public static void OnGlobalSpawnEvent(object senderEvent)
            // Select a spawn group to spawn
            MySpawnGroupDefinition spawnGroup = PickRandomSpawnGroup();
            if (spawnGroup == null)


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Generate position and direction");
            double spawnDistance = NEUTRAL_SHIP_SPAWN_DISTANCE;
            Vector3D playerPosition = Vector3D.Zero;
            bool isWorldLimited = MyEntities.IsWorldLimited();
            int numPlayers = 0;
            if (isWorldLimited)
                spawnDistance = Math.Min(spawnDistance, MyEntities.WorldSafeHalfExtent() - spawnGroup.SpawnRadius);
                // In infinite worlds players can be thousands of kilometers away, so spawn ship around random player
                // so cargo ships will be spawned around every player at some time
                var players = MySession.Static.Players.GetOnlinePlayers();
                // In DS there can be no players connected
                numPlayers = Math.Max(0, players.Count - 1);
                int randomPlayerPosition = MyUtils.GetRandomInt(0, numPlayers);
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var player in players)
                    if (i == randomPlayerPosition)
                        if (player.Character != null)
                            playerPosition = player.GetPosition();

            if (spawnDistance < 0.0f)
                MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Not enough space in the world to spawn such a huge spawn group!");

            double forbiddenRadius = NEUTRAL_SHIP_FORBIDDEN_RADIUS;
            BoundingBoxD spawnBox;
            if (isWorldLimited)
                spawnBox = new BoundingBoxD(new Vector3D(playerPosition - spawnDistance), new Vector3D(playerPosition + spawnDistance));
                // We need to extend bouding box so cargo ships aren't spawned near other players
                GetSafeBoundingBoxForPlayers(playerPosition, spawnDistance, out spawnBox);
                // Forbidden radius is sphere around all players in box.
                // Bounding box is generated from players positions so their distance to center shall be same for all players
                forbiddenRadius += spawnBox.HalfExtents.Max() - NEUTRAL_SHIP_FORBIDDEN_RADIUS;

            // Get the direction to the center and deviate it randomly
            Vector3D? origin = MyUtils.GetRandomBorderPosition(ref spawnBox);
            origin = MyEntities.FindFreePlace(origin.Value, spawnGroup.SpawnRadius);
            if (!origin.HasValue)
                MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Could not spawn neutral ships - no free place found");
                MyGlobalEvents.RescheduleEvent(senderEvent as MyGlobalEventBase, NEUTRAL_SHIP_RESCHEDULE_TIME);

            // Radius in arc units of the forbidden sphere in the center, when viewed from origin
            float centerArcRadius = (float)Math.Atan(forbiddenRadius / (origin.Value - spawnBox.Center).Length());

            // Generate direction with elevation from centerArcRadius radians to (cAR + N_S_D_S) radians
            Vector3D direction = -Vector3D.Normalize(origin.Value);
            float theta = MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(centerArcRadius, centerArcRadius + NEUTRAL_SHIP_DIRECTION_SPREAD);
            float phi = MyUtils.GetRandomRadian();
            Vector3D cosVec = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(direction);
            Vector3D sinVec = Vector3D.Cross(direction, cosVec);
            cosVec *= (Math.Sin(theta) * Math.Cos(phi));
            sinVec *= (Math.Sin(theta) * Math.Sin(phi));
            direction = direction * Math.Cos(theta) + cosVec + sinVec;

            Vector3D destination = Vector3D.Zero;
            RayD ray = new RayD(origin.Value, direction);
            double? intersection = ray.Intersects(spawnBox);
            Vector3D directionMult;
            if (!intersection.HasValue || intersection.Value < NEUTRAL_SHIP_MINIMAL_ROUTE_LENGTH)
                directionMult = direction * NEUTRAL_SHIP_MINIMAL_ROUTE_LENGTH;
                directionMult = direction * intersection.Value;
            destination = origin.Value + directionMult;

            Vector3D upVector = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(direction);
            Vector3D rightVector = Vector3D.Cross(direction, upVector);
            MatrixD originMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(origin.Value, direction, upVector);


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Check free space");

            // CH:TODO: Convex cast to detect collision
            // Check ships' path to avoid possible collisions. (TODO: But only if it is said in the definitions)
            foreach (var shipPrefab in spawnGroup.Prefabs)
                var prefabDef = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPrefabDefinition(shipPrefab.SubtypeId);
                Debug.Assert(prefabDef != null);

                Vector3D shipPosition = Vector3.Transform(shipPrefab.Position, originMatrix);
                Vector3D shipDestination = shipPosition + directionMult;
                float radius = prefabDef == null ? 10.0f : prefabDef.BoundingSphere.Radius;

                MyPhysics.CastRay(shipPosition, shipDestination, m_raycastHits, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);
                if (m_raycastHits.Count > 0)
                    MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Could not spawn neutral ships due to collision");
                    MyGlobalEvents.RescheduleEvent(senderEvent as MyGlobalEventBase, NEUTRAL_SHIP_RESCHEDULE_TIME);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    Vector3D shiftVector = upVector * m_upVecMultipliers[i] * radius + rightVector * m_rightVecMultipliers[i] * radius;
                    MyPhysics.CastRay(shipPosition + shiftVector, shipDestination + shiftVector, m_raycastHits, MyPhysics.CollisionLayers.ObjectDetectionCollisionLayer);

                    if (m_raycastHits.Count > 0)
                        MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLine("Could not spawn neutral ships due to collision");
                        MyGlobalEvents.RescheduleEvent(senderEvent as MyGlobalEventBase, NEUTRAL_SHIP_RESCHEDULE_TIME);


            ProfilerShort.Begin("Spawn ships");

            long spawnGroupId = MyPirateAntennas.GetPiratesId();

            // The ships were collision-free. Now spawn them
            foreach (var shipPrefab in spawnGroup.Prefabs)

                // Yes, this could have been saved in the previous loop, but compared to (e.g.) raycasts, this does not take too much time to recalculate
                Vector3D shipPosition = Vector3D.Transform((Vector3D)shipPrefab.Position, originMatrix);
                Vector3D shipDestination = shipPosition + directionMult;
                Vector3D up = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(-direction);


                // CH: We don't want a new identity for each ship anymore. We should handle that in a better way...
                /*if (shipPrefab.ResetOwnership)
                    if (spawnGroupId == 0)
                        //This is not an NPC so that it doesn't show up in assign ownership drop down menu
                        MyIdentity spawnGroupIdentity = Sync.Players.CreateNewIdentity("Neutral NPC");
                        spawnGroupId = spawnGroupIdentity.IdentityId;

                // Deploy ship
                ProfilerShort.Begin("Spawn cargo ship");
                    resultList: m_tmpGridList,
                    prefabName: shipPrefab.SubtypeId,
                    position: shipPosition,
                    forward: direction,
                    up: up,
                    initialLinearVelocity: shipPrefab.Speed * direction,
                    beaconName: shipPrefab.BeaconText,
                    spawningOptions: Sandbox.ModAPI.SpawningOptions.RotateFirstCockpitTowardsDirection |
                                     Sandbox.ModAPI.SpawningOptions.SpawnRandomCargo |
                                     ownerId: shipPrefab.ResetOwnership ? spawnGroupId : 0,
                    updateSync: true);

                foreach (var grid in m_tmpGridList)
                    var cockpit = grid.GetFirstBlockOfType<MyCockpit>();
                    if (cockpit != null)
                        MySimpleAutopilot ai = new MySimpleAutopilot(shipDestination, (Vector3)direction);



 private static void InitAutopilot(List<MyCubeGrid> tmpGridList, Vector3D shipDestination, Vector3D direction)
         foreach (var grid in tmpGridList)
             var cockpit = grid.GetFirstBlockOfType<MyCockpit>();
             if (cockpit != null)
                 MySimpleAutopilot ai = new MySimpleAutopilot(shipDestination, (Vector3)direction);