private void TempEmpAtt_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; TempEmpAttQuery Frm = TempEmpAttQuery.GetInstance(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); Frm.Height = this.Height - 20; }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql, month, cdate; bool isok = false, closed = false; DataSet ds; cdate = dateTimePickerDateBegin.Text.ToString(); if (Convert.ToDateTime(cdate) > DayOfMonth(Convert.ToDateTime(cdate))) { month = NextMonth(Convert.ToDateTime(cdate)); } else { month = Convert.ToDateTime(cdate).ToString("yyyy-MM"); } sql = "select closed from cost_temp_close where cmonth = '" + month + "'"; ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(sql); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "True") { closed = true; } } bool right = TempEmpAttQuery.SubmitRight(textEditCno.Text.ToString().Trim()); if (!right) { } else if (closed) { MessageBox.Show("该月考勤已经关闭,不能再提报!"); } else if (textEditStatus.Text != "未提报" && textEditStatus.Text != "") { MessageBox.Show("已提报的记录,不能再提报!"); } else if (comboBoxShift.Text.ToString().Trim() == "" || textEditCno.Text.ToString().Trim() == "" || textEditRest.Text.ToString().Trim() == "" || textEditRealHours.Text.ToString().Trim() == "" || textEditNormal.Text.ToString().Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("有关键信息为空,请检查!"); } else if (this.Text == "异常提报" && comboBoxNGType.SelectedValue.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请选择异常类型!"); } else { string checkdata = "select isnull(status,0) status from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_ATTENDANCE where isnull(isclose,0) = 0 and cno = '" + textEditCno.Text.ToString() + "' and begin_date = '" + dateTimePickerDateBegin.Text + "' and end_date = '" + dateTimePickerDateEnd.Text + "'";; ds = conn.ReturnDataSet(checkdata); if (begin_date != "") { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && (Convert.ToDateTime(begin_date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") != dateTimePickerDateBegin.Text.ToString() || Convert.ToDateTime(end_date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") != dateTimePickerDateEnd.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("该出勤日期已经存在!"); } else { //TimeSpan ts = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePickerEnd.Text) - Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePickerBegin.Text); //textEditRealHours.Text = Convert.ToString(ts.TotalHours - Convert.ToDouble(textEditRest.Text.ToString().Trim())); sql = "update COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_ATTENDANCE set shift = '" + comboBoxShift.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',begin_date = '" + dateTimePickerDateBegin.Text + "',end_date = '" + dateTimePickerDateEnd.Text + "',BEGIN_APPLY = '" + timeEditBegin.Text + "',END_APPLY = '" + timeEditEnd.Text + "',rest_hours = '" + textEditRest.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',hours = '" + textEditRealHours.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',normal_hours = '" + textEditNormal.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',overtime_hours = '" + textEditOverTime.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',REASON_OVERTIME='" + textEditReason.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',apply_user = '******',apply_time = '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "',ng_type = '" + comboBoxNGType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',status = 1"; sql = sql + " where cno = '" + cno + "' and begin_date = '" + begin_date + "' and end_date = '" + end_date + "' and isnull(isclose,0) = 0"; isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("提报成功!"); TempEmpAttQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } else { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("此员工该出勤日期已经存在,请直接选择相应记录进行提报!"); } else { sql = string.Format("Insert into COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_ATTENDANCE(cno,shift,begin_date,end_date,begin_apply,end_apply,rest_hours,hours,normal_hours,overtime_hours,reason_overtime,status,apply_user,apply_time,ng_type) Values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}')", textEditCno.Text.ToString().Trim(), comboBoxShift.SelectedValue.ToString(), dateTimePickerDateBegin.Text, dateTimePickerDateEnd.Text, timeEditBegin.Text, timeEditEnd.Text, textEditRest.Text.ToString().Trim(), textEditRealHours.Text.ToString().Trim(), textEditNormal.Text.ToString().Trim(), textEditOverTime.Text.ToString().Trim(), textEditReason.Text.ToString().Trim(), 1, Logon.GetCname(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), comboBoxNGType.SelectedValue.ToString()); isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("异常提报成功!"); TempEmpAttQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } } conn.Close(); }
private void TempEmpAttUpdate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindShift(); //绑定异常类型 Dictionary <string, string> kvDictonary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); kvDictonary.Add("", ""); kvDictonary.Add("忘打卡", "忘打卡"); kvDictonary.Add("漏报", "漏报"); kvDictonary.Add("多报", "多报"); kvDictonary.Add("未录脸", "未录脸"); kvDictonary.Add("卡机异常", "卡机异常"); kvDictonary.Add("迟到", "迟到"); kvDictonary.Add("早退", "早退"); kvDictonary.Add("其它", "其它"); BindingSource bs = new BindingSource(); bs.DataSource = kvDictonary; comboBoxNGType.DataSource = bs; comboBoxNGType.ValueMember = "Key"; comboBoxNGType.DisplayMember = "Value"; comboBoxNGType.SelectedIndex = 0; string cname = "", cfrom = "", shift = "", begin_time = "", end_time = "", begin_apply = "", end_apply = "", dept = "", rest_hours = "", hours = "", normal_hours = "", overtime_hours = "", reason = "", status = "", ng_type = ""; TempEmpAttQuery.GetInfo(ref cno, ref cname, ref dept, ref cfrom, ref shift, ref begin_date, ref end_date, ref begin_time, ref end_time, ref begin_apply, ref end_apply, ref rest_hours, ref hours, ref normal_hours, ref overtime_hours, ref reason, ref status, ref ng_type, ref s_begin, ref s_end, ref s_rest_hours, ref s_overtime_rest_hours, ref overtime_begin); if (cno != "") { textEditCno.Text = cno; textEditName.Text = cname; textEditDept.Text = dept; textEditFrom.Text = cfrom; comboBoxShift.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxShift.SelectedValue = shift; comboBoxNGType.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxNGType.SelectedValue = ng_type; dateTimePickerDateBegin.Text = begin_date; dateTimePickerDateEnd.Text = end_date; textEditMachineTime.Text = begin_time + "—" + end_time; if (begin_apply != "") { timeEditBegin.Time = Convert.ToDateTime(begin_apply); } if (end_apply != "") { timeEditEnd.Time = Convert.ToDateTime(end_apply); } textEditRest.Text = rest_hours; textEditRealHours.Text = hours; textEditNormal.Text = normal_hours; textEditOverTime.Text = overtime_hours; textEditReason.Text = reason; textEditStatus.Text = status; } else { textEditCno.Enabled = true; } }
private void barButtonItem主管审批_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { TempEmpAttQuery.Check(3); }
private void barButtonItem驳回提报_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { TempEmpAttQuery.Reject(1); }