/// <summary>
        /// Called whenever the volume is enabled.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnEnable()
            // find the audio source.
            if (!audioSource)
                audioSource = GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();
            // find our mesh collider.
            if (!meshCollider)
                meshCollider = GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
            // game-only code that fades-in the volume to prevent a sudden burst of sound in built games.
            if (Application.isPlaying && audioSource)
                initializedAudioVolume = false;
                initializedGame        = false;
                desiredAudioVolume     = audioSource.volume;
                audioSource.volume     = 0.0f;

            // editor-only code to reduce slowdown.
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                // only execute when the parent identifier has changed.
                if (parentIdentifier != previousParentIdentifier)
                    // execute once.
                    previousParentIdentifier = parentIdentifier;
                    // notify all volumetric audio volume components that a parent/child relationship changed.

                // only execute when there was a global parent/child relationship change.
                if (s_EditorLinkingCounter != previousEditorLinkingCounter)
                    // execute once.
                    previousEditorLinkingCounter = s_EditorLinkingCounter;
                    // update the array of our children.
                    childVolumes = FindChildVolumetricAudioVolumeComponents();
                    // find our parent.
                    editorParentAudioVolumeComponent = FindParentVolumetricAudioVolumeComponent();

                // the editor exits here.

            // if we are a child volume we don't have to do anything.
            if (!IsChildVolume)
                // we are not a child volume so find any children we may have.
                childVolumes = FindChildVolumetricAudioVolumeComponents();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the volume is created in the editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="volume">The generated volume game object.</param>
        public override void OnCreateVolume(GameObject volume)
            VolumetricAudioVolumeComponent component = volume.AddComponent <VolumetricAudioVolumeComponent>();

            // configure the volume:

            component.spatialDistance2D = spatialDistance2D;
            component.spatialDistance3D = spatialDistance3D;

            // if the user duplicated this brush the unique identifier may appear twice in the scene.
            // make sure we change our unique identifier in case this happens.
            if (FindObjectsOfType <BrushBase>().Any(brush => brush.Volume && brush.Volume != this && brush.Volume.GetType() == typeof(VolumetricAudioVolume) && ((VolumetricAudioVolume)brush.Volume).uniqueIdentifier == uniqueIdentifier))
                // generate a unique identifier for this volumetric audio volume.
                uniqueIdentifier = GUID.Generate().ToString();
            component.uniqueIdentifier = uniqueIdentifier;

            // check whether we have a parent volume and set or reset the parent identifier accordingly.
            parentIdentifier = "";
            // find this volume brush in the scene.
            BrushBase thisBrush = FindObjectsOfType <BrushBase>().Where(brush => brush.Volume == this).FirstOrDefault();

            if (thisBrush && thisBrush.transform.parent)
                // find our parent brush (if there is one).
                BrushBase parentBrush = thisBrush.transform.parent.GetComponent <BrushBase>();
                if (parentBrush && parentBrush.Volume && parentBrush.Volume.GetType() == typeof(VolumetricAudioVolume))
                    // we found a parent volumetric audio volume.
                    parentIdentifier = ((VolumetricAudioVolume)parentBrush.Volume).uniqueIdentifier;
            // store the parent identifier in the component.
            component.parentIdentifier = parentIdentifier;

            // we only create an audio source if we have a parent.
            if (!IsChildVolume)
                // create a new game object to act as an audio source.
                GameObject audioSource = new GameObject("Audio Source");
                // parent it to the volume.
                audioSource.transform.SetParent(volume.transform, false);
                // add an audio source component.
                AudioSource audioSourceComponent = audioSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
                // hide the icon.

                // configure the audio source:

                // immediately start playing the sound.
                audioSourceComponent.playOnAwake = true;
                // always loop the sound.
                audioSourceComponent.loop = true;
                // enable full spatial blend (precaution against initial 2D sound on start).
                audioSourceComponent.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
                // set the user-defined volume properties.
                audioSourceComponent.clip = audioClip;
                audioSourceComponent.outputAudioMixerGroup = outputAudioMixerGroup;
                audioSourceComponent.bypassEffects         = bypassEffects;
                audioSourceComponent.bypassListenerEffects = bypassListenerEffects;
                audioSourceComponent.bypassReverbZones     = bypassReverbZones;
                audioSourceComponent.priority      = priority;
                audioSourceComponent.volume        = audioVolume;
                audioSourceComponent.pitch         = pitch;
                audioSourceComponent.reverbZoneMix = reverbZoneMix;
                audioSourceComponent.dopplerLevel  = dopplerLevel;
                audioSourceComponent.spread        = spread;
                audioSourceComponent.rolloffMode   = rolloffMode;
                audioSourceComponent.minDistance   = minDistance;
                audioSourceComponent.maxDistance   = maxDistance;
                if (rolloffMode == AudioRolloffMode.Custom)
                    audioSourceComponent.SetCustomCurve(AudioSourceCurveType.CustomRolloff, customRolloff);

                // editor preview tends to stop playing any audio sources that were previously here.
                // we force it to play this one at least unless they mute the game window.
                if (!Application.isPlaying && !EditorUtility.audioMasterMute)

            // update the collection of volumetric audio volume components in the scene.
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the inspector GUI is drawn in the editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedVolumes">The selected volumes in the editor (for multi-editing).</param>
        /// <returns>True if a property changed or else false.</returns>
        public override bool OnInspectorGUI(Volume[] selectedVolumes)
            SerializedObject serializedVolume = new SerializedObject(this);
            var  audioVolumes = selectedVolumes.Cast <VolumetricAudioVolume>();
            bool invalidate   = false;

            // asset store insists we add undo/redo support.
            // sadly the way volumes were implemented it's a bit of a nearly impossible task...
            // but we can re-create the audio here and hope it covers most cases.
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")
                // we look at the current editor selection (which undo operations recover) to find brushes:
                BrushBase[] results;
                if ((results = Selection.GetFiltered <BrushBase>(SelectionMode.Unfiltered)).Any())
                    // iterate through all the brushes that are currently selected:
                    for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
                        // if the brush has a volumetric audio volume then we have to act:
                        if (results[i].Volume && results[i].Volume.GetType() == typeof(VolumetricAudioVolume))
                            // this is where the hack comes in, find the hidden volume game object:
                            Transform volumeTransform = results[i].transform.Find(Constants.GameObjectVolumeComponentIdentifier);
                            if (volumeTransform)
                                // delete the audio source we create in "OnCreateVolume".
                                AudioSource audioSource = volumeTransform.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();
                                if (audioSource)
                                // delete the volumetric audio volume component we create in "OnCreateVolume".
                                DestroyImmediate(volumeTransform.GetComponent <VolumetricAudioVolumeComponent>());
                                // now call the sabrecsg method to pretend like we are a new volume, recreating our stuff:

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedVolumes.Length; i++)
                Undo.RecordObject(selectedVolumes[i], "Volumetric Audio Settings");
                // find the volume brush in the scene.
                BrushBase volumeBrush = FindObjectsOfType <BrushBase>().Where(brush => brush.Volume == selectedVolumes[i]).FirstOrDefault();
                if (volumeBrush)
                    VolumetricAudioVolumeComponent component = volumeBrush.GetComponentInChildren <VolumetricAudioVolumeComponent>();
                    if (component)
                        Undo.RecordObject(component, "Volumetric Audio Settings");

                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Volumetric Geometry Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

                EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
                    if (!IsChildVolume)
                        // display instructions on how to link multiple volumetric audio volumes together.
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You can combine multiple volumetric audio volumes together so that they will share the same audio source. This is useful for complex shapes like pipelines that shouldn't play the same sound multiple times at every twist and turn. To begin, simply parent volumetric audio volumes that you wish to combine under this one in the hierarchy.", MessageType.Info);
                        // display notifications that this volumetric audio volume is now a child volume.
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This volumetric audio volume is a child and does not have its own audio source.", MessageType.Info);

                        // provide button to select the parent volume.
                        if (GUILayout.Button("Select Parent"))
                            // find this volume brush in the scene.
                            BrushBase thisBrush = FindObjectsOfType <BrushBase>().Where(brush => brush.Volume == this).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (thisBrush && thisBrush.transform.parent)
                                Selection.objects = new Object[] { thisBrush.transform.parent.gameObject }

                EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

            // child volumes do not have audio source options.
            if (!IsChildVolume)
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Audio Source Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

                    EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
                        EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(serializedVolume.FindProperty("audioClip"), new GUIContent("Audio Clip", "The audio clip played by the volumetric audio source."));
                        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.audioClip = audioClip;
                            invalidate = true;

                        EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(serializedVolume.FindProperty("outputAudioMixerGroup"), new GUIContent("Output Mixer Group", "Set whether the sound should play through an Audio Mixer first or directly to the Audio Listener."));
                        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.outputAudioMixerGroup = outputAudioMixerGroup;
                            invalidate = true;

                        bool previousBoolean;
                        bypassEffects = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Bypass Effects", "Bypass/ignore any applied effects on the volumetric audio source."), previousBoolean = bypassEffects);
                        if (bypassEffects != previousBoolean)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.bypassEffects = bypassEffects;
                            invalidate = true;

                        bypassListenerEffects = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Bypass Listener Effects", "Bypass/ignore any applied effects from the Audio Listener."), previousBoolean = bypassListenerEffects);
                        if (bypassListenerEffects != previousBoolean)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.bypassListenerEffects = bypassListenerEffects;
                            invalidate = true;

                        bypassReverbZones = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Bypass Reverb Zones", "Bypass/ignore any reverb zones."), previousBoolean = bypassReverbZones);
                        if (bypassReverbZones != previousBoolean)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.bypassReverbZones = bypassReverbZones;
                            invalidate = true;

                        int previousInteger;
                        priority = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(new GUIContent("Priority", "Sets the priority of the volumetric audio source. Note that a sound with a larger priority value will more likely be stolen by sounds with smaller priority values."), previousInteger = priority, 0, 256);
                        if (priority != previousInteger)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.priority = priority;
                            invalidate = true;

                        float previousFloat;
                        audioVolume = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Volume", "Sets the overall volume of the sound."), previousFloat = audioVolume, 0, 1);
                        if (audioVolume != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.audioVolume = audioVolume;
                            invalidate = true;

                        pitch = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Pitch", "Sets the frequency of the sound. Use this to slow down or speed up the sound."), previousFloat = pitch, -3, 3);
                        if (pitch != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.pitch = pitch;
                            invalidate = true;

                        reverbZoneMix = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Reverb Zone Mix", "Sets how much of the signal this volumetric audio source is mixing into the global reverb associated with the zones. [0, 1] is the linear range (like sound volume) while [1, 1.1] lets you boost the reverb mix by 10 dB."), previousFloat = reverbZoneMix, 0, 1.1f);
                        if (reverbZoneMix != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.reverbZoneMix = reverbZoneMix;
                            invalidate = true;

                        dopplerLevel = EditorGUILayout.Slider(new GUIContent("Doppler Level", "Specifies how much the pitch is changed based on the relative velocity between the audio listener and the volumetric audio source."), previousFloat = dopplerLevel, 0, 5);
                        if (dopplerLevel != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.dopplerLevel = dopplerLevel;
                            invalidate = true;

                        spread = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(new GUIContent("Spread", "Sets the spread of a 3D sound in speaker space (prevents having sound all in one ear sometimes)."), previousInteger = spread, 0, 360);
                        if (spread != previousInteger)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.spread = spread;
                            invalidate = true;

                        AudioRolloffMode previousAudioRolloffMode;
                        rolloffMode = (AudioRolloffMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Volume Rolloff", "Which type of volume rolloff curve to use for the volumetric audio source."), previousAudioRolloffMode = rolloffMode);
                        if (rolloffMode != previousAudioRolloffMode)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.rolloffMode = rolloffMode;
                            invalidate = true;

                        if (rolloffMode == AudioRolloffMode.Custom)
                            customRolloff = EditorGUILayout.CurveField(new GUIContent("Custom Rolloff", "The custom rolloff animation curve to use for the volumetric audio source."), customRolloff);
                            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                                foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                    volume.customRolloff = customRolloff;
                                invalidate = true;

                        minDistance = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Min Distance", "The minimum distance where the volumetric audio source volume stays the loudest possible. Outside of this minimum distance it begins to attenuate."), previousFloat = minDistance);
                        if (minDistance < 0)
                            minDistance = 0;
                        if (minDistance != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.minDistance = minDistance;
                            invalidate = true;

                        maxDistance = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Max Distance", "The maximum distance the volumetric audio source stops attenuating at."), previousFloat = maxDistance);
                        if (maxDistance < minDistance)
                            maxDistance = minDistance + 0.001f;
                        if (maxDistance != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.maxDistance = maxDistance;
                            invalidate = true;
                    EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Volumetric Audio Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

                    EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
                        float previousFloat;
                        spatialDistance2D = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Spatial 2D Distance", "The spatial 2D distance affects the distance from the volume before the volumetric sound fully transitions to 2D (inner radius)."), previousFloat = spatialDistance2D);
                        if (spatialDistance2D < 0)
                            spatialDistance2D = 0;
                        if (spatialDistance2D != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.spatialDistance2D = spatialDistance2D;
                            invalidate = true;

                        spatialDistance3D = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Spatial 3D Distance", "The spatial 3D distance affects the distance from the volume before the volumetric sound fully transitions to 3D (outer radius)."), previousFloat = spatialDistance3D);
                        if (spatialDistance3D < spatialDistance2D)
                            spatialDistance3D = spatialDistance2D;
                        if (spatialDistance3D != previousFloat)
                            foreach (VolumetricAudioVolume volume in audioVolumes)
                                volume.spatialDistance3D = spatialDistance3D;
                            invalidate = true;

                    EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
