//private DateTime[] RollDatesEnrichment(IContract identifier, DateTime[] dates)
        //    switch (AsFuture().BbgBase)
        //    {
        //        case "RX":
        //            // can add speical case for particular market
        //        default:
        //            // -2 weekday from the first notice day
        //            return dates.Select(d => RollBackWeekdays(d, 2)).ToArray();

        //    }


        /// <summary>
        /// The current implementation of future roll logic does not involve the intraday rolling. So the start date input needs to be of same
        /// time as the intraday data. Otherwise the roll logic would not be correct.
        /// Let say your data time series is at 9am. If your roll time set below is 00:00 (this is normal because we don't normally put time information for date),
        /// then ValueOnDate(xx-xx-xx) method called to retrieve the data for check data roll would not find any data at 00:00. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IEnumerable<IContractSeries> ComputeContractsSeries(DateTime startDate)
            var contractSeries = new List<ContractSeries>();

            var rolldates = ComputeRollDates(startDate).OrderBy(d => d).ToArray();
            int i = 0;
            MonthCodeYear curMonthCode = null;
            MonthCodeYear prevMonthCode = null;
            DateTime nextRollDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int rollIndex = 0;
            while (startDate < DateTime.Today)

                // 1. set the contract month code on first day
                if (i == 0)
                    var firstRoll = SetFirstDayMonthCodeAndRollDates(rolldates, startDate);
                    curMonthCode = firstRoll.Item1;
                    prevMonthCode = curMonthCode.GetMonthOffset(-3);
                    rollIndex = firstRoll.Item2;
                    nextRollDate = rolldates[rollIndex];
                    // 2. roll to the next quarter contract if passed roll dates
                    if(startDate >= nextRollDate)
                        prevMonthCode = curMonthCode;
                        var newMonthCodeYear = MyCalendar.GetNextFutureMonthCode(curMonthCode.Month.ToString(), curMonthCode.Year, 3);
                        curMonthCode = new MonthCodeYear((MonthCode) Enum.Parse(typeof(MonthCode), newMonthCodeYear.Item1), newMonthCodeYear.Item2);

                        // after roll, we itererate to the next roll date
                        if (rollIndex >= rolldates.Length) break;
                        nextRollDate = rolldates[rollIndex];

                var curContractTicker = FutureBondLookup.getBbgTicker(AsFuture().BbgBase, curMonthCode);
                var prevContractTicker = FutureBondLookup.getBbgTicker(AsFuture().BbgBase, prevMonthCode);
                contractSeries.Add(new ContractSeries() { CurrentContract = curContractTicker, Date = startDate, PrevContract = prevContractTicker });

                startDate = MyCalendar.NextWeekDay(startDate);

            return contractSeries;
Esempio n. 2
    public static Bond GetBondForFuture(string tickerStart_, MonthCodeYear contract_)
      var v = GetBondAndConversionFactorForFuture(tickerStart_, contract_);

      return v == null ? null : v.Bond;
Esempio n. 3
    public static BondFutureConversion GetBondAndConversionFactorForFuture(string tickerSTart_, MonthCodeYear contract_)
        string ticker = getBbgTicker(tickerSTart_, contract_);

        return GetBondAndConversionFactorForFuture(ticker);
Esempio n. 4
   public static string getBbgTicker(string tickerStart_, MonthCodeYear contract_)
   if (contract_.Year >= DateTime.Today.Year)
     return string.Format("{0}{1}{2} COMDTY", tickerStart_, ((MonthCode) (int) contract_.Month).ToString(),
     return string.Format("{0}{1}{2} COMDTY", tickerStart_, ((MonthCode) (int) contract_.Month).ToString(),