public static void UpdateStudent(StudentInfo si) { using (SchoolJournalEntities context = new SchoolJournalEntities()) { Student s = context.Set<Student>().Find(si.StudentID); if (s == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("StudentID to update cannot be null!"); if (!Util.IsValidEmail(si.Email)) throw new ArgumentException("Email string is not a valid email!"); UsersDAL.UpdateUser(si); s.DateOfJoin = si.DateOfJoin; //find grade ID var gID = (from grade in context.Grades where (grade.GradeNo+grade.Section).Equals(si.GradeName) select grade.GradeID); if (gID.Count() > 0) { s.GradeID = gID.First(); } else throw new ArgumentException("Invalid grade name!"); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public static StudentInfo GetStudentInfo(int studentID) { using (SchoolJournalEntities context = new SchoolJournalEntities()) { Student p = context.Set<Student>().Find(studentID); if (p != null) { StudentInfo info = new StudentInfo(p); return info; } else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Student ID was not found in the DB!"); } }