public void ChangeLanguageWithIndex(int languageIndex = 0)
            Language newLanguage = LanguageUtil.LanguageAt(languageIndex);

            if (currentLanguage != newLanguage)
                currentLanguage = newLanguage;
        private void Import()
            string locFolderPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Localization";

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(locFolderPath);
            files = files.Where(x => x.EndsWith(".csv")).ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                var sheet = new ES3Spreadsheet();
                int rowCount = sheet.RowCount;

                int rowDepth = 0, checkRow = 1;
                var compareAgainst = sheet.GetCell <string>(0, checkRow);

                while (true)

                    if (checkRow > rowCount)
                        Debug.Log("Break cuz to big: " + checkRow);

                    if (sheet.GetCell <string>(0, checkRow) != compareAgainst)
                        Debug.Log("Break cuz found target");

                Debug.Log("Row Depth: " + rowDepth);

                for (int row = 1; row < rowCount - 1; row += rowDepth)
                    Debug.Log("Current Row: " + row);
                    List <Dictionary <Language, string> > dictEntry =
                        new List <Dictionary <Language, string> >();

                    for (int subRow = row; subRow < row + rowDepth; subRow++)
                        var dict = new Dictionary <Language, string>();
                        for (int col = 1; col < sheet.ColumnCount; col++)
                                LanguageUtil.LanguageAt(col - 1),
                                sheet.GetCell <string>(col, subRow)
                        Debug.Log("sRow: " + subRow);

                    var locBase = GetLocalizationTarget(sheet.GetCell <string>(0, row));

                    Debug.Log($"Finished importing to the {} ScriptableObject");

            Debug.Log("Localization import finished. Imported " + localisationTextAssets.Length);
        private void Export()
            int languagesCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Language)).Length;

            //gather and count all unique types we will be exporting
            var spreadsheets = new Dictionary <string, ES3Spreadsheet>();

            for (int i = 0; i < localisationTextAssets.Length; i++)
                string typeName = localisationTextAssets[i].PathToLocalizationFile();
                if (!spreadsheets.ContainsKey(typeName))
                    spreadsheets.Add(typeName, new ES3Spreadsheet());

            //save our localization assets to proper files
            for (int i = 0; i < localisationTextAssets.Length; i++)
                string         rowName  = localisationTextAssets[i].name;
                string         key      = localisationTextAssets[i].PathToLocalizationFile();
                ES3Spreadsheet sheet    = spreadsheets[key];
                int            startRow = sheet.RowCount;
                List <Dictionary <Language, string> > locStrings = localisationTextAssets[i].GetLocalizedStrings();
                int rowsToAdd = locStrings.Count + (sheet.ColumnCount == 0 ? 1 : 0);

                //TODO: Possibly, fill first row with the headers, so we can get rid of redundant checks
                for (int col = 0; col <= languagesCount; col++)
                    for (int row = startRow; row < startRow + rowsToAdd; row++)
                        if (col == row && col == 0) //Top left corner
                            sheet.SetCell <string>(col, row, "Localization");
                        else if (col == 0)      //Key
                            sheet.SetCell <string>(col, row, rowName);
                        else if (row == 0)      //Header
                            sheet.SetCell <string>(
                                col, row, LanguageUtil.StringAt(col - 1));
                        else                                                 //Translation
                            int mod      = startRow == 0 ? -1 : 0;           // *Checks like this* can be avoided
                            var lDict    = locStrings[row - startRow + mod]; //dictionary<language, string> from list of dicts
                            var lDString = lDict[LanguageUtil.LanguageAt(col - 1)];
                            sheet.SetCell <string>(col, row, lDString);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ES3Spreadsheet> es3Spreadsheet in spreadsheets)

            Debug.Log("Localization export finished. Exported " + localisationTextAssets.Length + " lines in " + Enum.GetNames(typeof(Language)).Length + " languages");