Esempio n. 1
        // For almost all methods I should do checks for rank (length), but let's assume everything passed in is correct.  This will expedite the program.
        public static bool IsCompletelySeparatedWithDiscriminant <L>(List <LabeledVector <L> > v1, List <LabeledVector <L> > v2, out DiscriminantEx <L> discriminant)
            // Direct calculation: Sw^-1 * (Mean1 - Mean2)

            double[] m1 = v1.Select(v => v.Features).SpatialMean();
            double[] m2 = v2.Select(v => v.Features).SpatialMean();

            double[][] s1 = v1.Select(v => v.Features).ToArray().Covariance();
            double[][] s2 = v2.Select(v => v.Features).ToArray().Covariance();

            if (s1.All(r => r.All(c => double.IsNaN(c))))
                foreach (double[] r in s1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)
            if (s2.All(r => r.All(c => double.IsNaN(c))))
                foreach (double[] r in s2)
                    for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)

            double[][] sw     = s1.Add(s2);
            double[][] sw_inv = Accord.Math.Matrix.Inverse(sw);

            double[] w = Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(sw_inv, m1.Subtract(m2));
            w = Accord.Math.Matrix.Normalize(w);    // Normalize it -- this step is ESSENTIAL

            double v1_min = double.MaxValue;
            double v1_max = double.MinValue;

            foreach (LabeledVector <L> v in v1)
                double proj = Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, v.Features);
                if (proj < v1_min)
                    v1_min = proj;
                if (proj > v1_max)
                    v1_max = proj;

            double v2_min = double.MaxValue;
            double v2_max = double.MinValue;

            foreach (LabeledVector <L> v in v2)
                double proj = Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, v.Features);
                if (proj < v2_min)
                    v2_min = proj;
                if (proj > v2_max)
                    v2_max = proj;

            if (v2_max < v1_min)
                // Data set 1 is RIGHT of the projected SET mean
                // Data set 2 is LEFT of the projected SET mean

                double[] m = v1.Select(v => v.Features).Concat(v2.Select(v => v.Features)).SpatialMean();

                discriminant = new DiscriminantEx <L>(w, v2.First().Label, v1.First().Label, Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, m), Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, m2), Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, m1));
            else if (v1_max < v2_min)
                // Data set 1 is LEFT of the projected SET mean
                // Data set 2 is RIGHT of the projected SET mean

                double[] m = v1.Select(v => v.Features).Concat(v2.Select(v => v.Features)).SpatialMean();

                discriminant = new DiscriminantEx <L>(w, v1.First().Label, v2.First().Label, Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, m), Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, m1), Accord.Math.Matrix.Dot(w, m2));
                discriminant = null;
Esempio n. 2
        public int Spawn(LabeledVector <L> lvector, DistanceDelegate measure, ParallelStrategy parallelStrategy, bool spawnUsingLDA)
            int nSpawnCount = 0;

            if (this.DoesEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                if (parallelStrategy == ParallelStrategy.Multithreaded)
                    List <Task> lstSpawnThreads = new List <Task>();
                    foreach (SphereEx <L> child in this.Children)
                        lstSpawnThreads.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(c =>
                            nSpawnCount += ((SphereEx <L>)c).Spawn(lvector, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, spawnUsingLDA);
                        }, child, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning));

                    foreach (SphereEx <L> child in this.Children)
                        nSpawnCount += child.Spawn(lvector, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, spawnUsingLDA);

                if (!spawnUsingLDA)
                    #region Regular Spawn

                    if (!this.Label.Equals(lvector.Label) && !Vector.EqualsEx(this, lvector) && !this.DoesAtLeastOneChildEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                        this.AddChild(new SphereEx <L>(this.Radius - measure(this, lvector), lvector));

                    #region LDA Spawn

                    if (!this.DoesAtLeastOneChildEncloseVector(lvector, measure))   // Don't care about label as well as location of lvector
                        bool bContains = false;

                        List <LabeledVector <L> > lst;
                        if (!this.LDAVectors.TryGetValue(lvector.Label, out lst))
                            this.LDAVectors.Add(lvector.Label, (lst = new List <LabeledVector <L> >()));
                            bContains = lst.Any(v => Vector.EqualsEx(v, lvector));

                        if (!bContains)

                            if (this.LDAVectors.Keys.Count == 2 && !this.Children.Any())
                                #region If the sphere contains exactly 2 classes, do the following...
                                // 1.  Create another discriminant
                                // 2.  If the discrimant CANNOT separate the classes, do the following...
                                // 2a.    Remove the lvector from the list it was just added to
                                // 2b.    Create new children from the classes
                                // 2c.    Try to spawn the presented LVector in the NEW children
                                // 2d.    Clear the dictionary, LDAVectors
                                // 2e.    If you can't spawn WITHIN the NEW children, add the vector to the this.LDAVectors
                                // 3.  Else (If the discrimant CAN separate the classes), do nothing but assign the property.

                                bool bIsSeparable = false;
                                DiscriminantEx <L> discriminant = null;
                                    //bIsSeparable = LDA.IsCompletelySeparatedWithDiscriminant(this.LDAVectors.ElementAt(0).Value, this.LDAVectors.ElementAt(1).Value, this, out discriminant);

                                    bIsSeparable = LDAEx.IsCompletelySeparatedWithDiscriminant(this.LDAVectors.ElementAt(0).Value, this.LDAVectors.ElementAt(1).Value, out discriminant);
                                    // Just consume, leaving bIsSeparable = false

                                if (!bIsSeparable)
                                    lst.RemoveAt(lst.Count - 1);    // Faster than .Remove() as I am not linearly searching

                                    List <SphereEx <L> > lstNewChildren = new List <SphereEx <L> >();
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <L, List <LabeledVector <L> > > kvp in this.LDAVectors)
                                        if (kvp.Value.Any() && !kvp.Key.Equals(this.Label))
                                            //Vector vectorCentroid = Vector.Centroid(kvp.Value);

                                            //if (!Vector.EqualsEx(this, vectorCentroid))
                                            //    SphereEx<L> child = new SphereEx<L>(this.Radius - measure(this, vectorCentroid), kvp.Key, (IVector)vectorCentroid);

                                            //    this.AddChild(child);
                                            //    lstNewChildren.Add(child);
                                            //    nSpawnCount++;

                                    //bool hasSpawned = false;
                                    //foreach (SphereEx<L> child in lstNewChildren)
                                    //    if (child.DoesEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                                    //    {
                                    //        nSpawnCount += child.Spawn(lvector, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, spawnUsingLDA);
                                    //        hasSpawned = true;
                                    //    }


                                    //if (!hasSpawned)
                                    //    this.LDAVectors.Add(lvector.Label, new List<LabeledVector<L>>() { lvector });
                                    this.DiscriminantEx = discriminant;

                            else if (this.LDAVectors.Keys.Count > 2)
                                #region If the sphere contains 3 or more classes, do the following...
                                // 1.  Create children from the OLDER label-sets
                                // 2.  Try to spawn the presented LVector IN the NEW children just created
                                // 3.  Clear the dictionary, LDAVectors
                                // 4.  If you can't spawn WITHIN the NEW children, add the vector to this.LDAVectors

                                List <SphereEx <L> > lstNewChildren = new List <SphereEx <L> >();

                                foreach (KeyValuePair <L, List <LabeledVector <L> > > kvp in this.LDAVectors)
                                    if (!kvp.Key.Equals(lvector.Label))
                                        Vector vectorCentroid = Vector.Centroid(kvp.Value);

                                        if (!Vector.EqualsEx(this, vectorCentroid))
                                            SphereEx <L> child = new SphereEx <L>(this.Radius - measure(this, vectorCentroid), kvp.Key, (IVector)vectorCentroid);


                                //bool hasSpawned = false;
                                //foreach (SphereEx<L> child in lstNewChildren)
                                //    if (child.DoesEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                                //    {
                                //        nSpawnCount += child.Spawn(lvector, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, spawnUsingLDA);
                                //        hasSpawned = true;
                                //    }


                                //if (!hasSpawned)
                                //    this.LDAVectors.Add(lvector.Label, new List<LabeledVector<L>>() { lvector });

                            // Note: If this.LDAVectors.Keys.Count == 1, don't do anything additional.


Esempio n. 3
        public int Spawn(LabeledVector <L> lvector, DistanceDelegate measure, ParallelStrategy parallelStrategy, bool spawnUsingLDA)
            int nSpawnCount = 0;

            if (this.DoesEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                if (parallelStrategy == ParallelStrategy.Multithreaded)
                    List <Task> lstSpawnThreads = new List <Task>();
                    foreach (SphereEx <L> child in this.Children)
                        lstSpawnThreads.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(c =>
                            nSpawnCount += ((SphereEx <L>)c).Spawn(lvector, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, spawnUsingLDA);
                        }, child, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning));

                    foreach (SphereEx <L> child in this.Children)
                        nSpawnCount += child.Spawn(lvector, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, spawnUsingLDA);

                if (!spawnUsingLDA)
                    #region Regular Spawn

                    if (!this.Label.Equals(lvector.Label) && !Vector.EqualsEx(this, lvector) && !this.DoesAtLeastOneChildEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                        SphereEx <L> child = new SphereEx <L>(this.Radius - measure(this, lvector), lvector);
                        child.LDAVectors.Add(child.Label, new List <KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> > >()
                            new KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> >(0, lvector)

                    #region LDA Spawn

                    // Note that LDA Spawn doesn't work with SquaredEuclideanDistance.  I may -- in the future -- do an additional check to see if the vector is contained by the hypersphere with SquaredEuclideanDistance and EuclideanDistance.  If so, this will work.  Until then, I'll leave it as is.
                    if (this.Children.Any())
                        // Next if-statement a duplicate of the region "Regular Spawn"
                        // Remember, LDA is only applied at nodes with no children (leaf)
                        if (!this.Label.Equals(lvector.Label) && !Vector.EqualsEx(this, lvector) && !this.DoesAtLeastOneChildEncloseVector(lvector, measure))
                            SphereEx <L> child = new SphereEx <L>(this.Radius - measure(this, lvector), lvector);
                            child.LDAVectors.Add(child.Label, new List <KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> > >()
                                new KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> >(0, lvector)
                        bool bContains = false;

                        List <KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> > > lst;
                        if (!this.LDAVectors.TryGetValue(lvector.Label, out lst))
                            this.LDAVectors.Add(lvector.Label, (lst = new List <KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> > >()));
                            bContains = lst.Any(kvp => Vector.EqualsEx(kvp.Value, lvector));

                        if (!bContains)
                            lst.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, LabeledVector <L> >(this.LDAVectors.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Count), lvector));

                            if (this.LDAVectors.Keys.Count == 2)
                                #region If the sphere contains exactly 2 classes, do the following...

                                bool bIsSeparable = false;
                                DiscriminantEx <L> discriminant = null;
                                    bIsSeparable = LDAEx.IsCompletelySeparatedWithDiscriminant(this.LDAVectors.ElementAt(0).Value.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToList(), this.LDAVectors.ElementAt(1).Value.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToList(), out discriminant);
                                    // Just consume, leaving bIsSeparable = false

                                if (!bIsSeparable)
                                    bool spawnedAtLeastOnce            = false;
                                    List <LabeledVector <L> > lstCache = this.LDAVectors.SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value).OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToList();

                                    this.DiscriminantEx = null;

                                    foreach (LabeledVector <L> v in lstCache)
                                        if (!spawnedAtLeastOnce)
                                            int count = this.Spawn(v, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, false);
                                            nSpawnCount       += count;
                                            spawnedAtLeastOnce = count > 0;
                                            nSpawnCount += this.Spawn(v, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, true);
                                    if (discriminant != null)
                                        this.DiscriminantEx = discriminant;

                            else if (this.LDAVectors.Keys.Count > 2)
                                #region If the sphere contains 3 or more classes, do the following...

                                bool spawnedAtLeastOnce            = false;
                                List <LabeledVector <L> > lstCache = this.LDAVectors.SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value).OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToList();

                                this.DiscriminantEx = null;

                                foreach (LabeledVector <L> v in lstCache)
                                    if (!spawnedAtLeastOnce)
                                        int count = this.Spawn(v, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, false);
                                        nSpawnCount       += count;
                                        spawnedAtLeastOnce = count > 0;
                                        nSpawnCount += this.Spawn(v, measure, ParallelStrategy.SingleThreaded, true);

                            // Note: If this.LDAVectors.Keys.Count == 1, don't do anything additional.

