public List<ResponseDetails> ProcessBCPTransactionPro(
            TransactionType _TT //Required
            , BankcardTransactionPro _BCtransaction //Conditional : Only used for an AuthorizeAndCapture, Authorize and ReturnUnlinked. Otherwise null
            , BankcardCapturePro _BCDifferenceData //Conditional : Only used for a Capture. Otherwise null
            , List<String> _BatchIds //Conditional : A list of one or more batch Ids to capture.
            , BankcardReturn _RDifferenceData //Conditional : Only used for a ReturnById. Otherwise null
            , Adjust _ADifferenceData //Conditional : Only used for an Adjust. Otherwise null
            , BankcardUndo _UDifferenceData //Conditional : Only used for an Undo. Otherwise null
            , List<string> _TransactionIds //Conditional : Only used for a CaptureSelective. Otherwise null
            , List<Capture> _CaptureDifferenceData //Conditional : Only used for CaptureAll and CaptureSelective. Otherwise null
            , bool _SendAcknowledge
            , bool _UseWorkflowId
            , bool _ForceClose)
            List<Response> _Response = new List<Response>();
                CheckTokenExpire();//Make sure the current token is valid

                string _serviceIdOrWorkflowId = _serviceId;
                if (_UseWorkflowId)
                    _serviceIdOrWorkflowId = _workflowId;

                if (_TT == TransactionType.AuthorizeAndCapture)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _BCtransaction.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.AuthorizeAndCapture(_sessionToken, _BCtransaction, _applicationProfileId, _merchantProfileId, _serviceIdOrWorkflowId));
                    //Always Verify that the requested amount and approved amount are the same.
                    BankcardTransactionResponsePro BCR = new BankcardTransactionResponsePro();
                    BCR = (BankcardTransactionResponsePro)_Response[0];
                    if (_BCtransaction.TransactionData.Amount != BCR.Amount)
                        _message += "The transaction was approved for " + BCR.Amount
                            + " which is an amount not equal to the requested amount of " + _BCtransaction.TransactionData.Amount
                            + ". Please provide alternate payment to complete transaction";

                if (_TT == TransactionType.Authorize)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _BCtransaction.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.Authorize(_sessionToken, _BCtransaction, _applicationProfileId, _merchantProfileId, _serviceIdOrWorkflowId));
                    //Always Verify that the requested amount and approved amount are the same.
                    BankcardTransactionResponsePro BCR = new BankcardTransactionResponsePro();
                    BCR = (BankcardTransactionResponsePro)_Response[0];
                    if (_BCtransaction.TransactionData.Amount != BCR.Amount)
                        _message +="The transaction was approved for " + BCR.Amount
                            + " which is an amount not equal to than the requested amount of " + _BCtransaction.TransactionData.Amount
                            + ". Please provide alternate payment to complete transaction";
                if (_TT == TransactionType.Capture)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _BCDifferenceData.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.Capture(_sessionToken, _BCDifferenceData, _applicationProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.CaptureAll)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _CaptureDifferenceData[0].Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response = Cwsbc.CaptureAll(_sessionToken, _CaptureDifferenceData, _BatchIds, _applicationProfileId,
                                                 _merchantProfileId, _serviceId, _ForceClose);
                if (_TT == TransactionType.CaptureAllAsync)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _CaptureDifferenceData[0].Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.CaptureAllAsync(_sessionToken, _CaptureDifferenceData, _BatchIds,
                                                        _applicationProfileId, _merchantProfileId, _serviceId, _ForceClose));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.CaptureSelective)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _CaptureDifferenceData[0].Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response = Cwsbc.CaptureSelective(_sessionToken, _TransactionIds, _CaptureDifferenceData,
                                                       _applicationProfileId, _serviceId);
                if (_TT == TransactionType.CaptureSelectiveAsync)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _CaptureDifferenceData[0].Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.CaptureSelectiveAsync(_sessionToken, _TransactionIds, _CaptureDifferenceData,
                                                              _applicationProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.ReturnById)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _RDifferenceData.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.ReturnById(_sessionToken, _RDifferenceData, _applicationProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.Return)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _BCtransaction.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.ReturnUnlinked(_sessionToken, _BCtransaction, _applicationProfileId, _merchantProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.Adjust)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _ADifferenceData.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.Adjust(_sessionToken, _ADifferenceData, _applicationProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.Undo)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _UDifferenceData.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.Undo(_sessionToken, _UDifferenceData, _applicationProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.QueryAccount)
                    if (CredentialRequired())
                        _BCtransaction.Addendum = CredentialsRequired(_serviceId, _credUserName, _credPassword);
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.QueryAccount(_sessionToken, _BCtransaction, _applicationProfileId,
                                                     _merchantProfileId, _serviceId));
                if (_TT == TransactionType.Verify)
                    _Response.Add(Cwsbc.Verify(_sessionToken, _BCtransaction, _applicationProfileId, _merchantProfileId, _serviceId));

                List<ResponseDetails> RD = new List<ResponseDetails>();//Convert the response to response details so that we can report on the UI
                if (_Response != null)
                    foreach (Response r in _Response)
                        if (_SendAcknowledge && r.TransactionId.Length > 0)
                            Cwsbc.Acknowledge(_sessionToken, r.TransactionId, _applicationProfileId, _serviceId);

                        ResponseDetails RDN = new ResponseDetails(0.00M, r, _TT.ToString(), _serviceIdOrWorkflowId, _merchantProfileId, true, TypeCardType.NotSet, "");
                        _message += ProcessResponse(ref RDN);//Pass as reference so we can extract more values from the response

                return RD;
            catch (EndpointNotFoundException)
                //In this case the SvcEndpoint was not available. Try the same logic again with the alternate Endpoint
                    SetTxnEndpoint();//Change the endpoint to use the backup.

                    //TODO : Add a copy of the code above once fully tested out.

                    return null;

                catch (EndpointNotFoundException)
                    _message +="Neither the primary or secondary endpoints are available. Unable to process.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _message +="Unable to AuthorizeAndCapture\r\nError Message : " + ex.Message;
            catch (System.TimeoutException te)
                //A timeout has occured. Prompt the user if they'd like to query for the last transaction submitted
                if(_BCtransaction != null)
                    _message += "A timeout has occured. A call to 'RequestTransaction' was made to obtain the transactions that should have been returned. Your code will need to reconcile transactions.";
                else{throw te;}
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErrorId;
                string strErrorMessage;
                if (_FaultHandler.handleTxnFault(ex, out strErrorId, out strErrorMessage))
                { _message +=strErrorId + " : " + strErrorMessage; }
                else { _message +=ex.Message; }

            return null;
        private string ProcessBankcardTransactionResponsePro(ref ResponseDetails _Response)
            BankcardTransactionResponsePro _BCResponse = new BankcardTransactionResponsePro();
            _BCResponse = (BankcardTransactionResponsePro)_Response.Response;
            string strMessage = "";

            //Set the amount reference
            _Response.TxnAmount = _BCResponse.Amount;

            //Note : IMPORTANT Always verify the approved amount was the same as the requested approval amount for "AuthorizeAndCapture" as well as "Authorize"
            if (_Response.TransactionType == "AuthorizeAndCapture" | _Response.TransactionType == "Authorize")

                if (!_Response.Verbose)
                {// In this case don't present to the user all of the data.
                    if (_BCResponse.Status == Status.Successful)//The transaction was approved
                        //NOTE : Please reference the developers guide for a more complete explination of the return fields
                        strMessage = "Your '" + _Response.TransactionType + "' transaction was APPROVED"
                            //Note Highly recommended to save
                        + "\r\nTransactionId : " + _BCResponse.TransactionId //The unique id of the transaction. TransactionId is required for all subsequent transactions such as Return, Undo, etc.
                        + "\r\nWorkflowId : " + _Response.WorkflowId
                        + "\r\nMerchantProfileId : " + _Response.MerchantProfileId //Must be stored with the TransactionId in order to identify which merchant sent which transaction. Required to support multi-merchant.
                            //Note Optional but recommended to save
                        + "\r\nStatus Code : " + _BCResponse.StatusCode //Status code generated by the Service Provider. This code should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                        + "\r\nStatus Message : " + _BCResponse.StatusMessage //Explains the StatusCode which is generated by the Service Provider. This message should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                        + "\r\nApprovalCode : " + _BCResponse.ApprovalCode //A value returned when a transaction is approved. This value should be printed on the receipt, and also recorded for every off-line transaction, such as a voice authorization. This same data element and value must be provided during settlement. Required.
                        + "\r\nAmount : " + _BCResponse.Amount //Specifies the authorization amount of the transaction. This is the actual amount authorized.
                    if (_BCResponse.Status == Status.Failure)//The transaction was declined
                        //NOTE : Please reference the developers guide for a more complete explination of the return fields
                        strMessage = "Your '" + _Response.TransactionType + "' transaction was DECLINED"
                            //Note Highly recommended to save
                        + "\r\nTransactionId : " + _BCResponse.TransactionId //The unique id of the transaction. TransactionId is required for all subsequent transactions such as Return, Undo, etc.
                        + "\r\nWorkflowId : " + _Response.WorkflowId
                        + "\r\nMerchantProfileId : " + _Response.MerchantProfileId //Must be stored with the TransactionId in order to identify which merchant sent which transaction. Required to support multi-merchant.
                            //Note Optional but recommended to save
                        + "\r\nStatus Code : " + _BCResponse.StatusCode //Status code generated by the Service Provider. This code should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                        + "\r\nStatus Message : " + _BCResponse.StatusMessage //Explains the StatusCode which is generated by the Service Provider. This message should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                    return strMessage;
            if (_BCResponse.Status == Status.Successful)//The transaction was approved
                //NOTE : Please reference the developers guide for a more complete explination of the return fields
                strMessage = "Your '" + _Response.TransactionType + "' transaction was APPROVED"
                    //Note Highly recommended to save
                + "\r\nTransactionId : " + _BCResponse.TransactionId //The unique id of the transaction. TransactionId is required for all subsequent transactions such as Return, Undo, etc.
                + "\r\nWorkflowId : " + _Response.WorkflowId
                + "\r\nMerchantProfileId : " + _Response.MerchantProfileId //Must be stored with the TransactionId in order to identify which merchant sent which transaction. Required to support multi-merchant.
                    //Note Highly recommended to save if Tokenization will be used
                    //+ "\r\nPaymentAccountDataToken : " + _BCResponse.PaymentAccountDataToken //If tokenization purchased this field represents the actual token returned in the transaction for future use.
                    //Note Optional but recommended to save
                + "\r\nStatus Code : " + _BCResponse.StatusCode //Status code generated by the Service Provider. This code should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                + "\r\nStatus Message : " + _BCResponse.StatusMessage //Explains the StatusCode which is generated by the Service Provider. This message should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                + "\r\nApprovalCode : " + _BCResponse.ApprovalCode //A value returned when a transaction is approved. This value should be printed on the receipt, and also recorded for every off-line transaction, such as a voice authorization. This same data element and value must be provided during settlement. Required.
                + "\r\nAmount : " + _BCResponse.Amount //Specifies the authorization amount of the transaction. This is the actual amount authorized.
                    //Note Optional but recommended if AVS is supported
                    //+ "\r\nAVSResult ActualResult : " + _BCResponse.AVSResult.ActualResult //Specifies the actual result of AVS from the Service Provider.
                    //+ "\r\nAVSResult AddressResult : " + _BCResponse.AVSResult.AddressResult //Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to Address matching
                    //+ "\r\nAVSResult PostalCodeResult : " + _BCResponse.AVSResult.PostalCodeResult //Specifies the result of AVS as it pertains to Postal Code matching
                    //Note Optional but recommended if CV data is supported
                + "\r\nCVResult : " + _BCResponse.CVResult //Response code returned by the card issuer indicating the result of Card Verification (CVV2/CVC2/CID).
                    //Note Optional
                + "\r\nPrepaidCard : " + _BCResponse.PrepaidCard // Enumeration of NotSet, Yes, No.  Indicates if this is a pre-paid card
                + "\r\nBatchId : " + _BCResponse.BatchId //A unique ID used to identify a specific batch settlement
                + "\r\nDowngradeCode : " + _BCResponse.DowngradeCode //Indicates downgrade reason.
                + "\r\nFeeAmount : " + _BCResponse.FeeAmount //Fee amount charged for the transaction.
                + "\r\nFinalBalance : " + _BCResponse.FinalBalance //Fee amount charged for the transaction.
                + "\r\nResubmit : " + _BCResponse.Resubmit //Specifies whether resubmission is supported for PIN Debit transactions.
                + "\r\nServiceTransactionId : " + _BCResponse.ServiceTransactionId
                    //+ "\r\nSettlementDate : " + _BCResponse.SettlementDate //Settlement date. Conditional, if present in the authorization response, this same data element and value must be provided during settlement
            if (_BCResponse.Status == Status.Failure)//The transaction was declined
                //NOTE : Please reference the developers guide for a more complete explination of the return fields
                strMessage = "Your '" + _Response.TransactionType + "' transaction was DECLINED"
                    //Note Highly recommended to save
                + "\r\nTransactionId : " + _BCResponse.TransactionId //The unique id of the transaction. TransactionId is required for all subsequent transactions such as Return, Undo, etc.
                + "\r\nWorkflowId : " + _Response.WorkflowId
                + "\r\nMerchantProfileId : " + _Response.MerchantProfileId //Must be stored with the TransactionId in order to identify which merchant sent which transaction. Required to support multi-merchant.
                    //Note Optional but recommended to save
                + "\r\nStatus Code : " + _BCResponse.StatusCode //Status code generated by the Service Provider. This code should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                + "\r\nStatus Message : " + _BCResponse.StatusMessage //Explains the StatusCode which is generated by the Service Provider. This message should be displayed to the user as verification of the transaction.
                    //Note Optional but recommended if CV data is supported
                + "\r\nCVResult : " + _BCResponse.CVResult //Response code returned by the card issuer indicating the result of Card Verification (CVV2/CVC2/CID).
                    //Note Optional
                + "\r\nServiceTransactionId : " + _BCResponse.ServiceTransactionId
            return strMessage;