SIPSorcery.SIP SIPTransport.PreProcessRouteInfo in C# (CSharp): 2 esempi trovati. Questi sono i migliori esempi reali in C# (CSharp) per SIPSorcery.SIP.SIPTransport.PreProcessRouteInfo, estratti da progetti open source. Li puoi valutare, per aiutarci a migliorare la qualità dei nostri esempi.
This function performs processing on a request to handle any actions that need to be taken based on the Route header.
The main sections in the RFC3261 dealing with Route header processing are sections for request processing and 16.4 for proxy processing. The steps to process requests for Route headers are: 1. If route set is empty no further action is required, forward to destination resolved from request URI, 2. If the request URI is identified as a value that was previously set as a Route by this SIP agent it means the previous hop was a strict router. Replace the reqest URI with the last Route header and go to next step, 3. If the top most route header was set by this SIP agent then remove it and go to next step, 4. If the top most route set does contain the lr parameter then forward to the destination resolved by it, 5. If the top most route header does NOT contain the lr parameter is must be popped and inserted as the request URI and the original request URI must be added to the end of the route set, forward to destination resolved from request URI,