Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an SVGDocument into lines of Turing Code. Syntax in OpenTuring v2.0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The SvgDocument</param>
        /// <returns>Turing Code</returns>
        public static string toTuring(SvgDocument file)
            gH = (int)file.Height.Value;
            gW = (int)file.Width.Value;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("setscreen (\"graphics: {0}; {1}\")", gW, gH));
            sb.AppendLine("var c1: int % Stroke colour always");
            sb.AppendLine("var c2: int % Fill colour always");

            // Reduce the number of unnecessary repetitions of the usage of c1 & c2
            string cacheC1 = "";
            string cacheC2 = "";

            // Loop through children and find the type of the SVG Element
            foreach (var c in file.Children)
                #region Lines
                if (c is SvgLine) //Line
                    var             line = c as SvgLine;
                    SvgColourServer sv   = line.Stroke as SvgColourServer;

                    if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f))
                        cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if (sv.ToString() != "none")
                        sb.AppendLine(drawLine((int)line.StartX.Value, (int)line.StartY.Value, (int)line.EndX.Value, (int)line.EndY.Value, (int)line.StrokeWidth.Value, getColor(sv.Colour.Name, false)));

                #region Rectangles
                else if (c is SvgRectangle) //Rectangle
                    var rect = c as SvgRectangle;
                    int x1   = (int)rect.X.Value;
                    int y1   = gH - ((int)rect.Y.Value - (int)rect.Height.Value);
                    int x2   = x1 + (int)rect.Width.Value;
                    int y2   = y1 + (int)rect.Height.Value;

                    var sColor = rect.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                    var fColor = rect.Fill as SvgColourServer;

                    // Get the colour and decide if we should use RGB or Turing (text) colours
                    if ((sColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(sColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(fColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC2 != string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC2 = string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    // Check and apply the stroke
                    if ((rect.StrokeWidth.Value > 0) && (sColor.ToString() != "none") && (!sColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (sColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        int width = (int)rect.StrokeWidth.Value;
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval(x1 - width, y1 - width, x2 + width, y2 + width, getColor(sColor.Colour.ToString(), false)));

                    // Check if it is filled
                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && (!fColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (fColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, getColor(fColor.Colour.Name, true)));
                        sb.AppendLine(drawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, getColor(sColor.Colour.Name, false)));
                } //End if

                #region Paths
                // Thanks to Nathan Lo for helping me in this bit of horror
                // A sh*t ton of math is about crash down on you
                else if (c is SvgPath) // F*cking arcs
                    // SVG takes 2 points and 1 radius to draw arcs
                    // Turing takes in 2 angles, 1 radius and 1 center point to draw it's arcs
                    // See the problem? I see it....
                    var path = c as SvgPath;
                    foreach (var p in path.PathData)
                        #region Arcs
                        if (p is SvgArcSegment)
                            var arc = p as SvgArcSegment;
                            //Assumption made about RadiusX = RadiusY, as the SVG program I used only supported circular arcs
                            //So if you want to draw elliptical arcs, you are f****d. And I don't care anymore
                            double cX, cY, sweepFrom, sweepTo;
                            if ((arc.Sweep == SvgArcSweep.Positive) && (arc.Size == SvgArcSize.Large)) //Deal with the SVG arc flags
                                cX = nCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = nCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                            else if ((arc.Sweep == SvgArcSweep.Positive) && (arc.Size == SvgArcSize.Small))
                                cX = pCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = pCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                            else if ((arc.Sweep == SvgArcSweep.Negative) && (arc.Size == SvgArcSize.Small))
                                cX = nCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = nCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                                cX = pCenterX(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);
                                cY = pCenterY(arc.Start.X, gH - arc.Start.Y, arc.End.X, gH - arc.End.Y, arc.RadiusX);

                                sweepFrom = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.Start.Y), Math.Abs(arc.Start.X - cX)) / Math.PI;
                                sweepTo   = 180 * Math.Atan2(Math.Abs(cY - gH + arc.End.Y), Math.Abs(arc.End.X - cX)) / Math.PI;

                                sweepFrom = adjustAngle(sweepFrom, gH - arc.Start.Y - cY, arc.Start.X - cX);
                                sweepTo   = adjustAngle(sweepTo, gH - arc.End.Y - cY, arc.End.X - cX);

                            //Deal with colour
                            var sv = c.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                            if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f))
                                cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sv.Colour.R / 255f, sv.Colour.G / 255f, sv.Colour.B / 255f);
                            if (sv.ToString() != "none")
                                sb.AppendLine(drawArc((int)cX, (int)cY, (int)arc.RadiusX, (int)arc.RadiusY, (int)sweepFrom, (int)sweepTo, getColor(sv.Colour.Name, false)));

                        #region Cubic Beziers
                        // Bezier curves
                        // Full credits to:
                        // for the implementation. You are awesome! I don't have to read those research papers now  :P
                        else if (p is SvgCubicCurveSegment)
                            var b = p as SvgCubicCurveSegment;

                            // Broken. TODO: Fix this please
                            sb.AppendLine("% Bezier curves currenly broken. Sorry. Element id [" + c.ID + "]");
                            continue; //Bezier is broken

                            CubicBezier curve = new CubicBezier(
                                new Vector2(b.Start.X, b.Start.Y),
                                new Vector2(b.FirstControlPoint.X, b.FirstControlPoint.Y),
                                new Vector2(b.SecondControlPoint.X, b.SecondControlPoint.Y),
                                new Vector2(b.End.X, b.End.Y));

                            /*curve = new CubicBezier(
                             *  new Vector2(100, 500), new Vector2(150, 100), new Vector2(500, 150), new Vector2(350, 350));*/

                            var biarcs = Algorithm.ApproxCubicBezier(curve, 10, 1);
                            foreach (var biarc in biarcs)
                                int r1 = (int)Math.Ceiling((biarc.A1.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) > 360 ? -(biarc.A1.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) : 360 - (biarc.A1.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI));
                                int r2 = (int)Math.Ceiling(biarc.A1.sweepAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI);
                                int r3 = (int)Math.Ceiling((biarc.A2.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) > 360 ? -(biarc.A2.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI) : 360 - (biarc.A2.startAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI));
                                int r4 = (int)Math.Ceiling(biarc.A2.sweepAngle * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI);

                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Draw.Arc({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, red)",
                                                            (int)(gH - biarc.A1.C.Y),
                                                            (int)(r1 + r2)));

                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Draw.Arc({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, red)",
                                                            (int)(gH - biarc.A2.C.Y),
                                                            (int)(r3 + r4)));
                            } //End foreach
                        }     //End if
                    }         //End foreach
                }             //End if

                #region Ellipse
                else if (c is SvgEllipse)
                    var e      = c as SvgEllipse;
                    var sColor = e.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                    var fColor = e.Fill as SvgColourServer;

                    if ((sColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(sColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(fColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC2 != string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC2 = string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    // Check and apply the stroke
                    if ((e.StrokeWidth.Value > 0) && (sColor.ToString() != "none") && (!sColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (sColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        int width = (int)e.StrokeWidth.Value;
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX, gH - (int)e.CenterY, (int)e.RadiusX + width, (int)e.RadiusY + width, getColor(sColor.Colour.ToString(), false)));

                    // Check if it is filled
                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && (!fColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (fColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.RadiusX.Value, (int)e.RadiusY.Value, getColor(fColor.Colour.Name, true)));
                        sb.AppendLine(drawOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.RadiusX.Value, (int)e.RadiusY.Value, getColor(sColor.Colour.Name, false)));

                #region Circles
                else if (c is SvgCircle)
                    var e      = c as SvgCircle;
                    var sColor = e.Stroke as SvgColourServer;
                    var fColor = e.Fill as SvgColourServer;

                    if ((sColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(sColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC1 != string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC1 = string.Format("c1 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", sColor.Colour.R / 255f, sColor.Colour.G / 255f, sColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && !isTuringColor(fColor.Colour.ToString()))
                        if (cacheC2 != string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f))
                            cacheC2 = string.Format("c2 := RGB.AddColour({0}, {1}, {2})", fColor.Colour.R / 255f, fColor.Colour.G / 255f, fColor.Colour.B / 255f);

                    // Check and apply the stroke
                    if ((e.StrokeWidth.Value > 0) && (sColor.ToString() != "none") && (!sColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (sColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        int width = (int)e.StrokeWidth.Value;
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX, gH - (int)e.CenterY, (int)e.Radius + width, (int)e.Radius + width, getColor(sColor.Colour.ToString(), false)));

                    //Check if it is filled
                    if ((fColor.ToString() != "none") && (!fColor.Colour.IsEmpty) && (fColor.Colour.A > 0))
                        sb.AppendLine(drawFillOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, getColor(fColor.Colour.Name, true)));
                        sb.AppendLine(drawOval((int)e.CenterX.Value, gH - (int)e.CenterY.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, (int)e.Radius.Value, getColor(sColor.Colour.Name, false)));
                } //End if
            }     // End foreach
