public World(WSFile ws, string planetName) { = ws; this.planetName = planetName; this.quadtree = new List<WSFile.WSNode>[8, 8]; oldObjects = new Hashtable(); ParseOldObjects(); for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) for (int z = 0; z < 8; z++) quadtree[x, z] = new List<WSFile.WSNode>(); foreach (WSFile.WSNode n in ws.Nodes) AddNode(n); }
public FormWSFind(WSFile wsFile) { InitializeComponent(); this.m_WSFile = wsFile; InitializeDataTable(); foreach (String type in this.m_WSFile.Types) { String ObjectType = FormIFFILFWSEditor.WSObjectType(type); this.m_DataTable.Rows.Add(new Object[] { ((ObjectType == String.Empty) ? "Unknown" : ObjectType) , type }); } DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); DataSetHelper dataSetHelper = new DataSetHelper(ref dataSet); DataTable dataTableTypes = dataSetHelper.SelectDistinct("Types", this.m_DataTable, "Type"); this.comboBoxTypes.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTableTypes.Rows) { this.comboBoxTypes.Items.Add(dataRow["Type"]); } this.comboBoxTypes.SelectedIndex = 0; }
protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnVisibleChanged(e); if (!this.Visible) { this.m_IFFFile = null; this.dataGridViewIff.DataSource = null; this.m_ILFFile = null; this.m_WSFile = null; if (this.m_DynamicByteProviderWS != null) { this.m_DynamicByteProviderWS = null; } if (this.m_DynamicByteProviderIFF != null) { this.m_DynamicByteProviderIFF = null; } this.treeViewIff.Nodes.Clear(); this.toolStripButtonIffSave.Enabled = false; this.toolStripButtonIffSaveAs.Enabled = false; } else { this.hexBoxIff_Resize(this.hexBoxIff, new EventArgs()); } }
private void WSRecurseNode(WSFile.WSNode[] wsNodes, TreeNode treeBranch) { foreach (WSFile.WSNode wsNode in wsNodes) { String ObjectType = WSObjectType(this.m_WSFile.Types[wsNode.ObjectIndex]); TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(); treeNode.Name = wsNode.ID.ToString(); treeNode.Text = wsNode.ID.ToString() + ((ObjectType != String.Empty) ? " [" + ObjectType + "]" : ""); treeNode.Tag = wsNode.ObjectIndex; if (wsNode.ParentID == 0) { treeBranch.Nodes.Add(treeNode); } else { List<Int32> listID = new List<Int32>(); WSFile.WSNode tempWSNode = wsNode; while ((tempWSNode != null) && (tempWSNode.ParentID != 0)) { listID.Add(tempWSNode.ParentID); tempWSNode = m_WSFile.FindNodeByID(tempWSNode.ParentID); } listID.Reverse(); TreeNode tempTreeNode = this.treeViewIff.Nodes[0]; foreach (Int32 ID in listID) { tempTreeNode = tempTreeNode.Nodes[tempTreeNode.Nodes.IndexOfKey(ID.ToString())]; } tempTreeNode.Nodes.Add(treeNode); } if (wsNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { treeNode.ImageIndex = 1; this.WSRecurseNode(wsNode.Nodes.ToArray(), treeNode); } else { treeNode.ImageIndex = 0; } } }
internal void IFFLoadFile(String filename) { this.treeViewIff.ContextMenuStrip = null; if (filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".ilf")) { this.ILFLoadFile(filename); return; } if (filename.ToLower().EndsWith(".ws")) { this.WSLoadFile(filename); return; } this.m_ILFFile = null; this.m_WSFile = null; try { try { this.m_IFFFile = new IFFFile(filename); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "TRE Explorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Visible = false; return; } try { this.HasChangesChanged -= new HasChangesChangedEvent(FormIFFILFWSEditor_HasChangesChanged); } catch { } if ((this.m_IFFFile != null) && (this.m_IFFFile.Filename != null) && (this.m_IFFFile.Filename != String.Empty)) { if (!this.m_IFFFile.Filename.Contains("\\")) { this.m_IFFFile.Filename = Path.Combine(this.m_FormNotifyIcon.saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, this.m_IFFFile.Filename); } else if (this.m_IFFFile.Filename.StartsWith(Path.GetTempPath())) { this.m_IFFFile.Filename = Path.Combine(this.m_FormNotifyIcon.saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, this.m_IFFFile.Filename.Substring(Path.GetTempPath().Length)); } } this.splitContainerIff.Visible = false; this.dataGridViewIff.Visible = false; this.panelIlf.Visible = false; this.panelWs.Visible = false; this.hexBoxIff.Visible = false; this.m_ILFFile = null; this.hexBoxIff.ByteProvider = null; this.m_DynamicByteProviderIFF = null; this.toolStripSeparator3.Visible = false; this.toolStripTextBoxSearch.Visible = false; this.toolStripButtonSearch.Visible = false; if (this.m_IFFFile.IsDataTable) { this.dataGridViewIff.DataSource = this.m_IFFFile.DataTable; this.dataGridViewIff.Visible = true; } else { this.treeViewIff.ContextMenuStrip = this.contextMenuStripTreeViewIFF; this.treeViewIff.Nodes.Clear(); IFFRecurseNode(this.m_IFFFile.Node, CreateIFFNode(this.m_IFFFile.Node)); this.splitContainerIff.Visible = true; this.hexBoxIff.Visible = true; this.treeViewIff.SelectedNode = this.treeViewIff.Nodes[0]; } this.toolStripButtonIffSaveAs.Enabled = true; this.HasChanges = false; this.HasChangesChanged += new HasChangesChangedEvent(FormIFFILFWSEditor_HasChangesChanged); this.Focus(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "TRE Explorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Visible = false; } }
private void WSLoadFile(String filename) { this.treeViewIff.ContextMenuStrip = null; this.splitContainerIff.Visible = false; this.dataGridViewIff.Visible = false; this.panelIlf.Visible = false; this.hexBoxIff.Visible = false; this.m_IFFFile = null; this.m_ILFFile = null; this.m_WSFile = new WSFile(filename); try { this.HasChangesChanged -= new HasChangesChangedEvent(FormIFFILFWSEditor_HasChangesChanged); } catch { } if ((this.m_WSFile != null) && (this.m_WSFile.Filename != null) && (this.m_WSFile.Filename != String.Empty)) { if (!this.m_WSFile.Filename.Contains("\\")) { this.m_WSFile.Filename = Path.Combine(this.m_FormNotifyIcon.saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, this.m_WSFile.Filename); } else if (this.m_WSFile.Filename.StartsWith(Path.GetTempPath())) { this.m_WSFile.Filename = Path.Combine(this.m_FormNotifyIcon.saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, this.m_WSFile.Filename.Substring(Path.GetTempPath().Length)); } } this.comboBoxWsObject.SuspendLayout(); this.comboBoxWsObject.Items.Clear(); this.comboBoxWsObject.Items.AddRange(this.m_WSFile.Types); this.comboBoxWsObject.ResumeLayout(false); this.treeViewIff.SuspendLayout(); this.treeViewIff.Nodes.Clear(); TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(); treeNode.Name = "WSNPFORM"; treeNode.Text = "WSNPFORM"; treeNode.ImageIndex = 1; this.treeViewIff.Nodes.Add(treeNode); this.WSRecurseNode(m_WSFile.Nodes.ToArray(), this.treeViewIff.Nodes[0]); this.treeViewIff.ResumeLayout(false); this.splitContainerIff.Visible = true; this.panelWs.Visible = true; this.toolStripButtonIffManageItems.Visible = true; this.toolStripButtonIffSaveAs.Enabled = true; this.HasChanges = false; this.HasChangesChanged += new HasChangesChangedEvent(FormIFFILFWSEditor_HasChangesChanged); }
private void ILFLoadFile(String filename) { this.treeViewIff.ContextMenuStrip = null; try { this.HasChangesChanged -= new HasChangesChangedEvent(FormIFFILFWSEditor_HasChangesChanged); } catch { } this.splitContainerIff.Visible = false; this.dataGridViewIff.Visible = false; this.panelIlf.Visible = false; this.panelWs.Visible = false; this.hexBoxIff.Visible = false; this.m_IFFFile = null; this.m_WSFile = null; try { this.m_ILFFile = new ILFFile(filename); if ((this.m_ILFFile != null) && (this.m_ILFFile.Filename != null) && (this.m_ILFFile.Filename != String.Empty)) { if (!this.m_ILFFile.Filename.Contains("\\")) { this.m_ILFFile.Filename = Path.Combine(this.m_FormNotifyIcon.saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, this.m_ILFFile.Filename); } else if (this.m_ILFFile.Filename.StartsWith(Path.GetTempPath())) { this.m_ILFFile.Filename = Path.Combine(this.m_FormNotifyIcon.saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, this.m_ILFFile.Filename.Substring(Path.GetTempPath().Length)); } } this.treeViewIff.SuspendLayout(); this.treeViewIff.Nodes.Clear(); this.treeViewIff.Nodes.Add("INLYFORM", "INLYFORM"); this.treeViewIff.Nodes[0].ImageIndex = 1; foreach (ILFFile.ILFNode ilfChunk in this.m_ILFFile.Nodes) { TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(ilfChunk.Object); treeNode.Name = ilfChunk.Object; treeNode.Tag = ilfChunk.Object; this.treeViewIff.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(treeNode); } this.treeViewIff.ResumeLayout(false); this.splitContainerIff.Visible = true; this.panelIlf.Visible = true; this.toolStripButtonIffSaveAs.Enabled = true; this.HasChanges = false; this.HasChangesChanged += new HasChangesChangedEvent(FormIFFILFWSEditor_HasChangesChanged); } catch { } }
private string BuildEntry(WSFile ws, WSFile.WSNode n, int cellIndex) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); // Append values of WS node matching format of buildout // tables b.Append(n.ID + "\t"); b.Append(n.ParentID + "\t"); b.Append(ws.Types[n.ObjectIndex].Replace("shared_", "") + "\t"); b.Append(cellIndex + "\t"); // Child objects have local (to parent) coordinates bool isContained = n.ParentID != 0; b.Append((isContained ? n.X : (n.X + 8192) % 2048) + "\t"); b.Append((isContained ? n.Y : (n.Y + 8192) % 2048) + "\t"); b.Append((isContained ? n.Z : (n.Z + 8192) % 2048) + "\t"); // SWGLib has W and Y quarternion axis switched b.Append(n.oY + "\t"); b.Append(n.oX + "\t"); b.Append(n.oW + "\t"); b.Append(n.oZ + "\t"); // Pull objvars and scripts from old exported snapshots if(oldObjects.ContainsKey((long) n.ID)) { ScriptObjvarPair pair = (ScriptObjvarPair) oldObjects[(long) n.ID]; b.Append(pair.scripts + "\t"); b.Append(pair.objvars); } else { b.Append("\t"); // scripts b.Append("$|"); // objvars } // We've finished building entry for current object b.AppendLine(); // Process children if they exist if (n.Nodes.Count > 0) { int _cellIndex = 1; foreach (WSFile.WSNode c in n.Nodes) { bool isCell = ws.Types[c.ObjectIndex] == "object/cell/shared_cell.iff"; b.Append(BuildEntry(ws, c, isCell ? _cellIndex++ : 0)); } } // We've finished building the entry for this WSNode // object return b.ToString(); }
private void AddNode(WSFile.WSNode n) { quadtree[Math.Abs((int)((n.X + 8192) / 2048)), Math.Abs((int)((n.Z + 8192) / 2048))].Add(n); }
private String[] SearchNodes(WSFile.WSNode[] wsNodes) { this.m_DataView.RowFilter = "Name LIKE '%/" + this.comboBoxItemNames.Text + "'"; String ObjectName = this.m_DataView[0]["Name"].ToString(); String ObjectType = FormIFFILFWSEditor.WSObjectType(ObjectName); List<String> listString = new List<String>(); foreach (WSFile.WSNode wsNode in wsNodes) { if (this.m_WSFile.Types[wsNode.ObjectIndex] == ObjectName) { listString.Add(wsNode.ID + ((ObjectType != String.Empty) ? " [" + ObjectType + "]" : "")); } if (wsNode.Nodes.Count > 0) { listString.AddRange(SearchNodes(wsNode.Nodes.ToArray())); } } return listString.ToArray(); }