public void LastUpdateonUPNwithflag(string upn, string dfe, string adno, string pupil_id) { try { String currentdatetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string sql; MySqlConnection MyConn2; MySqlRead Msql = new MySqlRead(); MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection("datasource=" + Msql.GetServerName() + ";port=3306;username="******";password="******";SslMode=none"); MyConn2.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("set net_write_timeout=99999; set net_read_timeout=99999", MyConn2); // Setting tiimeout on mysqlServer cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (upn.Length > 0) { sql = "update " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_upn set lastupdated= '" + currentdatetime + "', dfe_number='" + dfe + "', sims_flag='1', pupil_id='" + pupil_id + "' where upn='" + upn + "';"; } else { sql = "update " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_upn set lastupdated= '" + currentdatetime + "', dfe_number='" + dfe + "', sims_flag='1', pupil_id='" + pupil_id + "' where adno='" + adno + "';"; } MySqlCommand MyCommandlst = new MySqlCommand(sql, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapterlst = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapterlst.SelectCommand = MyCommandlst; MyCommandlst.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToFile("update Date " + ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); } }
public bool checkRecordonServer(string pid, string vdateid, MySqlConnection MyConn2) { string actualdateid = vdateid; string pupilid = pid; DataTable dtDuplicate; MySqlRead Msql = new MySqlRead(); MyConn2.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("set net_write_timeout=99999; set net_read_timeout=99999", MyConn2); // Setting tiimeout on mysqlServer cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string sql = "select * from " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_pup_attendance where actual_date_id=" + actualdateid + " and pupil_id=" + pupilid + ";"; MySqlCommand MyCommand21 = new MySqlCommand(sql, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter1 = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapter1.SelectCommand = MyCommand21; dtDuplicate = new DataTable(); MyAdapter1.Fill(dtDuplicate); MyConn2.Close(); if (dtDuplicate.Rows.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public DataTable GetFirstmatchupn() { Msql = new MySqlRead(); MyConnection2 = Msql.connectionString(); MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection("datasource=" + Msql.GetServerName() + ";port=3306;username="******";password="******";SslMode=none"); String Query = "select a.upn, a.school_id, a.adno from " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_upn a , " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "pupils_unique b where (a.upn =b.upn And sims_flag IS NULL) OR (a.adno=b.adno And sims_flag IS NULL);"; MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; DataTable dtUpnmatch = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dtUpnmatch); return(dtUpnmatch); }
public void updateDFE(string upn, string dfe) { MySqlConnection MyConn2; MySqlRead Msql = new MySqlRead(); MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection("datasource=" + Msql.GetServerName() + ";port=3306;username="******";password="******";SslMode=none"); MyConn2.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("set net_write_timeout=99999; set net_read_timeout=99999", MyConn2); // Setting tiimeout on mysqlServer cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string sql = "update " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_upn set dfe_number ='" + dfe + "' where upn='" + upn + "'"; MySqlCommand MyCommanddfe = new MySqlCommand(sql, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapterdfe = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapterdfe.SelectCommand = MyCommanddfe; MyCommanddfe.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public int updateintoServer(string pid, string vdateid, MySqlConnection MyConn2, Boolean am, Boolean pm, string AM, string PM) { try { string actualdateid = vdateid; string amtime = AM; string pmtime = PM; string pupilid = pid; MySqlRead Msql = new MySqlRead(); string sql; MyConn2.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("set net_write_timeout=99999; set net_read_timeout=99999", MyConn2); // Setting tiimeout on mysqlServer cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (pmtime.Contains("\\")) { pmtime = pmtime + "\\"; } if (am == true) { sql = "update " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_pup_attendance set am= '" + amtime + "' where actual_date_id=" + actualdateid + " and pupil_id=" + pupilid + ";"; } else { sql = "update " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_pup_attendance set pm= '" + pmtime + "' where actual_date_id=" + actualdateid + " and pupil_id=" + pupilid + ";"; } MySqlCommand MyCommand21 = new MySqlCommand(sql, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter1 = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapter1.SelectCommand = MyCommand21; int rowuCount = MyCommand21.ExecuteNonQuery(); // totupdatecount = totupdatecount + rowuCount; MyConn2.Close(); return(rowuCount); } catch (Exception ex) { readAll.WriteToFile("update " + ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); return(-1); } }
public string CheckConnectionServer() { try { Msql = new MySqlRead(); MyConnection2 = Msql.connectionString(); MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection("datasource=" + Msql.GetServerName() + ";port=3306;username="******";password="******";SslMode=none"); MyConn2.Open(); String Query = "select * from " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_upn;"; MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; DataTable dtUpnmatch = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dtUpnmatch); MyConn2.Close(); return("true"); } catch (Exception ex) { return("false " + ex.Message); } }
public void updateFirstAttendanceOnServer() { try { Msql = new MySqlRead(); readAll = new ReadAllData(); Att = new Attendance(); SIMSServiceProject.SIMSSettings frm = new SIMSServiceProject.SIMSSettings(); if (SIMSInterface.LoginHelper.SIMSlogin(readAll.GetServer(), readAll.GetDBName(), readAll.GetUser(), readAll.GetPass())) { MyConnection2 = Msql.connectionString(); MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection("datasource=" + Msql.GetServerName() + ";port=3306;username="******";password="******";SslMode=none"); // currentfile = FileName; //readAll.GetXmlpath() + "stud_attendance" + System.DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy").Replace('/', '_') + ".xml"; if (FileName.Length > 0 && FDB.Rows.Count > 0) { virtual_pup_attendance = new DataTable { TableName = "virtual_pup_attendance" }; virtual_pup_attendance.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("actual_date_id", typeof(Int32))); virtual_pup_attendance.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("am", typeof(System.String))); virtual_pup_attendance.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("pm", typeof(System.String))); virtual_pup_attendance.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("pupil_id", typeof(Int32))); WriteToFile("Time matched and updation start.... " + DateTime.Now); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ////// Diffirent files logic////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ds.ReadXml(currentfile); DataTable studdtbl = FDB; for (int k = 0; k < studdtbl.Rows.Count; k++) { String UPN = studdtbl.Rows[k][8].ToString(); String PeopleID = studdtbl.Rows[k][0].ToString(); String SCHOOLID = studdtbl.Rows[k][10].ToString(); String ADNO = studdtbl.Rows[k][9].ToString(); String Query; if (UPN.Length > 0) { Query = "select id from " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "pupils_unique where upn='" + UPN + "' and school_id='" + SCHOOLID + "' ;"; } else { Query = "select id from " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "pupils_unique where adno='" + ADNO + "' and school_id='" + SCHOOLID + "' ;"; } MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; dTpupil = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dTpupil); if (dTpupil.Rows.Count > 0) { PID = dTpupil.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } //if (readAll.timeDaymatch() == true) //{ // uploadphotos(SCHOOLID, readAll.GetXmlpath(), Convert.ToInt16(PeopleID), Convert.ToInt16(PID)); //} String ADate = studdtbl.Rows[k][5].ToString(); // Event start date string convertedADate = ADate.Substring(0, 10); String Query1 = "select id from " + Msql.GetDBName() + "." + "virtual_attendance_date where actual_date='" + convertedADate + "' ;"; MySqlCommand MyCommand21 = new MySqlCommand(Query1, MyConn2); MyConn2.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter1 = new MySqlDataAdapter(); MyAdapter1.SelectCommand = MyCommand21; dTattdate = new DataTable(); MyAdapter1.Fill(dTattdate); MyConn2.Close(); if (dTattdate.Rows.Count > 0) { VDID = dTattdate.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (PID.Length > 0 && VDID.Length > 0) { if (studdtbl.Rows[k][1].ToString() == "AM") { AM = studdtbl.Rows[k][2].ToString(); AMflag = true; } if (studdtbl.Rows[k][1].ToString() == "PM") { PM = studdtbl.Rows[k][2].ToString(); PMflag = true; } bool InsertServer = Att.checkRecordonServer(PID, VDID, MyConn2); if (InsertServer == false) { int ins = Att.insertintoServer(PID, VDID, MyConn2, AMflag, PMflag, AM, PM); totins = totins + ins; } else { int upd = Att.updateintoServer(PID, VDID, MyConn2, AMflag, PMflag, AM, PM); totups = totups + upd; } string dfe = SIMSInterface.School.DCSFNumber(); Att.LastUpdateonUPNwithflag(studdtbl.Rows[k][8].ToString(), dfe, studdtbl.Rows[k][9].ToString(), PID); virtual_pup_attendance.Clear(); PID = ""; VDID = ""; dTpupil.Clear(); dTattdate.Clear(); AM = ""; AMflag = false; PMflag = false; PM = ""; } //String[] FName = FileName.Split('.'); //String filename = FName[0] + "updated_" + "" + RecordCount + "_" + ".xml"; //System.IO.File.Move(FileName, filename); } } //if (FileName.Length > 0) //{ // int totcnt = totins + totups; // String[] FName1 = FileName.Split('.'); // String filename1 = FName1[0] + "updated_" + "" + totcnt + "_" + ".xml"; // System.IO.File.Move(FileName, filename1); //} WriteToFile("Total " + totins + " Records Inserted and " + totups + " updated on server .." + DateTime.Now); FileName = ""; FDB.Clear(); readAll.DeleteToEmailLog(""); totins = 0; totups = 0; } else { // WriteToFile("Waiting for the time match.." + DateTime.Now); } } catch (Exception ex) { SendEmail("server", SIMSInterface.School.DCSFNumber(), "Error due to " + ex.Message); WriteToFile(ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); } }