An object sequence hash map represents a mapping from sequences of objects to sequences of objects. The key may be anything that implements IList. The value is also a list. It is expected that very commonly only one value will be stored for a given key. The implementation is optimized for this by storing the object directly rather than a sequence holding the one object. Two objects are typically stored as an array, three or more as an ArrayList. (This means lists of lists don't work.)
Esempio n. 1
        public void CreateIndentedNodes_basic()
            m_DataTree = new DataTree();
            m_Slice    = GenerateSlice(Cache, m_DataTree);

            // Data taken from a running Sena 3
            var caller = CreateXmlElementFromOuterXmlOf("<part ref=\"AsLexemeForm\" label=\"Lexeme Form\" expansion=\"expanded\"><indent><part ref=\"IsAbstractBasic\" label=\"Is Abstract Form\" visibility=\"never\" /><!-- could use 'ifTrue' if we had it --><part ref=\"MorphTypeBasic\" visibility=\"ifdata\" /><part ref=\"PhoneEnvBasic\" visibility=\"ifdata\" /><part ref=\"StemNameForLexemeForm\" visibility=\"ifdata\" /></indent></part>");

            var       obj    = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IMoStemAllomorphFactory>().Create();
            const int indent = 0;
            int       insPos = 1;

            var path = GeneratePath();

            var reuseMap = new ObjSeqHashMap();
            // Data taken from a running Sena 3
            var node = CreateXmlElementFromOuterXmlOf("<slice field=\"Form\" label=\"Form\" editor=\"multistring\" ws=\"all vernacular\" weight=\"light\" menu=\"mnuDataTree-LexemeForm\" contextMenu=\"mnuDataTree-LexemeFormContext\" spell=\"no\"><properties><bold value=\"on\" /><fontsize value=\"120%\" /></properties></slice>");

            m_Slice.CreateIndentedNodes(caller, obj, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, node);
Esempio n. 2
        public void CreateGhostStringSlice_ParentSliceNotNull()
            var path     = GeneratePath();
            var reuseMap = new ObjSeqHashMap();
            var obj      = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IMoStemAllomorphFactory>().Create();

            m_DataTree        = new DataTree();
            m_Slice           = GenerateSlice(Cache, m_DataTree);
            m_Mediator        = new Mediator();
            m_Slice.Mediator  = m_Mediator;
            m_propertyTable   = new PropertyTable(m_Mediator);
            m_Slice.PropTable = m_propertyTable;
            var node           = CreateXmlElementFromOuterXmlOf("<seq field=\"Pronunciations\" layout=\"Normal\" ghost=\"Form\" ghostWs=\"pronunciation\" ghostLabel=\"Pronunciation\" menu=\"mnuDataTree-Pronunciation\" />");
            int indent         = 0;
            int insertPosition = 0;
            int flidEmptyProp  = 5002031;               // runtime flid of ghost field

            m_DataTree.MakeGhostSlice(path, node, reuseMap, obj, m_Slice, flidEmptyProp, null, indent, ref insertPosition);
            var ghostSlice = m_DataTree.Slices[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(ghostSlice.PropTable, m_Slice.PropTable);
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Create slices appropriate for current root object and layout, reusing any existing slices,
		/// and clearing out any that remain unused. If it is for a different object, reuse is more limited.
		/// </summary>
		private void CreateSlices(bool differentObject)
			var watch = new Stopwatch();
			bool wasVisible = this.Visible;
			var previousSlices = new ObjSeqHashMap();
			int oldSliceCount = Slices.Count;
			ConstructingSlices = true;
				// Bizarrely, calling Hide has been known to cause OnEnter to be called in a slice; we need to suppress this,
				// hence guarding it by setting ConstructingSlices.
				if (m_currentSlice != null)
					m_currentSlice.SetCurrentState(false); // needs to know no longer current, may want to save something.
				m_currentSlice = null;
				if (differentObject)
					m_currentSliceNew = null;
				//if (differentObject)
				//	Slices.Clear();
				var dummySlices = new List<Slice>(Slices.Count);
				foreach (Slice slice in Slices)
					slice.Visible = false;
					if (slice.Key != null) // dummy slices may not have keys and shouldn't be reused.
						previousSlices.Add(slice.Key, slice);
				bool gonnerHasToolTip = false; // Does any goner have one?
				// Get rid of the dummies we aren't going to remove.
				foreach (Slice slice in dummySlices)
					gonnerHasToolTip |= slice.ToolTip != null;
				CreateSlicesFor(m_root, null, m_rootLayoutName, m_layoutChoiceField, 0, 0, new ArrayList(20), previousSlices, null);
				// Clear out any slices NOT reused. RemoveSlice both
				// removes them from the DataTree's controls collection and disposes them.
				foreach (Slice gonner in previousSlices.Values)
					gonnerHasToolTip |= gonner.ToolTip != null;
				if (gonnerHasToolTip)
					// Since the dumb MS ToolTip class can't just remove one,
					// we have to remove them all and re-add the remaining ones
					// in order to have it really turn loose of the SliceTreeNode.
					foreach (Slice keeper in Slices)
				ConstructingSlices = false;
			if (wasVisible)
			// Uncomment this to investigate slice performance or issues with dissappearing slices
			//Debug.WriteLine("CreateSlices took " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms. Originally had " + oldSliceCount + " controls; now " + Slices.Count);
		public override void GenerateChildren(XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, ICmObject obj, int indent,
			ref int insPos, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			// If node has children, figure what to do with them...
			XmlNodeList children = node.ChildNodes;

			// It's important to initialize m_refs here rather than in FinishInit, because we need it
			// to be updated when the slice is reused in a regenerate.
			// Refactor JohnT: better still, make it a virtual attribute, and Refresh will automatically
			// clear it from the cache.
			if (m_vh != null)
				m_refs = m_vh.LexReferences(m_obj.Hvo);
				string className = m_cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetClassName((uint)m_obj.ClassID);
//				m_flid = AutoDataTreeMenuHandler.ContextMenuHelper.GetFlid(m_cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor,
//					className, m_fieldName);
				string qry = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT [Src] FROM LexReference_Targets WHERE [Dst]={0}",
				m_refs = DbOps.ReadIntsFromCommand(m_cache, qry, null);

			if (m_refs.Count == 0)
				// It could have children but currently can't: we always show this as collapsedEmpty.
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty;

			for (int i = 0; i < m_refs.Count; i++)
				GenerateChildNode(i, node, caller, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap);

			Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary></summary>
        public static Slice Create(FdoCache cache, string editor, int flid, XmlNode node, ICmObject obj,
                                   StringTable stringTbl, IPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, Mediator mediator, XmlNode caller, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
            Slice slice;

            switch (editor)
            case "multistring":                     // first, these are the most common slices.
                if (flid == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for multistring " + node.OuterXml);
                string wsSpec  = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ws");
                int    wsMagic = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(wsSpec);
                if (wsMagic == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                              "ws must be 'all vernacular', 'all analysis', 'analysis vernacular', or 'vernacular analysis'"
                              + " it said '" + wsSpec + "'.");

                bool forceIncludeEnglish = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "forceIncludeEnglish", false);
                bool spellCheck          = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "spell", true);
                // Either the part or the caller can specify that it isn't editable.
                // (The part may 'know' this, e.g. because it's a virtual attr not capable of editing;
                // more commonly the caller knows there isn't enough context for safe editing.
                bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true) &&
                                XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
                string           optionalWsSpec  = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "optionalWs");
                int              wsMagicOptional = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(optionalWsSpec);
                MultiStringSlice msSlice         = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("MultiStringSlice") as MultiStringSlice;
                if (msSlice == null)
                    slice = new MultiStringSlice(obj, flid, wsMagic, wsMagicOptional, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);
                    slice = msSlice;
                    msSlice.Reuse(obj, flid, wsMagic, wsMagicOptional, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);

            case "defaultvectorreference":                     // second most common.
                var rvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("ReferenceVectorSlice") as ReferenceVectorSlice;
                if (rvSlice == null)
                    slice = new ReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
                    slice = rvSlice;
                    rvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);

            case "possvectorreference":
                var prvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice") as PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice;
                if (prvSlice == null)
                    slice = new PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
                    slice = prvSlice;
                    prvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);

            case "semdomvectorreference":
                var prvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice") as SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice;
                if (prvSlice == null)
                    slice = new SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
                    slice = prvSlice;
                    prvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);

            case "string":
                if (flid == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for basic properties " + node.OuterXml);
                int ws = GetWs(mediator, cache, node);
                if (ws != 0)
                    slice = new StringSlice(obj, flid, ws);
                    slice = new StringSlice(obj, flid);
                var fShowWsLabel = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "labelws", false);
                if (fShowWsLabel)
                    (slice as StringSlice).ShowWsLabel = true;
                int wsEmpty = GetWs(mediator, cache, node, "wsempty");
                if (wsEmpty != 0)
                    (slice as StringSlice).DefaultWs = wsEmpty;

            case "jtview":
                string layout = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "param");
                if (layout == null)
                    layout = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "layout");
                // Editable if BOTH the caller (part ref) AND the node itself (the slice) say so...or at least if neither says not.
                bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true) &&
                                XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
                slice = new ViewSlice(new XmlView(obj.Hvo, layout, stringTbl, editable));

            case "summary":
                slice = new SummarySlice();

            case "enumcombobox":
                slice = new EnumComboSlice(cache, obj, flid, stringTbl, node["deParams"]);

            case "referencecombobox":
                slice = new ReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider);

            case "typeaheadrefatomic":
                slice = new AtomicRefTypeAheadSlice(obj, flid);

            case "msareferencecombobox":
                slice = new MSAReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider);

            case "lit":                     // was "message"
                string message = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "message");
                if (stringTbl != null)
                    string sTranslate = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "translate", "");
                    if (sTranslate.Trim().ToLower() != "do not translate")
                        message = stringTbl.LocalizeLiteralValue(message);
                slice = new MessageSlice(message);

            case "picture":
                slice = new PictureSlice((ICmPicture)obj);

            case "image":
                    slice = new ImageSlice(DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory, XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "param1"));
                catch (Exception error)
                    slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksImageSliceFailed,

            case "checkbox":
                slice = new CheckboxSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);

            case "checkboxwithrefresh":
                slice = new CheckboxRefreshSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);

            case "time":
                slice = new DateSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "integer":                 // produced in the auto-generated parts from the conceptual model
            case "int":                     // was "integer"
                slice = new IntegerSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "gendate":
                slice = new GenDateSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "morphtypeatomicreference":
                slice = new MorphTypeAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "atomicreferencepos":
                slice = new AtomicReferencePOSSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);

            case "possatomicreference":
                slice = new PossibilityAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "atomicreferenceposdisabled":
                slice = new AutomicReferencePOSDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);

            case "defaultatomicreference":
                slice = new AtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "defaultatomicreferencedisabled":
                slice = new AtomicReferenceDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "derivmsareference":
                slice = new DerivMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "inflmsareference":
                slice = new InflMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "phoneenvreference":
                slice = new PhoneEnvReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

            case "sttext":
                slice = new StTextSlice(obj, flid, GetWs(mediator, cache, node));

            case "custom":
                slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node);

            case "customwithparams":
                slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node,
                                                          new object[] { cache, editor, flid, node, obj, stringTbl,
                                                                         persistenceProvider, GetWs(mediator, cache, node) });

            case "ghostvector":
                slice = new GhostReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, node);

            case "command":
                slice = new CommandSlice(node["deParams"]);

            case null:                          //grouping nodes do not necessarily have any editor
                slice = new Slice();

            case "message":
                // case "integer": // added back in to behave as "int" above
                throw new Exception("use of obsolete editor type (message->lit, integer->int)");

            case "autocustom":
                slice = MakeAutoCustomSlice(cache, obj, caller);
                if (slice == null)

            case "defaultvectorreferencedisabled":                     // second most common.
                ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice rvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice") as ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice;
                if (rvSlice == null)
                    slice = new ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid);
                    slice = rvSlice;
                    rvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);

                //Since the editor has not been implemented yet,
                //is there a bitmap file that we can show for this editor?
                //Such bitmaps belong in the distFiles xde directory
                string fwCodeDir = DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory;
                string editorBitmapRelativePath = "xde/" + editor + ".bmp";
                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath)))
                    slice = new ImageSlice(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath);
                    slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksBadEditorType, editor));
            slice.AccessibleName = editor;

Esempio n. 6
		/// <summary></summary>
		public virtual void GenerateChildren(XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, ICmObject obj, int indent,
			ref int insPos, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, bool fUsePersistentExpansion)

			// If node has children, figure what to do with them...
			// XmlNodeList children = node.ChildNodes; // unused variable
			DataTree.NodeTestResult ntr;
			// We may get child nodes from either the node itself or the calling part, but currently
			// don't try to handle both; we consider the children of the caller, if any, to override
			// the children of the node (but not unify with them, since a different kind of children
			// are involved).
			// A newly created slice is always in state ktisFixed, but that is not appropriate if it
			// has children from either source. However, a node which notionally has children may in fact have nothing to
			// show, perhaps because a sequence is empty. First evaluate this, and if true, set it
			// to ktisCollapsedEmpty.
			//bool fUseChildrenOfNode;
			XmlNode indentNode = null;
			if (caller != null)
				indentNode = caller.SelectSingleNode("indent");
			if (indentNode != null)
				// Similarly pretest for children of caller, to see whether anything is produced.
				ContainingDataTree.ApplyLayout(obj, this, indentNode, indent + ExtraIndent(indentNode), insPos, path, reuseMap,
					true, out ntr);
				//fUseChildrenOfNode = false;
				int insPosT = insPos; // don't modify the real one in this test call.
				ntr = ContainingDataTree.ProcessPartChildren(node, path, reuseMap, obj, this, indent + ExtraIndent(node), ref insPosT,
					true, null, false, node);
				//fUseChildrenOfNode = true;

			if (ntr == DataTree.NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisFixed; // probably redundant, but play safe
			else if (ntr == DataTree.NodeTestResult.kntrPossible)
				// It could have children but currently can't: we always show this as collapsedEmpty.
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty;
			// Remaining branches are for a node that really has children.
			else if (Expansion == DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsed)
				// Reusing a node that was collapsed (and it has something to expand):
				// leave it that way (whatever the spec says).
				// It has children: decide whether to expand them.
				// Old code does not expand by default, couple of ways to override.
				//			else if (Expansion == DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded
				//				|| (fUseChildrenOfNode && XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "expansion") == "expanded")
				//				|| (XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "expansion") == "expanded")
				//				|| Expansion == DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty)
				bool fExpand = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "expansion") != "doNotExpand";
				if (fUsePersistentExpansion && m_mediator != null) // mediator null only in testing?
					Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsed; // Needs to be an expandable state to have ExpansionStateKey.
					fExpand = m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetBoolProperty(ExpansionStateKey, fExpand);
				if (fExpand)
					// Record the expansion state and generate the children.
					Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded;
					CreateIndentedNodes(caller, obj, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, node);
					// Record expansion state and skip generating children.
					Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsed;
		public override void GenerateChildren(XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, ICmObject obj, int indent,
			ref int insPos, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, bool fUsePersistentExpansion)
			// If node has children, figure what to do with them...

			// It's important to initialize m_refs here rather than in FinishInit, because we need it
			// to be updated when the slice is reused in a regenerate.
			// Refactor JohnT: better still, make it a virtual attribute, and Refresh will automatically
			// clear it from the cache.


			if (m_refs.Count == 0)
				// It could have children but currently can't: we always show this as collapsedEmpty.
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty;

			for (int i = 0; i < m_refs.Count; i++)
				GenerateChildNode(i, node, caller, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap);

			Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded;
		public override void GenerateChildren(XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insPos,
			ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, bool fUsePersistentExpansion)

			foreach (IRnRoledPartic roledPartic in Record.ParticipantsOC)
				if (roledPartic.RoleRA != null)
					GenerateChildNode(roledPartic, node, caller, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap);
			Expansion = Record.ParticipantsOC.Count == 0 ? DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty : DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded;
Esempio n. 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Apply a layout to an object, producing the specified slices.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The object we want a detai view of</param>
		/// <param name="template">the 'layout' element</param>
		/// <param name="indent">How deeply indented the tree is at this point.</param>
		/// <param name="insertPosition">index in slices where we should insert nodes</param>
		/// <param name="path">sequence of nodes and HVOs inside which this is nested</param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap">map of key/slice combinations from a DataTree being refreshed. Exact matches may be
		/// reused, and also, the expansion state of exact matches is preserved.</param>
		/// <returns> updated insertPosition for next item after the ones inserted.</returns>
		public int ApplyLayout(ICmObject obj, XmlNode template, int indent, int insertPosition,
			ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			NodeTestResult ntr;
			return ApplyLayout(obj, template, indent, insertPosition, path, reuseMap, false, out ntr);
Esempio n. 10
		/// <summary>
		/// Look for a reusable slice that matches the current path. If found, remove from map and return;
		/// otherwise, return null.
		/// </summary>
		private Slice GetMatchingSlice(ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			// Review JohnT(RandyR): I don't see how this can really work.
			// The original path (the key) used to set this does not, (and cannot) change,
			// but it is very common for slices to come and go, as they are inserted/deleted,
			// or when the Show hidden control is changed.
			// Those kinds of big changes will produce the input 'path' parm,
			// which has little hope of matching that fixed orginal key, won't it.
			// I can see how it would work when a simple F4 refresh is being done,
			// since the count of slcies should remain the same.

			IList list = reuseMap[(IList)path];
			if (list.Count > 0)
				Slice slice = (Slice)list[0];
				reuseMap.Remove(path, slice);
				return slice;

			return null;
Esempio n. 11
		/// <summary>
		/// Create slices for the specified object by finding a relevant template in the spec.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj"> The object to make slices for.</param>
		/// <param name="mode">If not null, use only templates having this mode.</param>
		/// <param name="level">level at which to put the new top-level slices</param>
		/// <param name="preceding">index after which to insert the new slice(s) in slices array.</param>
		/// <param name="path">sequence of nodes and HVOs inside which this is nested</param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap">map of key/slice combinations from a DataTree being refreshed. Exact matches may be
		/// reused, and also, the expansion state of exact matches is preserved.</param>
		/// <param name="unifyWith">If not null, this is a node to be 'unified' with the one looked up
		/// using the layout name.</param>
		/// <returns> updated insertPosition for next item after the ones inserted.</returns>
		public virtual int CreateSlicesFor(ICmObject obj, string layoutName, int indent,
			int insertPosition, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, XmlNode unifyWith)

			// NB: 'path' can hold either ints or XmlNodes, so a generic can't be used for it.
			if (obj == null)
				return insertPosition;
			XmlNode template = GetTemplateForObjLayout(obj, layoutName);
			XmlNode template2 = template;
			if (unifyWith != null && unifyWith.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
				// This assumes that the attributes don't need to be unified.
				template2 = m_layoutInventory.GetUnified(template, unifyWith);
			insertPosition = ApplyLayout(obj, template2, indent, insertPosition, path, reuseMap);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			return insertPosition;
Esempio n. 12
		/// <summary>
		/// Create slices appropriate for current root object and layout, reusing any existing slices,
		/// and clearing out any that remain unused.
		/// </summary>
		private void CreateSlices()
			m_currentSlice = null;
			ObjSeqHashMap previousSlices = new ObjSeqHashMap();
			List<Slice> dummySlices = new List<Slice>(Controls.Count);
			foreach (Slice slice in Controls)
				if (slice.Key != null) // dummy slices may not have keys and shouldn't be reused.
					previousSlices.Add(slice.Key, slice);
			// Get rid of the dummies we aren't going to remove.
			foreach (Slice slice in dummySlices)
			CreateSlicesFor(m_root, m_rootLayoutName, 0, 0, new ArrayList(20), previousSlices, null);
			// Clear out any slices NOT reused. Removing them from the collection both
			// removes them from the DataTree's controls collection and disposes them.
			foreach (IList sliceList in previousSlices.Values)
				foreach (Slice gonner in sliceList)
Esempio n. 13
		/// <summary>
		/// Tests to see if it should add the field (IfData), then adds the field.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="path">The path.</param>
		/// <param name="node">The node.</param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap">The reuse map.</param>
		/// <param name="editor">Type of Contained Data</param>
		/// <param name="flid">Field ID</param>
		/// <param name="obj">The obj.</param>
		/// <param name="parentSlice">The parent slice.</param>
		/// <param name="indent">The indent.</param>
		/// <param name="insPos">The ins pos.</param>
		/// <param name="fTestOnly">if set to <c>true</c> [f test only].</param>
		/// <param name="fVisIfData">IfData</param>
		/// <param name="caller">The caller.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// NodeTestResult, an enum showing if usable data is contained in the field
		/// </returns>
		private NodeTestResult AddSimpleNode(ArrayList path, XmlNode node, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, string editor,
			int flid, ICmObject obj, Slice parentSlice, int indent, ref int insPos, bool fTestOnly, bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			var realSda = m_cache.DomainDataByFlid;
			if (parentSlice != null)
				Debug.Assert(!parentSlice.IsDisposed, "AddSimpleNode parameter 'parentSlice' is Disposed!");
			IWritingSystemContainer wsContainer = m_cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems;
			if (fVisIfData) // Contains the tests to see if usable data is inside the field (for all types of fields)
				if (editor != null && editor == "custom")
					Type typeFound;
					System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi =
						XmlUtils.GetStaticMethod(node, "assemblyPath", "class", "ShowSliceForVisibleIfData", out typeFound);
					if (mi != null)
						var parameters = new object[2];
						parameters[0] = node;
						parameters[1] = obj;
						object result = mi.Invoke(typeFound,
							System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public |
							System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, parameters, null);
						if (!(bool)result)
							return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				else if (flid == 0 && editor != null && editor == "autocustom")
					flid = SliceFactory.GetCustomFieldFlid(caller, realSda.MetaDataCache, obj);

				if (flid != 0)
					var fieldType = (CellarPropertyType)(realSda.MetaDataCache.GetFieldType(flid) & (int)CellarPropertyTypeFilter.VirtualMask);
					switch (fieldType)
						default: // if we don't know how to check, make it visible.
							// These cases are a bit tricky. We're duplicating some information here about how the slices
							// interpret their ws parameter. Don't see how to avoid it, though, without creating the slices even if not needed.
						case CellarPropertyType.MultiString:
						case CellarPropertyType.MultiUnicode:
							string ws = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ws", null);
							switch (ws)
								case "vernacular":
									if (realSda.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo, flid,
										wsContainer.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem.Handle).Length == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
								case "analysis":
									if (realSda.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo,
										wsContainer.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem.Handle).Length == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
									if (editor == "jtview")
										if (realSda.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo,
											wsContainer.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem.Handle).Length == 0)
											return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
									// try one of the magic ones for multistring
									int wsMagic = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(ws);
									if (wsMagic == 0 && editor == "autocustom")
										wsMagic = realSda.MetaDataCache.GetFieldWs(flid);
									if (wsMagic == 0 && editor != "autocustom")
										break; // not recognized, treat as visible
									var rgws = WritingSystemServices.GetWritingSystemList(m_cache, wsMagic, false).ToArray();
									bool anyNonEmpty = false;
									foreach (IWritingSystem wsInst in rgws)
										if (realSda.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo, flid, wsInst.Handle).Length != 0)
											anyNonEmpty = true;
									if (!anyNonEmpty)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case CellarPropertyType.String:
							if (realSda.get_StringProp(obj.Hvo, flid).Length == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case CellarPropertyType.Unicode:
							string val = realSda.get_UnicodeProp(obj.Hvo, flid);
							if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
							// Usually, the header nodes for sequences and atomic object props
							// have no editor. But sometimes they may have a jtview summary
							// or the like. If an object-prop flid is specified, check it,
							// in case we want to suppress the whole header.
						case CellarPropertyType.OwningAtomic:
						case CellarPropertyType.ReferenceAtomic:
							int hvoT = realSda.get_ObjectProp(obj.Hvo, flid);
							if (hvoT == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
							var objt = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(hvoT);
							if (objt.ClassID == StTextTags.kClassId) // if clid is an sttext clid
								var txt = (IStText) objt;
								// Test if the StText has only one paragraph
								int cpara = txt.ParagraphsOS.Count;
								if (cpara == 1)
									// Tests if paragraph is empty
									ITsString tss = ((IStTxtPara) txt.ParagraphsOS[0]).Contents;
									if (tss == null || tss.Length == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case CellarPropertyType.ReferenceCollection:
							// Currently this special case is only needed for ReferenceCollection (specifically for PublishIn).
							// We can broaden it if necessary, but why take the time to look for it elsewhere?
							int visibilityFlid = flid;
							string visField = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "visField");
							if (visField != null)
								int clsid = Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetOwnClsId(flid);
								visibilityFlid = Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldId2(clsid, visField, true);
							if (realSda.get_VecSize(obj.Hvo, visibilityFlid) == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case CellarPropertyType.OwningCollection:
						case CellarPropertyType.OwningSequence:

						case CellarPropertyType.ReferenceSequence:
							if (realSda.get_VecSize(obj.Hvo, flid) == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				else if (editor == null)
					// may be a summary node for a sequence or atomic node. Suppress it as well as the prop.
					XmlNode child = null;
					int cnodes = 0;
					foreach (XmlNode n in node.ChildNodes)
						if (node is XmlComment)
						if (cnodes > 1)
						child = n;
					if (child != null && cnodes == 1) // exactly one non-comment child
						int flidChild = GetFlidFromNode(child, obj);
						// If it's an obj or seq node and the property is empty, we'll show nothing.
						if (flidChild != 0)
							if ((child.Name == "seq" || child.Name == "obj")
								&& realSda.get_VecSize(obj.Hvo, flidChild) == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			if (fTestOnly)
				return NodeTestResult.kntrSomething; // slices always produce something.

			Slice slice = GetMatchingSlice(path, reuseMap);
			if (slice == null)
				slice = SliceFactory.Create(m_cache, editor, flid, node, obj, StringTbl, PersistenceProvder, m_mediator, caller, reuseMap);
				if (slice == null)
					// One way this can happen in TestLangProj is with a part ref for a custom field that
					// has been deleted.
					return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				Debug.Assert(slice != null);
				// Set the label and abbreviation (in that order...abbr defaults to label if not given
				if (slice.Label == null)
					slice.Label = GetLabel(caller, node, obj, "label");
				slice.Abbreviation = GetLabelAbbr(caller, node, obj, slice.Label, "abbr");

				// Install new item at appropriate position and level.
				slice.Indent = indent;
				slice.Object = obj;
				slice.Cache = m_cache;
				slice.StringTbl = StringTbl;
				slice.PersistenceProvider = PersistenceProvder;

				// We need a copy since we continue to modify path, so make it as compact as possible.
				slice.Key = path.ToArray();
				// old code just set mediator, nothing ever set m_configurationParams. Maybe the two are redundant and should merge?
				slice.Init(m_mediator, null);
				slice.ConfigurationNode = node;
				slice.CallerNode = caller;
				slice.OverrideBackColor(XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "backColor"));
				slice.ShowContextMenu += OnShowContextMenu;
				slice.SmallImages = SmallImages;
				SetNodeWeight(node, slice);

				// Now done in Slice.ctor
				//slice.Visible = false; // don't show it until we position and size it.

				InsertSliceAndRegisterWithContextHelp(insPos, slice);
				// Now done in Slice.ctor
				//slice.Visible = false; // Since some slices are invisible, all must be, or Show() will reorder them.
				EnsureValidIndexForReusedSlice(slice, insPos);
			slice.ParentSlice = parentSlice;
			slice.GenerateChildren(node, caller, obj, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, true);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);

			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing; // arbitrary what we return if not testing (see first line of method.)
Esempio n. 14
		private NodeTestResult AddSeqNode(ArrayList path, XmlNode node, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, int flid,
			ICmObject obj, Slice parentSlice, int indent, ref int insertPosition, bool fTestOnly, string layoutName,
			bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			if (flid == 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for seq properties " + node.OuterXml);
			int cobj = m_cache.DomainDataByFlid.get_VecSize(obj.Hvo, flid);
			// monitor it even if we're testing: result may change.
			m_monitoredProps.Add(Tuple.Create(obj.Hvo, flid));
			if (fVisIfData && cobj == 0)
				return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			if (fTestOnly)
				if (cobj > 0 || XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ghost") != null)
					return NodeTestResult.kntrSomething;

				return NodeTestResult.kntrPossible;
			string layoutOverride = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "layout", layoutName);
			string layoutChoiceField = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "layoutChoiceField");
			if (cobj == 0)
				// Nothing in we want a ghost slice?
				if (XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ghost") != null)
					MakeGhostSlice(path, node, reuseMap, obj, parentSlice, flid, caller, indent, ref insertPosition);
			else if (cobj < kInstantSliceMax ||	// This may be a little on the small side
				m_currentObjectFlids.Contains(flid) ||
				(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_currentSlicePartName) && m_currentSliceObjGuid != Guid.Empty && m_currentSliceNew == null))
				//Create slices immediately
				var contents = SetupContents(flid, obj);
				foreach (int hvo in contents)
					insertPosition = CreateSlicesFor(m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(hvo),
						parentSlice, layoutOverride, layoutChoiceField, indent, insertPosition, path, reuseMap, caller);
					path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
				// Create unique DummyObjectSlices for each slice.  This may reduce the initial
				// preceived benefit, but this way doesn't crash now that the slices are being
				// disposed of.
				int cnt = 0;
				var contents = SetupContents(flid, obj);
				foreach (int hvo in contents)
					// TODO (DamienD): do we need to add the layout choice field to the monitored props for a dummy slice?
					// LT-12302 exposed a path through here that was messed up when hvo was added before Dummy slices
					//path.Add(hvo); // try putting this AFTER the dos creation
					var dos = new DummyObjectSlice(indent, node, (ArrayList)(path.Clone()),
						obj, flid, cnt, layoutOverride, layoutChoiceField, caller) {Cache = m_cache, ParentSlice = parentSlice};
					// This is really important. Since some slices are invisible, all must be,
					// or Show() will reorder them.
					dos.Visible = false;
					InsertSlice(insertPosition++, dos);
					path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
Esempio n. 15
		/// <summary>
		/// Tests to see if it should add the field (IfData), then adds the field.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="path"></param>
		/// <param name="node"></param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap"></param>
		/// <param name="editor">Type of Contained Data</param>
		/// <param name="flid">Field ID</param>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="indent"></param>
		/// <param name="insPos"></param>
		/// <param name="fTestOnly"></param>
		/// <param name="fVisIfData">IfData</param>
		/// <param name="caller"></param>
		/// <returns>NodeTestResult, an enum showing if usable data is contained in the field</returns>
		private NodeTestResult AddSimpleNode(ArrayList path, XmlNode node, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, string editor,
			int flid, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insPos, bool fTestOnly, bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			if (fVisIfData) // Contains the tests to see if usable data is inside the field (for all types of fields)
				if (editor != null && editor == "custom")
					System.Type typeFound;
					System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi =
						XmlUtils.GetStaticMethod(node, "assemblyPath", "class", "ShowSliceForVisibleIfData", out typeFound);
					if (mi != null)
						object[] parameters = new object[2];
						parameters[0] = (object)node;
						parameters[1] = (object)obj;
						object result = mi.Invoke(typeFound,
							System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public |
							System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, parameters, null);
						if (!(bool)result)
							return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				else if (flid == 0 && editor != null && editor == "autocustom")
					flid = SliceFactory.GetCustomFieldFlid(caller, m_cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor, obj);

				if (flid != 0)
					FieldType fieldType = m_cache.GetFieldType(flid);
					fieldType &= FieldType.kcptVirtualMask; // strip virtual bit.
					switch (fieldType)
						default: // if we don't know how to check, make it visible.
							// These cases are a bit tricky. We're duplicating some information here about how the slices
							// interpret their ws parameter. Don't see how to avoid it, though, without creating the slices even if not needed.
						case FieldType.kcptMultiString:
						case FieldType.kcptMultiUnicode:
						case FieldType.kcptMultiBigString:
						case FieldType.kcptMultiBigUnicode:
							string ws = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ws", null);
								case "vernacular":
									if (m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo, flid, m_cache.DefaultVernWs).Length == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
								case "analysis":
									if (m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo, flid, m_cache.DefaultAnalWs).Length == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
									if (editor == "jtview")
										if (m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo, flid, m_cache.DefaultAnalWs).Length == 0)
											return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
									// try one of the magic ones for multistring
									int wsMagic = LangProject.GetMagicWsIdFromName(ws);
									if (wsMagic == 0 && editor == "autocustom")
										wsMagic = m_cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldWs((uint)flid);
									if (wsMagic == 0 && editor != "autocustom")
										break; // not recognized, treat as visible
									ILgWritingSystem[] rgws = SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.LabeledMultiStringView.GetWritingSystemList(m_cache, wsMagic, false);
									bool anyNonEmpty = false;
									foreach (ILgWritingSystem wsInst in rgws)
										if (m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_MultiStringAlt(obj.Hvo, flid, wsInst.Hvo).Length != 0)
											anyNonEmpty = true;
									if (!anyNonEmpty)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case FieldType.kcptString:
						case FieldType.kcptBigString:
							if (m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_StringProp(obj.Hvo, flid).Length == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case FieldType.kcptUnicode:
						case FieldType.kcptBigUnicode:
							string val = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_UnicodeProp(obj.Hvo, flid);
							if (val == null || val.Length == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
							// Usually, the header nodes for sequences and atomic object props
							// have no editor. But sometimes they may have a jtview summary
							// or the like. If an object-prop flid is specified, check it,
							// in case we want to suppress the whole header.
						case FieldType.kcptOwningAtom:
						case FieldType.kcptReferenceAtom:
							int hvoT = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_ObjectProp(obj.Hvo, flid);
							if (hvoT == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
							int clid = m_cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoT);
							if (clid == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kclidStText) // if clid is an sttext clid
								// Test if the StText has only one paragraph
								int cpara = m_cache.GetVectorSize(hvoT, (int)CellarModuleDefns.kflidStText_Paragraphs);
								if (cpara == 1)
									// Tests if paragraph is empty
									int hvoPara = m_cache.GetVectorItem(hvoT, (int)CellarModuleDefns.kflidStText_Paragraphs, 0);
									if (hvoPara == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
									ITsString tss = m_cache.GetTsStringProperty(hvoPara, (int)CellarModuleDefns.kflidStTxtPara_Contents);
									if (tss == null || tss.Length == 0)
										return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						case FieldType.kcptOwningCollection:
						case FieldType.kcptOwningSequence:
						case FieldType.kcptReferenceCollection:
						case FieldType.kcptReferenceSequence:
							if (m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_VecSize(obj.Hvo, flid) == 0)
								return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				else if (editor == null)
					// may be a summary node for a sequence or atomic node. Suppress it as well as the prop.
					XmlNode child = null;
					int cnodes = 0;
					foreach (XmlNode n in node.ChildNodes)
						if (node.GetType() == typeof(XmlComment))
						if (cnodes > 1)
						child = n;
					if (cnodes == 1) // exactly one non-comment child
						int flidChild = GetFlidFromNode(child, obj);
						// If it's an obj or seq node and the property is empty, we'll show nothing.
						if (flidChild != 0 && child.Name == "seq" &&
							m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_VecSize(obj.Hvo, flidChild) == 0)
							return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
						if (flidChild != 0 && child.Name == "obj" &&
							m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_ObjectProp(obj.Hvo, flidChild) == 0)
							return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			if (fTestOnly)
				return NodeTestResult.kntrSomething; // slices always produce something.

			Slice slice = GetMatchingSlice(path, reuseMap);
			if (slice == null)
				slice = SliceFactory.Create(m_cache, editor, flid, node, obj, StringTbl, PersistenceProvder, m_mediator, caller);
				if (slice == null)
					// One way this can happen in TestLangProj is with a part ref for a custom field that
					// has been deleted.
					return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				Debug.Assert(slice != null);
				// Set the label and abbreviation (in that order...abbr defaults to label if not given
				if (slice.Label == null)
					slice.Label = GetLabel(caller, node, obj, "label");
				slice.Abbreviation = GetLabelAbbr(caller, node, obj, slice.Label, "abbr");

				// Install new item at appropriate position and level.
				slice.Indent = indent;
				slice.Object = obj;
				slice.Cache = m_cache;
				slice.Mediator = m_mediator;

				// We need a copy since we continue to modify path, so make it as compact as possible.
				slice.Key = path.ToArray();
				slice.ConfigurationNode = node;
				slice.CallerNode = caller;
				slice.OverrideBackColor(XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "backColor"));
				slice.ShowContextMenu += new TreeNodeEventHandler(this.OnShowContextMenu);
				slice.SmallImages = SmallImages;
				SetNodeWeight(node, slice);

				slice.Visible = false; // don't show it until we position and size it.

				InsertSliceAndRegisterWithContextHelp(insPos, slice, node);
				EnsureValidIndexForReusedSlice(slice, insPos);
			slice.GenerateChildren(node, caller, obj, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);

			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing; // arbitrary what we return if not testing (see first line of method.)
Esempio n. 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Calls ApplyLayout for each child of the argument node.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="template"></param>
		/// <param name="indent"></param>
		/// <param name="insertPosition"></param>
		/// <param name="path"></param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public int ApplyChildren(ICmObject obj, XmlNode template, int indent, int insertPosition, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			int insertPos = insertPosition;
			foreach (XmlNode node in template.ChildNodes)
				if (node.Name == "ChangeRecordHandler")
					continue;	// Handle only at the top level (at least for now).
				insertPos = ApplyLayout(obj, node, indent, insertPos, path, reuseMap);
			return insertPos;
Esempio n. 17
		/// <summary>
		/// This is the guts of ApplyLayout, but it has extra arguments to allow it to be used both to actually produce
		/// slices, and just to query whether any slices will be produced.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="template"></param>
		/// <param name="indent"></param>
		/// <param name="insertPosition"></param>
		/// <param name="path"></param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap"></param>
		/// <param name="fTestOnly"></param>
		/// <param name="fGotAnything"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected internal virtual int ApplyLayout(ICmObject obj, XmlNode template, int indent, int insertPosition, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap,
			bool isTestOnly, out NodeTestResult testResult)
			int insPos = insertPosition;
			testResult = NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			int cPossible = 0;
			// This loop handles the multiple parts of a layout.
			foreach (XmlNode partRef in template.ChildNodes)
				if (partRef.GetType() == typeof(XmlComment))

				// This code looks for the a special part definition with an attribute called "customFields"
				// It doesn't matter what this attribute is set to, as long as it exists.  If this attribute is
				// found, the custom fields will not be generated.
				if(XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(partRef, "customFields", null) != null)
						EnsureCustomFields(obj, template, partRef);


				testResult = ProcessPartRefNode(partRef, path, reuseMap, obj, indent, ref insPos,

				if (isTestOnly)
					switch (testResult)
					case NodeTestResult.kntrNothing:
					case NodeTestResult.kntrPossible:
						// nothing definite yet, but flag at least one possible.
						// if we're just looking to see if there would be any slices, and
						// there was, then don't bother thinking about any more slices.
						return insertPosition;

			if (cPossible > 0)
				testResult = NodeTestResult.kntrPossible;	// everything else was nothing...

			//TODO: currently, we are making a custom fields show up all over the place... i.e.,
			//	the initial algorithm here (show the custom fields for a class whenever we are applying a template of that class)
			//		has turned out to be too simplistic, since apparently we and templates of a given class multiple times
			//		to show different parts of the class.
			//			if(template.Name == "template")
			//if (fGenerateCustomFields)
			//	testResult = AddCustomFields(obj, template, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap,isTestOnly);

			return insPos;
Esempio n. 18
		private void GenerateChildNode(IRnRoledPartic roledPartic, XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, int indent,
			ref int insPos, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			var sliceElem = new XElement("slice",
				new XAttribute("label", roledPartic.RoleRA.Name.BestAnalysisAlternative.Text),
				new XAttribute("field", "Participants"),
				new XAttribute("editor", "possVectorReference"),
				new XAttribute("menu", "mnuDataTree-Participants"));
			foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
				if (childNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment)
			node.InnerXml = sliceElem.ToString();
			CreateIndentedNodes(caller, roledPartic, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, node);
			node.InnerXml = "";
Esempio n. 19
		/// <summary>
		/// Process a top-level child of a layout (other than a comment).
		/// Currently these are all part nodes (with ref= indicating the part to use).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="part"></param>
		/// <param name="path"></param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap"></param>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="indent"></param>
		/// <param name="insPos"></param>
		/// <param name="isTestOnly"></param>
		/// <returns>NodeTestResult</returns>
		private NodeTestResult ProcessPartRefNode(XmlNode partRef, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap,
			ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insPos, bool isTestOnly)
			// Use the part inventory to find the indicated part.
			Debug.Assert(partRef.Name == "part");
			// If the previously selected slice doesn't display in this refresh, we try for the next
			// visible slice instead.  So m_fSetCurrentSliceNew might still be set.  See LT-9010.
			string partName = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(partRef, "ref");
			if (!m_fSetCurrentSliceNew && m_currentSlicePartName != null && obj.Hvo == m_currentSliceObjHvo)
				for (uint clid = (uint)obj.ClassID; clid != 0; clid = m_mdc.GetBaseClsId(clid))
					string sFullPartName = String.Format("{0}-Detail-{1}", m_mdc.GetClassName(clid), partName);
					if (m_currentSlicePartName == sFullPartName)
						m_fSetCurrentSliceNew = true;
			string visibility = "always";
			if (!m_fShowAllFields)
				visibility = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(partRef, "visibility", "always");
				if (visibility == "never")
					return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				Debug.Assert(visibility == "always" || visibility == "ifdata");

			uint classId = (uint)obj.ClassID;
			string classname;
			XmlNode part = null;
			for( ; ; )
				classname = m_mdc.GetClassName(classId);
				// Inventory of parts has key ID. The ID is made up of the class name, "-Detail-", partname.
				string key = classname + "-Detail-"+partName;
				part = m_partInventory.GetElement("part", new string[] {key});
				int temp = 0;
				if (part != null)
					temp = part.GetHashCode();
				if (part != null)
				if (classId == 0) // we've just tried CmObject.
					Debug.WriteLine("Warning: No matching part found for " + classname + "-Detail-" + partName);
					// Just omit the missing part.
					return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
				// Otherwise try superclass.
				classId = m_mdc.GetBaseClsId(classId);
			string parameter = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(partRef, "param", null);
			// If you are wondering why we put the partref in the key, one reason is that it may be needed
			// when expanding a collapsed slice.
			NodeTestResult ntr = ProcessPartChildren(part, path, reuseMap, obj, indent, ref insPos, isTestOnly,
				parameter, visibility=="ifdata", partRef);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			return ntr;
Esempio n. 20
		public void CreateIndentedNodes_basic()
			m_DataTree = new DataTree();
			m_Slice = GenerateSlice(Cache, m_DataTree);

			// Data taken from a running Sena 3
			var caller = CreateXmlElementFromOuterXmlOf("<part ref=\"AsLexemeForm\" label=\"Lexeme Form\" expansion=\"expanded\"><indent><part ref=\"IsAbstractBasic\" label=\"Is Abstract Form\" visibility=\"never\" /><!-- could use 'ifTrue' if we had it --><part ref=\"MorphTypeBasic\" visibility=\"ifdata\" /><part ref=\"PhoneEnvBasic\" visibility=\"ifdata\" /><part ref=\"StemNameForLexemeForm\" visibility=\"ifdata\" /></indent></part>");

			var obj = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IMoStemAllomorphFactory>().Create();
			const int indent = 0;
			int insPos = 1;

			var path = GeneratePath();

			var reuseMap = new ObjSeqHashMap();
			// Data taken from a running Sena 3
			var node = CreateXmlElementFromOuterXmlOf("<slice field=\"Form\" label=\"Form\" editor=\"multistring\" ws=\"all vernacular\" weight=\"light\" menu=\"mnuDataTree-LexemeForm\" contextMenu=\"mnuDataTree-LexemeFormContext\" spell=\"no\"><properties><bold value=\"on\" /><fontsize value=\"120%\" /></properties></slice>");

			m_Slice.CreateIndentedNodes(caller, obj, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, node);
Esempio n. 21
		internal NodeTestResult ProcessPartChildren(XmlNode part, ArrayList path,
			ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insPos, bool isTestOnly,
			string parameter, bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			// The children of the part element must now be processed. Often there is only one.
			foreach (XmlNode node in part.ChildNodes)
				if (node.GetType() == typeof(XmlComment))
				NodeTestResult testResult = ProcessSubpartNode(node, path, reuseMap, obj,
					indent, ref insPos, isTestOnly, parameter, fVisIfData, caller);
				// If we're just looking to see if there would be any slices, and there was,
				// then don't bother thinking about any more slices.
				if (isTestOnly && testResult != NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
					return testResult;
			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing; // valid if isTestOnly, otherwise don't care.
Esempio n. 22
		/// <summary></summary>
		public virtual void CreateIndentedNodes(XmlNode caller, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insPos,
			ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, XmlNode node)

			string parameter = null;
			if (caller != null)
				parameter = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "param");
			XmlNode indentNode = null;
			if (caller != null)
				indentNode = caller.SelectSingleNode("indent");
			if (indentNode != null)
				DataTree.NodeTestResult ntr;
				insPos = ContainingDataTree.ApplyLayout(obj, this, indentNode, indent + ExtraIndent(indentNode),
					insPos, path, reuseMap, false, out ntr);
				ContainingDataTree.ProcessPartChildren(node, path, reuseMap, obj, this, indent + ExtraIndent(node), ref insPos,
					false, parameter, false, caller);
Esempio n. 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle one (non-comment) child node of a template (or other node) being used to
		/// create slices.  Update insertPosition to indicate how many were added (it also
		/// specifies where to add).  If fTestOnly is true, do not update insertPosition, just
		/// return true if any slices would be created.  Note that this method is recursive
		/// indirectly through ProcessPartChildren().
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="node"></param>
		/// <param name="path"></param>
		/// <param name="reuseMap"></param>
		/// <param name="obj"></param>
		/// <param name="indent"></param>
		/// <param name="insertPosition"></param>
		/// <param name="fTestOnly"></param>
		/// <param name="parameter"></param>
		/// <param name="fVisIfData">If true, show slice only if data present.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private NodeTestResult ProcessSubpartNode(XmlNode node, ArrayList path,
			ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insertPosition,
			bool fTestOnly, string parameter, bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			string editor = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "editor");

				if (editor != null)
					editor = editor.ToLower();
				int flid = GetFlidFromNode(node, obj);

				if (m_sliceFilter != null &&
					flid != 0 &&
					!m_sliceFilter.IncludeSlice(node, obj, flid))
					return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;

				switch (node.Name)
						break; // Nothing to do for unrecognized element, such as deParams.

					case "slice":
						return AddSimpleNode(path, node, reuseMap, editor, flid, obj, indent,
							ref insertPosition, fTestOnly, fVisIfData, caller);

					case "seq":
						return AddSeqNode(path, node, reuseMap, editor, flid, obj, indent + Slice.ExtraIndent(node),
							ref insertPosition, fTestOnly, parameter, fVisIfData, caller);

					case "obj":
						return AddAtomicNode(path, node, reuseMap, editor, flid, obj, indent  + Slice.ExtraIndent(node),
							ref insertPosition, fTestOnly, parameter, fVisIfData, caller);

					case "if":
						if (XmlVc.ConditionPasses(node, obj.Hvo, m_cache))
							NodeTestResult ntr = ProcessPartChildren(node, path, reuseMap, obj,
								indent, ref insertPosition, fTestOnly, parameter, fVisIfData,
							if (fTestOnly && ntr != NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
								return ntr;

					case "ifnot":
						if (!XmlVc.ConditionPasses(node, obj.Hvo, m_cache))
							NodeTestResult ntr = ProcessPartChildren(node, path, reuseMap, obj,
								indent, ref insertPosition, fTestOnly, parameter, fVisIfData,
							if (fTestOnly && ntr != NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
								return ntr;

					case "choice":
						foreach (XmlNode clause in node.ChildNodes)
							if (clause.Name == "where")
								if (XmlVc.ConditionPasses(clause, obj.Hvo, m_cache))
									NodeTestResult ntr = ProcessPartChildren(clause, path,
										reuseMap, obj, indent, ref insertPosition, fTestOnly,
										parameter, fVisIfData, caller);
									if (fTestOnly && ntr != NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
										return ntr;
								// Allow multiple where elements to be processed, but expand only
								// the first one whose condition passes.
							else if (clause.Name == "otherwise")
								// enhance: verify last node?
								NodeTestResult ntr = ProcessPartChildren(clause, path,
									reuseMap, obj, indent, ref insertPosition, fTestOnly,
									parameter, fVisIfData, caller);
								if (fTestOnly && ntr != NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
									return ntr;
								throw new Exception(
									"elements in choice must be <where...> or <otherwise>.");

					case "RecordChangeHandler":
						// No, since it isn't owned by the data tree, even though it created it.
						//if (m_rch != null && m_rch is IDisposable)
						//	(m_rch as IDisposable).Dispose();
						if (m_rch != null && !m_rch.HasRecordListUpdater && m_rch is IDisposable)
							// The above version of the Dispose call was bad,
							// when m_rlu 'owned' the m_rch.
							// Now, we know there is no 'owning' m_rlu, so we have to do it.
							(m_rch as IDisposable).Dispose();
							m_rch = null;
						m_rch = (IRecordChangeHandler)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node, null);
						m_rch.Disposed += new EventHandler(m_rch_Disposed);
						Debug.Assert(m_rch != null);
						m_listName = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node,
						m_rlu = null;
						// m_rlu may still be null, but that appears to be just fine.
						m_rch.Setup(obj, m_rlu);
						return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			catch (Exception error)
				// This doesn't need to be localized because it's displayed in a "yellow box"
				// error report.
				string s = "FieldWorks ran into a problem trying to display this object";
				s += " in DataTree::ApplyLayout: " + error.Message;
				s += "\r\nThe object id was " + obj.Hvo.ToString() + ".";
				if (editor != null)
					s += " The editor was '" + editor + "'.\r\n";
				s += " The text of the current node was " + node.OuterXml;
				//now send it on
				throw new ApplicationException(s, error);
			// other types of child nodes, for example, parameters for jtview, don't even have
			// the potential for expansion.
			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
Esempio n. 24
		public static Slice Create(FdoCache cache, string editor, int flid, XmlNode node, ICmObject obj,
			StringTable stringTbl, IPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, Mediator mediator, XmlNode caller, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			Slice slice;
				case "multistring": // first, these are the most common slices.
						if (flid == 0)
							throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for multistring " + node.OuterXml);
						string wsSpec = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ws");
						int wsMagic = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(wsSpec);
						if (wsMagic == 0)
							throw new ApplicationException(
								"ws must be 'all vernacular', 'all analysis', 'analysis vernacular', or 'vernacular analysis'"
								+ " it said '" + wsSpec + "'.");

						bool forceIncludeEnglish = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "forceIncludeEnglish", false);
						bool spellCheck = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "spell", true);
						// Either the part or the caller can specify that it isn't editable.
						// (The part may 'know' this, e.g. because it's a virtual attr not capable of editing;
						// more commonly the caller knows there isn't enough context for safe editing.
						bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true)
							&& XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
						string optionalWsSpec = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "optionalWs");
						int wsMagicOptional = WritingSystemServices.GetMagicWsIdFromName(optionalWsSpec);
						MultiStringSlice msSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("MultiStringSlice") as MultiStringSlice;
						if (msSlice == null)
							slice = new MultiStringSlice(obj, flid, wsMagic, wsMagicOptional, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);
							slice = msSlice;
							msSlice.Reuse(obj, flid, wsMagic, wsMagicOptional, forceIncludeEnglish, editable, spellCheck);
				case "defaultvectorreference": // second most common.
						var rvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("ReferenceVectorSlice") as ReferenceVectorSlice;
						if (rvSlice == null)
							slice = new ReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = rvSlice;
							rvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
				case "possvectorreference":
						var prvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice") as PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice;
						if (prvSlice == null)
							slice = new PossibilityReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = prvSlice;
							prvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
				case "semdomvectorreference":
						var prvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice") as SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice;
						if (prvSlice == null)
							slice = new SemanticDomainReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = prvSlice;
							prvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
				case "string":
					if (flid == 0)
						throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for basic properties " + node.OuterXml);
					int ws = GetWs(mediator, cache, node);
					if (ws != 0)
						slice = new StringSlice(obj, flid, ws);
						slice = new StringSlice(obj, flid);
					var fShowWsLabel = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "labelws", false);
					if (fShowWsLabel)
						(slice as StringSlice).ShowWsLabel = true;
					int wsEmpty = GetWs(mediator, cache, node, "wsempty");
					if (wsEmpty != 0)
						(slice as StringSlice).DefaultWs = wsEmpty;
				case "jtview":
					string layout = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "param");
					if (layout == null)
						layout = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "layout");
					// Editable if BOTH the caller (part ref) AND the node itself (the slice) say so...or at least if neither says not.
					bool editable = XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(caller, "editable", true)
						&& XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(node, "editable", true);
					slice = new ViewSlice(new XmlView(obj.Hvo, layout, stringTbl, editable));
				case "summary":
					slice = new SummarySlice();
				case "enumcombobox":
					slice = new EnumComboSlice(cache, obj, flid, stringTbl, node["deParams"]);
				case "referencecombobox":
					slice = new ReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider);
				case "typeaheadrefatomic":
					slice = new AtomicRefTypeAheadSlice(obj, flid);
				case "msareferencecombobox":
					slice = new MSAReferenceComboBoxSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider);
				case "lit": // was "message"
					string message = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "message");
					if (stringTbl != null)
						string sTranslate = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "translate", "");
						if (sTranslate.Trim().ToLower() != "do not translate")
							message = stringTbl.LocalizeLiteralValue(message);
					slice = new MessageSlice(message);
				case "picture":
					slice = new PictureSlice((ICmPicture)obj);
				case "image":
						slice = new ImageSlice(FwDirectoryFinder.CodeDirectory, XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(node, "param1"));
					catch (Exception error)
						slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksImageSliceFailed,
				case "checkbox":
					slice = new CheckboxSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);
				case "checkboxwithrefresh":
					slice = new CheckboxRefreshSlice(cache, obj, flid, node);
				case "time":
					slice = new DateSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "integer": // produced in the auto-generated parts from the conceptual model
				case "int": // was "integer"
					slice = new IntegerSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "gendate":
					slice = new GenDateSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "morphtypeatomicreference":
					slice = new MorphTypeAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "atomicreferencepos":
					slice = new AtomicReferencePOSSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);
				case "possatomicreference":
					slice = new PossibilityAtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "atomicreferenceposdisabled":
					slice = new AutomicReferencePOSDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid, persistenceProvider, mediator);

				case "defaultatomicreference":
					slice = new AtomicReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);
				case "defaultatomicreferencedisabled":
					slice = new AtomicReferenceDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "derivmsareference":
					slice = new DerivMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "inflmsareference":
					slice = new InflMSAReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "phoneenvreference":
					slice = new PhoneEnvReferenceSlice(cache, obj, flid);

				case "sttext":
					slice = new StTextSlice(obj, flid, GetWs(mediator, cache, node));

				case "custom":
					slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node);

				case "customwithparams":
					slice = (Slice)DynamicLoader.CreateObject(node,
						new object[]{cache, editor, flid, node, obj, stringTbl,
										persistenceProvider, GetWs(mediator, cache, node)});
				case "ghostvector":
					slice = new GhostReferenceVectorSlice(cache, obj, node);

				case "command":
					slice = new CommandSlice(node["deParams"]);

				case null:	//grouping nodes do not necessarily have any editor
					slice = new Slice();
				case "message":
					// case "integer": // added back in to behave as "int" above
					throw new Exception("use of obsolete editor type (message->lit, integer->int)");
				case "autocustom":
					slice = MakeAutoCustomSlice(cache, obj, caller);
					if (slice == null)
						return null;
				case "defaultvectorreferencedisabled": // second most common.
						ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice rvSlice = reuseMap.GetSliceToReuse("ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice") as ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice;
						if (rvSlice == null)
							slice = new ReferenceVectorDisabledSlice(cache, obj, flid);
							slice = rvSlice;
							rvSlice.Reuse(obj, flid);
					//Since the editor has not been implemented yet,
					//is there a bitmap file that we can show for this editor?
					//Such bitmaps belong in the distFiles xde directory
					string fwCodeDir = FwDirectoryFinder.CodeDirectory;
					string editorBitmapRelativePath = "xde/" + editor + ".bmp";
					if(File.Exists(Path.Combine(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath)))
						slice = new ImageSlice(fwCodeDir, editorBitmapRelativePath);
						slice = new MessageSlice(String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksBadEditorType, editor));
			slice.AccessibleName = editor;

			return slice;
Esempio n. 25
		private NodeTestResult AddAtomicNode(ArrayList path, XmlNode node, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, string editor,
			int flid, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insertPosition, bool fTestOnly,
			string layoutName, bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			// Facilitate insertion of an expandable tree node representing an owned or ref'd object.
			if (flid == 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for atomic properties " + node.OuterXml);
			ICmObject innerObj = obj.GetObjectInAtomicField(flid);
			m_monitoredProps.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(obj.Hvo, flid));
			if (fVisIfData && innerObj == null)
				return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			if (fTestOnly)
				if (innerObj != null || XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ghost") != null)
					return NodeTestResult.kntrSomething;
					return NodeTestResult.kntrPossible;
			if(innerObj != null)
				string layoutOverride = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "layout", layoutName);
				insertPosition = CreateSlicesFor(CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, innerObj.Hvo),
					layoutOverride, indent, insertPosition, path, reuseMap, caller);
				path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
				// No inner we want a ghost slice?
				if (XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ghost") != null)
					MakeGhostSlice(path, node, reuseMap, obj, flid, caller, indent, ref insertPosition);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
Esempio n. 26
		void MakeGhostSlice(ArrayList path, XmlNode node, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, ICmObject obj,
			int flidEmptyProp, XmlNode caller, int indent, ref int insertPosition)
			// It's a really bad idea to add it to the path, since it kills
			// the code that hot swaps it, when becoming real.
			Slice slice = GetMatchingSlice(path, reuseMap);
			if (slice == null)
				slice = new GhostStringSlice(obj.Hvo, flidEmptyProp, node, m_cache);
				// Set the label and abbreviation (in that order...abbr defaults to label if not given.
				// Note that we don't have a "caller" here, so we pass 'node' as both arguments...
				// means it gets searched twice if not found, but that's fairly harmless.
				slice.Label = GetLabel(node, node, obj, "ghostLabel");
				slice.Abbreviation = GetLabelAbbr(node, node, obj, slice.Label, "ghostAbbr");

				// Install new item at appropriate position and level.
				slice.Indent = indent;
				slice.Object = obj;
				slice.Cache = m_cache;
				slice.Mediator = m_mediator;

				// We need a copy since we continue to modify path, so make it as compact as possible.
				slice.Key = path.ToArray();
				slice.ConfigurationNode = node;
				slice.CallerNode = caller;
				// don't mess with this, the obj/seq node would not have a meaningful back color override
				// for the slice. If we need it invent a new attribute.
				//slice.OverrideBackColor(XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "backColor"));

				// dubious...should the string slice really get the context menu for the object?
				slice.ShowContextMenu += new TreeNodeEventHandler(this.OnShowContextMenu);

				slice.SmallImages = SmallImages;
				SetNodeWeight(node, slice);

				InsertSliceAndRegisterWithContextHelp(insertPosition, slice, node);
				EnsureValidIndexForReusedSlice(slice, insertPosition);
			// Since we didn't add it to the path,
			// then there is nothign to do at this end either..
			//slice.GenerateChildren(node, caller, obj, indent, ref insertPosition, path, reuseMap);
			//path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
Esempio n. 27
		private NodeTestResult AddSeqNode(ArrayList path, XmlNode node, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap, string editor,
			int flid, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insertPosition, bool fTestOnly,
			string layoutName, bool fVisIfData, XmlNode caller)
			if (flid == 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("field attribute required for seq properties " + node.OuterXml);
			int cobj = m_cache.GetVectorSize(obj.Hvo, flid);
			// monitor it even if we're testing: result may change.
			m_monitoredProps.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(obj.Hvo, flid));
			if (fVisIfData && cobj == 0)
				return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			if (fTestOnly)
				if (cobj > 0 || XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ghost") != null)
					return NodeTestResult.kntrSomething;
					return NodeTestResult.kntrPossible;
			string layoutOverride = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "layout", layoutName);
			if (cobj == 0)
				// Nothing in we want a ghost slice?
				if (XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "ghost") != null)
					MakeGhostSlice(path, node, reuseMap, obj, flid, caller, indent, ref insertPosition);
			else if (cobj < 15 ||	// This may be a little on the small side
				m_currentObjectFlids.Contains(flid) ||
				(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_currentSlicePartName) && m_currentSliceObjHvo != 0 && m_currentSliceNew == null))
				// Create slices immediately
				foreach (int hvo in m_cache.GetVectorProperty(obj.Hvo, flid, false))
					insertPosition = CreateSlicesFor(CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvo),
						layoutOverride, indent, insertPosition, path, reuseMap, caller);
					path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
				// Create unique DummyObjectSlices for each slice.  This may reduce the initial
				// preceived benefit, but this way doesn't crash now that the slices are being
				// disposed of.
				int cnt = 0;
				foreach (int hvo in m_cache.GetVectorProperty(obj.Hvo, flid, false))
					DummyObjectSlice dos = new DummyObjectSlice(this, indent, node, (ArrayList)(path.Clone()),
						obj, flid, cnt, layoutOverride, caller);
					dos.Cache = m_cache;
					InsertSlice(insertPosition++, dos);
					////InstallSlice(dos, -1);
					path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
			return NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
Esempio n. 28
		private void GenerateChildNode(int iChild, XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, int indent,
			ref int insPos, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)
			ILexReference lr = LexReference.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, (int)m_refs[iChild]);
			ILexRefType lrt = LexRefType.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, lr.OwnerHVO);
			string sLabel = lrt.ShortName;
			if (sLabel == null || sLabel == string.Empty)
				sLabel = lrt.Abbreviation.BestAnalysisAlternative.Text;
			bool fTreeRoot = true;
			ISilDataAccess sda = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor;
			int chvoTargets = sda.get_VecSize(lr.Hvo, (int)LexReference.LexReferenceTags.kflidTargets);
			// change the label for a Tree relationship.
			switch ((LexRefType.MappingTypes)lrt.MappingType)
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSenseTree:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryTree:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseTree:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSenseAsymmetricPair: // Sense Pair with different Forward/Reverse names
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryAsymmetricPair: // Entry Pair with different Forward/Reverse names
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseAsymmetricPair: // Entry or sense Pair with different Forward/Reverse names
					//int chvo = sda.get_VecSize(lr.Hvo, (int)LexReference.LexReferenceTags.kflidTargets);
					if (chvoTargets > 0)
						int hvoFirst = sda.get_VecItem(lr.Hvo, (int)LexReference.LexReferenceTags.kflidTargets, 0);
						if (hvoFirst != m_obj.Hvo)
							sLabel = lrt.ReverseName.BestAnalysisAlternative.Text;
							if (sLabel == null || sLabel == string.Empty)
								sLabel = lrt.ReverseAbbreviation.BestAnalysisAlternative.Text;
							fTreeRoot = false;

			if (sLabel == null || sLabel == string.Empty)
				sLabel = LexEdStrings.ksStars;
			string sXml = "<slice label=\"" + sLabel + "\" field=\"Targets\"" +
				" editor=\"Custom\" assemblyPath=\"LexEdDll.dll\"";
			//string sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteFromLexSenseReference"; we used to have distinct strings in the menu
			string sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";

			// generate Xml for a specific slice matching this reference
			switch ((LexRefType.MappingTypes)lrt.MappingType)
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSenseCollection:
					sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceCollectionSlice\"";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSensePair:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSenseAsymmetricPair: // Sense Pair with different Forward/Reverse names
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryPair:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryAsymmetricPair: // Entry Pair with different Forward/Reverse names
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSensePair:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseAsymmetricPair: // Entry or sense Pair with different forward/Reverse names
					sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferencePairSlice\"";
					sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteReplaceLexReference";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSenseTree:
					if (fTreeRoot)
						sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceTreeBranchesSlice\"";
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
						sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceTreeRootSlice\"";
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteReplaceLexReference";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtSenseSequence:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntrySequence:
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseSequence:
					sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceSequenceSlice\"";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryCollection:
					sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceCollectionSlice\"";
					//sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteFromLexEntryReference"; we used to have distinct strings in the menu
					sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryTree:
					//sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteFromLexEntryReference"; we used to have distinct strings in the menu
					sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
					if (fTreeRoot)
						sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceTreeBranchesSlice\"";
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
						sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceTreeRootSlice\"";
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteReplaceLexReference";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseCollection:
					sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceCollectionSlice\"";
					if (m_obj is LexEntry)
						//sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteFromLexEntryReference"; we used to have distinct strings in the menu
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
				case LexRefType.MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseTree:
					if (m_obj is LexEntry)
						//sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteFromLexEntryReference"; we used to have distinct strings in the menu
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
					if (fTreeRoot)
						sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceTreeBranchesSlice\"";
						sMenu = "mnuDataTree-DeleteAddLexReference";
						sXml +=	" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.LexEd.LexReferenceTreeRootSlice\"";


			sXml += " mappingType=\"" + lrt.MappingType + "\" hvoDisplayParent=\"" + m_obj.Hvo + "\"" +
				" menu=\"" + sMenu + "\"><deParams displayProperty=\"HeadWord\"/></slice>";
			node.InnerXml = sXml;
			int firstNewSliceIndex = insPos;
			CreateIndentedNodes(caller, lr, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, node);
			for (int islice = firstNewSliceIndex; islice < insPos; islice++)
				Slice child = Parent.Controls[islice] as Slice;
				if (child is ILexReferenceSlice)
					(child as ILexReferenceSlice).MasterSlice = this;
			node.InnerXml = "";
Esempio n. 29
		public virtual void GenerateChildren(XmlNode node, XmlNode caller, ICmObject obj, int indent, ref int insPos, ArrayList path, ObjSeqHashMap reuseMap)

			// If node has children, figure what to do with them...
			XmlNodeList children = node.ChildNodes;
			DataTree.NodeTestResult ntr = DataTree.NodeTestResult.kntrNothing;
			// We may get child nodes from either the node itself or the calling part, but currently
			// don't try to handle both; we consider the children of the caller, if any, to override
			// the children of the node (but not unify with them, since a different kind of children
			// are involved).
			// A newly created slice is always in state ktisFixed, but that is not appropriate if it
			// has children from either source. However, a node which notionally has children may in fact have nothing to
			// show, perhaps because a sequence is empty. First evaluate this, and if true, set it
			// to ktisCollapsedEmpty.
			//bool fUseChildrenOfNode;
			XmlNode indentNode = null;
			if (caller != null)
				indentNode = caller.SelectSingleNode("indent");
			if (indentNode != null)
				// Similarly pretest for children of caller, to see whether anything is produced.
				ContainingDataTree.ApplyLayout(obj, indentNode, indent + ExtraIndent(indentNode), insPos, path, reuseMap, true, out ntr);
				//fUseChildrenOfNode = false;
				int insPosT = insPos; // don't modify the real one in this test call.
				ntr = ContainingDataTree.ProcessPartChildren(node, path, reuseMap, obj, indent + ExtraIndent(node), ref insPosT, true, null, false, node);
				//fUseChildrenOfNode = true;

			if (ntr == DataTree.NodeTestResult.kntrNothing)
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisFixed; // probably redundant, but play safe
			else if (ntr == DataTree.NodeTestResult.kntrPossible)
				// It could have children but currently can't: we always show this as collapsedEmpty.
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty;
			// Remaining branches are for a node that really has children.
			else if (Expansion == DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsed)
				// Reusing a node that was collapsed (and it has something to expand):
				// leave it that way (whatever the spec says).
			else if (XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "expansion") != "doNotExpand")
			// Old code does not expand by default, couple of ways to override.
			//			else if (Expansion == DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded
			//				|| (fUseChildrenOfNode && XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "expansion") == "expanded")
			//				|| (XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(caller, "expansion") == "expanded")
			//				|| Expansion == DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsedEmpty)
				// Either re-using a node that was expanded, or the slice spec says to auto-expand,
				// or the calling element says to auto-expand,
				// or a node that was previously empty now has real children, probably a first object
				// that was just added that the user wants to see:
				// fill in the children.
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisExpanded;
				CreateIndentedNodes(caller, obj, indent, ref insPos, path, reuseMap, node);
				// Either a new node or one previously collapsedEmpty. But it now definitely has children,
				// so neither of those states is appropriate. And we've covered all the cases where it
				// ought to be expanded. So show it as collapsed.
				Expansion = DataTree.TreeItemState.ktisCollapsed;