Esempio n. 1
        private void OnMyTurnEnd()
            _isTurnBegin = true;

            var timeNeeded = TyUtility.GetSecondsSinceStart() - _turnTimeStart;

            if (AdjustEpisodeMultiplier && UsedAlgorithm == Algorithm.SearchTree)
                const double MAX_DIFF = 4.0;
                double       diff     = Math.Min(TyConst.DECREASE_SIMULATION_TIME - timeNeeded, MAX_DIFF);
                double       factor   = 0.05;

                //reduce more if above the time limit:
                if (diff <= 0.0f)
                    factor = 0.2;

                //simulate at max this value * _defaultEpisodeMultiplier:
                const int MAX_EPISODE_MULTIPLIER = 4;
                _curEpisodeMultiplier = Math.Clamp(_curEpisodeMultiplier + (int)(factor * diff * _defaultEpisodeMultiplier),
                                                   _defaultEpisodeMultiplier * MAX_EPISODE_MULTIPLIER);

            if (PrintTurnTime)
                TyDebug.LogInfo("Turn took " + timeNeeded.ToString("0.000") + "s");

            if (timeNeeded >= TyConst.MAX_TURN_TIME)
                TyDebug.LogWarning("Turn took " + timeNeeded.ToString("0.000") + "s");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> False if there is not enough time left to do simulations. </summary>
        private bool IsAllowedToSimulate(double startTime, int curEpisode, int maxEpisode, int options)
            double time = TyUtility.GetSecondsSinceStart() - startTime;

            if (time >= MAX_TIME)
                TyDebug.LogWarning("Stopped simulations after " + time.ToString("0.000") + "s and " + curEpisode + " of " + maxEpisode + " episodes. Having " + options + " options.");

Esempio n. 3
        private PlayerTask GetSimulationTreeTask(POGame.POGame poGame, List <PlayerTask> options)
            double time = TyUtility.GetSecondsSinceStart() - _turnTimeStart;

            if (time >= TyConst.MAX_TURN_TIME)
                TyDebug.LogError("Turn takes too long, fall back to greedy.");
                return(GetGreedyBestTask(poGame, options));

            _simTree.InitTree(_analyzer, poGame, options);

            //-1 because TurnEnd won't be looked at:
            int optionCount = options.Count - 1;
            int numEpisodes = (int)((optionCount) * _curEpisodeMultiplier);

            double simStart = TyUtility.GetSecondsSinceStart();

             * for (int i = 0; i < numEpisodes; i++)
             * {
             *      if (!IsAllowedToSimulate(simStart, i, numEpisodes, optionCount))
             *              break;
             *      bool shouldExploit = ((double)i / (double)numEpisodes) > EXPLORE_TRESHOLD;
             *      _simTree.SimulateEpisode(_random, i, shouldExploit);
             * }
            int i = 0;

            while (IsAllowedToSimulate(simStart, i, numEpisodes, optionCount))
                bool shouldExploit = ((double)i / (double)numEpisodes) > EXPLORE_TRESHOLD;
                _simTree.SimulateEpisode(_random, i, shouldExploit);

            var bestNode = _simTree.GetBestNode();

Esempio n. 4
 private void OnMyTurnBegin(POGame.POGame state)
     _isTurnBegin   = false;
     _turnTimeStart = TyUtility.GetSecondsSinceStart();