Esempio n. 1
        public string show_list()
            pagesize = 16;
            int pi = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["current"]) ? 1 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["current"]);

            pageindex = pi;
            System.Text.StringBuilder s  = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            SOSOshop.BLL.Db           db = new SOSOshop.BLL.Db();

            #region 数据查询
            string sql = string.Format("select top {0} *," +
                                       "ISNULL((SELECT Product_ID FROM product_online_v WHERE Product_ID=a.Product_ID),0)st," +//是否上架(在前台显示)
                                       "(select b.Price_01 from product_online_v_1 as b where b.Product_ID= a.Product_ID) as price_01," +
                                       "(select b.Price_02 from product_online_v_1 as b where b.Product_ID= a.Product_ID) as price_02," +
                                       "(select stock from product_online_v_1 as c where c.Product_ID=a.Product_ID) as stock," +
                                       "(select isnull(stock,0) from Stock_Lock as c where c.Product_ID=a.Product_ID) as stock1" +
                                       "{1} WHERE (a.Product_ID NOT IN(SELECT TOP ({0} * ({2} - 1)) a.Product_ID {1} {3} order by a.Product_ID desc)) {4} order by a.Product_ID desc", pagesize, getFrom(), pageindex, where.Length > 1 ? " where 1=1 " + where : "", where);

            SOSOshop.BLL.MongoHelper <MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument> dbM = new SOSOshop.BLL.MongoHelper <MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument>("Config");
            var       cli = dbM._mongoCollection.FindAll();
            DataTable dt  = db.ExecuteTable(sql);

            s = GetHtml(dt);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 登录次数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">会员ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetLoginTimes(int id)
            SOSOshop.BLL.Db bll = new SOSOshop.BLL.Db();
            object          obj = bll.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM memberloginlog WHERE UID=" + id);

            return(obj == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(obj));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 最近成交日期
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">会员ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetOrderDate(int id)
            SOSOshop.BLL.Db bll = new SOSOshop.BLL.Db();
            object          obj = bll.ExecuteScalar("SELECT TOP(1) OrderDate FROM orders " +
                                                    " WHERE ReceiverId=" + id +
                                                    " and OrderStatus>0 ORDER BY OrderDate DESC");

            return(obj == null ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(obj).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
Esempio n. 4
        public string page()
            param  = "&shopname=" + Request["shopname"];
            param += "&changjia=" + Request["changjia"];
            param += "&pihao=" + Request["pihao"];
            param += "&Price=" + Request["Price"];
            param += "&is_cl=" + Request["is_cl"];
            param += "&sellType=" + Request["sellType"];
            param += "&es=" + Request["es"];
            param += "&bStock=" + Request["bStock"];
            param += "&bShelves=" + Request["bShelves"];
            param += "&bGoodsImage=" + Request["bGoodsImage"];
            param += "&bMaid=" + Request["bMaid"];
            param += "&bGgy=" + Request["bGgy"];
            param += "&bQtzs=" + Request["bQtzs"];
            param += "&bJyQtzs=" + Request["bJyQtzs"];
            param += "&bYsJg=" + Request["bYsJg"];
            param += "&bYsFl=" + Request["bYsFl"];
            param += "&cgy=" + Request["cgy"];
            param += "&bKong=" + Request["bKong"];
            param += "&cuxiao=" + Request["cuxiao"];
            param += "&bSms=" + Request["bSms"] + "&bYlyx=" + Request["bYlyx"] +
                     "&bBq1=" + Request["bBq1"] + "&bBq2=" + Request["bBq2"] + "&bBq3=" + Request["bBq3"] + "&bgys=" + Request["bgys"]
                     + "&bjgqj=" + Request["bjgqj"]
                     + "&bjgqj_s=" + Request["bjgqj_s"]
                     + "&bjgqj_e=" + Request["bjgqj_e"]
                     + "&bStock_s=" + Request["bStock_s"]
                     + "&bStock_e=" + Request["bStock_e"];
            SOSOshop.BLL.Db db  = new SOSOshop.BLL.Db();
            string          sql = "select count(a.product_name) as c" + getFrom() + (where.Length > 1 ? " where 1=1 " + where + "" : "");
            int    recordcount = (int)db.ExecuteTable(sql).Rows[0]["c"];
            double cs          = (double)recordcount / pagesize;

            pagecount = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(cs).ToString());
            System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            s.Append("共<span style='color: Red'>" + recordcount + "</span>条记录");
            s.Append("<a href=\"?current=1" + param + "\">");
            s.Append("</a> ");
            int j, i;

            j = i = 0;
            if (pageindex > 5)
                i = pageindex - 5;
                j = i;
            for (; i < j + 9 && i < pagecount; i++)
                s.Append("<a href=\"?current=" + (i + 1) + param +
                         (pageindex == i + 1 ? "\" style=\"color:Red" : "")
                         + "\">");
                s.Append(i + 1);
                s.Append("</a> ");
            s.Append("<a href=\"?current=" + pagecount + param + "\">");
            s.Append("</a> ");

Esempio n. 5
        public ActionResult Index(int?id)
            DateTime      StartTime = DateTime.Now, InitTime = StartTime;
            StringBuilder InitData = new StringBuilder();

            if (id == null)
            ViewBag.ProductID = id.ToString();
            SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product bll = new SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product();
            int Member_Class;

            Price.GetMemberpermission(out Member_Class);

            InitData.Append("开始-商品信息:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;
            bool clearCache = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["clearCache"]);//清除缓存

            DataTable PriceTable = bll.GetProduct((int)id,
                                                  SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._ProductInfoColumns_NotIn_PriceTableColumns + ","                                                                                                                                          //品种信息
                                                  + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns                                                                                                                                                                       //价格信息
                                                  + "(SELECT TOP 1 Image FROM Goods_Picture WHERE Goods_ID=product_online_v.Goods_ID) pro_Picture, "                                                                                                                      //彩页
                                                  + "(SELECT TOP 1 a.Drugsbase_Direct_Context FROM Drugsbase_Direct AS a INNER JOIN DrugsBase AS b ON a.Drugsbase_Direct_ID=b.Drugsbase_Direct_ID WHERE b.Drugsbase_ID=product_online_v.Drugsbase_ID) Drugsbase_Direct, " //说明书
                                                  + "created, drug_sensitive,is_cl"                                                                                                                                                                                       //其他
                                                  , clearCache);

            InitData.Append("结束-商品信息:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;
            if (PriceTable != null && PriceTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                //实时销售方式处理 清除缓存
                int sellType  = 1; int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(PriceTable.Rows[0]["sellType"]), out sellType);
                int sellType1 = 1; int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(bll.GetProductAttr((int)id, SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product.sellTypeSql())), out sellType1);
                if (sellType != sellType1)
                    clearCache = true;
                    PriceTable = bll.GetProduct((int)id,
                                                SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._ProductInfoColumns_NotIn_PriceTableColumns + ","                                                                                                                                          //品种信息
                                                + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns                                                                                                                                                                       //价格信息
                                                + "(SELECT TOP 1 Image FROM Goods_Picture WHERE Goods_ID=product_online_v.Goods_ID) pro_Picture, "                                                                                                                      //彩页
                                                + "(SELECT TOP 1 a.Drugsbase_Direct_Context FROM Drugsbase_Direct AS a INNER JOIN DrugsBase AS b ON a.Drugsbase_Direct_ID=b.Drugsbase_Direct_ID WHERE b.Drugsbase_ID=product_online_v.Drugsbase_ID) Drugsbase_Direct, " //说明书
                                                + "created, drug_sensitive,is_cl"                                                                                                                                                                                       //其他
                                                , clearCache);

                PriceTable = PriceTable.GetPriceTable();
                SOSOshop.Model.ProductInfo model = bll.ReaderBind(PriceTable.Rows[0], Member_Class);
                ViewBag.ProductDataRow = PriceTable.Rows[0];//原始数据行

                string maxsell = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxsell))
                    maxsell = "0";
                ViewBag.MaxSell  = maxsell;
                ViewBag.OldPrice = PriceTable.Rows[0]["OrigPrice"];
                ViewBag.Price    = PriceTable.Rows[0]["Price"];
                ViewBag.IsProp   = PriceTable.Rows[0]["iscu"];

                DateTime addDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                DateTime.TryParse(PriceTable.Rows[0]["created"].ToString(), out addDate);
                ViewBag.AddedDate = addDate.ToShortDateString();

                ViewBag.spid  = PriceTable.Rows[0]["spid"];
                ViewBag.pihao = PriceTable.Rows[0]["pihao"];
                ViewBag.sxrq  = PriceTable.Rows[0]["sxrq"];
                SOSOshop.BLL.Db db = new SOSOshop.BLL.Db();
                int DrugsBase_bNationalEssentialDrug = 0;
                if (model.tag_ids.IndexOf(",66,") >= 0)
                    DrugsBase_bNationalEssentialDrug = 1;
                ViewBag.DrugsBase_bNationalEssentialDrug = DrugsBase_bNationalEssentialDrug;

                InitData.Append("开始-适应症分类:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;

                string syzsql = string.Format("select id,name from Tag_PharmAttribute where fullPath like '%/'+convert(varchar,(select top 1 case when ParentId=0 then id else ParentId end from Tag_PharmAttribute where id in(SELECT Tag_PharmAttribute_id FROM Tag_PharmProduct WHERE product_key='d' and product_id={0}) and tag_id=71))+'/%' order by ParentId", model.DrugsBase_ID);
                string  sql2level = string.Format("select id,name from Tag_PharmAttribute where id in(select id from Tag_PharmAttribute where id in(SELECT Tag_PharmAttribute_id FROM Tag_PharmProduct WHERE product_key='d' and product_id={0}) and tag_id=71)", model.DrugsBase_ID);
                DataSet ds_fl     = db.ExecuteDataSetForCache(syzsql + " " + sql2level, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
                ViewBag.SyzList = ds_fl.Tables.Count > 0 ? ds_fl.Tables[0] : new DataTable();
                ViewBag.SyzName = "";
                StringBuilder syzname = new StringBuilder();
                bool          frist = true; DataTable dt = ds_fl.Tables.Count > 1 ? ds_fl.Tables[1] : new DataTable();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    if (frist)
                        string sqlSyzTj = string.Format("select top 4 * from product_online_v where DrugsBase_ID in( select product_id from Tag_PharmProduct where product_key='d' and Tag_PharmAttribute_id={0})", dr["id"]);
                        ViewBag.SyzTjTitle = dr["name"].ToString();
                        ViewBag.SyzTj      = db.ExecuteTableForCache(sqlSyzTj).GetPriceTable();
                        ViewBag.SyzTjCount = db.ExecuteScalarForCache(sqlSyzTj.Replace("top 4 *", "count(distinct product_id)"));
                        frist = false;
                    ViewBag.OtcLink = _101shop.v3.Controllers.HomeController.SearchUrl(int.Parse(dr["id"].ToString()), 1);
                    syzname.AppendFormat("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;", _101shop.v3.Controllers.HomeController.SearchUrl(int.Parse(dr["id"].ToString()), 1), dr["name"].ToString());
                ViewBag.SyzName = syzname.ToString();
                InitData.Append("结束-适应症分类:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;

                InitData.Append("会员账户信息:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;
                InitData.Append("其他价格信息:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;

                decimal RetailPrice = 0; //建议零售价
                if (Member_Class != 1)   //建议零售价
                    RetailPrice = model.RetailPrice;

                decimal Price_Temp = 0;
                decimal.TryParse(PriceTable.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString(), out Price_Temp);
                ViewBag.is_pf = model.Price_01 > 0;
                ViewBag.is_cl = PriceTable.Rows[0]["is_cl"];

                var obj = bll.ExecuteScalar("SELECT BagCapacity FROM dbo.DrugsBase_ZYC WHERE DrugsBase_ID={0}", model.DrugsBase_ID);

                ViewBag.BagCapacity = obj != null?Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(obj), 2) : 1;

                ViewBag.Price     = Price_Temp;
                ViewBag.ShowPrice = PriceTable.Rows[0]["showPrice"].ToString();

                string minsell = string.Empty;
                if (ViewBag.is_cl == "是")
                    minsell = PriceTable.Rows[0]["minsell"].ToString();
                    minsell = "1";
                ViewBag.minsell = minsell;
                ViewBag.pro_Image = "" + PriceTable.Rows[0]["Original"];
                string pro_Picture = "" + PriceTable.Rows[0]["pro_Picture"];
                if (!pro_Picture.ToLower().Contains("/picture/"))//旧的彩页
                    pro_Picture = pro_Picture.ToLower().Replace(".jpg", "-sy1.jpg");
                ViewBag.pro_Picture = pro_Picture;
                ViewBag.Drugsbase_Direct = "" + PriceTable.Rows[0]["Drugsbase_Direct"];

                string sql = "SELECT a.Stock-ISNULL(b.Stock,0) FROM Product a LEFT JOIN Stock_Lock b ON a.Product_ID = b.Product_ID WHERE a.Product_ID=" + id;
                ViewBag.ISExpirationTime = false;
                if (ExpirationTime)
                    sql = string.Format("SELECT  *  FROM Product_ExpirationTime  Product_ExpirationTime WHERE product_id={0}", id);

                    DataTable DT_ExpirationTime = bll.ExecuteTable(sql);
                    if (DT_ExpirationTime != null && DT_ExpirationTime.Rows.Count > 0)
                        ViewBag.ISExpirationTime = true;
                        ViewBag.Goods_Unit       = DT_ExpirationTime.Rows[0]["Goods_Unit"].ToString();
                        ViewBag.ShowPrice = DT_ExpirationTime.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString();
                    sql = string.Format("SELECT stock - ISNULL(dbo.fn_select_Expiration_lockStock({0}),0) FROM Product_ExpirationTime  WHERE product_id={0}", id);
                int Product_Stock = 0; int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(db.ExecuteScalar(sql)), out Product_Stock);
                if (sellType == 2)
                    int zbz = 0; int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(PriceTable.Rows[0]["Goods_Pcs_Small"]), out zbz); if (zbz > 0 && Math.Floor((double)Product_Stock / zbz) <= 0)
                        Product_Stock = 0;
                if (sellType == 3)
                    int jz = 0; int.TryParse(Convert.ToString(PriceTable.Rows[0]["Goods_Pcs"]), out jz); if (jz > 0 && Math.Floor((double)Product_Stock / jz) <= 0)
                        Product_Stock = 0;
                ViewBag.Product_Stock = Product_Stock;
                InitData.Append("实时库存:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;

                DataTable DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product = new SOSOshop.BLL.DrugsBase.DrugsBase_Pharm().GetListByDrugsBase_ID(model.DrugsBase_ID);
                ViewBag.DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product = DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product;
                InitData.Append("药品导航:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;
                DataTable drugsBase_Manufacturer = new SOSOshop.BLL.DrugsBase.DrugsBase_Manufacturer().GetOhterManufacturerList(50, model.Product_Name, model.DrugsBase_Manufacturer);
                ViewBag.DrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList = drugsBase_Manufacturer;
                if (drugsBase_Manufacturer != null)
                    ViewBag.DrugsBase_Manufacturer_Count = DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product == null ? 0 : DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product.Rows.Count;
                InitData.Append("其他生产厂家:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;

                #region 本月热销排行榜
                ViewBag.Member_Class = Member_Class;
                    string sqlhot = string.Empty;
                    if (Member_Class == 1)
                        sqlhot = "SELECT TOP 8  " + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns + "ggy1,drug_sensitive,Product_ID,DrugsBase_Specification,DrugsBase_Manufacturer,Product_Name,Product_Advertisement,Image," +
                                 "Product_SaleNum as SaleNum,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit_Name,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit,Goods_ConveRatio,Goods_Unit, DrugsBase_ID " +
                                 "FROM product_online_v p " +
                                 "where (Price_02  is not null and Price_02!=0.000000) " +
                                 "ORDER BY SaleNum DESC";
                        sqlhot = "SELECT TOP 8  " + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns + "ggy1,Product_ID,DrugsBase_Specification,DrugsBase_Manufacturer,Product_Advertisement,Product_Name, Image," +
                                 "( " +
                                 "SELECT SUM(Product_SaleNum/Goods_pcs) " +
                                 "FROM product_online_v " +
                                 "WHERE DrugsBase_ID=p.DrugsBase_ID " +
                                 ")SaleNum,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit_Name,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit,Goods_ConveRatio,'件' Goods_Unit,drug_sensitive,Product_SaleNum " +
                                 "FROM product_online_v p " +
                                 "where (Price_01  is not null and Price_01!=0.000000)  and DrugsBase_Manufacturer != '云南升和药业股份有限公司' " +
                                 "AND p.Goods_Pcs != 1 " +
                                 "ORDER BY SaleNum DESC";
                    ViewBag.ThisMonthRanking_ProductList = db.ExecuteTableForCache(sqlhot).GetPriceTable();
                    InitData.Append("本月热销排行榜:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;
                    ViewBag.ThisMonthRanking_ProductList = new DataTable();

                #region 分类热销品种
                ViewBag.DrugsBase_Pharm1_Of_Product_Class     = null;
                ViewBag.DrugsBase_Pharm1_Of_Product_ClassList = null;
                if (DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product != null)
                    NameValueCollection na              = new NameValueCollection();
                    string[]            Pharm_ID_Path   = DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product.Rows[0]["Pharm_ID_Path"].ToString().Trim('\\').Split('\\');
                    string[]            Pharm_Name_Path = DrugsBase_Pharm_Of_Product.Rows[0]["Pharm_Name_Path"].ToString().Trim('\\').Split('\\');
                    if (Pharm_ID_Path.Length == Pharm_Name_Path.Length)
                        for (var i = 0; i < Pharm_Name_Path.Length; i++)
                            na[Pharm_Name_Path[i]] = Pharm_ID_Path[i];
                    ViewBag.DrugsBase_Pharm1_Of_Product = na;
                    string name  = na.Keys.Get(na.Count - 1);
                    int    value = int.Parse(na[na.Count - 1]);
                    ViewBag.ThisClass   = name;  //分类
                    ViewBag.ThisClassID = value; //分类ID
                    DataTable ThisClass_ProductList = bll.Get_ThisClass_ProductList(4, value).GetPriceTable();
                    ViewBag.ThisClass_ProductList       = ThisClass_ProductList;
                    ViewBag.ThisClass_ProductList_Count = bll.Get_ThisClass_ProductList_Count(value);
                InitData.Append("分类热销品种:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;

                #region 厂家的其他品种列表
                DataTable ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList       = bll.Get_ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList(8, model.DrugsBase_Manufacturer, 0).GetPriceTable();
                int       ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList_Count = ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList == null ? 0 : ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList.Rows.Count;
                if (ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList_Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList.Rows)
                        if ((int)dr["Product_ID"] == model.Product_ID)
                            ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList.Rows.Remove(dr); break;
                ViewBag.ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList       = ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList;
                ViewBag.ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList_Count = bll.Get_ThisDrugsBase_Manufacturer_Of_ProductList_Count(model.DrugsBase_Manufacturer, (int)id);
                InitData.Append("厂家的其他品种列表:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|"); InitTime = DateTime.Now;


                if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && ViewBag.UID != null && ViewBag.Member_IsLogOn == true)
                    MemberBrowserProductContentLog bllLog = new SOSOshop.BLL.MemberBrowserProductContentLog();
                    bllLog.RecordBrowse(ViewBag.UID, id);
                    ViewBag.History_Of_ProductList = bll.Get_History_Of_ProductList(10, (int)ViewBag.UID).GetPriceTable();

                InitData.Append("最近浏览过的商品:" + (DateTime.Now - InitTime).TotalSeconds + "s|");
                ViewBag.InitData = InitData + "总共:" + (DateTime.Now - StartTime).TotalSeconds + "s";

        public string show_list()
            pagesize = 16;
            int pi = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["current"]) ? 1 : int.Parse(Request.QueryString["current"]);

            pageindex = pi;
            StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

            #region 数据查询
            SOSOshop.BLL.Db db       = new SOSOshop.BLL.Db();
            string          orderDjl = "";
            switch (Request["bDjl"])
            case "1":
                orderDjl = "a.Product_ClickNum asc,";

            case "2":
                orderDjl = "a.Product_ClickNum desc,";
            string sql = string.Format("select top {0} *," +
                                       " cgy," +                                                                                //采购员
                                                                                                                                //"(select b.is_cl from product_online_v_1 as b where b.Product_ID= a.Product_ID) as is_cl," +//可拆零
                                       "ISNULL((SELECT Product_ID FROM product_online_v WHERE Product_ID=a.Product_ID),0)st," + //是否上架(在前台显示)
                                       "(select b.Price_01 from product_online_v_1 as b where b.Product_ID= a.Product_ID) as price_01," +
                                       "(select b.Price_02 from product_online_v_1 as b where b.Product_ID= a.Product_ID) as price_02," +
                                       "(select stock from product_online_v_1 as c where c.Product_ID=a.Product_ID) as stock," +
                                       "(select isnull(stock,0) from Stock_Lock as c where c.Product_ID=a.Product_ID) as stock1," +
                                       "ISNULL((SELECT 1 FROM DrugsBase_ZYC WHERE DrugsBase_ID=a.DrugsBase_ID),0) is_ZYC " +
                                       "{1} WHERE (a.Product_ID NOT IN(SELECT TOP ({0} * ({2} - 1)) a.Product_ID {1} {3} order by {5}a.Product_ID desc)) {4} order by {5}a.Product_ID desc", pagesize, getFrom(), pageindex, where.Length > 1 ? " where 1=1 " + where : "", where, orderDjl);
            DataTable dt = db.ExecuteTable(sql);

            #region 报表导出
            if (Request["input"] == "导出")
                sql = string.Format("select " +
                                    "Product_id 商品编号,spid ERP编号,Product_Name 商品名,DrugsBase_ApprovalNumber 批准文号,DrugsBase_Manufacturer 生产厂家,DrugsBase_DrugName 通用名,DrugsBase_Formulation 剂型,Goods_ConveRatio 转换比,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit 转换比单位,Goods_Pcs 件装,Goods_Pcs_Small 中包装,Goods_Unit 包装单位,DrugsBase_Specification 规格, cgy 采购员 " +
                                    "{1} WHERE 1=1 {4} order by {5}a.Product_ID desc", int.MaxValue, getFrom(), 0, where.Length > 1 ? "" + where : "", where, orderDjl);
                dt = db.ExecuteTable(sql);
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (dt.Rows.Count < 10)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            var dr = dt.NewRow();

                ExportExcel(string.Format("商品数据_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), dt.DataSet);

            s = GetHtml(dt);