Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new one.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoAnalysis"></param>
		/// <param name="ss"></param>
		/// <param name="choices"></param>
		/// <param name="rawWordform"></param>
		/// <param name="fTreatAsSentenceInitial"></param>
		/// <param name="mediator"></param>
		/// <param name="parent"></param>
		public Sandbox(FdoCache cache, Mediator mediator, IVwStylesheet ss,
			InterlinLineChoices choices, int hvoAnnotation, InterlinDocChild interlinDoc)
			: base(cache, mediator, ss, choices)
			m_interlinDoc = interlinDoc;
			m_hvoAnnotation = hvoAnnotation;
			// Finish initialization with twfic context.
			int hvoInstanceOf = Cache.GetObjProperty(m_hvoAnnotation,
Esempio n. 2
			internal InterlinClipboardHelper(IVwSelection vwsel, InterlinDocChild site, FdoCache cache)
				// Get the string and split it into its individual lines.
				vwsel.GetSelectionString(out m_tss, "\t");
				m_rgtssPieces = StringUtils.Split(m_tss, new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
				m_choices = site.LineChoices;
				m_fHaveMorphemeLevel = m_choices.HaveMorphemeLevel;
				if (m_fHaveMorphemeLevel)
					m_cMorphLines = m_idxChoiceLastMorpheme - m_idxChoiceFirstMorpheme + 1;
				m_idxChoiceFirstMorpheme = m_choices.FirstMorphemeIndex;
				m_idxChoiceLastMorpheme = m_choices.LastMorphemeIndex;
				m_idxChoiceFirstFreeform = m_choices.FirstFreeformIndex;
				m_cChoices = m_choices.Count;
				m_cInterlinearLines = m_choices.FirstFreeformIndex;
				// Get the labels for the lines in m_choices.
				m_rgsLabel = new string[m_cInterlinearLines];
				for (int i = 0; i < m_rgsLabel.Length; ++i)
					m_rgsLabel[i] = m_choices.LabelFor(m_choices[i].Flid);
				bool fTaggingView = site is InterlinTaggingChild;
				if (site is InterlinTaggingChild)
					m_fHaveTagging = true;
					m_idxChoiceTaggingLine = m_idxChoiceFirstFreeform;
					m_fHaveTagging = false;
					m_idxChoiceTaggingLine = -1;
				m_cache = cache;
Esempio n. 3
			internal UndoRedoApproveAnalysis(InterlinDocChild interlinDoc, int hvoOldAnnotation,
				int hvoNewAnnotation)
				m_interlinDoc = interlinDoc;
				m_cache = interlinDoc.Cache;
				if (hvoOldAnnotation != 0)
					m_oldTwficInfo = new StTxtPara.TwficInfo(m_cache, hvoOldAnnotation);
				if (hvoNewAnnotation != 0)
					this.NewAnnotation = hvoNewAnnotation;
Esempio n. 4
			protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
				if (disposing == true)
					// let's make sure the active clerk doesn't have any invalid items as a result from the
					// the Undo/Redo.
					RecordClerk activeClerk = m_idc.ActiveClerk;
					if (activeClerk != null)
					// let's make sure the clerk driving the master doesn't have any invalid items.
					InterlinMaster master = m_idc.GetMaster();
					if (master != null && master.Clerk != activeClerk)

					m_idc.AllowLayout = true;
					if (m_hvoOriginalAnnotation != 0)
						if (m_idc.CurrentParaIsValid())
						// redisply the new state of things
						// possibly with or without a freeform annotation.
				m_idc = null;
Esempio n. 5
			internal UndoRedoSyncTextAndSandbox(InterlinDocChild idc) :
				SkipShowRecord = true;
				TriggerPendingReloadOnDispose = false; // suspend reloading clerk.
				m_idc = idc;
				m_hvoOriginalAnnotation = m_idc.HvoAnnotation;
				// we may not have a sandbox due to a freeform annotation selection.
				if (m_hvoOriginalAnnotation != 0)

				m_idc.AllowLayout = false;
				// may be overkill, but i don't think we always get PropChanges for
				// restored or deleted objects.
Esempio n. 6
			protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
				if (disposing)
					if (m_idc != null)
						// See LT-10193 -- multiple crash reports with HvoNewAnnotation apparently being zero.
						// This should not be possible, but if an exception gets thrown while trying to merge
						// two adjacent words, it might well have that appearance.  Checking here at least keeps
						// the hypothetical exception from being hidden by a new exception in this method.
						if (HvoNewAnnotation != 0)
							m_idc.AddUndoRedoAction(0, HvoNewAnnotation);
						m_idc.AllowLayout = true;
						if (HvoNewAnnotation != 0)
							ICmBaseAnnotation newAnnotation = CmBaseAnnotation.CreateFromDBObject(m_idc.Cache, HvoNewAnnotation);
							// reconstruction should restore guesses
							m_idc.ReconstructAndRecreateSandbox(false, HvoNewAnnotation, newAnnotation.InstanceOfRAHvo);

				if (m_idc != null && disposing)

				m_hvoNewAnnotation = 0;
				m_idc = null;
				m_para = null;
				m_cache = null;
Esempio n. 7
			public SegmentFormsUpdateHelper(InterlinDocChild idc)
				: base(idc.ActiveClerk)
				// set these flags early so that any dependent ListUpdateHelpers
				// can inherit these settings.
				SkipShowRecord = true;
				TriggerPendingReloadOnDispose = false;

				m_idc = idc;
				m_cache = idc.Cache;

				// any changes in the sandbox should be ignored. we don't want to try to save it.
				m_idc.AddUndoRedoAction(m_idc.HvoAnnotation, 0);
				m_idc.AllowLayout = false;

Esempio n. 8
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Clean up any resources being used.
		/// </summary>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
			//Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
			// Must not be run more than once.
			if (IsDisposed)

			base.Dispose( disposing );

			if (disposing)

			m_interlinDoc = null;
Esempio n. 9
		void MakeInterlinPane()
			if (m_idcPane != null)
			m_idcPane = new InterlinDocChild();
			m_idcPane.Name = "m_idcPane";
			m_idcPane.ForEditing = true;
			m_idcPane.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
			m_idcPane.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Window);
			// This isn't adequate now we're saving the active pane, this routine gets called before
			// we have our style sheet.
			//m_idcPane.StyleSheet = m_styleSheet;
			m_idcPane.AnnnotationSelected += new AnnotationSelectedEventHandler(
			m_idcPane.Visible = false;
			// If these don't happen now they will happen later in SetupDataContext.
			if (Cache != null)
				m_idcPane.Cache = Cache;
			if (m_mediator != null)
				m_idcPane.Init(m_mediator, m_configurationParameters);
Esempio n. 10
		private void ClearInterlinDocPaneVariables()
			m_idcPane = null;
			m_taggingViewPane = null;
			m_printViewPane = null;
Esempio n. 11
		private int SelectFirstThingNeedingAnnotation(InterlinDocChild pane)
			int hvoAnn = 0;
			AdvanceWordArgs args = new AdvanceWordArgs(0, 0);
			pane.AdvanceWord(this, args, true);
			if (args.Annotation != 0)
				hvoAnn = args.Annotation;
			return hvoAnn;
Esempio n. 12
		private int HandleBookmark(InterlinDocChild pane)
			int hvoResult = 0;
			int cchPara = -2; // won't match any begin offset!
			if (m_bookmark.IndexOfParagraph == pane.RawStText.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1)
				// bookmark in last paragraph, see if after last character.
				IStTxtPara para = pane.RawStText.ParagraphsOS[m_bookmark.IndexOfParagraph] as IStTxtPara;
				cchPara = para.Contents.Length;
			if (m_bookmark.BeginCharOffset == m_bookmark.EndCharOffset && m_bookmark.BeginCharOffset == cchPara)
				// Bookmark is an IP at the end of the text, don't try to match it.
				// If we're in Analyze or Gloss, default is to select first thing that needs annotation.
				// Otherwise, do nothing for now.
				if (m_tabCtrl.SelectedIndex == ktpsAnalyze || m_tabCtrl.SelectedIndex == ktpsGloss)
					hvoResult = SelectFirstThingNeedingAnnotation(pane);
				// bookmark is not an IP at end of text, try to select the corresponding thing.
				hvoResult = RawTextPane.AnnotationHvo(Cache, pane.RawStText, m_bookmark, true);
			return hvoResult;
Esempio n. 13
		private void TrySelectAnnotation(ISilDataAccess sda, InterlinDocChild pane, int annHvo)
			// Try our best not to select an annotation we know won't work.
			int annoType = sda.get_ObjectProp(annHvo, kflidAnnotationType);
			int annInstanceOfRAHvo = sda.get_ObjectProp(annHvo, kflidInstanceOf);
			if (annInstanceOfRAHvo == 0 || annoType != CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache).Hvo)
				// if we didn't set annHvo by our marker or Clerk.CurrentObject,
				// then we must have already tried the first word.
				if (m_bookmark.IndexOfParagraph < 0 && Clerk.CurrentObject.Hvo == 0)
				// reset our marker and return to avoid trying to reuse an "orphan annotation"
				// resulting from an Undo(). (cf. LT-2663).

				return;		// Can't select nothing, so return.
Esempio n. 14
		private void SetPaneSizeAndRoot(InterlinDocChild pane)

			// This ensures that its root has been constructed and it's in a valid state
			// for things like setting an annotation and making the focus box and scrolling
			// to show it. Also that all layout that happens in the process happens at the
			// correct width (and height...this helps us position the focus box sensibly).
			if (pane.Width != m_tabCtrl.SelectedTab.Width)
				pane.Width = m_tabCtrl.SelectedTab.Width;
			if (pane.Height != m_tabCtrl.SelectedTab.Height)
				pane.Height = m_tabCtrl.SelectedTab.Height;

			// If the suspendLayout was not used then there were sometimes significant delays
			// when switching from other tabs to the PrintView tab.

			pane.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 15
		private void ValidateFocusBoxState(int indexWordExpected, InterlinDocChild idc, StTxtPara.TwficInfo twficBeforeEdit1_0, IStText stTextBeforeEdit)
			IStText stTextAfterEdit = idc.RawStText;
			Assert.AreEqual(stTextBeforeEdit, stTextAfterEdit, "We expect to be in the same text.");
			int hvoAnnAfterEdit = idc.HvoAnnotation;
			ICmBaseAnnotation cbaAfterEdit = new CmBaseAnnotation(Cache, hvoAnnAfterEdit);
			Assert.AreEqual(twficBeforeEdit1_0.BeginOffset, cbaAfterEdit.BeginOffset, "FocusBox should be at the same location.");
			Assert.AreNotEqual(twficBeforeEdit1_0.EndOffset, cbaAfterEdit.EndOffset, "FocusBox should now be on phrase annotation.");

			// FocusBox should be on phrase, not somewhere else.
			Assert.IsNotNull(idc.IsFocusBoxInstalled, "Focus Box should still be installed.");
			Assert.AreEqual(idc.ExistingFocusBox.InterlinWordControl.HvoAnnotation, hvoAnnAfterEdit, "FocusBox should be on current annotation.");

			// Make sure we haven't changed word in the wordform record list.
			int indexWordAfterEdit = m_wordList.CurrentIndex;
			int hvoWordAfterEdit = m_wordList.CurrentObject.Hvo;
			Assert.AreEqual(indexWordExpected, indexWordAfterEdit, "Word index mismatch");