Esempio n. 1
        public double IntraClusterDistance(Cluster C, string[] arr_input_file, double[,] Dmatrix, string distance_type)

            //type of distance measure: single link: singleLink, complete link:completLink, Average Link: AverageLink, median link:MedianLink or MedoidLink
            distance_type = distance_type.Trim();

            //use UPPERCASE
            distance_type = distance_type.ToUpper();

            if (distance_type != "SINGLELINK" && distance_type != "COMPLETELINK" && distance_type != "AVERAGELINK" && distance_type != "MEDOIDLINK" && distance_type != "MEDIANLINK")
                distance_type = "AVERAGELINK";

            // List<Sequence> temp_medoid = new List<Sequence>();
            Sequence OP = new Sequence();
            Hashtable h_interClusterDistance = new Hashtable();//Host the contribution of each sequence to the InterCluster distance; the key is the sequenceID

            /* for each object in  cluster C1 compute distance to all object in C2 */

            double inter_d = 0.0;

            switch (distance_type)
                case "AVERAGELINK":
                        double interClusterDistance = 0.0;
                        int totalPairwiseDistances = 0;
                        // System.Console.WriteLine("C1.clusterID:" + C1.clusterID+ "C2.clusterID  :"+ C2.clusterID);
                        foreach (Sequence seq1 in C.ListOfSeq)
                            foreach (Sequence seq2 in C.ListOfSeq)
                                if (seq1.sequenceValue != seq2.sequenceValue)
                                    double d = OP.fetchDistance(seq1, seq2, arr_input_file, Dmatrix);

                                    // System.Console.WriteLine("dD:" + d);
                                    inter_d = inter_d + d;
                                    totalPairwiseDistances = totalPairwiseDistances + 1;

                        interClusterDistance = Math.Round(inter_d / totalPairwiseDistances, 3);
                        // System.Console.WriteLine("inside distance interClusterDistance:" + interClusterDistance);
                        return interClusterDistance;

                case "SINGLELINK":
                        double interClusterDistance = 0.0;
                        foreach (Sequence seq1 in C.ListOfSeq)
                            foreach (Sequence seq2 in C.ListOfSeq)
                                if (seq1.sequenceValue != seq2.sequenceValue)
                                    double d = OP.fetchDistance(seq1, seq2, arr_input_file, Dmatrix);
                                    if (d < inter_d)
                                        inter_d = d;
                        interClusterDistance = inter_d;
                        return interClusterDistance;

                case "COMPLETELINK":
                        double interClusterDistance = 0.0;
                        foreach (Sequence seq1 in C.ListOfSeq)
                            foreach (Sequence seq2 in C.ListOfSeq)
                                if (seq1.sequenceValue != seq2.sequenceValue)
                                    double d = OP.fetchDistance(seq1, seq2, arr_input_file, Dmatrix);
                                    if (d > inter_d)
                                        inter_d = d;
                        interClusterDistance = inter_d;
                        return interClusterDistance;

                case "MEDOIDLINK":
                        double interClusterDistance = 0.0;
                        //there could be many medoids for a cluster. We select the two with the largest distance
                        foreach (Sequence seq1 in C.listOfMedoid)
                            foreach (Sequence seq2 in C.listOfMedoid)
                                if (seq1.sequenceValue != seq2.sequenceValue)
                                    double d = OP.fetchDistance(seq1, seq2, arr_input_file, Dmatrix);
                                    if (d > inter_d)
                                        inter_d = d;

                        interClusterDistance = inter_d;
                        return interClusterDistance;
                    return inter_d;


            //return interClusterDistance;
Esempio n. 2
        public List<Sequence> ComputeMedoid(Cluster C, string[] arr_input_file, double[,] Dmatrix)
            List<Sequence> temp_medoid = new List<Sequence>();
            Sequence OP = new Sequence();
            Hashtable h_intraClusterDistance = new Hashtable();//Host the contribution of each sequence to the intraCluster distance; the key is the sequenceID
            // Hashtable h_sequence = new Hashtable();//Host the contribution of each sequence to the intraCluster distance; the key is the sequenceID

            /* for each object in this cluster select the object in middle by computing the distance of each object to all objects*/
            double intraCluster = 0.0;
            // int numOfSeq=C.ListOfSeq.Count;
            // double[] arr_intraClusterD = new double[numOfSeq];

            foreach (Sequence seq1 in C.ListOfSeq)
                intraCluster = 0;
                foreach (Sequence seq2 in C.ListOfSeq)
                    if (seq1.sequenceValue != seq2.sequenceValue)
                        double d = OP.fetchDistance(seq1, seq2, arr_input_file, Dmatrix);
                        intraCluster = intraCluster + d;
                //The contribution of each sequ is in the hash.
                seq1.contributionToIntraClusterDistance = intraCluster;
                h_intraClusterDistance.Add(seq1.sequenceValue, seq1);

            // The squence with the minimum distance is the medoid
            double minDistance = -1.0;
            bool first_time = true;
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in h_intraClusterDistance)
                Sequence temp = (Sequence)(entry.Value);
                if (first_time)
                    minDistance = temp.contributionToIntraClusterDistance;
                if (temp.contributionToIntraClusterDistance < minDistance)
                    minDistance = temp.contributionToIntraClusterDistance;

            // At this point the minimumn value of intra cluster distance is known. What is needed to find out all the sequences with same value
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in h_intraClusterDistance)
                Sequence temp = (Sequence)(entry.Value);
                if (temp.contributionToIntraClusterDistance == minDistance)

            return temp_medoid;