Esempio n. 1
		/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Clones the text information of this OverlapInfo object, without copying it's
		/// references (overlappedItemsInOther will be set to null)
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The cloned OverlapInfo</returns>
		/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public OverlapInfo Clone()
			OverlapInfo toReturn = new OverlapInfo();
			toReturn.verseRefMin = new BCVRef(this.verseRefMin);
			toReturn.verseRefMax = new BCVRef(this.verseRefMax);
			toReturn.bookIsFromRev = this.bookIsFromRev;
			toReturn.indexInOwner = this.indexInOwner;
			toReturn.myObj = this.myObj;
			// don't copy the related items list, since caller's don't need it,
			//  and it might create an infinite loop if you make a deep copy
			toReturn.overlappedItemsInOther = null;
			return toReturn;
Esempio n. 2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// A helper method for section cluster tests-
		/// Verifies a given OverlapInfo item in a Cluster.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="objExpected">a CmObject (IScrSection or IScrTxtPara) or a ScrVerse which
		/// we expect the given OverlapInfo to represent</param>
		/// <param name="oiActual">the given OverlapInfo cluster item to be verified</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void VerifyClusterItem(object objExpected, OverlapInfo oiActual)
			// We don't need to check everything in the OverlapInfo,
			//  just the things that are essential to processing the Cluster that owns it

			if (objExpected is ICmObject)
				ICmObject cmObjExpected = (ICmObject)objExpected;

				// check the index
				Assert.AreEqual(cmObjExpected.IndexInOwner, oiActual.indexInOwner);
				// check hvo too
				Assert.AreEqual(cmObjExpected, oiActual.myObj);

				// for good measure, if a section, check section refs too
				if (cmObjExpected is IScrSection)
					Assert.AreEqual(((IScrSection)cmObjExpected).VerseRefMin, oiActual.verseRefMin);
					Assert.AreEqual(((IScrSection)cmObjExpected).VerseRefMax, oiActual.verseRefMax);
			else if (objExpected is ScrVerse)
				Assert.AreEqual(((ScrVerse)objExpected).StartRef, oiActual.verseRefMin);
				Assert.AreEqual(((ScrVerse)objExpected).EndRef, oiActual.verseRefMin);
				Assert.Fail("Unhandled expected type.");
Esempio n. 3
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor creates a new one-sided cluster with only one item.
		/// This is valid only for Missing/Added Cluster types.
		/// Useful for forming smaller clusters as we break down a complex cluster.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public Cluster(ClusterType type, OverlapInfo sourceItem, int indexToInsertAtInDest)
			Debug.Assert(type == ClusterType.AddedToCurrent || type == ClusterType.MissingInCurrent);

			clusterType = type;
			verseRefMin = sourceItem.verseRefMin;
			verseRefMax = sourceItem.verseRefMax;
			indexToInsertAtInOther = indexToInsertAtInDest;
			itemsCurr = new List<OverlapInfo>(6);
			itemsRev = new List<OverlapInfo>(6);
Esempio n. 4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds the given source item to this one-sided cluster.
		/// This is valid only for Missing/Added Cluster types.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void AddSourceItem(OverlapInfo sourceItem)
			// This cluster must already have the clusterType set and the source list started.
			Debug.Assert(clusterType == ClusterType.AddedToCurrent ||
				clusterType == ClusterType.MissingInCurrent);
			Debug.Assert(SourceItems.Count > 0);

			// Add the source item to the correct list
			// Be sure to update the references as well
			verseRefMin = Math.Min(verseRefMin, sourceItem.verseRefMin);
			verseRefMax = Math.Max(verseRefMax, sourceItem.verseRefMax);
Esempio n. 5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine if two OverlapInfos have a potential section head correlation:
		/// the section start refs are within two verses
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="oi1">first OverlapInfo to check</param>
		/// <param name="oi2">second overlapInfo to check</param>
		/// <returns>true if there is potential correlation</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected bool PotentialSectionHeadCorrelation(OverlapInfo oi1, OverlapInfo oi2)
			// are section start refs are within two verses?
			if (Math.Abs(oi1.verseRefMin - oi2.verseRefMin) <= 2)
				return true;
			// if not they are too far apart
			return false;
Esempio n. 6
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds the item to cluster.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cluster">The cluster.</param>
		/// <param name="oi">The overlap info.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void AddItemToCluster(Cluster cluster, OverlapInfo oi)
			if (oi.bookIsFromRev)

			// update the cluster reference range
			if (oi.verseRefMin < cluster.verseRefMin || cluster.verseRefMin == 0)
				cluster.verseRefMin = oi.verseRefMin;
			if (oi.verseRefMax > cluster.verseRefMax)
				cluster.verseRefMax = oi.verseRefMax;
Esempio n. 7
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Determines whether a given overlap info can be included in the current cluster.
		/// To be included in the cluster, it must meet the following criteria:
		///  * have a reference overlap with the specified cluster,
		///  * be adjacent to and within the same owning sequence (e.g. same StText), and
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cluster">The cluster.</param>
		/// <param name="oi">The overlap info.</param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if the specified OverlapInfo can be included in the cluster</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool CanBeIncluded(Cluster cluster, OverlapInfo oi)
			// is oi completely before the cluster range?
			if (oi.verseRefMax < cluster.verseRefMin)
				return false;
			// is cluster range completely before oi?
			if (cluster.verseRefMax < oi.verseRefMin)
				return false;
			// there must be some overlap

			// is oi for a ScrVerse contained in the same StText?
			if (oi.bookIsFromRev)
				if (cluster.itemsRev.Count > 0 &&
					oi.myParaOwner != cluster.itemsRev[cluster.itemsRev.Count - 1].myParaOwner)
					return false;  // paragraph does not have the same owning StText
				if (cluster.itemsCurr.Count > 0 &&
					oi.myParaOwner != cluster.itemsCurr[cluster.itemsCurr.Count - 1].myParaOwner)
					return false;  // not the next item in the owner's sequence

			return true;
Esempio n. 8
		//// This version does extra work so that it never creates a zero-to-many cluster
		///// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		///// <summary>
		///// Create basic overlap clusters from the OverlapInfo proxies for the Current and
		///// Revision.
		///// In this case we include only proxies that are adjacent to one another in the
		///// owner's sequence in the Current or Revision.
		///// The clusters will still need their types and insert Indices determined.
		///// </summary>
		///// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		//private void CreateBasicAdjacentOverlapClusters()
		//    // output list that will ultimatly contain all of the clusters we find
		//    List<Cluster> clusterList = new List<Cluster>();

		//    // Create destructible copies of each master list, allowing already
		//    // grouped items to be removed, avoiding possible infinite loops
		//    // created when the lists are out-of-order
		//    List<OverlapInfo> proxyListRevCopy = new List<OverlapInfo>(m_proxyListRev.ToArray());
		//    List<OverlapInfo> proxyListCurrCopy = new List<OverlapInfo>(m_proxyListCurr.ToArray());

		//    Cluster cluster = null; // the cluster under construction at any given time

		//    // So long as there are remaining proxies, keep working through them
		//    while (proxyListRevCopy.Count > 0 || proxyListCurrCopy.Count > 0)
		//    {
		//        // The proxy to process this pass- the first in either the Current or Rev processing list
		//        OverlapInfo firstProxy;

		//        // If both lists have remaining proxies...
		//        if (proxyListRevCopy.Count > 0 && proxyListCurrCopy.Count > 0)
		//        {
		//            OverlapInfo oiRev = proxyListRevCopy[0];
		//            OverlapInfo oiCurr = proxyListCurrCopy[0];
		//            // if we are starting a new cluster...
		//            if (cluster == null)
		//            {
		//                //get the next one with the earlier start reference
		//                // (note: if refs are equal, doesn't matter which one)
		//                if (oiRev.verseRefMin < oiCurr.verseRefMin)
		//                    firstProxy = oiRev;
		//                else
		//                    firstProxy = oiCurr;
		//            }
		//            else
		//            {
		//                // If I have only one item in the current...
		//                if (cluster.itemsCurr.Count == 1 && cluster.itemsRev.Count == 0)
		//                {
		//                    // add a rev item only.
		//                    if (IsRefOverlapAndAdjacent(cluster, oiRev))
		//                        firstProxy = oiRev;
		//                    else
		//                    {
		//                        // For now, we don't handle 0 to many clusters, so we complete
		//                        // this cluster and move on.
		//                        // save the cluster in progress, and prepare to start a new one
		//                        clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//                        cluster = null;
		//                        continue;
		//                    }
		//                }
		//                else if (cluster.itemsRev.Count == 1 && cluster.itemsCurr.Count == 0)
		//                {
		//                    // If I have only one item in the revision...
		//                    if (IsRefOverlapAndAdjacent(cluster, oiCurr))
		//                        firstProxy = oiCurr;
		//                    else
		//                    {
		//                        // For now, we don't handle 0 to many clusters, so we complete
		//                        // this cluster and move on.
		//                        // save the cluster in progress, and prepare to start a new one
		//                        clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//                        cluster = null;
		//                        continue;
		//                    }
		//                }
		//                // See if either side has a proxy that overlaps our cluster under construction
		//                else if (IsRefOverlapAndAdjacent(cluster, oiRev))
		//                {
		//                    firstProxy = oiRev;
		//                }
		//                else if (IsRefOverlapAndAdjacent(cluster, oiCurr))
		//                    firstProxy = oiCurr;

		//                else
		//                {
		//                    //Neither proxy overlaps with our cluster.
		//                    // save the cluster in progress, and prepare to start a new one
		//                    clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//                    cluster = null;
		//                    continue;
		//                }
		//            }
		//        }
		//        // Otherwise, use whatever remains
		//        else if (proxyListRevCopy.Count > 0)
		//        {
		//            // if cluster has only one item in Rev, we need to avoid making a zero-to-many cluster
		//            if (cluster != null && cluster.itemsRev.Count == 1 && cluster.itemsCurr.Count == 0)
		//            {
		//                // save the cluster in progress, and prepare to start a new one
		//                clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//                cluster = null;
		//                continue;
		//            }
		//            else
		//                firstProxy = proxyListRevCopy[0];
		//        }
		//        else
		//        {
		//            // if cluster has only one item in Curr, we need to avoid making a zero-to-many cluster
		//            if (cluster != null && cluster.itemsCurr.Count == 1 && cluster.itemsRev.Count == 0)
		//            {
		//                // save the cluster in progress, and prepare to start a new one
		//                clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//                cluster = null;
		//                continue;
		//            }
		//            else
		//                firstProxy = proxyListCurrCopy[0];
		//        }
		//        // Now add this proxy to a cluster
		//        if (cluster == null)
		//        {
		//            // This is the first item for this cluster
		//            cluster = new Cluster();
		//            AddItemToCluster(cluster, firstProxy);
		//        }
		//        else if (IsRefOverlapAndAdjacent(cluster, firstProxy))
		//        {
		//            // This proxy overlaps our cluster. Grab it.
		//            AddItemToCluster(cluster, firstProxy);
		//        }
		//        else
		//        {
		//            //This proxy is NOT overlapping with our cluster.
		//            // save the cluster in progress
		//            clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//            // start a new cluster for this proxy
		//            cluster = new Cluster();
		//            AddItemToCluster(cluster, firstProxy);
		//        }

		//        // Remove the current proxy from it's corresponding list, now that it
		//        // has been used
		//        if (firstProxy.myBook == OverlapInfo.kRevision)
		//            proxyListRevCopy.Remove(firstProxy);
		//        else
		//            proxyListCurrCopy.Remove(firstProxy);
		//    }

		//    // save the final cluster, if any
		//    if (cluster != null)
		//    {
		//        Debug.Assert(cluster.itemsCurr.Count > 0 || cluster.itemsRev.Count > 0);
		//        clusterList.Add(cluster);
		//    }

		//    // save our cluster list
		//    m_clusterList = clusterList;

		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine if two OverlapInfos have any reference overlap
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="oi1">first OverlapInfo to check</param>
		/// <param name="oi2">second overlapInfo to check</param>
		/// <returns>true if there is any reference overlap</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected bool IsRefOverlap(OverlapInfo oi1, OverlapInfo oi2)
			// is oi1 completely before oi2?
			if (oi1.verseRefMax < oi2.verseRefMin)
				return false;
			// is oi2 completely before oi1?
			if (oi2.verseRefMax < oi1.verseRefMin)
				return false;
			// there must be some overlap
			return true;
Esempio n. 9
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds the item to cluster.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cluster">The cluster.</param>
		/// <param name="oi">The overlap info.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void AddItemToCluster(Cluster cluster, OverlapInfo oi)
			if (oi.myBook == OverlapInfo.kCurrent)
			else if (oi.myBook == OverlapInfo.kRevision)

			// update the cluster reference range
			if (oi.verseRefMin < cluster.verseRefMin || cluster.verseRefMin == 0)
				cluster.verseRefMin = oi.verseRefMin;
			if (oi.verseRefMax > cluster.verseRefMax)
				cluster.verseRefMax = oi.verseRefMax;