public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport() { rptTCFormat5 rpt = new rptTCFormat5(); rpt.Site = this.Site; return(rpt); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Format.Equals("TC-Format-1")) { string str = " SELECT tbl_student .scholarno AS [Scholar No], tbl_student .name AS Name, tbl_student .father AS [Father Name], tbl_student .mother AS [Mother Name], " + " tbl_student .RegDate AS [Admission Date], tbl_student .dob AS [Birth Date], tbl_student .phone AS [Contact No], " + " tbl_student .m_tongue AS [Mother Tongue], tbl_student .casttype AS Category, tbl_student .bloodgroup AS [Blood Group], " + " CASE WHEN tbl_student .sp_challange = 'False' THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [Physically Challanged], " + " tbl_student .SubCast AS [Sub-Cast], tbl_student .Cast, tbl_student .Religion, tbl_student .bldgroup AS Medium, " + " tbl_student .marr_status AS Gender, tbl_classmaster.classname + ' ' + tbl_section.sectionname AS Class, tbl_sankay.sankayname AS Stream, " + " tbl_classstudent.stdtype AS Status, tbl_session .sessionname AS Session, tbl_StopDetails.StopName AS [Bus Stop], tbl_tehsil.tehsil AS Tehsil, " + " tbl_district.district AS District, tbl_district.statename AS State, tbl_classmaster.classname AS ClassName, tbl_section.sectionname AS SectionName, " + " tbl_StudentAttendance.Lectures, tbl_StudentAttendance.PresentDays, tbl_StudentAttendance.Per,tbl_student.SSMId as [SSSM Id] " + " FROM tbl_student AS tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session AS tbl_session ON tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = tbl_session .sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_sankay ON tbl_classstudent.Stream = tbl_sankay.sankaycode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_section ON tbl_classstudent.Section = tbl_section.sectioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_tehsil ON tbl_student .tehcode = tbl_tehsil.tehcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_district ON tbl_tehsil.distcode = tbl_district.distcode LEFT JOIN " + " tbl_StudentAttendance ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_StudentAttendance.StudentNo LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " tbl_StopDetails ON tbl_student .BusStopNo = tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo " + " WHERE (tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = '" + cmbsession.SelectedValue + "') AND (tbl_student .scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') ; " + " SELECT tbl_session.sessionname, tbl_classmaster.classname " + " FROM tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_session.sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_classstudent.sessioncode AND tbl_student.studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode AND tbl_student.scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "'; " + " SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage, Website, logoimage as Watermark, SchoolCode, isnull(TCSrNo,0) as TCSrNo,isnull(TCBookNo,0) as TCBookNo FROM tbl_school ;"; DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str); byte[] ByteImage = (byte[])ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["logoimage"]; Bitmap bmp = Connection.GetImageFromByteArray(ByteImage); bmp = Connection.AdjustContrastOfImage(bmp, 80f); byte[] ByteImage1 = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp); ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Watermark"] = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\TC.xsd"); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (DialogResult.Yes.Equals(MessageBox.Show("Are you sure io issue Trancefer Certificate for this Student?", "Book No.!!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))) { if (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) > 150) { Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_School Set TCSrNo = 101, TCBookNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCBookNo"]) + 1) + "' "); } else { Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_School Set TCSrNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) + 1) + "' "); } //Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_Student Set stdtype='Ex-Student' Where ScholarNo='" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "' "); //Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_classstudent Set stdtype='Ex-Student' Where studentno=dbo.GetStudentNo('" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') and sessioncode='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "' "); } rptTCFormat1 fr = new rptTCFormat1(); fr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; fr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4; fr.SetDataSource(ds); fr.SetParameterValue("Reason", txtReason.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Charecter", txtCharecter.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Class", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("NewSession", cmbsession.Text); fr.SetParameterValue("Date", dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); //fr.SetParameterValue("AdmissionClass", cmbAdmissionClass.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("NewClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("NewSession", cmbsession.Text); // fr.SetParameterValue("DateOfApplication", dateTimePicker2.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); //fr.SetParameterValue("Remarks", txtRemarks.Text.Trim()); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr; s.Show(); } } else if (this.Format.Equals("TC-Format-2")) { string str = " SELECT tbl_student.scholarno AS [Scholar No], AS Name, tbl_student.SSMId AS SSMId,tbl_student.father AS [Father Name], tbl_student.mother AS [Mother Name], " + " Convert(varchar,tbl_student.RegDate,105) AS [Admission Date], Convert(varchar,tbl_student.dob,105) AS [Birth Date], " + " AS [Contact No], tbl_student.m_tongue AS [Mother Tongue], tbl_student.casttype AS Category, tbl_student.bloodgroup as [Blood Group]," + " CASE WHEN tbl_student.sp_challange = 'False' THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [Physically Challanged], tbl_student.SubCast AS [Sub-Cast], " + " tbl_student.Cast, tbl_student.Religion, tbl_student.bldgroup AS Medium, tbl_student.marr_status AS Gender, " + " tbl_classmaster.classname + ' ' + tbl_section.sectionname AS Class, tbl_sankay.sankayname AS Stream,tbl_classstudent.stdtype as Status ,tbl_session.sessionname AS Session, " + " tbl_StopDetails.StopName AS [Bus Stop], tbl_tehsil.tehsil AS Tehsil, tbl_district.district AS District, tbl_district.statename AS State,tbl_classmaster.classname as ClassName,tbl_section.sectionname as SectionName " + " FROM tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student.studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session ON tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = tbl_session.sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_sankay ON tbl_classstudent.Stream = tbl_sankay.sankaycode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_section ON tbl_classstudent.Section = tbl_section.sectioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_tehsil ON tbl_student.tehcode = tbl_tehsil.tehcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_district ON tbl_tehsil.distcode = tbl_district.distcode LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " tbl_StopDetails ON tbl_student.BusStopNo = tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo " + " WHERE (tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = '" + cmbsession.SelectedValue + "') AND (tbl_student.scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') "; str = str + " SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage, Website, logoimage as Watermark, SchoolCode, isnull(TCSrNo,0) as TCSrNo,isnull(TCBookNo,0) as TCBookNo FROM tbl_school "; DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\TC.xsd"); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { rptTCFormat4 fr = new rptTCFormat4(); fr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; fr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4; fr.SetDataSource(ds); fr.SetParameterValue("Result", txtresult.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Attadance", txtpercent.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Date", dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("Charecter", txtCharecter.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("IssueOfApplication", dateTimePicker2.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("PassedClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("AdmissionClass", cmbAdmissionClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("NewClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr; s.Show(); } } else if (this.Format.Equals("TC-Format-3")) { string str = " SELECT tbl_student .scholarno AS [Scholar No], tbl_student .name AS Name, tbl_student .father AS [Father Name], tbl_student .mother AS [Mother Name], " + " CONVERT(varchar, tbl_student .RegDate, 105) AS [Admission Date], tbl_student .dob AS [Birth Date], tbl_student .phone AS [Contact No], " + " tbl_student .m_tongue AS [Mother Tongue], tbl_student .casttype AS Category, tbl_student .bloodgroup AS [Blood Group], " + " CASE WHEN tbl_student .sp_challange = 'False' THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [Physically Challanged], " + " tbl_student .SubCast AS [Sub-Cast], tbl_student .Cast, tbl_student .Religion, tbl_student .bldgroup AS Medium, " + " tbl_student .marr_status AS Gender, tbl_classmaster.classname + ' ' + tbl_section.sectionname AS Class, tbl_sankay.sankayname AS Stream, " + " tbl_classstudent.stdtype AS Status, tbl_session .sessionname AS Session, tbl_StopDetails.StopName AS [Bus Stop], tbl_tehsil.tehsil AS Tehsil, " + " tbl_district.district AS District, tbl_district.statename AS State, tbl_classmaster.classname AS ClassName, tbl_section.sectionname AS SectionName, " + " tbl_StudentAttendance.Lectures, tbl_StudentAttendance.PresentDays " + " FROM tbl_student AS tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session AS tbl_session ON tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = tbl_session .sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_sankay ON tbl_classstudent.Stream = tbl_sankay.sankaycode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_section ON tbl_classstudent.Section = tbl_section.sectioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_tehsil ON tbl_student .tehcode = tbl_tehsil.tehcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_district ON tbl_tehsil.distcode = tbl_district.distcode LEFT JOIN " + " tbl_StudentAttendance ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_StudentAttendance.StudentNo LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " tbl_StopDetails ON tbl_student .BusStopNo = tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo " + " WHERE (tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = '" + cmbsession.SelectedValue + "') AND (tbl_student .scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') ; " + " SELECT tbl_session.sessionname, tbl_classmaster.classname " + " FROM tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_session.sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_classstudent.sessioncode AND tbl_student.studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode AND tbl_student.scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "'; " + " SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage, Website, logoimage as Watermark, SchoolCode, isnull(TCSrNo,0) as TCSrNo,isnull(TCBookNo,0) as TCBookNo FROM tbl_school "; DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\TC.xsd"); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { rptTCFormat4 fr = new rptTCFormat4(); fr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; fr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter; fr.SetDataSource(ds); DataTable dt = Connection.GetDataTable(""); fr.SetParameterValue("Reason", txtReason.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("Charecter", txtCharecter.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Date", dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("PassedClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("NewSession", cmbsession.Text); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr; s.Show(); } } else if (this.Format.Equals("TC-Format-4")) { string str = " SELECT tbl_student .scholarno AS [Scholar No], tbl_student .name AS Name, tbl_student .father AS [Father Name], tbl_student .mother AS [Mother Name], " + " tbl_student .RegDate AS [Admission Date], tbl_student .dob AS [Birth Date], tbl_student .phone AS [Contact No], " + " tbl_student .SSMId AS [SSSMID], tbl_student .ChielId AS [Chiel Id], " + " tbl_student .m_tongue AS [Mother Tongue], tbl_student .casttype AS Category, tbl_student .bloodgroup AS [Blood Group], " + " CASE WHEN tbl_student .sp_challange = 'False' THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [Physically Challanged], " + " tbl_student .SubCast AS [Sub-Cast], tbl_student .Cast, tbl_student .Religion, tbl_student .bldgroup AS Medium, " + " tbl_student .marr_status AS Gender, tbl_classmaster.classname + ' ' + tbl_section.sectionname AS Class, tbl_sankay.sankayname AS Stream, " + " tbl_classstudent.stdtype AS Status, tbl_session .sessionname AS Session,(select top 1 s_to from tbl_session where sessioncode<104 order by sessioncode desc) as s_to, tbl_StopDetails.StopName AS [Bus Stop], tbl_tehsil.tehsil AS Tehsil, " + " tbl_district.district AS District, tbl_district.statename AS State, tbl_classmaster.classname AS ClassName, tbl_section.sectionname AS SectionName, " + " tbl_StudentAttendance.Lectures, tbl_StudentAttendance.PresentDays, tbl_StudentAttendance.Per " + " FROM tbl_student AS tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session AS tbl_session ON tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = tbl_session .sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_sankay ON tbl_classstudent.Stream = tbl_sankay.sankaycode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_section ON tbl_classstudent.Section = tbl_section.sectioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_tehsil ON tbl_student .tehcode = tbl_tehsil.tehcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_district ON tbl_tehsil.distcode = tbl_district.distcode LEFT JOIN " + " tbl_StudentAttendance ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_StudentAttendance.StudentNo LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " tbl_StopDetails ON tbl_student .BusStopNo = tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo " + " WHERE (tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = '" + cmbsession.SelectedValue + "') AND (tbl_student .scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') ; " + " SELECT tbl_session.sessionname, tbl_session.s_to , tbl_classmaster.classname " + " FROM tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_session.sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_classstudent.sessioncode AND tbl_student.studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode AND tbl_student.scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "'; " + " SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage, Website, logoimage as Watermark, SchoolCode, isnull(TCSrNo,0) as TCSrNo,isnull(TCBookNo,0) as TCBookNo FROM tbl_school ;"; DataTable dtSubject = new DataTable("dtSubject"); int i = 1; while (i <= 8) { dtSubject.Columns.Add("Subject-" + i); i++; } SqlDataReader DataReader = Connection.GetDataReader("SELECT s1.subjectno, s1.subjectname, s1.subjecttype, s1.SubjectCode, s1.SubjectOrder FROM tbl_subject s1, tbl_subwiseclass s2 " + " Where s1.subjectno = s2.subjectno AND s2.classno = " + " (Select c.classno From tbl_student s, tbl_classstudent c Where s.studentno = c.studentno AND c.sessioncode = '" + cmbsession.SelectedValue + "' AND s.scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') Order By SubjectOrder "); if (DataReader.HasRows) { DataRow r = dtSubject.NewRow(); i = 0; while (DataReader.Read()) { if (i < 8) { r[i] = DataReader["subjectname"]; } i++; } dtSubject.Rows.Add(r); } DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str); ds.Tables.Add(dtSubject); byte[] ByteImage = (byte[])ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["logoimage"]; Bitmap bmp = Connection.GetImageFromByteArray(ByteImage); bmp = Connection.AdjustContrastOfImage(bmp, 70f); byte[] ByteImage1 = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp); ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Watermark"] = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\TC.xsd"); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (DialogResult.Yes.Equals(MessageBox.Show("Are you sure io issue Trancefer Certificate for this Student?", "Book No.!!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))) { if (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) > 0) { Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_School Set TCSrNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) + 1) + "', TCBookNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCBookNo"]) + 1) + "' "); } else { Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_School Set TCSrNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) + 1) + "' "); } Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_Student Set stdtype='Ex-Student' Where ScholarNo='" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "' "); Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_classstudent Set stdtype='Ex-Student' Where studentno=dbo.GetStudentNo('" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') and sessioncode='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "' "); } rptTCFormat4 fr = new rptTCFormat4(); fr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; fr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter; fr.SetDataSource(ds); fr.SetParameterValue("Reason", txtReason.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Charecter", txtCharecter.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("DateOfAdmission", dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("AdmissionClass", cmbAdmissionClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("NewClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("NewSession", cmbsession.Text); fr.SetParameterValue("DateOfIssue", dateTimePicker2.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("DateOfApplication", dateTimePicker3.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("Result", txtresult.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Remarks", txtRemarks.Text.Trim()); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr; s.Show(); } } else if (this.Format.Equals("TC-Format-5")) { string str = " SELECT tbl_student .scholarno AS [Scholar No],upper( tbl_student .SSMId) AS SSSMID,upper( tbl_student .name) AS Name,upper( tbl_student .father) AS [Father Name], upper(tbl_student .mother) AS [Mother Name], " + " convert(nvarchar(10), tbl_student .RegDate,103) AS [Admission Date],upper(tbl_student .Wdob) as Wdob, tbl_student .dob AS [Birth Date], tbl_student .phone AS [Contact No], " + " upper(tbl_student .m_tongue) AS [Mother Tongue],upper(tbl_student.C_address) as C_address, upper(tbl_student .casttype) AS Category, tbl_student .bloodgroup AS [Blood Group], " + " CASE WHEN tbl_student .sp_challange = 'False' THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS [Physically Challanged], " + " upper( tbl_student .SubCast) AS [Sub-Cast], upper(tbl_student .Cast) as Cast, upper(tbl_student .Religion) as Religion, upper(tbl_student .bldgroup) AS Medium, " + " upper( tbl_student .marr_status) AS Gender,upper( tbl_classmaster.classname + ' ' + tbl_section.sectionname) AS Class, upper(tbl_sankay.sankayname) AS Stream, " + " upper(tbl_classstudent.stdtype) AS Status, tbl_session .sessionname AS Session, upper(tbl_StopDetails.StopName) AS [Bus Stop], upper(tbl_tehsil.tehsil) AS Tehsil, " + " upper(tbl_district.district) AS District, upper(tbl_district.statename) AS State, upper(tbl_classmaster.classname) AS ClassName,upper( tbl_section.sectionname) AS SectionName, " + " convert(nvarchar(10), convert(numeric(10,0), tbl_StudentAttendance.Lectures)) as Lectures,convert(nvarchar(10), convert(numeric(10,0), tbl_StudentAttendance.PresentDays)) as PresentDays, tbl_StudentAttendance.Per " + " FROM tbl_student AS tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session AS tbl_session ON tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = tbl_session .sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_sankay ON tbl_classstudent.Stream = tbl_sankay.sankaycode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_section ON tbl_classstudent.Section = tbl_section.sectioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_tehsil ON tbl_student .tehcode = tbl_tehsil.tehcode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_district ON tbl_tehsil.distcode = tbl_district.distcode LEFT JOIN " + " tbl_StudentAttendance ON tbl_student .studentno = tbl_StudentAttendance.StudentNo LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " tbl_StopDetails ON tbl_student .BusStopNo = tbl_StopDetails.BusStopNo " + " WHERE (tbl_classstudent.sessioncode = '" + cmbsession.SelectedValue + "') AND (tbl_student .scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') ; " + " SELECT tbl_session.sessionname,tbl_session.s_to, tbl_classmaster.classname " + " FROM tbl_student INNER JOIN " + " tbl_session ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_session.sessioncode INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classstudent ON tbl_student.admsession = tbl_classstudent.sessioncode AND tbl_student.studentno = tbl_classstudent.studentno INNER JOIN " + " tbl_classmaster ON tbl_classstudent.classno = tbl_classmaster.classcode AND tbl_student.scholarno = '" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "'; " + " SELECT schoolname, schooladdress, schoolcity, schoolphone, affiliate_by, principal, registrationno, logoimage, Website, logoimage as Watermark, SchoolCode, isnull(TCSrNo,0) as TCSrNo,isnull(TCBookNo,0) as TCBookNo FROM tbl_school ;"; DataSet ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str); byte[] ByteImage = (byte[])ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["logoimage"]; Bitmap bmp = Connection.GetImageFromByteArray(ByteImage); bmp = Connection.AdjustContrastOfImage(bmp, 80f); byte[] ByteImage1 = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp); ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["Watermark"] = Connection.GetByteArrayFromImage(bmp); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\TC.xsd"); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (DialogResult.Yes.Equals(MessageBox.Show("Are you sure io issue Trancefer Certificate for this Student?", "Book No.!!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))) { if (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) > 150) { Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_School Set TCSrNo = 101, TCBookNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCBookNo"]) + 1) + "' "); } else { Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_School Set TCSrNo = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[2].Rows[0]["TCSrNo"]) + 1) + "' "); } Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_Student Set stdtype='Ex-Student' Where ScholarNo='" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "' "); Connection.AllPerform("Update tbl_classstudent Set stdtype='Ex-Student' Where studentno=dbo.GetStudentNo('" + txtscholarno.Text.Trim() + "') and sessioncode='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "' "); } rptTCFormat5 fr = new rptTCFormat5(); fr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; fr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter; fr.SetDataSource(ds); //fr.SetParameterValue("Reason", txtReason.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("Charecter", txtCharecter.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); //fr.SetParameterValue("Date", dateTimePicker1.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("TDate", dateTimePicker2.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("Class", cmbAdmissionClass.Text.Trim() + " ( " +Connection.GetClassDeails(cmbAdmissionClass.Text.Trim()) + " )"); //fr.SetParameterValue("NewClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim() + " ( " + Connection.GetClassDeails(cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()) + " )"); //fr.SetParameterValue("NewSession", cmbsession.Text); //fr.SetParameterValue("Result", txtresult.Text.Trim()); //fr.SetParameterValue("Percent", txtpercent.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Result", txtresult.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Attadance", txtpercent.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("Date", dateTimePicker1.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("Charecter", txtCharecter.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("IssueOfApplication", dateTimePicker2.Value.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); fr.SetParameterValue("PassedClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("AdmissionClass", cmbAdmissionClass.Text.Trim()); fr.SetParameterValue("NewClass", cmbPromotClass.Text.Trim()); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = fr; s.Show(); } } }