/// <summary>
        /// Recursively searches for the specified project and returns the folder that it lives in, or null if not found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Project">The project file to look for</param>
        /// <returns>The found folder that the project is in, or null</returns>
        public MasterProjectFolder FindFolderForProject(ProjectFile Project)
            foreach (var CurFolder in SubFolders)
                MasterProjectFolder FoundFolder = CurFolder.FindFolderForProject(Project);
                if (FoundFolder != null)
                    return FoundFolder;

            foreach (var ChildProject in ChildProjects)
                if (ChildProject == Project)
                    return this;

            return null;
Esempio n. 2
 protected override bool WriteMasterProjectFile(ProjectFile UBTProject)
     bool bSuccess = true;
     return bSuccess;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the given project to the DepondsOn project list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InProjectFile">The project this project is dependent on</param>
        public void AddDependsOnProject(ProjectFile InProjectFile)
            // Make sure that it doesn't exist already
            var AlreadyExists = false;
            foreach (var ExistingDependentOn in DependsOnProjects)
                if (ExistingDependentOn == InProjectFile)
                    AlreadyExists = true;

            if (AlreadyExists == false)
        protected override bool WriteMasterProjectFile(ProjectFile UBTProject)
            bool bSuccess = true;

            var SolutionFileName = MasterProjectName + ".sln";

            // Setup solution file content
            var VCSolutionFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            // Solution file header
            if (ProjectFileFormat == VCProjectFileFormat.VisualStudio2013)
                    ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine +
                    "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine +
                    "# Visual Studio 2013" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                /* This is not required by VS 2013 to load the projects
                    "VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.20617.1 PREVIEW" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine +
                    "MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine );*/
            else if (ProjectFileFormat == VCProjectFileFormat.VisualStudio2012)
                    ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine +
                    "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine +
                    "# Visual Studio 2012" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);
                throw new BuildException("Unexpected ProjectFileFormat");

            // Solution folders, files and project entries
                // This the GUID that Visual Studio uses to identify a solution folder
                var SolutionFolderEntryGUID = "{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}";

                // Solution folders
                    var AllSolutionFolders = new List<MasterProjectFolder>();
                    System.Action<List<MasterProjectFolder> /* Folders */ > GatherFoldersFunction = null;
                    GatherFoldersFunction = FolderList =>
                        foreach (var CurSubFolder in FolderList)

                    foreach (VisualStudioSolutionFolder CurFolder in AllSolutionFolders)
                        var FolderGUIDString = CurFolder.FolderGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();
                                "Project(\"" + SolutionFolderEntryGUID + "\") = \"" + CurFolder.FolderName + "\", \"" + CurFolder.FolderName + "\", \"" + FolderGUIDString + "\"" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                        // Add any files that are inlined right inside the solution folder
                        if (CurFolder.Files.Count > 0)
                                    "	ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);
                            foreach (var CurFile in CurFolder.Files)
                                // Syntax is:  <relative file path> = <relative file path>
                                    "		" + CurFile + " = " + CurFile + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);
                                    "	EndProjectSection" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                                "EndProject" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine

                // Project files
                foreach (MSBuildProjectFile CurProject in AllProjectFiles)
                    // Visual Studio uses different GUID types depending on the project type
                    string ProjectTypeGUID = CurProject.ProjectTypeGUID;

                    // NOTE: The project name in the solution doesn't actually *have* to match the project file name on disk.  However,
                    //       we prefer it when it does match so we use the actual file name here.
                    var ProjectNameInSolution = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurProject.ProjectFilePath);

                    // Use the existing project's GUID that's already known to us
                    var ProjectGUID = CurProject.ProjectGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();

                            "Project(\"" + ProjectTypeGUID + "\") = \"" + ProjectNameInSolution + "\", \"" + CurProject.RelativeProjectFilePath + "\", \"" + ProjectGUID + "\"" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                    // Setup dependency on STBuildTool, if we need that.  This makes sure that STBuildTool is
                    // freshly compiled before kicking off any build operations on this target project
                    if (!CurProject.IsStubProject)
                        // Don't add self as a project dependency!
                        if ((CurProject != UBTProject) && (CurProject.IsGeneratedProject || (CurProject.DependsOnProjects.Count > 0)))
                                    "	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                            if (CurProject.IsGeneratedProject && UBTProject != null)
                                var UBTProjectGUID = ((MSBuildProjectFile)UBTProject).ProjectGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();
                                        "		" + UBTProjectGUID + " = " + UBTProjectGUID + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                            // Setup any addition dependencies this project has...
                            foreach (var DependsOnProject in CurProject.DependsOnProjects)
                                var DependsOnProjectGUID = ((MSBuildProjectFile)DependsOnProject).ProjectGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();
                                    "		" + DependsOnProjectGUID + " = " + DependsOnProjectGUID + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                                    "	EndProjectSection" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                            "EndProject" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine

            // Solution configuration platforms.  This is just a list of all of the platforms and configurations that
            // appear in Visual Studio's build configuration selector.
            var SolutionConfigCombinations = new List<VCSolutionConfigCombination>();

            // The "Global" section has source control, solution configurations, project configurations,
            // preferences, and project hierarchy data
                    "Global" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);
                            "	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                        var SolutionConfigurationsValidForProjects = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<STTargetConfiguration, string>>();
                        var PlatformsValidForProjects = new HashSet<STTargetPlatform>();

                        foreach (var CurConfiguration in SupportedConfigurations)
                            if (STBuildTool.IsValidConfiguration(CurConfiguration))
                                foreach (var CurPlatform in SupportedPlatforms)
                                    if (STBuildTool.IsValidPlatform(CurPlatform))
                                        foreach (var CurProject in AllProjectFiles)
                                            if (!CurProject.IsStubProject)
                                                if (CurProject.ProjectTargets.Count == 0)
                                                    throw new BuildException("Expecting project '" + CurProject.ProjectFilePath + "' to have at least one ProjectTarget associated with it!");

                                                // Figure out the set of valid target configuration names
                                                foreach (var ProjectTarget in CurProject.ProjectTargets)
                                                    if (VCProjectFile.IsValidProjectPlatformAndConfiguration(ProjectTarget, CurPlatform, CurConfiguration))

                                                        // Default to a target configuration name of "Game", since that will collapse down to an empty string
                                                        var TargetConfigurationName = TargetRules.TargetType.Game.ToString();
                                                        if (ProjectTarget.TargetRules != null)
                                                            TargetConfigurationName = ProjectTarget.TargetRules.ConfigurationName;

                                                        var SolutionConfigName = MakeSolutionConfigurationName(CurConfiguration, TargetConfigurationName);
                                                        SolutionConfigurationsValidForProjects[SolutionConfigName] = new Tuple<STTargetConfiguration, string>(CurConfiguration, TargetConfigurationName);

                        foreach (var CurPlatform in PlatformsValidForProjects)
                            foreach (var SolutionConfigKeyValue in SolutionConfigurationsValidForProjects)
                                // e.g.  "Development|Win64 = Development|Win64"
                                var SolutionConfigName = SolutionConfigKeyValue.Key;
                                var Configuration = SolutionConfigKeyValue.Value.Item1;
                                var TargetConfigurationName = SolutionConfigKeyValue.Value.Item2;

                                var SolutionPlatformName = CurPlatform.ToString();

                                // For Rocket, there are currently no targets that are valid to build both for Win32 and Win64.  So we simply things by
                                // only displaying a "Windows" platform and building for the appropriate Windows platform automatically based on whichever
                                // configuration they have selected.
                                if (STBuildTool.RunningRocket() && (CurPlatform == STTargetPlatform.Win32 || CurPlatform == STTargetPlatform.Win64))
                                    SolutionPlatformName = "Windows";
                                    if (Configuration == STTargetConfiguration.Shipping)
                                        if (CurPlatform != STTargetPlatform.Win32)
                                        if (CurPlatform != STTargetPlatform.Win64)

                                var SolutionConfigAndPlatformPair = SolutionConfigName + "|" + SolutionPlatformName;
                                        new VCSolutionConfigCombination
                                            VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName = SolutionConfigAndPlatformPair,
                                            Configuration = Configuration,
                                            Platform = CurPlatform,
                                            TargetConfigurationName = TargetConfigurationName

                        // Sort the list of solution platform strings alphabetically (Visual Studio prefers it)
                                new Comparison<VCSolutionConfigCombination>(
                                    (x, y) => { return String.Compare(x.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName, y.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); }

                        var AppendedSolutionConfigAndPlatformNames = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                        foreach (var SolutionConfigCombination in SolutionConfigCombinations)
                            // We alias "Game" and "Program" to both have the same solution configuration, so we're careful not to add the same combination twice.
                            if (!AppendedSolutionConfigAndPlatformNames.Contains(SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName))
                                    "		" + SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName + " = " + SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                            "	EndGlobalSection" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                    // Assign each project's "project configuration" to our "solution platform + configuration" pairs.  This
                    // also sets up which projects are actually built when building the solution.
                            "	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                        var CombinationsThatWereMatchedToProjects = new List<VCSolutionConfigCombination>();

                        foreach (MSBuildProjectFile CurProject in AllProjectFiles)
                            // NOTE: We don't emit solution configuration entries for "stub" projects.  Those projects are only
                            // built using STBuildTool and don't require a presence in the solution project list

                            // NOTE: We also process projects that were "imported" here, hoping to match those to our solution
                            //       configurations.  In some cases this may not be successful though.  Imported projects
                            //       should always be carefully setup to match our project generator's solution configs.
                            if (!CurProject.IsStubProject)
                                if (CurProject.ProjectTargets.Count == 0)
                                    throw new BuildException("Expecting project '" + CurProject.ProjectFilePath + "' to have at least one ProjectTarget associated with it!");
                                var IsProgramProject = CurProject.ProjectTargets[0].TargetRules != null && CurProject.ProjectTargets[0].TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Program;

                                var GameOrProgramConfigsAlreadyMapped = new HashSet<string>();
                                foreach (var SolutionConfigCombination in SolutionConfigCombinations)
                                    // Handle aliasing of Program and Game target configuration names
                                    if ((IsProgramProject && GameOrProgramConfigsAlreadyMapped.Add(SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName)) ||
                                        IsProgramProject && SolutionConfigCombination.TargetConfigurationName != TargetRules.TargetType.Game.ToString() ||
                                        !IsProgramProject && SolutionConfigCombination.TargetConfigurationName != TargetRules.TargetType.Program.ToString())
                                        var TargetConfigurationName = SolutionConfigCombination.TargetConfigurationName;
                                        if (IsProgramProject && TargetConfigurationName == TargetRules.TargetType.Game.ToString())
                                            TargetConfigurationName = TargetRules.TargetType.Program.ToString();

                                        // Now, we want to find a target in this project that maps to the current solution config combination.  Only up to one target should
                                        // and every solution config combination should map to at least one target in one project (otherwise we shouldn't have added it!).
                                        ProjectTarget MatchingProjectTarget = null;
                                        foreach (var ProjectTarget in CurProject.ProjectTargets)
                                            bool IsMatchingCombination = VCProjectFile.IsValidProjectPlatformAndConfiguration(ProjectTarget, SolutionConfigCombination.Platform, SolutionConfigCombination.Configuration);
                                            if (ProjectTarget.TargetRules != null)
                                                if (TargetConfigurationName != ProjectTarget.TargetRules.ConfigurationName)
                                                    // Solution configuration name for this combination doesn't match this target's configuration name.  It's not buildable.
                                                    IsMatchingCombination = false;
                                                // UBT gets a pass because it is a dependency of every single configuration combination
                                                if (CurProject != UBTProject &&
                                                    !CurProject.ShouldBuildForAllSolutionTargets &&
                                                    TargetConfigurationName != TargetRules.TargetType.Game.ToString())
                                                    // Can't build non-generated project in configurations except for the default (Game)
                                                    IsMatchingCombination = false;

                                            if (IsMatchingCombination)
                                                if (MatchingProjectTarget != null)
                                                    // Not expecting more than one target to match a single solution configuration per project!
                                                    throw new BuildException("Not expecting more than one target for project " + CurProject.ProjectFilePath + " to match solution configuration " + SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName);

                                                MatchingProjectTarget = ProjectTarget;

                                                // NOTE: For faster perf, we could "break" here and bail out early, but that would circumvent the error checking
                                                //		 for multiple targets within a project that may map to a single solution configuration.

                                        var SolutionConfiguration = SolutionConfigCombination.Configuration;
                                        var SolutionPlatform = SolutionConfigCombination.Platform;

                                        if (MatchingProjectTarget == null)
                                            // The current configuration/platform and target configuration name doesn't map to anything our project actually supports.
                                            // We'll map it to a default config.
                                            SolutionConfiguration = STTargetConfiguration.Development;

                                            // Prefer using Win64 as the default, but fall back to a platform the project file actually supports if needed.  This is for
                                            // projects that can never be compiled in Windows, such as UnrealLaunchDaemon which is an iOS-only program
                                            SolutionPlatform = STTargetPlatform.Win64;
                                            if (CurProject.ProjectTargets[0].TargetRules != null)
                                                var ProjectSupportedPlatforms = new List<STTargetPlatform>();
                                                CurProject.ProjectTargets[0].TargetRules.GetSupportedPlatforms(ref ProjectSupportedPlatforms);
                                                if (!ProjectSupportedPlatforms.Contains(SolutionPlatform))
                                                    SolutionPlatform = ProjectSupportedPlatforms[0];

                                            if (IsProgramProject)
                                                TargetConfigurationName = TargetRules.TargetType.Program.ToString();
                                                TargetConfigurationName = TargetRules.TargetType.Game.ToString();

                                        // If the project wants to always build in "Development", regardless of what the solution
                                        // configuration is set to, then we'll do that here.  This is used for projects like
                                        // STBuildTool and ShaderCompileWorker
                                        if (MatchingProjectTarget != null)
                                            if (MatchingProjectTarget.ForceDevelopmentConfiguration)
                                                SolutionConfiguration = STTargetConfiguration.Development;

                                        string ProjectConfigName;
                                        string ProjectPlatformName;
                                        CurProject.MakeProjectPlatformAndConfigurationNames(SolutionPlatform, SolutionConfiguration, TargetConfigurationName, out ProjectPlatformName, out ProjectConfigName);

                                        var ProjectConfigAndPlatformPair = ProjectConfigName.ToString() + "|" + ProjectPlatformName.ToString();

                                        // e.g.  "{4232C52C-680F-4850-8855-DC39419B5E9B}.Debug|iOS.ActiveCfg = iOS_Debug|Win32"
                                        var CurProjectGUID = CurProject.ProjectGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();
                                            "		" + CurProjectGUID + "." + SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName + ".ActiveCfg = " + ProjectConfigAndPlatformPair + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                                        // Set whether this project configuration should be built when the user initiates "build solution"
                                        if (MatchingProjectTarget != null)
                                                    "		" + CurProjectGUID + "." + SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName + ".Build.0 = " + ProjectConfigAndPlatformPair + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                                            var ProjGen = STPlatformProjectGenerator.GetPlatformProjectGenerator(SolutionConfigCombination.Platform, true);
                                            if (MatchingProjectTarget.ProjectDeploys ||
                                                ((ProjGen != null) && (ProjGen.GetVisualStudioDeploymentEnabled(SolutionPlatform, SolutionConfiguration) == true)))
                                                        "		" + CurProjectGUID + "." + SolutionConfigCombination.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName + ".Deploy.0 = " + ProjectConfigAndPlatformPair + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);


                        // Check for problems
                        foreach (var SolutionConfigCombination in SolutionConfigCombinations)
                            if (!CombinationsThatWereMatchedToProjects.Contains(SolutionConfigCombination))
                                throw new BuildException("Unable to find a ProjectTarget that matches the solution configuration/platform mapping: " + SolutionConfigCombination.Configuration.ToString() + ", " + SolutionConfigCombination.Platform.ToString() + ", " + SolutionConfigCombination.TargetConfigurationName);
                            "	EndGlobalSection" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                    // Setup other solution properties
                            "	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                        // HideSolutionNode sets whether or not the top-level solution entry is completely hidden in the UI.
                        // We don't want that, as we need users to be able to right click on the solution tree item.
                            "		HideSolutionNode = FALSE" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                            "	EndGlobalSection" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                    // Solution directory hierarchy
                            "	GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                        // Every entry in this section is in the format "Guid1 = Guid2".  Guid1 is the child project (or solution
                        // filter)'s GUID, and Guid2 is the solution filter directory to parent the child project (or solution
                        // filter) to.  This sets up the hierarchical solution explorer tree for all solution folders and projects.

                        System.Action<StringBuilder /* VCSolutionFileContent */, List<MasterProjectFolder> /* Folders */ > FolderProcessorFunction = null;
                        FolderProcessorFunction = (LocalVCSolutionFileContent, LocalMasterProjectFolders) =>
                            foreach (VisualStudioSolutionFolder CurFolder in LocalMasterProjectFolders)
                                var CurFolderGUIDString = CurFolder.FolderGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant();

                                foreach (MSBuildProjectFile ChildProject in CurFolder.ChildProjects)
                                    //	e.g. "{BF6FB09F-A2A6-468F-BE6F-DEBE07EAD3EA} = {C43B6BB5-3EF0-4784-B896-4099753BCDA9}"
                                        "		" + ChildProject.ProjectGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant() + " = " + CurFolderGUIDString + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                                foreach (VisualStudioSolutionFolder SubFolder in CurFolder.SubFolders)
                                    //	e.g. "{BF6FB09F-A2A6-468F-BE6F-DEBE07EAD3EA} = {C43B6BB5-3EF0-4784-B896-4099753BCDA9}"
                                        "		" + SubFolder.FolderGUID.ToString("B").ToUpperInvariant() + " = " + CurFolderGUIDString + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                                // Recurse into subfolders
                                FolderProcessorFunction(LocalVCSolutionFileContent, CurFolder.SubFolders);
                        FolderProcessorFunction(VCSolutionFileContent, RootFolder.SubFolders);

                            "	EndGlobalSection" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

                    "EndGlobal" + ProjectFileGenerator.NewLine);

            // Save the solution file
            if (bSuccess)
                var SolutionFilePath = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, SolutionFileName);
                bSuccess = WriteFileIfChanged(SolutionFilePath, VCSolutionFileContent.ToString());

            // Save a solution config file which selects the development editor configuration by default.
            if (bSuccess)
                // Figure out the filename for the SUO file. VS2013 will automatically import the VS2012 options if necessary.
                string SolutionOptionsExtension = (ProjectFileFormat == VCProjectFileFormat.VisualStudio2012) ? "v11.suo" : "v12.suo";

                // Check it doesn't exist before overwriting it. Since these files store the user's preferences, it'd be bad form to overwrite them.
                string SolutionOptionsFileName = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, Path.ChangeExtension(SolutionFileName, SolutionOptionsExtension));
                if (!File.Exists(SolutionOptionsFileName))
                    VCSolutionOptions Options = new VCSolutionOptions();

                    // Set the default configuration and startup project
                    VCSolutionConfigCombination DefaultConfig = SolutionConfigCombinations.Find(x => x.Configuration == STTargetConfiguration.Development && x.Platform == STTargetPlatform.Win64 && x.TargetConfigurationName == "Editor");
                    if (DefaultConfig != null)
                        List<VCBinarySetting> Settings = new List<VCBinarySetting>();
                        Settings.Add(new VCBinarySetting("ActiveCfg", DefaultConfig.VCSolutionConfigAndPlatformName));
                        if (DefaultProject != null)
                            Settings.Add(new VCBinarySetting("StartupProject", ((MSBuildProjectFile)DefaultProject).ProjectGUID.ToString("B")));

                    // Mark all the projects as closed by default, apart from the startup project
                    VCSolutionExplorerState ExplorerState = new VCSolutionExplorerState();
                    foreach (ProjectFile ProjectFile in AllProjectFiles)
                        string ProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ProjectFile.ProjectFilePath);
                        if (ProjectFile == DefaultProject)
                            ExplorerState.OpenProjects.Add(new Tuple<string, string[]>(ProjectName, new string[] { ProjectName }));
                            ExplorerState.OpenProjects.Add(new Tuple<string, string[]>(ProjectName, new string[] { }));
                    if (IncludeEnginePrograms)
                        ExplorerState.OpenProjects.Add(new Tuple<string, string[]>("Automation", new string[0]));

                    // Write the file
                    if (Options.Sections.Count > 0)

            return bSuccess;
        /// Adds shader source code to the specified project
        protected void AddEngineShaderSource(ProjectFile EngineProject)
            // Setup a project file entry for this module's project.  Remember, some projects may host multiple modules!
            var ShadersDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Shaders");

            var DirectoriesToSearch = new List<string>();
            var SubdirectoryNamesToExclude = new List<string>();
                // Don't include binary shaders in the project file.
                // We never want shader intermediate files in our project file
                DirectoriesToSearch: DirectoriesToSearch,
                ExcludeNoRedistFiles: bExcludeNoRedistFiles,
                SubdirectoryNamesToExclude: SubdirectoryNamesToExclude), EngineRelativePath);
        /// Adds engine documentation to the specified project
        protected void AddEngineDocumentation(ProjectFile EngineProject)
            // NOTE: The project folder added here will actually be collapsed away later if not needed
            var DocumentationProjectDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Documentation");
            var DocumentationSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Documentation", "Source");
            DirectoryInfo DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(DocumentationProjectDirectory);
            if (DirInfo.Exists && Directory.Exists(DocumentationSourceDirectory))
                Log.TraceVerbose("Adding documentation files...");

                var DirectoriesToSearch = new List<string>();

                var SubdirectoryNamesToExclude = new List<string>();
                    // We never want any of the images or attachment files included in our generated project

                    // The API directory is huge, so don't include any of it

                    // Omit Javascript source because it just confuses the Visual Studio IDE

                var DocumentationFiles = SourceFileSearch.FindFiles(
                    DirectoriesToSearch: DirectoriesToSearch,
                    ExcludeNoRedistFiles: bExcludeNoRedistFiles,
                    SubdirectoryNamesToExclude: SubdirectoryNamesToExclude);

                // Filter out non-English documentation files if we were configured to do so
                if (!bAllDocumentationLanguages)
                    var FilteredDocumentationFiles = new List<string>();
                    foreach (var DocumentationFile in DocumentationFiles)
                        bool bPassesFilter = true;
                        if (DocumentationFile.EndsWith(".udn", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            var LanguageSuffix = Path.GetExtension(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DocumentationFile));
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LanguageSuffix) &&
                                !LanguageSuffix.Equals(".int", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                bPassesFilter = false;

                        if (bPassesFilter)
                    DocumentationFiles = FilteredDocumentationFiles;

                EngineProject.AddFilesToProject(DocumentationFiles, EngineRelativePath);
                Log.TraceVerbose("Skipping documentation project... directory not found");
        /// Adds engine build infrastructure files to the specified project
        protected void AddEngineBuildFiles(ProjectFile EngineProject)
            var BuildDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Build");

            var DirectoriesToSearch = new List<string>();
            var SubdirectoryNamesToExclude = new List<string>();
                // Nothing to exclude, yet!
                // SubdirectoryNamesToExclude.Add( "DirectoryName" );
                DirectoriesToSearch: DirectoriesToSearch,
                ExcludeNoRedistFiles: bExcludeNoRedistFiles,
                SubdirectoryNamesToExclude: SubdirectoryNamesToExclude), EngineRelativePath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Visual Studio solution file and Visual C++ project files for all known engine and game targets.
        /// Does not actually build anything.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <param name="bSuccess">True if everything went OK</param>
        public virtual void GenerateProjectFiles(String[] Arguments, out bool bSuccess)
            bSuccess = true;

            // Parse project generator options
            bool IncludeAllPlatforms = true;
            ConfigureProjectFileGeneration(Arguments, ref IncludeAllPlatforms);

            if (bGeneratingGameProjectFiles)
                Log.TraceInformation("Discovering modules, targets and source code for game...");

                MasterProjectRelativePath = STBuildTool.GetUProjectPath();

                // Set the project file name
                MasterProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(STBuildTool.GetUProjectFile());

                if (!Directory.Exists(MasterProjectRelativePath + "/Source"))
                    if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == STTargetPlatform.Mac)
                        MasterProjectRelativePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Utils.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory(), "..", "..", "..", "Engine"));
                        GameProjectName = "UE4Game";
                    if (!Directory.Exists(MasterProjectRelativePath + "/Source"))
                        throw new BuildException("Directory '{0}' is missing 'Source' folder.", MasterProjectRelativePath);
                IntermediateProjectFilesPath = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, "Intermediate", "ProjectFiles");
            else if (bGeneratingRocketProjectFiles)
                Log.TraceInformation("Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...");

                // NOTE: Realistically, the distro that the Rocket user is generating projects FROM won't have NoRedist files in it.  But when
                //       testing from a developer branch, this is useful to get authentic projects. This only really matters when
                //       bIncludeEngineModulesInRocketProjects=true (defaults to false.)
                bExcludeNoRedistFiles = true;

                MasterProjectRelativePath = STBuildTool.GetUProjectPath();
                IntermediateProjectFilesPath = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, "Intermediate", "ProjectFiles");

                // Set the project file name
                MasterProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(STBuildTool.GetUProjectFile());

                if (!Directory.Exists(MasterProjectRelativePath + "/Source"))
                    throw new BuildException("Directory '{0}' is missing 'Source' folder.", MasterProjectRelativePath);

            // Modify the name if specific platforms were given
            if (ProjectPlatforms.Count > 0)
                // Sort the platforms names so we get consistent names
                List<string> SortedPlatformNames = new List<string>();
                foreach (STTargetPlatform SpecificPlatform in ProjectPlatforms)

                MasterProjectName += "_";
                foreach (string SortedPlatform in SortedPlatformNames)
                    MasterProjectName += SortedPlatform;
                    IntermediateProjectFilesPath += SortedPlatform;

            bool bCleanProjectFiles = STBuildTool.CommandLineContains("-CleanProjects");
            if (bCleanProjectFiles)
                CleanProjectFiles(MasterProjectRelativePath, MasterProjectName, IntermediateProjectFilesPath);

            // Figure out which platforms we should generate project files for.
            string SupportedPlatformNames;
            SetupSupportedPlatformsAndConfigurations(IncludeAllPlatforms: IncludeAllPlatforms, SupportedPlatformNames: out SupportedPlatformNames);

            Log.TraceVerbose("Detected supported platforms: " + SupportedPlatformNames);

            RootFolder = AllocateMasterProjectFolder(this, "<Root>");

            // Build the list of games to generate projects for
            var AllGameProjects = UProjectInfo.FilterGameProjects(true, bGeneratingGameProjectFiles ? GameProjectName : null);

            var AssemblyName = "ProjectFileGenerator";
            if (bGeneratingGameProjectFiles)
                AssemblyName = GameProjectName + "ProjectFileGenerator";
            else if (bGeneratingRocketProjectFiles)
                AssemblyName = "RocketProjectFileGenerator";

            List<string> AssemblyGameFolders = new List<string>();
            foreach (UProjectInfo Project in AllGameProjects)
            RulesCompiler.SetAssemblyNameAndGameFolders(AssemblyName, AssemblyGameFolders);

            ProjectFile EngineProject = null;
            Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> GameProjects = null;
            Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> ProgramProjects = null;
            HashSet<ProjectFile> TemplateGameProjects = null;
                // Setup buildable projects for all targets
                AddProjectsForAllTargets(AllGameProjects, out EngineProject, out GameProjects, out ProgramProjects, out TemplateGameProjects);

                // Add all game projects and game config files
                AddAllGameProjects(GameProjects, SupportedPlatformNames, RootFolder);

                // Set the game to be the default project
                if (bGeneratingGameProjectFiles && GameProjects.Count > 0)
                    DefaultProject = GameProjects.Values.First();

                // Place projects into root level solution folders
                if (IncludeEngineSource)
                    // If we're still missing an engine project because we don't have any targets for it, make one up.
                    if (EngineProject == null)
                        string ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(IntermediateProjectFilesPath, "UE4" + ProjectFileExtension);

                        bool bAlreadyExisted;
                        EngineProject = FindOrAddProject(Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(ProjectFilePath, MasterProjectRelativePath), true, out bAlreadyExisted);

                        EngineProject.IsForeignProject = false;
                        EngineProject.IsGeneratedProject = true;
                        EngineProject.IsStubProject = true;

                    if (EngineProject != null)

                        // Engine config files
                        if (IncludeConfigFiles)
                            if (IncludeEnginePrograms)

                        // Engine localization files
                        if (IncludeLocalizationFiles)

                        // Engine template files
                        if (IncludeTemplateFiles)

                        if (IncludeShaderSource)
                            Log.TraceVerbose("Adding shader source code...");

                            // Find shader source files and generate stub project

                        if (IncludeBuildSystemFiles)
                            Log.TraceVerbose("Adding build system files...");


                        if (IncludeDocumentation)

                    foreach (var CurGameProject in GameProjects.Values)
                        // Templates go under a different solution folder than games
                        if (TemplateGameProjects.Contains(CurGameProject))

                    foreach (var CurProgramProject in ProgramProjects.Values)

                    // Add all of the config files for generated program targets

            // Find all of the module files.  This will filter out any modules or targets that don't belong to platforms
            // we're generating project files for.
            var AllModuleFiles = DiscoverModules();

            // Setup "stub" projects for all modules
            AddProjectsForAllModules(AllGameProjects, ProgramProjects, AllModuleFiles, bGatherThirdPartySource);

                if (IncludeEnginePrograms)
                    MasterProjectFolder ProgramsFolder = RootFolder.AddSubFolder("Programs");

                    // Add STBuildTool to the master project

                    // Add AutomationTool to the master project
                    ProgramsFolder.ChildProjects.Add(AddSimpleCSharpProject("AutomationTool", bShouldBuildForAllSolutionTargets: true, bForceDevelopmentConfiguration: true));

                    // Add UnrealAutomationTool (launcher) to the master project
                    ProgramsFolder.ChildProjects.Add(AddSimpleCSharpProject("AutomationToolLauncher", bShouldBuildForAllSolutionTargets: true, bForceDevelopmentConfiguration: true));

                    // Add automation.csproj files to the master project

                    // Add Distill to the master project

                    // Add DotNETUtilities to the master project
                    ProgramsFolder.ChildProjects.Add(AddSimpleCSharpProject("DotNETCommon/DotNETUtilities", bShouldBuildForAllSolutionTargets: true, bForceDevelopmentConfiguration: true));

                    // Add the Git dependencies project
                    ProgramsFolder.ChildProjects.Add(AddSimpleCSharpProject("GitDependencies", bShouldBuildForAllSolutionTargets: true, bForceDevelopmentConfiguration: true));

                    // Add all of the IOS C# projects

                    // Add all of the Android C# projects

                    // Add all of the PS4 C# projects

                // Eliminate all redundant master project folders.  E.g., folders which contain only one project and that project
                // has the same name as the folder itself.  To the user, projects "feel like" folders already in the IDE, so we
                // want to collapse them down where possible.
                EliminateRedundantMasterProjectSubFolders(RootFolder, "");

                bool bWriteFileManifest = STBuildTool.CommandLineContains("-filemanifest");

                if (bWriteFileManifest == false)
                    // Figure out which targets we need about IntelliSense for.  We only need to worry about targets for projects
                    // that we're actually generating in this session.
                    var IntelliSenseTargetFiles = new List<Tuple<ProjectFile, string>>();
                        // Engine targets
                        if (EngineProject != null && !bGeneratingRocketProjectFiles)
                            foreach (var ProjectTarget in EngineProject.ProjectTargets)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectTarget.TargetFilePath))
                                    // Only bother with the editor target.  We want to make sure that definitions are setup to be as inclusive as possible
                                    // for good quality IntelliSense.  For example, we want WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA=1, so using the editor targets works well.
                                    if (ProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Editor)
                                        IntelliSenseTargetFiles.Add(Tuple.Create(EngineProject, ProjectTarget.TargetFilePath));

                        // Program targets
                        foreach (var ProgramProject in ProgramProjects.Values)
                            foreach (var ProjectTarget in ProgramProject.ProjectTargets)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectTarget.TargetFilePath))
                                    IntelliSenseTargetFiles.Add(Tuple.Create(ProgramProject, ProjectTarget.TargetFilePath));

                        // Game/template targets
                        foreach (var GameProject in GameProjects.Values)
                            foreach (var ProjectTarget in GameProject.ProjectTargets)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectTarget.TargetFilePath))
                                    // Only bother with the editor target.  We want to make sure that definitions are setup to be as inclusive as possible
                                    // for good quality IntelliSense.  For example, we want WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA=1, so using the editor targets works well.
                                    if (ProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Editor)
                                        IntelliSenseTargetFiles.Add(Tuple.Create(GameProject, ProjectTarget.TargetFilePath));

                    // Generate IntelliSense data if we need to.  This involves having UBT simulate the action compilation of
                    // the targets so that we can extra the compiler defines, include paths, etc.
                    bSuccess = GenerateIntelliSenseData(Arguments, IntelliSenseTargetFiles);

                // If everything went OK, we'll now save out all of the new project files
                if (bSuccess)
                    if (bWriteFileManifest == false)
                        // Save new project files

                        Log.TraceVerbose("Project generation complete ({0} generated, {1} imported)", GeneratedProjectFiles.Count, OtherProjectFiles.Count);
        /// Adds UnrealHeaderTool config files to the specified project
        private void AddUnrealHeaderToolConfigFiles(ProjectFile EngineProject)
            var UHTConfigDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Programs", "UnrealHeaderTool", "Config");
            if (Directory.Exists(UHTConfigDirectory))
                var DirectoriesToSearch = new List<string>();

                EngineProject.AddFilesToProject(SourceFileSearch.FindFiles(DirectoriesToSearch, ExcludeNoRedistFiles: bExcludeNoRedistFiles), EngineRelativePath);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given project to the OtherProjects list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InProject">The project to add</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful</returns>
        public void AddExistingProjectFile(ProjectFile InProject, bool bNeedsAllPlatformAndConfigurations = false, bool bForceDevelopmentConfiguration = false, bool bProjectDeploys = false, List<STTargetPlatform> InSupportedPlatforms = null, List<STTargetConfiguration> InSupportedConfigurations = null)
            if (InProject.ProjectTargets.Count != 0)
                throw new BuildException("Expecting existing project to not have any ProjectTargets defined yet.");

            var ProjectTarget = new ProjectTarget();
            if (bForceDevelopmentConfiguration)
                ProjectTarget.ForceDevelopmentConfiguration = true;
            ProjectTarget.ProjectDeploys = bProjectDeploys;

            if (bNeedsAllPlatformAndConfigurations)
                // Add all platforms
                var AllPlatforms = Enum.GetValues(typeof(STTargetPlatform));
                foreach (STTargetPlatform CurPlatfrom in AllPlatforms)

                // Add all configurations
                var AllConfigurations = Enum.GetValues(typeof(STTargetConfiguration));
                foreach (STTargetConfiguration CurConfiguration in AllConfigurations)
            else if (InSupportedPlatforms != null || InSupportedConfigurations != null)
                if (InSupportedPlatforms != null)
                    // Add all explicitly specified platforms
                    foreach (STTargetPlatform CurPlatfrom in InSupportedPlatforms)
                    // Otherwise, add all platforms
                    var AllPlatforms = Enum.GetValues(typeof(STTargetPlatform));
                    foreach (STTargetPlatform CurPlatfrom in AllPlatforms)

                if (InSupportedConfigurations != null)
                    // Add all explicitly specified configurations
                    foreach (STTargetConfiguration CurConfiguration in InSupportedConfigurations)
                    // Otherwise, add all configurations
                    var AllConfigurations = Enum.GetValues(typeof(STTargetConfiguration));
                    foreach (STTargetConfiguration CurConfiguration in AllConfigurations)
                // For existing project files, just support the default desktop platforms and configurations
                STBuildTool.GetAllDesktopPlatforms(ref ProjectTarget.ExtraSupportedPlatforms, false);
                // Debug and Development only


            // Existing projects must always have a GUID.  This will throw an exception if one isn't found.

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds detected UBT configuration files (BuildConfiguration.xml) to engine project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EngineProject">Engine project to add files to.</param>
        private void AddUBTConfigFilesToEngineProject(ProjectFile EngineProject)
            EngineProject.AddAliasedFileToProject(new AliasedFile(
                    Path.Combine("Programs", "STBuildTool")

            foreach (var BuildConfigurationPath in XmlConfigLoader.ConfigLocationHierarchy)
                if (!BuildConfigurationPath.bExists)

                        new AliasedFile(
                            Path.Combine("Config", "STBuildTool", BuildConfigurationPath.IDEFolderName)
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds STBuildTool to the master project
        /// </summary>
        private void AddSTBuildToolProject(MasterProjectFolder ProgramsFolder)
            var ProjectFileName = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Source"), "Programs", "STBuildTool", "STBuildTool.csproj"), MasterProjectRelativePath);
            var STBuildToolProject = new VCSharpProjectFile(ProjectFileName);
            STBuildToolProject.ShouldBuildForAllSolutionTargets = true;

            // Store it off as we need it when generating target projects.
            UBTProject = STBuildToolProject;

            // Add the project
            AddExistingProjectFile(STBuildToolProject, bNeedsAllPlatformAndConfigurations: true, bForceDevelopmentConfiguration: true);

            // Put this in a solution folder
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates project entries for all known targets (*.Target.cs files)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AllGameFolders">All game folders</param>
        /// <param name="EngineProject">The engine project we created</param>
        /// <param name="GameProjects">Map of game folder name to all of the game projects we created</param>
        /// <param name="ProgramProjects">Map of program names to all of the program projects we created</param>
        /// <param name="TemplateGameProjects">Set of template game projects we found.  These will also be in the GameProjects map</param>
        private void AddProjectsForAllTargets(List<UProjectInfo> AllGames, out ProjectFile EngineProject, out Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> GameProjects, out Dictionary<string, ProjectFile> ProgramProjects, out HashSet<ProjectFile> TemplateGameProjects)
            // As we're creating project files, we'll also keep track of whether we created an "engine" project and return that if we have one
            EngineProject = null;
            GameProjects = new Dictionary<string, ProjectFile>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            ProgramProjects = new Dictionary<string, ProjectFile>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            TemplateGameProjects = new HashSet<ProjectFile>();

            // Find all of the target files.  This will filter out any modules or targets that don't
            // belong to platforms we're generating project files for.
            var AllTargetFiles = DiscoverTargets();

            foreach (var TargetFilePath in AllTargetFiles)
                var TargetName = Utils.GetFilenameWithoutAnyExtensions(TargetFilePath);		// Remove both ".cs" and ".Target"

                // Check to see if this is an Engine target.  That is, the target is located under the "Engine" folder
                bool IsEngineTarget = false;
                string TargetFileRelativeToEngineDirectory = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(TargetFilePath, Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath), AlwaysTreatSourceAsDirectory: false);
                if (!TargetFileRelativeToEngineDirectory.StartsWith("..") && !Path.IsPathRooted(TargetFileRelativeToEngineDirectory))
                    // This is an engine target
                    IsEngineTarget = true;

                bool WantProjectFileForTarget = true;
                if (TargetFileRelativeToEngineDirectory.StartsWith(Path.Combine("Source", "Programs"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    WantProjectFileForTarget = IncludeEnginePrograms;
                else if (TargetFileRelativeToEngineDirectory.StartsWith(Path.Combine("Source"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    WantProjectFileForTarget = IncludeEngineSource;

                if (WantProjectFileForTarget)
                    // Create target rules for all of the platforms and configuration combinations that we want to enable support for.
                    // Just use the current platform as we only need to recover the target type and both should be supported for all targets...
                    string UnusedTargetFilePath;
                    var TargetRulesObject = RulesCompiler.CreateTargetRules(TargetName, new TargetInfo(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform, STTargetConfiguration.Development), false, out UnusedTargetFilePath);

                    // Exclude client and server targets under binary Rocket; it's impossible to build without precompiled engine binaries
                    if (!STBuildTool.RunningRocket() || (TargetRulesObject.Type != TargetRules.TargetType.Client && TargetRulesObject.Type != TargetRules.TargetType.Server))
                        bool IsProgramTarget = false;

                        string GameFolder = null;
                        string ProjectFileNameBase = null;
                        if (TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Program)
                            IsProgramTarget = true;
                            ProjectFileNameBase = TargetName;
                        else if (IsEngineTarget)
                            ProjectFileNameBase = EngineProjectFileNameBase;
                            // Figure out which game project this target belongs to
                            UProjectInfo ProjectInfo = FindGameContainingFile(AllGames, TargetFilePath);
                            if (ProjectInfo == null)
                                throw new BuildException("Found a non-engine target file (" + TargetFilePath + ") that did not exist within any of the known game folders");
                            GameFolder = ProjectInfo.Folder;
                            ProjectFileNameBase = ProjectInfo.GameName;

                        // @todo projectfiles: We should move all of the Target.cs files out of sub-folders to clean up the project directories a bit (e.g. GameUncooked folder)

                        var ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(IntermediateProjectFilesPath, ProjectFileNameBase + ProjectFileExtension);

                        if (TargetRules.IsGameType(TargetRulesObject.Type) &&
                            (TargetRules.IsEditorType(TargetRulesObject.Type) == false))
                            // Allow platforms to generate stub projects here...
                                InGenerator: this,
                                InTargetName: TargetName,
                                InTargetFilepath: TargetFilePath,
                                InTargetRules: TargetRulesObject,
                                InPlatforms: SupportedPlatforms,
                                InConfigurations: SupportedConfigurations);

                        ProjectFilePath = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(ProjectFilePath, MasterProjectRelativePath);

                        bool bProjectAlreadyExisted;
                        var ProjectFile = FindOrAddProject(ProjectFilePath, IncludeInGeneratedProjects: true, bAlreadyExisted: out bProjectAlreadyExisted);
                        ProjectFile.IsForeignProject = bGeneratingGameProjectFiles && STBuildTool.HasUProjectFile() && Utils.IsFileUnderDirectory(TargetFilePath, STBuildTool.GetUProjectPath());
                        ProjectFile.IsGeneratedProject = true;
                        ProjectFile.IsStubProject = false;

                        bool IsTemplateTarget = false;
                            // Check to see if this is a template target.  That is, the target is located under the "Templates" folder
                            string TargetFileRelativeToTemplatesDirectory = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(TargetFilePath, Path.Combine(RootRelativePath, "Templates"));
                            if (!TargetFileRelativeToTemplatesDirectory.StartsWith("..") && !Path.IsPathRooted(TargetFileRelativeToTemplatesDirectory))
                                IsTemplateTarget = true;
                        string BaseFolder = null;
                        if (IsProgramTarget)
                            ProgramProjects[TargetName] = ProjectFile;
                            BaseFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(TargetFilePath);
                        else if (IsEngineTarget)
                            EngineProject = ProjectFile;
                            BaseFolder = EngineRelativePath;
                            GameProjects[GameFolder] = ProjectFile;
                            if (IsTemplateTarget)
                            BaseFolder = GameFolder;

                            if (!bProjectAlreadyExisted)
                                // Add the .uproject file for this game/template
                                var UProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(BaseFolder, ProjectFileNameBase + ".uproject");
                                if (File.Exists(UProjectFilePath))
                                    ProjectFile.AddFileToProject(UProjectFilePath, BaseFolder);
                                    throw new BuildException("Not expecting to find a game with no .uproject file.  File '{0}' doesn't exist", UProjectFilePath);


                        foreach (var ExistingProjectTarget in ProjectFile.ProjectTargets)
                            if (ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.ConfigurationName.Equals(TargetRulesObject.ConfigurationName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                throw new BuildException("Not expecting project {0} to already have a target rules of with configuration name {1} ({2}) while trying to add: {3}", ProjectFilePath, TargetRulesObject.ConfigurationName, ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.ToString(), TargetRulesObject.ToString());

                            // Not expecting to have both a game and a program in the same project.  These would alias because we share the project and solution configuration names (just because it makes sense to)
                            if (ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Program ||
                                ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Program && ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRules.TargetType.Game)
                                throw new BuildException("Not expecting project {0} to already have a Game/Program target ({1}) associated with it while trying to add: {2}", ProjectFilePath, ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.ToString(), TargetRulesObject.ToString());

                        var ProjectTarget = new ProjectTarget()
                            TargetRules = TargetRulesObject,
                            TargetFilePath = TargetFilePath

                        if (TargetName == "ShaderCompileWorker")		// @todo projectfiles: Ideally, the target rules file should set this
                            ProjectTarget.ForceDevelopmentConfiguration = true;


                        // Make sure the *.Target.cs file is in the project.
                        ProjectFile.AddFileToProject(TargetFilePath, BaseFolder);

                        // We special case ShaderCompileWorker.  It needs to always be compiled in Development mode.
                        Log.TraceVerbose("Generating target {0} for {1}", TargetRulesObject.Type.ToString(), ProjectFilePath);
Esempio n. 14
 /// Adds all engine template text files to the specified project
 private void AddEngineTemplateFiles(ProjectFile EngineProject)
     var EngineTemplateDirectory = Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath, "Content", "Editor", "Templates");
     if (Directory.Exists(EngineTemplateDirectory))
         var DirectoriesToSearch = new List<string>();
         EngineProject.AddFilesToProject(SourceFileSearch.FindFiles(DirectoriesToSearch, ExcludeNoRedistFiles: bExcludeNoRedistFiles), EngineRelativePath);
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the master project file (e.g. Visual Studio Solution file)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UBTProject">The STBuildTool project</param>
 /// <returns>True if successful</returns>
 protected abstract bool WriteMasterProjectFile(ProjectFile UBTProject);