                        // Sphere
                        case 0:
                            Vector3 center = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;

                            float       borderDistance = ComputeBoxSideDistance(center, size);
                            float       radius         = (random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.3f) * borderDistance;
                            MyCsgSphere sphere         = new MyCsgSphere(
                                translation: center + storageOffset,
                                radius: radius,
                                halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.3f + 0.35f) * radius,
                                deviationFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f),
                                detailFrequency: (random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f));

                            data.RemovedShapes[removedShapesCount++] = sphere;

                        // Torus
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                            Vector3 center          = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                            var     rotation        = CreateRandomRotation(random);
                            var     borderDistance  = ComputeBoxSideDistance(center, size);
                            var     secondaryRadius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.1f) * borderDistance;

                            var torus = new MyCsgTorus(
                                translation: center + storageOffset,
                                invRotation: rotation,
                                primaryRadius: (random.NextFloat() * 0.2f + 0.5f) * borderDistance,
                                secondaryRadius: secondaryRadius,
                                secondaryHalfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.2f) * secondaryRadius,
                                deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.8f + 0.2f,
                                detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                            data.RemovedShapes[removedShapesCount++] = torus;

                        // Capsule
                            var start = CreateRandomPointOnBox(random, sizeMinusFromBorders2) + fromBorders;
                            var end   = new Vector3(size) - start;
                            if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0)
                                MyUtils.Swap(ref start.X, ref end.X);
                            if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0)
                                MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Y, ref end.Y);
                            if ((random.Next() % 2) == 0)
                                MyUtils.Swap(ref start.Z, ref end.Z);
                            float radius = (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * fromBorders;

                            MyCsgCapsule capsule = new MyCsgCapsule(
                                pointA: start + storageOffset,
                                pointB: end + storageOffset,
                                radius: radius,
                                halfDeviation: (random.NextFloat() * 0.25f + 0.5f) * radius,
                                deviationFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.4f + 0.4f,
                                detailFrequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.6f + 0.4f);

                            data.RemovedShapes[removedShapesCount++] = capsule;

                { // generating materials
                    // What to do when we (or mods) change the number of materials? Same seed will then produce different results.

                    Action <List <MyVoxelMaterialDefinition> > shuffleMaterials = (list) =>
                        int n = list.Count;
                        while (n > 1)
                            int k = (int)random.Next() % n;
                            var value = list[k];
                            list[k] = list[n];
                            list[n] = value;

                    data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                    if (false)
                        data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[data.FilledShapes.Length];
                        int currentMaterial = 0;
                        int depositCount    = 0;

                        data.Deposits[depositCount] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(data.FilledShapes[depositCount].DeepCopy(), m_coreMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_coreMaterials.Count]);
                        data.Deposits[depositCount].Shape.ShrinkTo(random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.6f);
                        while (depositCount < data.FilledShapes.Length)
                            data.Deposits[depositCount] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(data.FilledShapes[depositCount].DeepCopy(), m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++]);
                            data.Deposits[depositCount].Shape.ShrinkTo(random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.6f);
                            if (currentMaterial == m_depositMaterials.Count)
                                currentMaterial = 0;
                        int depositCount = Math.Max((int)Math.Log(size), data.FilledShapes.Length);
                        data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                        var depositSize = size / 10f;

                        int currentMaterial = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < data.FilledShapes.Length; ++i)
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material;
                            if (i == 0)
                                material = m_coreMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_coreMaterials.Count];
                                material = m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++];
                            data.Deposits[i] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(data.FilledShapes[i].DeepCopy(), material);
                            data.Deposits[i].Shape.ShrinkTo(random.NextFloat() * 0.15f + 0.6f);
                            if (currentMaterial == m_depositMaterials.Count)
                                currentMaterial = 0;
                        for (int i = data.FilledShapes.Length; i < depositCount; ++i)
                            var center = CreateRandomPointInBox(random, size * 0.7f) + storageOffset + size * 0.15f;
                            var radius = random.NextFloat() * depositSize + 8f;
                            random.NextFloat(); random.NextFloat();//backwards compatibility
                            MyCsgShapeBase shape = new MyCsgSphere(center, radius);
                            data.Deposits[i] = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit(shape, m_depositMaterials[currentMaterial++]);
                            if (currentMaterial == m_depositMaterials.Count)
                                currentMaterial = 0;

Esempio n. 9
 private static void Generator2(int seed, float size, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
     Generator(2, seed, size, out data);
Esempio n. 10
 private static void PlanetGenerator0(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes hillAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes canyonAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
     PlanetGenerator(ref shapeAttributes, ref hillAttributes, ref canyonAttributes, ref materialAttributes, out data);
Esempio n. 11
 private static void PlanetGenerator0(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, float maxHillHeight, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
     PlanetGenerator(ref shapeAttributes, maxHillHeight, ref materialAttributes, out data);
        private static void PlanetGenerator(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes hillAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes canyonAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;
            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(shapeAttributes.Seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[1];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[0];

                data.MacroModule = new MyBillowFast(quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,seed: shapeAttributes.Seed, frequency: shapeAttributes.NoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Diameter, layerCount: 1);

                data.DetailModule = new MyBillowFast(
                       seed: shapeAttributes.Seed,
                       quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                       frequency: random.NextFloat() * 0.09f + 0.11f,
                       layerCount: 1);

                float halfSize = shapeAttributes.Radius;
                float storageSize = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(shapeAttributes.Diameter);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                data.FilledShapes[0] =  new MyCsgShapePlanet(
                                        new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                                        ref shapeAttributes,
                                        ref hillAttributes,
                                        ref canyonAttributes,
                                        detailFrequency: 0.5f,
                                        deviationFrequency: 10.0f);


                data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                int depositCount = 1;
                data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                data.Deposits[0] = new MyCompositeLayeredOreDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(
                                                                    new Vector3(halfStorageSize), halfSize), materialAttributes.Layers,
                                                                    new MyBillowFast(layerCount: 3,
                                                                    seed: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationSeed, frequency: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationNoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Diameter),
                                                                    new MyCompositeOrePlanetDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(new Vector3(halfStorageSize), materialAttributes.OreStartDepth), shapeAttributes.Seed, materialAttributes.OreStartDepth, materialAttributes.OreEndDepth, materialAttributes.OreProbabilities));       

Esempio n. 13
        private static void PlanetGenerator(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes hillAttributes, ref MyCsgShapePlanetHillAttributes canyonAttributes, MyMaterialLayer[] materialLevels, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
            var random = MyRandom.Instance;

            using (var stateToken = random.PushSeed(shapeAttributes.Seed))
                data = new MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData();
                data.FilledShapes  = new MyCsgShapeBase[1];
                data.RemovedShapes = new MyCsgShapeBase[0];

                data.MacroModule = new MyBillowFast(quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low, seed: shapeAttributes.Seed, frequency: shapeAttributes.NoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Radius, layerCount: 4);

                data.DetailModule = new MyBillowFast(
                    seed: shapeAttributes.Seed,
                    quality: MyNoiseQuality.Low,
                    frequency: shapeAttributes.NoiseFrequency / shapeAttributes.Radius,
                    layerCount: 1);

                float halfSize        = shapeAttributes.Radius * 0.5f;
                float storageSize     = VRageMath.MathHelper.GetNearestBiggerPowerOfTwo(shapeAttributes.Radius);
                float halfStorageSize = storageSize * 0.5f;
                float storageOffset   = halfStorageSize - halfSize;

                data.FilledShapes[0] = new MyCsgShapePlanet(
                    new Vector3(halfStorageSize),
                    ref shapeAttributes,
                    ref hillAttributes,
                    ref canyonAttributes,
                    detailFrequency: 0.09f,
                    deviationFrequency: 10.0f);

                foreach (var material in MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetVoxelMaterialDefinitions())
                    if (material.MinedOre == "Stone") // Surface

                data.DefaultMaterial = m_surfaceMaterials[(int)random.Next() % m_surfaceMaterials.Count];

                int depositCount = 1;
                data.Deposits = new MyCompositeShapeOreDeposit[depositCount];

                MyMaterialLayer[] materialLayers = new MyMaterialLayer[materialLevels.Length];

                float surfaceSize = (shapeAttributes.Radius / 2.0f) * (1 - shapeAttributes.DeviationScale * hillAttributes.SizeRatio);
                for (int i = 0; i < materialLayers.Length; ++i)
                    materialLayers[i]                      = new MyMaterialLayer();
                    materialLayers[i].StartHeight          = materialLevels[i].StartHeight + surfaceSize;
                    materialLayers[i].EndHeight            = materialLevels[i].EndHeight + surfaceSize;
                    materialLayers[i].MaterialDefinition   = GetMaterialByName(materialLevels[i].MaterialName);
                    materialLayers[i].StartAngle           = materialLevels[i].StartAngle;
                    materialLayers[i].EndAngle             = materialLevels[i].EndAngle;
                    materialLayers[i].HeightStartDeviation = materialLevels[i].HeightStartDeviation;
                    materialLayers[i].AngleStartDeviation  = materialLevels[i].AngleStartDeviation;
                    materialLayers[i].HeightEndDeviation   = materialLevels[i].HeightEndDeviation;
                    materialLayers[i].AngleEndDeviation    = materialLevels[i].AngleEndDeviation;

                for (int i = 0; i < depositCount; ++i)
                    data.Deposits[i] = new MyCompositeLayeredOreDeposit(new MyCsgSimpleSphere(
                                                                            new Vector3(halfStorageSize), halfSize), materialLayers,
                                                                        new MyBillowFast(layerCount: 3,
                                                                                         seed: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationSeed, frequency: shapeAttributes.LayerDeviationNoiseFreqeuncy / shapeAttributes.Radius));

Esempio n. 14
 private static void PlanetGenerator0(ref MyCsgShapePlanetShapeAttributes shapeAttributes, float maxHillHeight, ref MyCsgShapePlanetMaterialAttributes materialAttributes, out MyCompositeShapeGeneratedData data)
     PlanetGenerator(ref shapeAttributes, maxHillHeight, ref materialAttributes, out data);